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Q1: This fly that you might find "in distress" resembles a dragonfly but folds its wings

at rest?

The crrect Answer is: Damselfly

Q2: The CSS Virginia was this former Union ship, salvaged & iron-plated?

The crrect Answer is: the <i>Merrimack</i>

Q3: It consists of 8 major & 124 minor islands?

The crrect Answer is: Hawaii

Q4: Gucci Gulch refers to the section of K Street home to well-financed offices of these
people who ask Congress for stuff?

The crrect Answer is: lobbyists

Q5: (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) General Winfield Scott wanted to
blockade the South in a siege-like fashion, control the Mississippi River & strangle the
Rebels in his plan named for this South American serpent?

The crrect Answer is: the Anaconda Plan

Q6: Safety pin,pull ring,explosive?

The crrect Answer is: a grenade

Q7: "Moby Dick" or a similar story?

The crrect Answer is: whale tale

Q8: An ornament held by a pin or clasp & worn at the neck?

The crrect Answer is: a brooch

Q9: Stiffly beaten, these give an angel food cake its airy texture?

The crrect Answer is: egg whites

Q10: Luckily, this New Jersey company's dinosaur vegetable soup doesn't list "dinosaur" as
an ingredient?

The crrect Answer is: Campbell

Q11: In her June 2008 concession speech she admitted, "Well, this isn't exactly the party I'd

The crrect Answer is: Hillary Clinton

Q12: According to Webster's, it's "a statement of what a thing is"?

The crrect Answer is: Definition

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