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Q1: There's "gravity" in this term for the point in an object that, if supported, puts the whole

object in equilibrium?

The crrect Answer is: center of gravity

Q2: The impatient man killed this to get all the gold at once, & after cutting it open found

The crrect Answer is: goose that laid the golden eggs

Q3: It runs from the heel to the calf muscles?

The crrect Answer is: the Achilles tendon

Q4: Hanging out in public for no good reason could be considered illegal--this crime?

The crrect Answer is: loitering

Q5: We're not sure what the creature seen here is, but we do know his girlfriend Camilla is
one of these birds?

The crrect Answer is: chicken

Q6: In this 1964 film Richard Burton was an alcoholic, philandering ex-clergyman in

The crrect Answer is: <i>Night of the Iguana</i>

Q7: While in the court of Nebuchadnezzar, this visionary was given the name Belteshazzar?

The crrect Answer is: Daniel

Q8: Japan's national symbol?

The crrect Answer is: Mount Fujiyama

Q9: The 1906 convention called for ratifications to be filed in this nearby national capital?

The crrect Answer is: Bern

Q10: This tennis player ended her career in 1989 having won a record 157 singles

The crrect Answer is: Chris Evert Lloyd (Mill)

Q11: A tasty but tongue-twisting recipe from Mark Bittman paired the bay type of this
bivalve mollusk with scallions?

The crrect Answer is: a scallop

Q12: An offer to impart this drew only 8 bids & $3.26; heck, the DVD of the 1983 Monty
Python flick goes for more than that?

The crrect Answer is: the meaning of life

Q13: Each word in this clue has just one?

The crrect Answer is: Syllable

Q14: Appropriately, it's this comedy in which Groucho as Prof. Wagstaff says, "I'd horsewhip
you--if I had a horse"?

The crrect Answer is: <i>Horse Feathers</i>

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