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Q1: On Sept. 18, 1975 FBI agents captured this young woman wanted for bank robbery?

The crrect Answer is: Patricia Hearst

Q2: The orange blossom?

The crrect Answer is: Florida

Q3: A horse's height is measured in these units, each equal to 4 inches?

The crrect Answer is: hands

Q4: The Davey O'Brien Award goes to the top player at this position; Peyton Manning & Eric
Crouch are recent winners?

The crrect Answer is: quarterback

Q5: From the Latin for "two-headed", it's the arm muscle that bends the elbow?

The crrect Answer is: the biceps

Q6: When sent down, the rescue capsule for the Quecreek miners in this state carried water,
Skoal & Hershey bars?

The crrect Answer is: Pennsylvania

Q7: Nearly all of this element in the body is found in the bones & teeth?

The crrect Answer is: calcium

Q8: This "Coonskin Congressman" wasn't above making up a few tales about himself?

The crrect Answer is: Davy Crockett

Q9: The name of this stringed instrument, which is played on the lap, is from the Latin for
"sweet song"?

The crrect Answer is: the dulcimer

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