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Q1: Usually it's the last thing you're served in a Chinese restaurant?

The crrect Answer is: a fortune cookie

Q2: Tortured under the Pinochet regime, Michelle Bachelet became the first female
president of this country in 2006?

The crrect Answer is: Chile

Q3: Having the power of persuasive speech, it describes an eloquent orator?

The crrect Answer is: silver-tongued

Q4: This cheeky, fussy little engine seen here is based on a real British train?

The crrect Answer is: Thomas

Q5: The press corps called this Scottie "The Informer"; when they saw him they knew FDR
was near?

The crrect Answer is: Fala

Q6: God "placed at the east of the Garden of Eden, cherubims, and a flaming" one of these

The crrect Answer is: sword

Q7: Bird word for 2 under par on a hole?

The crrect Answer is: an eagle

Q8: Fat-free Jack's pieces of neckwear?

The crrect Answer is: Sprat\'s cravats

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