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Q1: Makes sense that Texas leads the nation with more than 100 judges assigned to its 11

courts of this; California is second?

The crrect Answer is: immigration courts

Q2: A pardoner was someone who sold these to sinners, like Johann Tetzel of the
Reformation era?

The crrect Answer is: indulgences

Q3: If you're really hungry, pig out on one of these, the Swedish equivalent of a buffet?

The crrect Answer is: a smorgasbord

Q4: The Supreme Court begins its new term?

The crrect Answer is: October

Q5: Tonight, the wooden teeth--fact or fiction? Also, his 1754 Fort Necessity battle loss...Mt.
Vernon, hello?

The crrect Answer is: George Washington

Q6: You might have learned to ride your bike with the help of these attachments?

The crrect Answer is: training wheels

Q7: Thomas' English muffins are known for their nooks & these?

The crrect Answer is: crannies

Q8: The fifth Dalai Lama was installed as Tibet's leader in 1642 by Gushri Khan, the leader
of these people?

The crrect Answer is: Mongols

Q9: Lacking a hard shell, copepods are less crunchy than other members of this group, like

The crrect Answer is: crustaceans

Q10: Upon leaving the White House, this president with the middle name Howard told his
successor, "I'm glad to be going"?

The crrect Answer is: Taft

Q11: The Stamp Act was repealed soon after this Founding Father argued against it in
Britain's Parliament?

The crrect Answer is: Benjamin Franklin

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