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Q1: The lyre was an attribute of this Greek bigwig, god of music & the sun?

The crrect Answer is: Apollo

Q2: Missouri:"Salus populi suprema lex esto"--"The welfare of the people shall be the
supreme" this?

The crrect Answer is: law

Q3: The coldest recorded winter temperature in the U.S. was the Jan. 1971 temp of -80 at
Prospect Creek Camp in this state?

The crrect Answer is: Alaska

Q4: Your supply of ready cash, or what a financial backer does when he provides funding for
a film?

The crrect Answer is: bank roll

Q5: It's the "loyal" term for those who manage the operations of a school or other

The crrect Answer is: trustees

Q6: Johnson was the first president to whom the House of Representatives did this; the
Senate acquitted him in May 1868?

The crrect Answer is: impeached

Q7: Kenyan engineer Roy Allela invented gloves that turn this into audible speech?

The crrect Answer is: sign language

Q8: On December 26, 1799 Washington was eulogized in Congress by this man known as
"Lighthorse Harry"?
The crrect Answer is: Harry Lee

Q9: Manly men know it's the main androgen?

The crrect Answer is: Testosterone

Q10: In 1923 the San Francisco Symphony hosted the debut of this 7-year-old American
violin prodigy?

The crrect Answer is: Yehudi Menuhin

Q11: September 28, observed in Taiwan as Teachers Day, is believed to be this ancient
philosopher's birthday?

The crrect Answer is: Confucius

Q12: 2001:"Power can be held in the smallest of things"?

The crrect Answer is: <i>The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring</i>

Q13: This word that precedes "keratotomy" refers to the placement of cuts made in the

The crrect Answer is: Radial

Q14: Cobalamin is also known as this alphanumeric vitamin that some people get "shots" of
for extra energy?

The crrect Answer is: B-12

Q15: Twice named People's "Sexiest Man Alive", he got his big break when he appeared in
"Thelma & Louise"?

The crrect Answer is: Brad Pitt

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