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Q1: The Fixx, getting philosophical in the '80s:"Are We ____?"?

The crrect Answer is: Ourselves

Q2: Santa's ho-ho-home?

The crrect Answer is: North Pole

Q3: Okolehao is an 80-proof liquor made from the mash of the ti plant in this U.S. state?

The crrect Answer is: Hawaii

Q4: "To Have and Have Not"?

The crrect Answer is: (Lauren) Bacall

Q5: Soon after the United Arab Republic was established on Feb. 1, 1958, he became its first

The crrect Answer is: (Gamal Abdel) Nasser

Q6: (Alex reports from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange) Dec. 15, 1886 was the
first time that more than this benchmark number of shares were traded in one single day
here on the NYSE?

The crrect Answer is: A million shares

Q7: Circus Oz, which turned 21 in 1999, is a zany, satirical circus from this country that's
nicknamed "Oz"?

The crrect Answer is: Australia

Q8: Named after the screenwriter of "Midnight Cowboy", the Waldo Salt award is given by
this Park City, Utah film fest?
The crrect Answer is: Sundance

Q9: Sept. 26, 1971:This man meets with President Nixon, the first meeting of a Japanese
emperor & a U.S. president?

The crrect Answer is: Hirohito

Q10: You're ready for the giant annual August food fight in Bunol, Spain that uses these but
just found out you're allergic!?

The crrect Answer is: tomatoes

Q11: Fancy term for a nose job: PAIN SHORTLY?

The crrect Answer is: rhinoplasty

Q12: Halloween (All Hallows' Eve) leads into this observance the next day in the Christian

The crrect Answer is: All Saints Day

Q13: In 1807 this Chief Justice presided over the treason trial of Aaron Burr?

The crrect Answer is: (John) Marshall

Q14: You'll find all you need to know about Anne, Emily & Charlotte in Juliet Barker's 1,000-
page bio of this family?

The crrect Answer is: The Brontes

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