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Q1: Of 108, 308 or 508, the number of points the stock market plunged October 19, 1987?

The crrect Answer is: 508

Q2: The material with which an artist works; not large, not small, but this?

The crrect Answer is: a medium

Q3: Curtains made of carbon fiber rods are specifically designed to help buildings withstand

The crrect Answer is: earthquakes

Q4: (Jon of the Clue Crew points to a couple of wavy lines on the monitor.) The somewhat
aqueous symbol here stands for this sign of the zodiac?

The crrect Answer is: Aquarius

Q5: Ask Goldilocks--oats are a mainstay in the preparation of this boiled treat that she
partook of in an old tale?

The crrect Answer is: porridge

Q6: In the movie version, she played Carol Brady?

The crrect Answer is: Shelley Long

Q7: Usually sold in logs, Montrachet is a type of this food?

The crrect Answer is: cheese

Q8: "In Hertford, Hereford & Hampshire" these windy storms "hardly ever happen"?

The crrect Answer is: hurricanes

Q9: To say something is "black '47" is a reference to the worst year of this calamity?

The crrect Answer is: the Potato Famine

Q10: (Sarah of the Clue Crew rolls a pair of dice.) Though it doesn't always seem that way,
snake eyes only come up in 2.8% of dice rolls, as it is just one of this many possible rolls?

The crrect Answer is: 36

Q11: He gave the State of the Union address that called for a "War on Poverty"?

The crrect Answer is: Lyndon B. Johnson

Q12: At the turn of the century he worked out of the Texas courthouse seen here?

The crrect Answer is: Judge Roy Bean

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