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Q1: (Sarah of the Clue Crew demonstrates the clue.

) It would seem that blowing into the

bottle would force the paper ball inside; however, the fast-moving air goes past the paper &
hits the bottom of the bottle, increasing this 8-letter term inside, & forces the paper out?

The crrect Answer is: pressure

Q2: Meryl donated her entire salary from playing Margaret Thatcher in this film to the
National Women's History Museum?

The crrect Answer is: <i>The Iron Lady</i>

Q3: This term for a group hiearchy is based on the social behavior of poultry?

The crrect Answer is: pecking order

Q4: 3 sailors on shore leave see the sights of New York in this musical, one of the first shot
on location?

The crrect Answer is: <i>On the Town</i>

Q5: "Donny was a good bowler. And a good man"?

The crrect Answer is: <i>The Big Lebowski</i>

Q6: "F" is for this character in "Hamlet"; his father, the king of Norway, was killed by
Hamlet's dad?

The crrect Answer is: Fortinbras

Q7: "The Most Dangerous Book" takes a look at the battle to get this James Joyce work

The crrect Answer is: <i>Ulysses</i>

Q8: The redeye type of this is made from the drippings of fried ham?
The crrect Answer is: gravy

Q9: On "Early Edition", it's the pet that delivers the Chicago Sun-Times to Gary Hobson, a
day earlier than to everyone else?

The crrect Answer is: Cat

Q10: Edith Bolling?

The crrect Answer is: Wilson

Q11: Hoodwink once meant to do this to a person, like before he or she played pin the tail
on the donkey?

The crrect Answer is: blindfold

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