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Experiment -1.

Student Name: Punit Ranot UID: 20BCS4241
Branch: CSE – Cloud Computing Section/Group: 20BCC2-B
Semester: 5th Date of Performance: 19/08/22
Subject Name: CAD LAB Subject Code: 20CSA-332

1. Aim/Overview of the practical:

Configuring Cloudant and managing the datasets on IBM Cloud.

2. Apparatus Required:

1. IBM Cloud Account

2. PC with Internet

3. Theory:

Cloudant- A fully managed, distributed database optimized for heavy workloads and fast-
growing web and mobile apps, IBM Cloudant is available as an IBM Cloud® service with a
99.99% SLA. Cloudant elastically scales throughput and storage, and its API and replication
protocols are compatible with Apache CouchDB for hybrid or multicloud architectures.

Cloudant is an IBM software product, which is primarily delivered as a cloud-based service.

Cloudant is a non-relational, distributed database service of the same name. Cloudant is based
on the Apache-backed CouchDB project and the open source BigCouch project.

Cloudant's service provides integrated data management, search, and analytics engine designed
for web applications. Cloudant scales databases on the CouchDB framework and provides
hosting, administrative tools, analytics and commercial support for CouchDB and BigCouch.
Cloudant's distributed CouchDB service is used the same way as standalone CouchDB, with the
added advantage of data being redundantly distributed over multiple machines.
Cloudant was acquired by IBM from the start-up company of the same name. The acquisition
was announced on February 24, 2014. The acquisition was completed on March 4 of that year.

Steps for Practical:

Login to IBM Account and click on Catalog or Search cloudant and Select Cloudant
Configure the Environment and the Instance details.
Go to Resource Summary -> Services and Software
Click on resource name (Cloudant-x4).

Click on New credential

Click on add to create credentials
Service Credential is created.

Click on the copy icon next to the RHS of credential section.

Creating Database

Click on Launch Dashboard.

Click on Create Database

Click on Create New Document

Database is created

JSON file of our database is ready and Hence so does our database.
4. Result/Output/Writing Summary:
Learning outcomes (What I have learnt):
1. Using IBM cloud account.
2. Using Cloudant to Create and manage databases.
3. Using PaaS, and containers services of cloud.
4. Basics of IBM Cloud.
Evaluation Grid (To be created as per the SOP and Assessment guidelines by the faculty):
Sr. No. Parameters Marks Obtained Maximum Marks

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