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Ent basic

1) Secondary tympanic membrane provides a reliable

land mark for
A. Cochlear nerve
B. Singular nerve
C. Facial nerve
D. Chorda tymoani nerve
Answer is b

2) lower portion of the middle ear anterior wall is relayed

A.mastoid antrum
B. Aditus
C. Internal carotid artery
D. Maxillary artery
Answer is c
3) canal of hugier contains
A. Anterior tympanic artery
B.posterior tympanic artery
C. Chorda tympani nerve
D. Anterior malleolar ligament
Answer is c

4) Glasserian fissure transmits

A. Chorda tympani nerve
B. Facial nerve
C. Labyrnithine artery
D. Anteriortympanic branch of maxillary artery
Answer is d

5) Glasserian Fissure is also known as

A. Sequamotympanic fissure
B. Petromastoid fissure
C. Petrotympanic fissure
D. Sequamomastoid fissure
Answer is c

6) light house sign is feature of

B . Secretory otitis media
C. Acute otitis media
D. Otosclerosis
Answer is c
7) scutum is also known as
A. Eustachian tube bony portion
C. Tensor tympani projection
D. Outer attic wall
Answer is d
8). Posterior cansliculus for corda tympani nerve is seen
A. At the junction between lateral and posterior walls of
tympanic cavity
B) at the junction between anterior and medial walks of
the tympanic cavity
C. At the junction of posterior and medial walks of the
tympanic cavity
D. At the medial wall of the tympanic cavity

Answer is a

9). Foramen Huschke is seen

A. In the floor of external auditory canal
B. Antero_inferior portion of the bony external auditory
C. Roif of the external auditory canal
D. Posterior wall of the external auditory canal

Answer is b
10) Ear drum anatomically belongs to
A. External ear
B. Midfle ear
C. Separate entity
D. Mixed of external and middle
Answer is a

11) external auditory canal develops from the

A. Firt branchial cleft
B. Second branchial clef
C. Third branchial cleft
D. 4th branchial clef
Answer is a

12) external auditory canal is fully canalized by

A. Third week of gestation
B. 12th week of gestation
C. 18th week of gestation
D.28th werk of gestation
Answer is d

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