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Chapter One

The Myths Associated With Hypertension and the Reality


The treatment of human illnesses has traditionally been based on using

natural remedies made from plants, animals, and minerals.

The majority of diseases and illnesses that people encounter regularly and
sporadically can be prevented and treated with natural therapies.

Any natural resource can be used to treat any human ailment. It might be a
plant (roots, plant extracts, leaves, bark, flowers, or even fungus

Healing occurs inevitably when the body is given the proper bio-nutrients or
phytonutrients. If all the systems are functioning properly, the body has the
innate ability to heal itself.

Similar to this, the body quickly breaks down and deteriorates when these
bio-nutrients are not provided in the proper amounts. The immune system,
metabolism, as well as the liver, pancreas, kidney, and many more organs,
could all be negatively impacted.

Depending on the damaged organ, it may result in diabetes, high blood

pressure, renal and liver issues, among other things.

The good news is that some particular plants, fruits, herbs, and even vegetables
contain these bionutrients.
Additionally, eating or consuming more vegetables is typically regarded as a
healthy habit.

Plants have their own life force and electrical charge. They give us life, and
having more life implies having better health.

Going natural is the greatest course of action for treating ailments.

Here is the explanation.

An imbalance in the body's systems is the root cause of any sickness or

disorder. Chaos results when a body system or process is changed in a way
that is inconsistent with what nature intended.

An alteration in white blood cells, for instance, might have an effect on the
immune system as a whole. Major organs or blood vessels in the body may
not operate effectively as a result, leading to sickness.

The type of illness that manifests depends on which organ or cell is


Because there is perpetual health where there is equilibrium, the body

cannot be unwell. Healing can only occur when the body's components are
in harmony with nature.

Mother Nature is kind. Everything we need is provided for us, but we are
unable to use them.

Every ailment has a natural treatment within it; the fundamental difficulty
facing humanity is knowing where to look for these treatments, how to spot
them, and how to combine and use them most effectively.
The fact is that your doctor might decide not to inform you of the uses and
advantages of natural therapies. This is probably because he is ignorant of
these options, has never heard of them, or does not think they would be
helpful to you. Regardless of the circumstances, he was powerless to object
because, after all, prescribing medications is how he is compensated.
Natural medicine, often known as alternative medicine (naturopathy), is a
strategy that requires confidence viewing nature and studying with
naturopathic doctors.

The demand for biopharmaceutical or phytopharmaceutical products is

growing, even in western countries, which raises the cost of herbal

Numerous companies are currently concentrating on the creation of herbal,

bio, or phytopharmaceutical products (pharmaceutical drugs/pills) because
the number of persons with hypertension has not dramatically decreased
with the current conventional treatments.

Many people believe that pharmaceutical drugs are just made to be marketed,
not to treat illnesses. Because of this, they suffer negative consequences.

This may be the fundamental reason why so many individuals are attempting to
re-establish a connection with nature and utilize more natural toxins rather than
processed or fake ones. With the help of this book, you might find the best
treatment or cure for high blood pressure or hypertension.

Africa is home to a wide variety of plants, herbs, and healing minerals that have
been scientifically proven to be effective in the treatment of hypertension.

The good news is that some of them are already in our kitchens or cupboards.

Everything you need to know about hypertension could be found.

The Actual Facts Regarding Hypertension.

When hypertension is identified, many people are perplexed and wonder "why
me?" Given that symptoms support a diagnosis and that hypertension, unlike
other diseases, rarely manifests symptoms prior to an attack, this makes

Because of this, hypertension is sometimes referred to as the "silent killer".

Others may go undiscovered until they have a catastrophic heart attack. Some
people may get headaches when their blood pressure is excessively high.

Given our eating habits and way of life in Africa, it is more normal to be
surprised if one hasn't had hypertension than to be shocked that one has been
diagnosed with it. In our latter years, it is most likely to catch up with us.

Therefore, accepting the diagnosis of having high blood pressure is the most
important reaction.

The first step in treating high blood pressure is making a commitment to better blood
pressure management. Important action and effort must be taken because
hypertension does not go away or get better on its own.
Blood Pressure: What Is It?

Blood pressure is the pressure that the body's arteries experience as blood flows
through them.

The blood vessels known as arteries transport blood from the heart to the rest of the

The heart beats, pushing blood through the arteries. Blood pushes against the inside
of the artery walls as it circulates through the body, applying pressure to the artery

Blood pressure is a measurement or designation of the force of this push.

A high blood pressure or hypertension reading

A continuous rise in blood pressure in the arteries characterizes the medical

condition known as hypertension (high blood pressure). When blood flows
through the arteries more quickly than usual, it happens.

As more blood is pushed against the arterial walls, the pressure increases.
This may occur as a result of plaque buildup in the arteries, which causes
them to stiffen or thicken.

This thickening or hardness (of the arterial wall) prevents blood from
flowing through the arteries as it should, causing blood to push harder
against the artery walls and increasing blood pressure.

The artery stress caused by the elevated pressure makes it challenging for the heart
to pump and circulate blood throughout the body. This puts the body under stress and
increases the possibility of heart, kidney, brain, and eye damage.
The range of blood pressure that is regarded as considered healthy,
elevated, or risky

We need to think about how blood pressure is being monitored so that you
can comprehend this.

Two numbers are used to calculate blood pressure. Systolic pressure,

which is the first number, refers to the pressure in your blood vessels while
your heart beats. The greater of the two numbers is this one.

The blood pressure in your arteries when your heart is at rest is measured by the
second, or bottom, number. Diastolic pressure is the term for the lowest of the two.

Pressure should be 120/80 or less.

Here's the issue, though. Healthy blood pressure is 120/80 or less, which is
considered normal.

Greater or Dangerous Blood Pressure.

If the blood pressure is 130/80 or 140/90 or greater (Stages 1 and 2), it is deemed
high (Stage 1).

Risky Blood Pressure

More than one blood pressure reading of 180/110 or greater is regarded as a

hazardous or hypertensive crisis, requiring emergency medical attention.

However, if you monitor your progress more frequently and—most importantly—if you
use the appropriate treatment, which is the focus of this book, it need not develop to
this stage.

Factors That May Cause High Blood Pressure to Develop.

Numerous factors can affect a person's chance of acquiring hypertension. However,

they are not the primary factor in hypertension. These are risk elements.

However, if you have one or more of these risk factors, particularly if your
immune system is underperforming, you are not providing your body with
the proper bio-nutrients, or you already have a substance that causes
hypertension in your body, you are more likely to get it.

The reality is that some of these risk factors can help the agent that causes
hypertension damage your immune system even more, making the
development of hypertension inevitable even if it doesn't happen right

Factors That May Cause High Blood Pressure are stated below
Unhealthy behaviors or a way of life: The greatest factor of all is this.
Adopting a negative lifestyle is equivalent to sitting on gunpowder. The
whole generation can be impacted by this. A poor way of life or habit might
weaken the immune system and leave one more susceptible to

If you don't make the proper changes at the right time, poor eating habits
when you're young may have an impact on your health as you age.

If the right steps are not followed, a father or mother's bad lifestyle or habit
might result in a child's deficient or disordered immune system, which could
expose the youngster to many illnesses.

Your risk of acquiring high blood pressure increases when you follow
unhealthy lifestyles or habits. Smoking, excessive alcohol or coffee intake,
a lack of physical activity, eating too much salt, and other poor lifestyle
choices can all raise your chance of developing high blood pressure.

The likelihood of having hypertension will be lower if this specific risk factor
(unhealthy behaviors) receives more attention. The occurrence of
hypertension linked to a family history will be reduced, along with obesity
and, to a greater extent, old age.

Being overweight and obese

People who are obese or overweight typically weigh more than what is
considered healthy for their height. People who are obese or overweight
are more likely to have high blood pressure.

When the accumulating fats in their system reach their blood arteries, they
can wreak havoc. This is a risk factor that can be managed. Activities that
can significantly reduce modifiable risk factors for high blood pressure
include increasing physical activity and losing weight.
HEREDITARY: The condition of high blood pressure can be passed down
via generations. People are more prone to develop high blood pressure
themselves if their family has a history of the condition. This genetic link
may be explained by a history of sodium or salt sensitivity in the family.
The truth is that the general risk is complicated; it most likely arises from
a confluence of negative mutations in risk genes and the absence of
preventative genes.

Age: Blood pressure naturally increases as we get older. Systolic pressure, or

the top number, increases with age, as does the risk of developing heart
disease. Men over the age of 55 and women over the age of 65 are at a higher
risk of getting high blood pressure, according to study. The passage of time
cannot be stopped. Older adults are more likely to acquire hypertension
compared to young persons.

High blood pressure, in my opinion, shows no regard for class or age. People
my age (26, 27 to 31) have struggled with high blood pressure when I was at

You, the person reading this, might fall within the range. However, in recent
years, high blood pressure has become more prevalent in kids and teenagers.

Gender: Men under the age of 55 are more likely to have high blood pressure
than women over the age of 55, a study found, but women over 55 are more
likely to develop high blood pressure. But keep in mind that anyone might have
high blood pressure.
What Is Really The Cause of Hypertension

Undoubtedly, understanding a disease's origin is beneficial. There are a lot

of false beliefs out there regarding what causes high blood pressure. Some
attribute it to having poor genes, eating too much salt, and other factors.
The majority of the causes they listed are risk factors, not the primary

However, the majority of experts agree that there are three basic causes of

• The body's excess salt cannot be removed by the kidneys.

• Renin that is very active and causes sodium and water vasoconstriction.
• An excessive level of tension brought on by an overactive sympathetic nervous syst

What causes the kidney to lose its ability to remove excess salt is the

What causes an overactive sympathetic nervous system and renin?

This once again brings up a systemic imbalance. Why is this imbalance

What A Recent Study Shows Are The True Causes of Hypertension

The root of high blood pressure, often known as hypertension, has been the subject
of more recent research.

Micro-RNA (miR-214) is a small molecule that was just discovered, and all
hypertension sufferers have high levels of it.

Both macrophages and T cells, which are distinct and distinctive white blood
cells with immune system capacity, are harmed by these minute substances.

They deprive macrophages of their ability to consume harmful substances

including aldosterone, endothelin, ceramides, and excessive toxic cholesterols
and drive T cells to adipose tissue and the area around arteries.

This raises stiffness, damages the arterial structure, and produces

inflammation. This explains why the blood vessels have calcified.

The blood arteries that carry blood and essential nutrients to the body's various
organs get clogged when fatty cells leak into them. This explains the blood
vessel obstruction and why hypertension people frequently have stiffened,
hardened, blocked, and restricted blood vessels and are at an increased risk of
heart attacks.

Some of us have a difficulty in that our bodies are unable to produce new T
cells or macrophages or to naturally remove toxins or agents that cause

Because of this, some people have hypertension while others do not.

The only way to change this is to bring the system back into balance by
eliminating these harmful substances, purifying the blood vessels (both inside
and outside), and enhancing the immune system to encourage the generation
of sufficient macrophages and T cells.
The fundamental cause of the various issues you are now dealing with as a
result of high blood pressure is rather straightforward to comprehend and

Unhealthy blood vessels are constricted, rigid, hardened, and obstructed. This
causes the blood flow through the heart muscle to degrade, and the insufficient
blood supply may cause the organs to not receive enough oxygen and

The entire body system then responds to it.

Your body will start to fail you, which you'll start to notice.

One, two, or more of the following may become part of your development.:

● Severe headache and anxiety

● Chest pain
● Difficulty in Breathing
● Pounding in your chest or neck area
● Blood in the urine
● Excess loss of strength
● Blurry eye sights and shorter memories
● Decrease sexual appetite and inability to last long.

Why It's Important To Ban Hypertension From Your Life

The reality about managing hypertension and how important it is to take the
next step to escape it must now be clear to you if you have read this chapter all
the way through.

Nothing is more frustrating than feeling helpless or unable to live a full life due
to severe headaches, chest pain, discomfort, blurry eyesight, and a variety of
other issues that put one's life in danger due to high blood pressure..

The patient and society pay a heavy price for not treating hypertension. You will
lose a lot with untreated hypertension, including the ability to spend time with
loved ones and the potential to stress your family.
It is comparable to sitting on a ticking time bomb if a long-term cure for high
blood pressure cannot be found. You might wish to cease life and rest because
of the agony and suffering. You wouldn't want chronic hypertension on your
worst enemy if you've ever had to deal with its long-term implications.

More people die from high blood pressure each year than from all national
catastrophes combined, making it considerably more lethal than any tsunami,
earthquake, or tornado on record.

High blood pressure, or hypertension as it is medically referred to, claims more

lives than all natural disasters combined worldwide.

You're probably already dealing with some of these side effects, including
excruciating headaches, heartburn, and blurred vision.

elevated blood pressure Life-threatening complications may result from

untreated conditions. Finding the ideal answer is essential to avoiding
significant issues or troubles..

The subject of the following chapter is just this. The startling natural methods to
quickly lower your blood pressure are revealed in the following chapter, along
with super-efficient natural remedies and straightforward daily routines that can
help you reverse hypertension.

Chapter Two
The Amazing Natural Methods To Reduce
And Treat High Blood Pressure
In my experience counseling hypertension clients, the main areas of attention
and concern for people have been the cost of purchasing medications, the cost
of controlling hypertension while in the hospital, unsustainable results, and
people's desire to achieve sustainable healthy blood pressure.

You will find all you need in this chapter to lower your blood pressure, and doing
so won't cost a fortune.
In this part of the book, you'll learn not just incredible techniques that anybody can
use to decrease blood pressure quickly, but also the three main ways to reverse
hypertension, as well as extraordinary herbs, dietary tips, and particular daily

I'll start by giving you five tips you may use right away to reduce your blood pressure

5 Surprising Techniques for Blood Pressure Reduction Naturally

Trick #1:

Avoid Sugar When people consider lowering high blood pressure, they are
aware that they should limit their intake of salt, but they neglect the
detrimental effects that sugar has on their blood pressure. Excess sugar can
raise blood pressure, therefore if you're serious about decreasing your blood
pressure, you should reduce your sugar intake.

Here are some easy methods for reducing your sugar intake. Below are the
simple strategies to lower your sugar intake

1. Use Natural Sweeteners Instead: you can add some juice from
oranges, grapes, pears, peaches, or other fruits if you need to sweeten
foods. You might also use a natural sweetener like stevia or any natural
sweetener in your location.

2. Space Your Food Intake and Avoid Snacking. Eat several small
meals and space your food intake throughout the day, you won't be
tempted to consume excessive amounts of sugary foods that raise
blood pressure.

3. Limit Alcohol Intake. Alcohol contains a large store of hidden sugar,

So, if you’re attempting to cut back on sugar, remember to minimize the

4. Steer clear of high-fructose corn syrup: High fructose corn syrup,

which may be found in anything from ketchup to salad dressings
and crackers, is a common way for us to consume sugar. This is
found in our regular soft drinks as well. You need to avoid it.

Trick #2: Consume More Potassium

Include more potassium-rich foods in your diet, such as bananas, baked potatoes,
coconut water, oranges, eggplants, and many others, if you're serious about
decreasing your blood pressure.

If you don't have renal (kidney) issues, it is advised that you consume between 3000
and 4000 mg of potassium daily.

Your artery walls are relaxed by potassium, which lowers high blood pressure. A study
also shows that patients with high blood pressure may benefit from a diet rich in
potassium in order to reduce their risk of dying from a stroke.

Trick #3: Take Fruits, Herbs and Vegetables .

These are strong, natural nutrients that are completely safe that are quite good
in lowering or raising blood pressure, and they are present in some plants,
fruits, vegetables, etc.

Garlic is one of the veggies that has such strong healing properties. Many
populations are aware of it and have access to it easily. Garlic can successfully
lower high blood pressure, according to a study. Before the end of this chapter,
I shall unveil the remaining bio-nutrients.

If you are not taking it in conjunction with other bio-nutrients, you need to
consume roughly four cloves of garlic (about four grams) daily to see a
noteworthy blood pressure-lowering effect.

You can equally add garlic to your diet. The highest quality garlic is grown
organically. Make a habit to bite into some fresh parsley, rosemary, or fennel.

If garlic breath is an issue for you, the strong smell of garlic can also be
mitigated by a slice of grapefruit, an orange peel, or a freshly squeezed lemon.
Trick #4: Lower your usage of painkillers.

Risks associated with painkillers include elevated blood pressure. Women experience
this to a greater extent than do males.

Limit your usage of painkillers as much as you can, and if you must, choose natural
alternatives. You should also practice grounding.

The act of walking barefoot is known as grounding. It is possible to lessen discomfort,

stress, and inflammation by just walking barefoot. It promotes serenity and can help
lower blood pressure.

Trick#5: Increase intake of Water

Staying constantly hydrated is one of the simplest ways to naturally lower your blood

The trouble is, salt helps your body's "water-insurance mechanism" when you're
dehydrated. That is how your body attempts to maintain its supply of water by
holding on to salt.

Hydration affects kidney function, and your kidneys are important for regulating your
blood pressure. Consequently, what is essential for your kidneys' health is also
essential for naturally lowering your blood pressure.

Develop the habit of drinking enough water each day, and stay hydrated before,
during, and after exercise because sweating and evaporation cause you to lose water.

Water can also be consumed in between meals. I like encouraging folks to drink at
least 3 liters.

Trick#6: Use Supplement

I want you to experience freedom and liberation as soon as possible. To this

end, I have made it easy for you to start implementing everything in this book

Nature Gift, the astonishing all-natural blood pressure supplement that's

sweeping the country, will help you unlock a healthier, more vibrant you! Don't
pass up the opportunity to join many others on their path to heart health and
well-being. Click here to learn more about Nature Gift's extraordinary benefits
and to take the first step toward a life full of vitality and vitality!

Wheel of High Blood Reversal (3 Phases of HBP Reversal)

There are three phases to a sustainable reversal of high blood pressure, namely

1. Free Your Mind

2. Body Liberation
3. Freedom Activation

Free Your Mind Phase: You are the starting point of the HBP reversal
process. I am aware that you have received a lot of information on why you
think high blood pressure or hypertension cannot be treated.

If you hold to the notion that high blood pressure cannot be reversed, that once
you start using medicines, you must continue to use them for the rest of your
life, and that you have already accepted your fate, then...

Afterward, read this.

"Only those who accept actual freedom and open their eyes to possibilities,
such as those whose testimonies you have seen and the individuals you will
meet if you enroll in the "work with Me program," end up laughing last.

Therefore, you must rid yourself of those unfavorable ideas and adopt an
optimistic outlook. I have worked with thousands of people and assisted them
in reversing their high blood pressure, thus it is possible to reverse high blood

I'm giving you access to the same techniques and insider information in this
book that they did.

What is your PRIMARY driving force behind trying to lower your blood pressure?
For some people, it can be leading a healthy lifestyle and enjoying time with
their family. Others might be trying to avoid burdening their family.

and others to avoid unhappy marriages

What is the ONE thing you most cherish or crave, and for which you would like
to lower your blood pressure?

Let that ONE thought ring in your head constantly to motivate you and stoke
your desire each day to take the necessary steps to lower your blood pressure.

Your level of dedication and the amount of action you will take will depend on
how prepared your thinking is. You will consistently make the right choice and
do the right thing when your mind is prepared.

Then, you should take the following two actions:

-Stop your high blood pressure from getting worse.

-Get your body to self-heal itself back to the point when you had normal
blood pressure to begin reversing your high blood pressure. You can
achieve this by giving your body the proper bio-nutrients or natural cures,
refraining from foods that are slowly killing you, and performing particular
daily duties or activities that move you closer to your objective each day.

Body Freedom Phase: This includes the purifying and healing processes that
occur naturally. It entails identifying the underlying cause of high blood
pressure and putting your body's health first from the inside out.

This method is more tailored to you since it gives you the ability to cure
yourself by using a specialized purging and healing technique that is catered to
your unique needs.

The body freedom entails engaging in straightforward yet highly effective daily
duties as well as using the appropriate natural treatments to purify and repair
your body.

You should be able to reverse your high blood pressure in 90 days or less if you
follow the entire approach carefully and correctly.
Without cleaning, neither healing nor liberation will be possible.

Full body liberty is necessary for achieving and maintaining optimum blood pressure.
Starting with systemic cleansing, draining away the cause of hypertension, immune
system boosting, stimulating blood circulation and metabolism, and repairing the

This section of the chapter will walk you through the process of making your own
bionutrient products (remedies) to lower your blood pressure.

Body Purification Using Herbs and Bio-Nutrient-Rich Foods.

People who use specialized herbs or therapies to cleanse their systems before
using the main herbs to reverse high blood pressure see results more quickly
than those who do not.

Similar to this, those who eat a particular meal during the cleaning phase lower
their blood pressure more quickly than people who eat haphazardly.

You will learn how to perform a comprehensive cleansing of your body, which
will benefit you not only in terms of managing your high blood pressure but also
your weight, cholesterol, and the removal of some dangerous germs and
illnesses from your body.

It is assumed that if this cleansing process is done rightly, then 30 -40% of your
high blood pressure will be resolved.

How to Detoxify or Cleanse Your System to Lower Blood Pressure Quickly.

I'll outline three techniques for cleansing your body using plants, herbs, fruits,
vegetables, or a mix of one or more of these.

But after that, I'll advise everyone to use the first approach. Anyone who uses this
gets a great outcome. The explanation is straightforward: It encompasses every
step of body emancipation, including medication, nutrition, and routine daily
activities. It is advised that you only employ one of the three techniques.

Technique To Use.

The following products are required to carry out this technique, which lasts for
one to seven days .

● Lists of the items necessary for this technique are

● 3 Sizeable cucumbers
● 5 Beetroot
● Any Green Leafy Vegetables for the soup
● Generous amount of Fish
● 5 Gingers
● Generous pieces of bananas
● Generous sizes of onions
● 12 carrots
● 10 Bitter cola
● 5 Lemon/Lemon
● Apples
● Generous amount of Locust Bean ( Any natural seasoning in your
● Generous amount of Tumeric
● 2 Oranges
● Generous amount of Chia seeds
● Generous amount of spinach/pumpkin
● Olive oil or coconut or vegetable oil

● Tools Required:

● Greater or Blender or Juicer

● Flask/Water Bottle
● Blood Pressure Monitor
● Blood Sugar Monitor
● Weight Scale
How To Implement this technique .

You must pay close attention to the small print, act right away, be committed to
the process, and be consistent if you want to gain the most out of this book.

In essence, you adhere to the rules, directives, and suggestions.

Tools needed for this challenge include a pedometer (step counter), a blood
pressure monitor, a blood sugar monitor, a cholesterol monitor, a weighing
scale, and a flask or water bottle.

If you have an Android phone, you can go to the play store to do so. Install a
download on your device.

a step counter or pedometer

The step counter in this app is simple to use. Install the software after
downloading it, then click the Start button to begin moving around and begin
counting your steps. You should use it as one of your tools for daily chores.

Important Information (Please Read)

Pregnant women are allowed to forego any physically taxing activities. To

concentrate additional information on techniques including deep breathing,
stress alleviation, relaxation, and emotional workout. They can also practice
exercises like slowly pacing the home.

They must always take their medications after eating, never before.

Woman who is nursing: Despite the fact that all of the treatments offered in the
book on this guide are secure and natural. It is advisable for them to take any of
the medicines either before nursing or one hour after.

They are also cautioned from engaging in any strenuous exercises if they lack the
necessary strength. They can also benefit from the prenatal workout regimen.

Those Who Have Previously Used Drugs: If you are currently taking medication,
you should not stop. It can take two to three weeks before you see any results
from this natural treatment. You must use it with your prescription medications
for at least 3 weeks, and keep an eye on it. As you see results, progressively cut
back on your drug use until you are fully drug-free.

Patients with ulcers are recommended to take their medications only after a

Cholesterol control and weight loss. If someone does not have hypertension but
still wants to reduce their weight or cholesterol, they will merely concentrate on
cleansing daily activities (exercises), and diet plans. Once the first seven days are
up, they won't take any medication. After the eighth day, their remaining
activities are daily chores, excluding the use of natural treatments.
Starting the Natural Treatments or Challenge.

Three (3) key steps must be taken to successfully reverse high blood pressure:
mind liberation, body liberation, and freedom liberation as stated earlier.

This section is for body liberation.

Depending on the stage of hypertension you fall into or the severity of your high
blood pressure, this will be used to lower your blood pressure in 90 days or less
(minimum of 30 days).

The outcome is unusual for this time period. Some people will reach their peak
performance within a few weeks or months, but if all the guidelines and advice
are properly followed, it may take more than 90 days. For instance, many people
who participated in the 30-day challenge to reverse high blood pressure did so
in the second month, but it took nearly 90 days for some of them and very few
people to complete the task in the first.

This necessitates ongoing observation. You must occasionally check on your


A reminder that you are required to get the best outcomes, it's important to eat
correctly at all times, perform certain daily duties, and take your medication at
the same time.

You must get a register to keep track of your daily accomplishments. It is

required that you check your blood pressure, record the readings, and record
them before starting the challenge. You can do this a day before the challenge
starts. It should be done in the morning, but it can also be done on the day the
challenge starts.

Before you start the challenge, get everything you'll need, especially for the first
seven days, Additionally, download and set up the pedometer on your gadget.

These Are The Guidelines:

There should be no artificial or processed food consumed during this time (avoid
Maggi, soft drinks, bottled juice, alcohol, and flour-based foods). No food
purchases outside.

* Take your meal no later than 7:00 p.m.

You shouldn't consume any cold beverages or food at this time, and you
shouldn't ingest any meat internal organs or skin. Clean your pillow and bed,
and give them a fresh scent.

* Every night, take a warm bath.

* At the very least, 10 p.m. It denotes a period with no phone, TV, or strong

* A mandatory eight-hour bedtime (do not use social media, watch TV, or keep
watch during this time).
* Make sure your home is big and well-ventilated. Some chores that need for
space may need to be completed. So make sure to clean out any unnecessary
objects from the living area, bedroom, or kitchen. Masturbation and sexual
relations are prohibited. In this regard, you might need to support your spouse
or partner.

Tell your spouse or lover that there will be a break for seven days but that on the
eighth day there will be great marathon sex.

Please note that the required ingredients you will buy are listed above.

Tasks for Day 1 MORNING (6 AM)

Before working out, chew on two bitter kola nuts and drink some warm water
with it.

Exercise for 20 minutes. rapid walking

(Brisk Walking) See the video here:



- Get 1.5 cups of water - Chop up 1/4 of a cucumber into chunks

- Chop up 1 green apple into pieces.

- 1 cup finely chopped spinach or pumpkin

1 medium banana, cut

Lemon juice, please

Method of Preparation - Start by adding water to the blender.

- Include the spinach/pumpkin and lemon juice.

Blend carefully.

Add the cucumber, apple, and banana after that.

- Blend it completely once more until it resembles semi-liquid. Pour into a cup,
then sip.

Evening (6-7 PM): Make your preferred vegetable soup.

Vegetable soup preparation guidelines - The soup must have more than one type
of vegetable (you can mix bitter leaf + spinach, spinach + pumpkin leaves, or any
other combination you are comfortable with).
- Avoid PARBOILING the vegetables, Maggi, meat, or artificial or processed

- Thoroughly rinse the leaves, then chop them into bite-sized pieces. - Cook the
stew with a lot of locust beans, small fish, and onions. - When the stew is almost
done, turn down the heat. - Add the diced leaves, and allow them to steam for
just two minutes.

- Consume with smoked or dried seafood. No solid swallowing for tonight.

View this >>> Visit to learn how to walk quickly.

Work for Day 2

A.M. (6 A.M.)

Before the activity, chew two bitter kola solely and swallow them with little
warm water.

Use a pedometer to track your steps and take at least 3,000 throughout the day.
It includes the steps you take at home, at work, and even when you're not
necessarily taking them all at once.


Get two each of ginger and beets.

A single orange

Procedure for Preparation

- Thoroughly rinse the beetroot's back in salty water.

- Peel and chop it.

- Slice up some ginger.

- If available, wash some spinach or a pumpkin. - Combine all.

Sieve it if desired, then add one drop of orange extract. - Drink...

Evening (6-7 PM): Make your preferred vegetable soup.

Rules for making vegetable soup:

There must be more than one sort of vegetable in the soup; you can use
whatever combination you feel comfortable with, such as bitter leaf and spinach
or spinach and pumpkin leaves. No meat, no Maggi!
- Avoid boiling the vegetables.

- Thoroughly rinse the leaves before dicing them into desired sizes.

Add a lot of locust beans, tiny fish, and onions to the soup.

- When the stew is nearly done, turn down the heat and add the diced leaves,
allowing them to steam for just two minutes.

- Consume with smoked or dried seafood. No swallowing this evening.

Tasks for Day 3

A.M. (6 A.M.)


Chia seed and lemon: Soak 1 tablespoon of chia seeds in water for at least 2
hours in a firmly closed jar. 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice should be added.
Drink prior to working out. EXERCISE (cardio for a healthy heart, low

cholesterol, and weight loss



- One green apple, chopped; - one medium-sized banana

- Cut cucumbers into quarters.

- 1 cup finely chopped spinach or pumpkin

- Half a lemon's juice

- A cup and a half of water.

Procedure for Preparation

Blend the water, lemon juice, and spinach or pumpkin in a blender. Then, include
more ingredients in it. Blend until mixture resembles semi-liquid.


Choose any type of vegetable soup to make.

Rules for making vegetable soup

There must be more than one leaf in the soup (you can use whatever
combination you feel comfortable with, such as bitter leaf and spinach or
spinach and pumpkin leaves).

- No meat, no Maggi!

- Avoid boiling the vegetables.

- Thoroughly rinse the leaves before dicing them into desired sizes.

When the stew is nearly finished, turn down the heat and add the diced leaves,
allowing them to steam for only two minutes. - Lace the stew with a lot of locust
beans, small fish, and onions.
- Consume with smoked or dried seafood. No swallowing this evening.

Work for Day 4

A.M. (6 A.M.

- Lemon with chia seeds

- Put 1 tablespoon of chia seeds in water for at least 2 hours in a firmly closed
jar. 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice should be added. Drink prior to working



- One green apple, chopped

- One medium banana

Cucumber quarters, chunked; 1 cup of shredded spinach or pumpkin;

- Half a lemon's juice

- A cup and a half of water.

Blend the water, lemon juice, and spinach or pumpkin in a blender. Then, include more
ingredients in it. Blend until mixture resembles semi-liquid.

EVENING (6-7 PM) - There must be more than one leaf in the soup (you can combine
bitter leaf + spinach, or spinach + pumpkin leaves, just any combination you are good
- No Maggi, no meat!

Prepare any vegetable soup of your choice.

Rules of vegetable soup preparation are stated below

- Don't PARBOIL the vegetables.
- Rinse the leaves thoroughly, then dice them into choice sizes
- Lace the stew with a lot of locust beans, small fish, and onions
- Eat with fish (smoked or dried). No swallow for tonight

When the stew is almost ready, reduce the fire to the lowest, and pour the diced
leaves inside the stew to steam only for 2 minutes

5th Day tasks

A.M. (6 A.M.


piping water and lemon

One glass cup of warm water with one tablespoon of lemon is the preparation
method. is an exercise.

AFTERNOON (1 PM) Your pick of three fruits. fruits in a variety of hues.

Evening fish pepper (6 PM) Take a warm bath 30 minutes after dinner, then
watch the acupressure session.


- 1 choice large fish

- 1 medium onion bulb - 1 tatashe chili pepper - 2.5 tablespoons of pepper soup

- 1.5 teaspoons of crayfish ground up

- 2 tablespoons of oil, preferably olive oil

- 3 Atarodo Scotch Bonnet Peppers

three cloves of garlic

8 pieces of scent leaves 4 cups of water, please.

- 1 large sweet potato, chopped

- Pepper, ground
Techniques for Preparation: - To a blender, add the half an onion bulb, scotch
bonnet pepper, chili bell pepper (tatashe), and garlic cloves. Blend.

- Olive oil is warmed over a medium flame. The remaining onions should be cut
into strips and fried briskly for 30 seconds.

- Then, pour the olive oil over the mixture of ingredients. Continue cooking for
an additional 2 minutes.

- Add the ground pepper, pepper soup seasoning, ground crayfish, and a very
small amount of salt (optional) after adding the water and sweet potato pieces.
To blend, stir.

- For 5-7 minutes, cook with a cover.

- Add the cleaned fish pieces and simmer for a further few minutes.

- Add the chopped fragrance leaves last, then quickly turn off the heat.

Tasks for Day 6.

- After waking up, drink some warm water.

- Back pain relief exercise: - You can eat any

wholesome meal you choose.
– Consume a lot of vegetables.

- Sip 3 liters or more of water daily.

- Measure your weight, cholesterol, blood sugar, and/or blood pressure.

Day 7 Tasks:

Drink warm water as soon as you wake up; exercise to relieve chest pain

Eat lots of vegetables today, indulge in some fruit, and have dinner at or before
7:00 p.m. Review your situation and contrast the outcome with what you
recorded prior to the challenge.

Day 8 Tasks: Drink water as soon as you can in the morning.

- Physical activity: Walk 4,000 steps today (albeit not all at once).



Get two each of ginger and beets.

A single orange
The back of the beetroot should be thoroughly washed in salted water as part of
the preparation process.

- Peel and chop it.

- Slice up some ginger.

- If available, wash some spinach or a pumpkin. - Blend everything.

Sieve it if desired, then orange extract. - Drink...

(on or before 7:00 PM) in the evening.

- Eat potatoes and vegetables together.

The Challenge's final 30 days.

At this point, you will begin using the natural treatments, meal plan, and
suggested daily activities all at once.

Make sure to use the treatments you may easily find in your area. Keep in mind
that complete blood pressure reversal may not occur by Day 30; instead, it may
take up to 90 days to achieve the best outcomes.
8th day tasks

Take a warm drink shortly after waking up, enjoy the home remedy you made,
and walk 4000 steps today. Make sure your pedometer is recording steps.

Make sure you complete 4000 steps before the end of the day, but this shouldn't
happen all at once. You can accomplish more if you have the strength.

Limit your intake of salt and sugar.

9th day tasks.

Take a warm drink of water shortly after waking up, and walk 4000 steps today.
(Remember that the actions should be conducted in accordance with your
present state of health. Eat a lot of veggies, limit your intake of sugary foods,
and refrain from using too much salt if you're not physically fit.

Perform 40 to 70 deep breaths before going to bed at night.

You have these to complete today.

10th day tasks

In the morning, take pleasure in warm water.

30 deep breathing exercises should be performed after a few minutes in the

warm water.

Pay attention to natural cures

Take part in the heart-healthy workout listed below:

Drink a lot of water throughout the day. Enjoy your meal at or before 7:00 p.m.
Take a quick stroll following dinner.

Avoid sugary foods and beverages.

11th day tasks

Take warm water as soon as you can, and perform the following exercise to
sharpen your vision:

Make sure to take your primary natural remedy as directed. Walk 5000 steps
today. Take 40 deep breaths before bed.
Drink three liters or more of water today.

Get a massage if you can, and stay away from foods high in sugar or salt.

12th day tasks

After you first wake up, drink some water and perform a relaxation technique

Eat dinner at or before 7 o'clock in the evening and make sure to take your
natural remedies at the appropriate time. Step 4000 times today.

Take 50 deep breaths before bed tonight; eat nutritious fruits like apples; avoid
sugary foods; and use salt sparingly.

Day 13 tasks :

Remember to take your natural remedies; exercise (focus on walking exercise);

and watch a sample video on YouTube.

Take 60 deep breaths before bed tonight. Walk 5,000 steps today. Take a warm
bath at night. If you can, ask someone to massage you.

Limit your intake of sodium and stay away from sweets.

Day 14 tasks include drinking warm water in the morning and remembering to
take your natural treatments.

Take 5,000 steps throughout the day; do either deep breathing, relaxation, or
emotional exercise before bed; drink enough water today; and moderately
consume salt.

Review your situation and contrast it with the prior week.

15th day tasks

Take your natural remedy as directed, and follow your meal plan.

Take 5,000 steps right now.

Stretching should be done for a while.

Today, drink more water and abstain from sugary meals and beverages.

16th day tasks

Take your natural remedy and/or follow your dietary plan as directed at the
proper time.
Exercise: (Ride a bike in the air) Eat lots of fruits and vegetables today; walk at
least 5,000 steps; take 50 deep breaths this morning and 50 at night.

Go to a spot that makes you happy or delighted with family and friends.

17th day tasks

Take your natural medicine as prescribed, follow your meal plan, walk 5000
steps today, eat lots of vegetables, drink lots of water, stay away from sugary
foods, and use salt sparingly.

chores for day 18

Take your natural treatment as prescribed and plan and eat your meals on time.

Take 4000 steps; if you have trouble getting about, try stretching, massage, and
deep breathing instead. Soak your two feet in warm water—not hot—before
going to bed tonight.

Avoid sugary foods, eat dinner at or before 7 o'clock, and use salt sparingly.
chores for day 19

Before going to bed, take 70 full breaths. the first thing in the morning, sip warm
water. Observe the diet recommendations and natural therapy guidelines.
Today, take 3000 steps. Consume a lot of vegetables. Take in a lot of water today.
Eat less sweet food. Consume salt in moderation.

Goals for Day 20

Take warm water first thing in the morning Take your natural remedy and meal
plan as directed Take 5000 steps today Do some sort of stretching exercise
(stretch your back, hands, legs, and neck) Bathe with warm water tonight Take a
minimum of 30 deep breaths before you sleep Eat your dinner at or before 7 p.m.

Day 21 Tasks:
Drink up to 1 liter of water before eating or taking anything; take your natural
remedy and meal plan as directed; walk 4000 steps today; take 50-80 deep
breaths before bedtime; eat dinner at or before 7:00 p.m.; and take a 5-10 minute
walk after dinner.
Day 22 Tasks:
Take your natural remedy and meal plan as prescribed; engage in concentration
walking exercise; enjoy excellent fruits; and engage in relaxation techniques
before night.

Tasks for Day 23

Take warm water in the morning; follow your natural remedy and meal plan; and
get a good massage. It improves blood flow. Make time for a nap; even if you can't
sleep, lie down and relax. Eat more vegetables. Avoid excess sugar and salt.

Day 24 tasks:
Take your natural remedy; walk at least 3,000 steps today; eat dinner before 7:00
p.m.; and avoid sugary foods.

Day 25 Tasks:

Take your natural remedy; walk at least 4,500 steps today; perform 100 hops up;
drink up to 3 liters of water today; and avoid sugary foods.

Day 26 Tasks:
Take your natural cure; walk for 30 minutes; eat some fruits in the afternoon; and
avoid sugary foods.

Tasks for Day 27

Drink water in the morning; ride a 20-minute minus bicycle in the morning; walk 5
minutes briskly at night; eat your three meals in moderation; and avoid excessive
sweets and salt.

Tasks for Day 28:

Take your natural treatment 30 minutes of focus-walking in the morning Eat any
healthy meal of your choosing Relaxation exercise before bedtime
Tasks for Day 29.
Take your natural treatment Walk 4,5000 steps today Drink up to 3 liters of water
for the day Eat dinner at or before 7:00 p.m. Walk for 5- 10 minutes after dinner
Avoid sugary foods
Day 30 Tasks
Drink warm water first thing in the morning before doing anything Bicycle in the
air for 15 - 20 minutes Take your natural remedy

The battle has come to an end. I feel that if you followed the directions and advice
given during the challenge period (30 Days) without missing anything, you must
have gained massive/tangible results, even if you have not totally conquered
Chapter Three
Food Guidelines and Criteria for Reversing High
Blood Pressure

This is something your doctor might not tell you. ……

“You can never reverse or have a sustainable healthy blood pressure if

you eat incorrectly.”.

To promote the working of natural medicines and the healing process, you must
provide your body with balanced bio-nutrient foods.

Your doctor may tell you to eat well or to have a healthy meal, but they will rarely tell
you how to do so.

And that is what I shall demonstrate in this book shortly.

But first, I'd like to explain why you should eat well, especially when treating high
blood pressure, and why you should follow the directions and advice I'll give you

Pay attention to me.

Over time, improving health conditions through diet and food has produced the best

That is why Hippocrates, the first doctor on the planet, said, "Let food be thy
medicine, and medicine be thy food."

It was determined in 2015 that eating unhealthy foods was linked to an increase in
illnesses and fatalities. We can drastically minimize or perhaps avoid some of the
most common diseases and disorders by regulating our diets. This also applies to the
management of high blood pressure.

It is critical to eat well when taking medication...

In case you didn't know, eating well speeds up the healing process and strengthens
your immune system, preventing the recurrence of high blood pressure and providing
you with long-term healthy blood pressure.

I'll use a simple comparison to demonstrate why eating well is so important for
healthy living in general, not just lowering high blood pressure.

Here it is....

Let's break down the term "DEATH." If you take off the first and last letters, you get
the word EAT. This means that the food we eat has the ability to either save or kill our

A deeper examination of the term DIET reveals that the first three (3) letters are

You have now seen the significance of eating well and how it is essential to our
healthy living.

So, what do you eat?

As a hypertensive patient (if you are 40 years or older), there are some foods that
you should avoid or limit your consumption of in order to totally correct your high
blood pressure or enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Otherwise, you will be going in circles.

This is due to the fact that these foods are slowly killing you and will worsen your
problem. They are bringing you closer to your tomb, especially if you are above the
age of 40.

Foods and habits that are slowly and steadily killing you as a hypertensive

Cold Foods: You should attempt to avoid eating cold meals or drinks as much as
possible (at the very least, limit your consumption or consume them only when
absolutely required).
Cold water or food can cause blood arteries to constrict momentarily. Because
greater pressure is required to move blood through narrower veins and arteries,
blood pressure rises.

If you want to live a long life and improve your health, you should avoid cold foods.

Table Sugar: People who want to lower their blood pressure are aware that they
should limit their salt intake. What they don't realize is that too much sugar can also
cause high blood pressure. Carbohydrates make up the majority of the food
consumed in Africa. So reducing your sugar intake will benefit your health.

I've already shared sugar-reduction strategies with you; you may go back and
review them.

Reduce Meat Intake ( Particularly Red Meat): Instead, opt for fish and plant-
based proteins such as beans. A single bite of beef can remain in your digestive
tract for up to three days before being entirely digested. Aside from decalcifying the
meat, it lowers the calcium level in your system. The more meat you eat, the lower
the calcium level in your bones, which can lead to a variety of diseases.

Minimize Intake of Milk; Milk is often more beneficial to youngsters than to

adults. As an adult, limit your milk consumption. If you must, choose low-fat or
unsweetened milk and consume it sparingly.

Avoid or Minimize Artificial Spices: Avoid or reduce the usage of artificial

seasonings (processed seasonings) as much as possible. For example, in
Nigeria, we have Maggi, Vedan, Ajinomoto, and so on. You have those that are
specific to your locality. Instead, season your foods with natural seasonings
such as locust beans, melon seeds, orange juice, grape juice, peaches, pears,
and fragrance leaves.,

Processed Foods and White Flour Products: You should avoid manufactured
foods and canned meals. They utilize a lot of chemicals to preserve them, which
might be detrimental to your body. If you want to improve your health and live
longer, choose wheat flour over white flour and fresh meals. A lot of them have
a lot of sugar and salt added to them.

Soft Drinks/Juice Drinks: Most of the drinks on the market are not truly
produced from fruits. They are frequently loaded with chemicals or tastes that
are toxic to the body.
They are so many that it will be impossible to distinguish genuine from
counterfeit (same brand, same name, but different color). If you want to make
a cocktail, use fresh fruits and almonds.

What You Should Eat If You Have Hypertension

You can lower your blood pressure more quickly by eating certain foods and
avoiding others. A meal packed in potassium, plant protein, and veggies may be
especially useful for persons with high blood pressure.

I will provide you a 30-meal plan to help you through your struggle, especially if
you are puzzled about which foods are good for you as a hypertension sufferer.

Excess sodium, sugar, and carbohydrates are the perpetrators in raising your
blood sugar levels, but you can include these in your meals as part of a well-
balanced diet.

Yet you don't have to necessarily deprive yourself of the food you love eating
because you are hypertensive. Instead, you can learn how to make balance
meals and healthful choices while still including the foods you love most.

This can be done when they are included (e.g carbohydrates ) as part of the
balanced meal plan

For anyone who shall join the “work with Me program”. I shall teach them how
to prepare healthy meal plans they can always use or even create for someone
to improve their health drastically (for hypertension, blood sugar, cholesterol,
and weight management).

But then I shall provide you with a guideline you can follow to enjoy a healthy
meal right from this moment.

You've been advised that too much sugar is a risk issue, therefore your
carbohydrate and sodium requirements will vary based on your degree of
activity, current health status, and medication (if any). As a result, it is critical
to keep track of the sodium, sugar, and carbohydrates in your meals. However,
the meal plan I will provide will take care of that, and what you will receive
below will be quite beneficial to you.

A common rule of thumb is to restrict the amount of starchy carbs in one meal
to a quarter of a plate and to consider the following.:

Include fruits and vegetables; consume lean proteins; select foods

with less added sugar; and avoid trans fats.

The truth is that some people simply need to eat well and by doing so, they can
reverse their blood pressure in no time, but their doctors continue to put them
on prescriptions, oblivious to the side effects.

You will undoubtedly discover this during the first 7 days of the 37-day
hypertension reversal challenge, which you will be instructed to begin on with a
detailed implementation guidance utilizing the natural secrets, tactics, and
medicines presented in this book.

You can enjoy the following fruits, vegetables, and foods with less added sugar:

1. Fatty Fish: despite popular misconceptions that fats are unhealthy, they are,
however, healthy fat necessary for overall wellness. To keep their bodies working
and to support heart and brain health, people need to consume a particular level
of healthy fats.

Fats help the body synthesize fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin D. Fatty fish is
healthy and can be added to any diet. It contains omega-3 fatty acids.

Examples of fatty fish include;

● Sardines
● Mackerel
● Salmon
● Trout
● Albacore tuna
● Herring
2. Beans: The body digests them more slowly than other carbohydrates since they
are complex carbohydrates. Eating beans can also help with weight loss and
regulates a person’s blood pressure and cholesterol. Additionally, beans contain
vital elements like iron, potassium, and magnesium.
Consequently, beans are a fantastic food choice for those who have high blood

There is a wide range of beans from which individuals can select, such as:

● adzuki beans
● navy beans
● black beans
● kidney beans
● pinto beans

3. Berries: Antioxidants found in berries can guard against oxidative stress. Heart
disease and various malignancies are just two of the many health issues that
oxidative stress is associated with.

Berries also contain other valuable vitamins and minerals such as potassium,
manganese, vitamin K and vitamin C as well as fiber.

Examples of berries include blueberries, blackberries, strawberries and

Raspberries. They can be included in your diet as part of breakfast or eaten as a
handful as a snack or put in smoothies.

4. Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potato is one of the best sources of Vitamin A, Fibre,
Vitamin C, and Potassium. It can be eaten in a variety of ways. It can be boiled,
mashed, or even roasted.

Compared to white potatoes, sweet potatoes have a lower GI. They release sugar
more gradually and slowly. They are good for people with high blood pressure.

Enjoy this with green leafy vegetables or salad and lean protein for a balanced
5. Citrus Fruits: Citrus contains Vitamin C, potassium, and folate and it is a
fantastic way to consume fruit's vitamins and minerals without consuming
carbohydrates. Examples of citrus fruits are oranges, grapefruits, and lemons.

6. Green Leafy Vegetables: Potassium, Vitamin A, calcium, protein, and fiber are
just a few of the critical vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that are abundant in
green leafy vegetables. They include lots of antioxidants and enzymes that break
down starch. They help in lowering blood pressure.

Examples of green leafy vegetables are broccoli, cabbage, spinach, kale, swap
white bread or white pasta for whole grains

You can eat them as part of your diet in meals like soups, salads, sides, and
entrees or you can combine them with lean proteins like chicken or bean curd

7. Probiotic Yoghurt: Probiotics are good bacteria that are found in the human gut
and aid in digestion and overall health. A study reveals that consuming probiotic
yogurt could improve cholesterol levels, and reduces inflammation and oxidative
stress. This will could have a great positive impact on blood pressure.

A probiotic yogurt will contain live and active cultures and an example of natural probiotic
yogurt is Greek yogurt (with no added sugar). It can be taken as breakfast or dessert when
added with berries and nuts.

8. Whole Grains: Whole grains contain a high level of fiber and are lower on the
glycemic index that makes it to slow down the digestion process. Nutrients are
absorbed more slowly which helps maintain steady blood pressure.

Examples of whole grains are quinoa, buckwheat, brown rice, whole-grain bread,
and whole-grain pasta.
Chapter Four
Necessary Crucial Daily Tasks And Freedom Liberation

straightforward, Brief, and Small Everyday Activities for Effective High

Blood Pressure Reversal

Your everyday physical activities are one of the factors that can help you lower
and reverse your high blood pressure.

Increasing your physical activities is an excellent method to improve your mood

and minimize stress. It can also help you gain energy and lower your blood

You don't need to go to the gym to accomplish this; in fact, going to the gym
may cause you to work harder, causing you to lose so much weight without
having much of an effect on your high blood pressure.

Don't get me wrong: if you're overweight or obese, decreasing weight is great.

Any physical activities that do not target other high blood pressure triggers, on
the other hand, are a waste of time and will not provide you with control over
your blood pressure.

Some of you may begin to wonder what form of exercise you should be doing and
how frequently you should do it.
You must engage in moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes per day, five days a
week, such as brisk walking.
If you don't have a lot of free time, intense sports like running can offer you the
same impact in just 20 minutes, three to four times each week.

Tips to Having Fun with Your Physical Activities

1. Make it fun: You will be more inclined to do it on a daily basis if you add
some excitement to it, such as singing or talking to someone while doing
2. Schedule Your Exercise: After developing a plan, put your workouts on
your calendar. Allow it to become a part of your everyday habit..
3. Locate an exercise "Partner ”: you'll be more motivated and have
more fun if you do this.

The workouts listed below are designed to activate specific triggers and are
thought to assist enhance metabolism, promote blood circulation, and lower
blood pressure.

Walking: Walking has been shown to assist individuals lower their blood
pressure and lose weight. It is simple to go through.

To get started, you don't need an expensive gym membership or pricey

exercise equipment.

You can begin right away if you have a safe place to walk and a pair of
supportive shoes. You can obtain the recommended level of aerobic fitness
by walking briskly for 30 minutes five days a week..

Stationary Bicycling: bicycling is an aerobic workout that strengthens your

heart and improves the function of your lungs.

Cycling is a great way to stay in shape because it burns a lot of calories and
improves blood flow to your legs, which is beneficial for anyone with high
blood pressure or hypertension.

A stationary bike is perfect for persons with hypertension or high blood

pressure because it can be done indoors, regardless of the weather, and
there's no fear of falling or getting a flat when you're far from home.

Swimming: It is a form of physical activity that involves propelling oneself

through water using the limbs.
High blood pressure frequently restricts blood flow to the small blood vessels in
your extremities, causing you to lose sensation in your feet. This is where
swimming comes into play. It can aid in increasing blood flow to those
extremities without the use of drugs.

Factors To Consider Selecting Physical Activities:

1. Your Safety: the safety of the exercise is very important, the physical
exercises you will be carrying out are expected to have positive effects on
your high blood pressure and not cause you pain or injury that can
aggravate your situation.

You don't need to necessarily start with the recommended 3o minutes a

day, 5 days a week if you are not currently strong. Don’t overdo it. Work
your way up to this level of activity gradually. It's completely fine if it
takes you a few weeks to get there.
It may take a while before your body gets used to it. That's normal,
especially if you have not been doing exercise before.
2. Effectiveness: It is not about the complexity or duration of the exercise.
It is more about its effectiveness. Your physical activities should be
effective in addressing high blood pressure triggers such as stress,
anxiety, poor metabolism, poor blood circulation, and other areas such as
neck pain, back pain, shortness of breath, blurred vision, etc.

Although I recommended 3 physical activities above there are, however,

simple and super effective physical activities that target high blood pressure
triggers and can help anyone to lower blood pressure fast and take them off
drugs. So simple that you can do them in the comfort of your home. No gym,
no need to go to the swimming pool and you don't have to buy a stationary
bicycle or treadmill.

They are virtually free and extremely easy to undergo and suitable for everyone
irrespective of their current health status. It does not require the power of the

I will be offering you these physical activities for free. It will accompany this
book as part of the bonuses.
Freedom Liberation: This is the stage when you eventually reverse your high
blood pressure and overcome all its severe complications. No more severe
headaches, chest pain, shortness of breath, and several other compilations that
come with high blood pressure.

Your immune system is in control and you have practically helped your body to
heal itself back to that time when you never had high blood pressure.

You are happy with your family and are no longer a burden to anyone. You have
your freedom and are free from any form of symptoms of high blood pressure.

The truth is, you can only achieve all these if you take action now to implement
all the strategies, secrets, and remedies shared in this book and show some
level of commitment and consistency.
Your freedom liberation starts from activating your freedom by liberation your
mind and moves to the point of liberating your body.
It calls for actions, efforts, seriousness and consistency, and know-how. And

everything has been simplified in this book. I want to help to take action

now and guide you through even without me present with you Ready to

take action?

Hypertension Reversal Challenge With Supplement.

I want you to experience freedom and liberation as soon as possible. To this

end, I have made it easy for you to start implementing everything in this book

Nature Gift, the astonishing all-natural blood pressure supplement that's

sweeping the country, will help you unlock a healthier, more vibrant you! Don't
pass up the opportunity to join many others on their path to heart health and
well-being. Click here to learn more about Nature Gift's extraordinary benefits
and to take the first step toward a life full of vitality and vitality!

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