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Observational Trial

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Perceived Benefits and Barriers to Physical

Activity among LGBTQ+ College Students
Ginny M. Frederick,1 Kristen L. Bub,2 and Ellen M. Evans3

by leaving the family home to attend col-

ABSTRACT lege, is associated with poorer health habits
Introduction/Purpose: Members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and that may be more pronounced in LGBTQ+
queer (LGBTQ+) community experience health disparities in part due to health be- persons, worsening health disparities (3,4).
haviors, including physical activity (PA). This cross-sectional study explored per- Habitual physical activity (PA) positively
ceived benefits and barriers to PA, an important health behavior for both physical impacts many of the health outcomes in
and mental health, among LGBTQ+ college students using quantitative and qual- which disparities are seen for LGBTQ+ in-
itative methods. Methods: College students identifying as LGBTQ+ (n = 47) were dividuals, such as decreased risk of chronic
assessed for PA via accelerometry and completed the Exercise Benefits and Bar- disease and reduced anxiety and depres-
riers Scale (EBBS). Six focus groups (4–8 participants each) provided qualitative sion, both of which are notably higher
descriptions of perceived benefits and barriers to PA. Results: PA guidelines (aer- among LGBTQ+ college students (5,6).
obic and resistance training) were met by ~30% of participants. Qualitative de- Fewer than half of US college students
scriptions aligned with EBBS subscales of general benefits and barriers to PA. meet public health guidelines for PA, and
General minority stress, perceived stigma, internalized homophobia, and discrim-
adherence rates among LGBTQ+ college
ination and violence emerged as themes related to the experienced barriers. Fur-
students are even lower (3,7–12). Al-
thermore, effects of PA on body shape, focus on aesthetics in the LGBTQ+ com-
though many studies demonstrating differ-
munity, the importance of physically active LGBTQ+ role models, deviance from
social or gender norms related to PA, and same-sex relationships and body image ences in rates of PA participation based on
were additional concerns related to LGBTQ+ identity. Conclusions: Qualitative re- sexual orientation and gender identity ex-
sponses indicate that LGBTQ+ college students perceive general benefits and bar- ist (3,8,10,12–14), very few have exam-
riers to PA. Barriers to engaging in sufficient PA due to minority stress and con- ined underlying reasons for this discrep-
cerns related to identity as LGBTQ+ were evident. These findings can be used to ancy (15). One factor contributing to PA
develop tailored health promotion programs on college campuses to address the behavior among members of the LGBTQ
barriers to PA faced by LGBTQ+ students. More research is needed in the + community is perception of the benefits
college-aged LGBTQ+ community to build robust PA health promotion efforts to and barriers associated with engagement
enhance inclusivity and reduce health disparities. in PA (16,17). Our research indicates that
perceptions of PA are associated with PA
behavior, and LGBTQ+ students perceive
fewer benefits and more barriers to engaging in PA than their
INTRODUCTION non-LGBTQ+ counterparts (9). Moreover, in addition to gen-
Members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and eral barriers to PA (e.g., lack of time, motivation), individuals
queer (LGBTQ+) community experience disparities in health identifying as LGBTQ+ may perceive unique benefits and bar-
outcomes across the life span, prompting calls for further re- riers that are not adequately captured using standard quantita-
search to characterize these disparities and their causes (1,2). tive measures such as the Exercise Benefits and Barriers Scale
The transition from adolescence to adulthood, often marked (EBBS), thus precluding the elucidation of factors contributing
to suboptimal PA participation (15,17–22). Previous research
using qualitative methodology, a useful tool to characterize
perceptions and experiences (23), has suggested equivocal re-
Department of Exercise Science, Mercer University, Macon, GA; 2Department
3 sults regarding LGBTQ+ identity and PA benefits and barriers,
of Educational Psychology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA; and Department
of Kinesiology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA with some individuals reporting barriers to PA related to their
identity as LGBTQ+ and others finding no impact of LGBTQ+
Address for correspondence: Ginny M. Frederick, Ph.D., University of Georgia, status on PA participation (15,17–19,21,24). Because of this
300 River Road, Athens, GA 30603 (E-mail: lack of consensus, further qualitative exploration of the PA ex-
perience of college students identifying as LGBTQ+ is war-
Translational Journal of the ACSM ranted. Specifically, the elucidation of perceived benefits and
Copyright © 2022 by the American College of Sports Medicine barriers to PA among LGBTQ+ college students could inform Translational Journal of the ACSM 1

Copyright © 2022 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
health promotion programming to increase participation in option of describing further). Participants were considered
this health-enhancing behavior. LGBTQ+ if they selected 1) a response other than “woman”
In this context, the purpose of this study was to quantita- or “man” for current gender identity, and/or 2) any option be-
tively assess objective PA behaviors and perceived benefits sides “straight or heterosexual” for their sexual orientation.
and barriers to PA among LGBTQ+ students, and to use a
qualitative approach to further characterize perceived benefits PERCEIVED BENEFITS AND BARRIERS TO PA
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and barriers to PA to identify salient themes unique to the Perceived benefits and barriers to PA were assessed using the
LGBTQ+ college-student population. 43-item EBBS, which uses a 4-point Likert-type scale (1 = strongly
disagree to 4 = strongly agree) to rate the level of agreement with
METHODS perceived exercise benefits (29 items) and barriers (14 items)
Study Procedures statements (22). Detailed scoring procedures for this analysis
Data used in the current study are derived from a parent have been reported previously (9).
study that assessed differences in PA and diet perceptions and Total EBBS (Cronbach’s α = 0.93) and subscales (Cronbach’s
behaviors among LGBTQ+ and non-LGBTQ+ college stu- α range = 0.72–0.90) had acceptable reliability, except for the
dents at a large southeastern university (9). In a subgroup of in- Family Discouragement subscale (Cronbach’s α = 0.42), which
dividuals who identified as LGBTQ+, qualitative methodology was likely influenced by relationship status (i.e., no “spouse or
complimented quantitative survey data to provide context re- significant other”); however, the latter was included to align with
garding PA benefits and barriers. Thus, data collection had scoring procedures and previous research using EBBS (9,25).
two parts. In part 1, all students at a large southeastern univer-
sity (n = 38,390) were invited and eligible to participate in an RESISTANCE TRAINING ACTIVITY
online survey from January to May 2019. Part 1 provided 1)
Resistance training (RT) was self-reported via a question on
quantitative survey data which would be used to compare PA
the number of days RT activities were completed using various
perceptions and behaviors among LGBTQ+ and non-LGBTQ+
programs (i.e., strength, endurance) and equipment (e.g., free
students and 2) a subgroup of students identifying as LGBTQ+
weights, machines). Responses were analyzed as the number
for subsequent recruitment into the qualitative study of PA per-
of days reported.
ceptions (part 2).
Of the 1060 part 1 participants who completed surveys,
165 identified as LGBTQ+ and were invited to participate in Part 2 Measures: Objective PA Monitoring and Focus Groups
part 2, with 52 subsequently being enrolled. Eligibility criteria PHYSICAL ACTIVITY
for part 2 included the following: 1) self-identified as LGBTQ+ Objective PA was assessed using ActiGraph GT3X+ acceler-
and 2) was free from any limitations that would prevent en- ometers (Pensacola, FL). Conventional instructions included 1)
gagement in PA. During part 2 visit 1, body mass index was de- wearing the device at the waist during all waking hours for 7 d,
termined, and accelerometer devices and instructions were 2) recording wear time on a paper log, and 3) removing the de-
provided. During visit 2, (7–10 d after visit 1), participants re- vice during water-based activities (e.g., swimming, bathing) and
turned the accelerometer and wear time log and participated in high-contact sports. Participants with at least 4 valid days (10+
a focus group. Six 2-h focus groups (6–8 participants per h of wear time per day) of accelerometer data were included in
group; total n = 32) were led by a trained facilitator and analyses. Troiano et al. (26) cut points, based on 10-s epochs,
video- and voice-recorded. Upon conclusion of the sixth focus determined time spent in moderate-, vigorous-, and combined
group, a thorough evaluation of the notes from each group in- moderate-to-vigorous intensity PA (MPA, VPA, and MVPA, re-
dicated that minimal new response themes were being gener- spectively). Two participants were excluded from analysis be-
ated (i.e., 15 of the 18 themes were evident in the first or sec- cause of incomplete accelerometer data.
ond focus group and thereafter; 2 new themes in the fifth Using accelerometer data and the RT question, participants
group; no new themes in the sixth). Thus, the remaining partic- were categorized as meeting guidelines if they had ≥150 min·wk−1
ipants only completed anthropometric measures and objective of MVPA and two or more days per week of RT (5). Those with
PA monitoring. <150 min·wk−1 of MVPA or fewer than 2 d·wk−1 of RTwere clas-
All study procedures were reviewed and approved by the in- sified as not meeting guidelines.
stitutional review board at the University of Georgia
(STUDY00006483), and informed consent was obtained elec- QUALITATIVE ASSESSMENT OF BENEFITS AND BARRIERS TO PA
tronically for part 1 and via signature in part 2. Based on previous experience assessing perceptions and at-
titudes toward health behaviors, specifically PA, the research
Part 1 Measures: Online Questionnaires team decided to use focus groups as a means to capture mean-
DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION ingful dialogue about perceptions of PA among LGBTQ+ col-
Participants reported the following: age, race, year in school, sex lege students (23,27). Focus groups are useful for bringing
assigned at birth (response options: “male,” “female,” or “prefer about discussions of topics that are not yet clearly elucidated
not to answer”), current gender identity (response options: and have been used in previous research to gain a better under-
“woman,” “man,” “transgender female (male-to-female),” standing of LGBTQ+ adults’ experiences in the realm of PA
“transgender male (female-to-male),” “nonbinary,” “genderqueer,” (17). Thus, the use of focus groups allows for the development
“prefer not to answer,” and “another” with the option of describing and identification of themes that can be further examined in
further), and sexual orientation (response options: “straight or future studies using more in-depth approaches (23).
heterosexual,” “lesbian,” “gay,” “bisexual,” “queer,” “same- Participants were asked to self-select into a focus group
gender loving,” “prefer not to answer,” or “another” with the based on scheduling preferences rather than being organized

2 Volume 7 • Number 4 • Fall 2022 LGBTQ+ Students’ Physical Activity

Copyright © 2022 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
into groups based on gender identities or sexual orientations, Qualitative Perceptions of Benefits and Barriers to PA
which could risk marginalizing or excluding individuals with Themes and representative illustrative quotes are shown in
specific unique identities and reducing the variety of voices Tables 3–5. As expected, participants described perceived ben-
heard. Focus group participants discussed perceived benefits efits and barriers to PA in alignment with almost all of the
and barriers to PA by responding to question prompts (see Table, EBBS subscales (Table 3).
Supplemental Content 1, Participants also expressed a variety of benefits and barriers
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to PA uniquely related to their LGBTQ+ identities (20). Using

Data Analysis the Minority Stress Framework, the themes of general minor-
Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS (version ity stress, discrimination and violence, internalized homopho-
24.0; IBM, Armonk, NY). Descriptive statistics were computed bia, and perceived stigma were supported (Table 4).
for each variable of interest. Bivariate correlations were con- General minority stress, a theme related to the additive
ducted on the variables of MPA, VPA, MVPA, RT, total EBBS stress associated with identifying as a member of the LGBTQ
score, benefits scale score, barriers scale score, and each of the + community, was specifically related to additional stressors
subscales. Statistical significance was determined at P ≤ 0.05. encountered when making healthy choices about PA: for ex-
Audio and video recordings of each focus group were tran- ample, “I think a lot of people in the LGBT et cetera commu-
scribed, and pseudomyns were randomly assigned to partici- nity just in general feel a lot of extra stress just from deviating
pants. To become familiar with the data and therefore the anal- from accepted norms and that can make it harder to eat
ysis process, each transcript was read once by a study author healthy and exercise regularly and just be healthy.”
(G.M.F.) (23). Next, using a deductive process whereby a The theme of discrimination and violence emerged as par-
predefined list of codes is generated as a coding framework ticipants discussed fear for their physical and psychological
(28,29), each transcript was coded line-by-line a single time safety when trying to be active in the campus recreation center,
using the EBBS subscales (e.g., life enhancement, time expendi- which they saw as one of the only places to access the equip-
ture) as categories (29,30). The choice to code deductively was ment needed to be active. Fear of prejudice and discriminatory
made specifically to determine if participant responses en- action from other groups with which they were associated was
dorsed the preexisting subscales of the EBBS and has been used also described as feeling they were an “other” and that the
in previous qualitative research on PA in those identifying as campus recreation center was not a place meant for them be-
LGBTQ+ (17,29). It was apparent that some responses were cause of their LGBTQ+ status: for example, “There are some
specific to the LGBTQ+ aspect of the participants’ identities women I know that are very open about, and it’s very obvious
and did not fit into the EBBS subscales. Thus, upon further re- that, their sexuality is very obvious. You know, people who
view of research evaluating PA perceptions among LGBTQ+ wear binders and they have short hair, and it’s, people make
individuals (31), it was surmised that these LGBTQ+-specific assumptions, whether or not they’re true or not. They make as-
responses might align with the Minority Stress Framework sumptions. And I’ve had friends who feel a little bit unsafe [at
proposed by Meyer (20), a popular and well-respected frame- the campus recreation center].”
work used in health research in the LGBTQ+ community. Sub- The theme of internalized homophobia was evident in the
sequently, the three processes of minority stress (internalized ways in which LGBTQ+ students downplayed the impor-
homophobia, discrimination and violence, and perceived tance of their health and well-being and internalized blame
stigma) were used deductively in a second round of line-by- for their perceived barriers to PA as a result of their LGBTQ
line coding similar to the EBBS process described prevously + status: for example, “Some of them do have that very self-
(20,29). After the application of this framework, additional re- deprecating, ‘I’m not gonna work out, but I’m trash so it
sponses that did not fit within the processes of minority stress doesn’t really matter,’ sort of thing.”
remained but were still related to LGBTQ+ identity. These re- Feelings of discomfort and stress as a result of being found
sponses were coded using an inductive process by which the out to be LGBTQ+ aligned with the theme of perceived stigma.
discussion points were labeled with representative key words Participants described increased anxiety in PA spaces, specifi-
or short phrases that produced themes specific to LGBTQ+ cally the campus recreation center and organized sports, due
identities, again, an approach that has been used previously to feeling the need to conceal their LGBTQ+ status to avoid
in this area (17,28,29). Notably, these last themes expanded significant discomfort and engaging in constant vigilant behav-
the EBBS and Minority Stress Framework in unexpected but iors as a coping mechanism: for example, “Here at [the cam-
important ways. pus recreation center], it’s my assumption that it’s a mostly
male, straight kind of environment. And that can be intimidat-
RESULTS ing because I don’t just want to project being gay in a way that
PA Behavior and Perceived Benefits and Barriers to PA might make somebody else uncomfortable or even critical.” In
Participant characteristics, PA behaviors, and EBBS scores addition, some participants indicated that the fear of being la-
are shown in Table 1. Although ~90% of participants met beled LGBTQ+ or having their LGBTQ+ status revealed and
the aerobic portion of the PA guidelines, only 30% reported the social implications of those situations influenced their PA
enough RT, meeting overall PA guidelines. behaviors: for example, “So it’s like…I never wanted to talk
Although causation cannot be established, overall small about my martial arts because I didn’t want people to assume
to moderate correlations in expected directions (i.e., higher something about me. And then I started feeling ashamed about
perceived benefits and lower barriers were linked to higher working out, or being toned, or whatever.”
PA levels) were observed (Table 2), supporting that LGBTQ+ Interestingly, although Meyer (20) posits concealment and
students’ perceptions of PA are associated with their disclosure as another important component of the Minority
PA behaviors. Stress Framework, our data indicate that the idea of Translational Journal of the ACSM 3

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Participant Characteristics (n = 47). (Continued)

% or Mean ± SD % or Mean ± SD
Demographic characteristics Meet aerobic 91.5
Gender Identity Meet muscle strengthening 29.8
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Man 23.4 Perceptions of PA

Woman 61.7 Total EBBS score 129.0 ± 15.9
Transgender female 2.1 Benefits scale score 87.9 ± 10.3
Nonbinary 8.5 Physical performance 3.3 ± 0.4
Genderqueer 2.1 Preventive health 3.2 ± 0.4
Agender 2.1 Psychological outlook 3.1 ± 0.6
Sexual orientation Life enhancement 3.0 ± 0.5
Lesbian 17.0 Social interaction 2.2 ± 0.6
Gay 21.3 Barriers scale score 28.9 ± 7.5
Bisexual 34.0 Physical exertion 2.8 ± 0.6
Queer 27.7 Time expenditure 1.9 ± 0.6
Race Exercise milieu 1.9 ± 0.6
Asian 12.8 Family discouragement 1.7 ± 0.7
White 85.1 BMI, body mass index (in kilograms per meter squared).

Multiracial 2.1
concealment was expressed because of the other three minority
Year in school stress themes. Participants discussed concealing their sexual
orientation or gender identity to avoid negative outcomes or
Freshman 23.4
situations related to discrimination or stigma. For example,
Sophomore 10.6 concealment as a result of perceived stigma is evidenced from
a participant who said, “In this [physical education] class,
Junior 17.0 I’m still like, ‘Oh God, what if they know [about my LGBTQ
Senior 12.8 + identity]? They’re gonna treat me differently!’”
A final round of coding beyond the EBBS and Minority
Graduate student 36.2 Stress Framework led to the emergence of six unique PA bene-
fit and barrier themes (Table 5).
Age (yr) 23.1 ± 6.8 As a benefit, the theme of the effects of PA on body shape re-
Weight status lated to the way in which individuals can control the appear-
ance of their bodies through PA. Thus, PA is an affirming prac-
Underweight (BMI <18.5) 4.3 tice for transgender and nonbinary individuals: for example,
“Especially as a trans person, one of the benefits is feeling com-
Normal (18.5 ≤ BMI < 25) 57.4
fortable in your body and kind of recognizing what physical
Overweight (25 ≤ BMI < 30) 27.7 activity you’re able to participate in.” Alternatively, as a per-
ceived barrier, this theme referred to the idea that engaging in
Obese (BMI ≥30) 10.6 PA can result in physical changes that may hinder affirmation
or expression of gender: for example, “I think it’s really com-
PA behavior
mon in the trans community for people to be like overweight
MPA (min·d−1) 46.3 ± 18.7 and plus-sized because I think it’s easier to kind of de-gender
your body if you have extra body weight.”
VPA (min·d−1) 5.0 ± 5.7 The theme of the focus on aesthetics in the LGBTQ+ com-
Total MVPA (min·d −1
) 51.3 ± 21.5 munity represented perceptions of additional pressures to meet
a certain set of standards regarding body shape and physique:
RT (d·wk−1) 1.1 ± 1.7 for example, “If you’re at all plugged into the community, you
know what you’re ‘supposed’ to look like…the pressure to fit a
Meeting PA guidelines 29.8 certain body type is intense.”

4 Volume 7 • Number 4 • Fall 2022 LGBTQ+ Students’ Physical Activity

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The theme of the importance of physically active LGBTQ+ role sexual minority-related perceived benefits and barriers to PA
models was expressed as the lack of current LGBTQ+ role models among LGBTQ+ college students. Overall, beyond reinforcing
in PA, as well as the idea of serving as or becoming a role model that this cohort has low adherence rates for PA guidelines, our
for PA in the community: for example, “I think that in and of itself findings suggest that, in addition to general perceived benefits
is a barrier, not seeing people like you being physically active.” and barriers to PA, concerns related specifically to the LGBTQ+
The theme of deviance from social or gender norms related aspect of identity are present.
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to PA represented the idea of not conforming to or fitting into The high prevalence of participants meeting the aerobic
typical gender categories or roles when engaging in PA: for ex- portion of PA guidelines is encouraging; however, there are ca-
ample, “In terms of group sports, most sports are gendered, veats to this finding. Although beyond the scope of our data,
you know? And I have no idea what team to join. And that’s these levels typically decline once students leave the university
been an issue for a really long time.” setting because active transportation to and on college cam-
The challenge of same-sex relationships and body image de- puses is reduced and many occupations are sedentary and
scribed how, in a same-sex couple, it may be tempting to compare screen-based (32). Notably, disparities in MVPA are known
body shapes between partners in relation to what is considered to exist for adult members of the LGBTQ+ community (16,
ideal. Furthermore, this theme represented the struggle to balance 19). Furthermore, less than one-third of our participants re-
achieving a certain body shape and also being attracted to that ported sufficient RT to meet current guidelines (5). Consistent
body shape in others of the same sex: for example, “If you both with previous research in this community, this may be influ-
identify as the same gender, there’s these ideal standards that enced by barriers related to minority stress and LGBTQ+ iden-
you believe you want to kind of get to. Then personally I think tity, because RT is typically completed in a fitness facility with
it’s a little weird too because you don’t want to mirror each other equipment (3,10). Also beyond the scope of the current inves-
either. So there’s a battle there kind of. You both want to look tigation, research indicates that individuals who identify as
good for each other but then not look the same.” women are more likely to meet the aerobic portion of the
guidelines and not the RT portion, whereas those who identify
DISCUSSION as men are more likely to meet both the aerobic and RT guide-
The novelty of this study lies in the use of quantitative lines (33). Thus, the high proportion of individuals meeting the
and qualitative methods to 1) assess PA behaviors (using objective aerobic portion without meeting the RT portion may be par-
measures) and perceptions of PA, and 2) explore both general and tially explained by the fact that over 50% of the participants

Correlations between PA Behaviors and Perceptions of PA.

MPA (min·d−1) VPA (min·d−1) MVPA (min·d−1) RT (d·wk−1)

MPA (min·d−1) —

VPA (min·d−1) 0.39* —

MVPA (min·d ) 0.97* 0.60* —

RT (d·wk−1) 0.34** 0.52* 0.43* —

Total EBBS score 0.37** 0.29 0.39* 0.27

Benefit score 0.31** 0.25 0.34** 0.25

Life enhancement 0.25 0.21 0.27 0.12

Physical performance 0.06 0.14 0.09 0.20

Psychological outlook 0.31** 0.30** 0.35** 0.33**

Social interaction 0.33** 0.08 0.31** 0.18

Preventive health 0.09 0.03 0.09 −0.07

Barrier score −0.35** −0.26 −0.37* −0.23

Exercise milieu −0.33** −0.33** −0.37** −0.29**

Time expenditure −0.39** −0.33** −0.43* −0.23

Physical exertion −0.23 −0.09 −0.22 −0.09

Family discouragement −0.15 −0.04 −0.12 −0.01

*P < 0.01.
**P < 0.05. Translational Journal of the ACSM 5

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Qualitative Themes and Illustrative Quotes Related to Exercise Benefits and Barriers Subscales among LGBTQ+ College Students.

Qualiative Themes Illustrative Quotes

Perceived benefits

Physical performance • The whole physical activity thing…I mostly, I don’t really care about what I look like. I do it just to
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feel stronger and as a dancer, being stronger is going to help me perform better.—Taylor (18 yr),
queer nonbinary
• I mean, superficially, you just, aesthetically look better. I feel like I look better when I’m more toned,
more fit.—Jess (21 yr), bisexual woman
• Over the summer I’m going to be going on a long hiking trip, hiking every day, miles and miles. And I
need to, I don’t want to be the one person who has to stay behind in the group saying, “I can’t do
this.” I want to be able to participate as much as I can because it’s probably a once in a lifetime
opportunity.—Liz (20 yr), bisexual woman

Preventive health • I like that, you know, I can, I’m also like prolonging my health because my family’s had health
issues. Being physically active helps me live a better life. Live a better, longer life.—Jess (21 yr),
bisexual woman
• So definitely like working out and eating healthy, those are habits I want to sustain throughout the rest
of my life because I want to live longer than like, 60.—Jess (21 yr), bisexual woman
• It might not be an option where I have a partner to help take care of me. Or children to look after me. And
that’s a real possibility. Um, I don’t want to be in a position where I, you know, would require care that I
can’t manage myself.—Matt (45 yr), gay man

Psychological outlook • When I’m exercising, then I do feel mentally better and the stress kind of goes away.—Taylor (18 yr),
queer nonbinary
• So when I go to the gym and feel like I’ve accomplished, or, done “that thing” for today, it adds to my
success of what this day has brought.—Ken (28 yr), gay man
• But also, your mood increases. I always feel better if I’ve exercised.—Sophie (20 y), bisexual woman

Life enhancement • You get a lot more energy. I do. I feel a lot more, I get up earlier, my heart rate is lower, I eat better, I have
more energy, I feel more motivated, I feel better about myself. I mean it’s just a big feedback loop. So
it’s really good to, when you do workout and eat better, then you tend to be more productive too. Kind
of amazing.—Jill (56 yr), lesbian woman
• I was an insomniac in high school and it wasn’t until I started running really early in the mornings that I
started being able to like, sleep at night.—Karen (21 yr), queer nonbinary
• So, and also like celebrating my body, like what I can do physically.—Jess (21 yr), bisexual woman

Social interaction • And that’s how I met all of my great friends now who got me into rock climbing. So now I’m doing like
all the physical activity that I never thought possible.—Kat (21 yr), queer woman
• Honestly I just got a lot out of the camaraderie that came from the high school fencing team.—Kate (18
yr), bisexual woman
• That’s why I joined [campus PA group for women/females], you know, cause like, I have some friends
now.—Mckenna (21 yr), bisexual woman

Perceived barriers

Physical exertion • I find that it drains a lot of my energy. Like school definitely does, but then, having to do exercise at the
end of your day. It’s just a lot.—Dan (19 yr), gay man
• If I’m in a bad mood, or if I’m like, feeling lethargic, I know working out would probably help me, but I
don’t have the energy to go and work out.—Will (20 y), gay man

Time expenditure • If I don’t have like a really productive day, it’s hard to go workout because I feel like I lose two hours
basically between, you know, going home, getting ready, going to the gym, working out, getting
back home. And you know, at that point you’re not going to get anything else done that night.—Jill
(56 yr), lesbian woman
• Definitely scheduling. That’s probably my biggest barrier is scheduling.—Jess (21 yr),
bisexual woman

Exercise milieu • So, the fact that you have to pay extra for the fitness classes at [campus recreation center] is insane.—
Mario (27 yr), gay man
• Yeah, they’re very intense in there [campus recreation center] working out and I just didn’t feel like that
was my space. So it almost felt like that space wasn’t for me because I wasn’t at their level I guess, of,
understanding exercise and working out.—Ken (28 yr), gay man
• I know the person is at the front desk, but like even if you get them to come over and show you [how to
use a piece of equipment], that’s really embarrassing.—Jenna (20 y), bisexual woman

6 Volume 7 • Number 4 • Fall 2022 LGBTQ+ Students’ Physical Activity

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Qualiative Themes Illustrative Quotes

• I don’t go in there [campus recreation center] because I don’t want to look dumb.—Julia (22 yr),
bisexual woman
• I’ll also say there’s no easy way to get here [campus recreation center]. Like, I had to take two buses to
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get here, I didn’t want to pay for parking.—Mario (27 yr), gay man
• I think for me it’s also kind of tied to location. So, how far away the gym is from my current space, I
guess.—Ken (28 yr), gay man

in this study identified as women. Even with this caveat, our levels of PA among LGBTQ+ students and individuals com-
findings are consistent with previous research regarding lower pared with their non-LGBTQ+ counterparts (3,8–11).

Qualitative Themes and Illustrative Quotes Related to LGBTQ+-Specific Minority Stress Barriers to PA among LGBTQ+ College Students.

Qualitative Themes Illustrative Quotes

General minority stress • A lot of stress that goes along with making kind of healthier decisions from, because, you know,
I’m already different and now I have to, I have the choice of going and putting myself in a situation
where I’ll feel even more different than if I just stayed at home.—Amy (21 yr), lesbian agender
• I think a lot of people in the LGBTet cetera community, just in general, feel a lot of extra stress from
deviating from accepted norms and that can make it harder to eat healthy and exercise regularly
and just be healthy.—Kate (18 yr), bisexual woman
• I think we should be proud of the resources we have, but realizing that just because we have an
awesome gym…like it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re reaching everybody and that there
might be systematic groups that are left out from that.—Amy (21 yr), lesbian agender

Minority stress—discrimination • One thing I’ve noticed is that the personal trainers that are available [at campus recreation
and violence center] are not Safe Space trained. So they don’t know how to interact with LGBT
individuals, but also, they could maybe work together with the LGBT Resource Center with
building a way for, building like fitness plans specifically for like LGBTor trans and gender
non-conforming folk.—Adam (23 yr), queer man
• There are some women I know that are very open about and it’s very obvious that, their sexuality
is very obvious. You know, people who wear binders and they have short hair, and it’s,
people make assumptions, whether or not they’re true or not. They make
assumptions. And I’ve had friends who feel a little bit unsafe [at the campus recreation
center].—Kara (20), bisexual woman
• I always go with my friends. Like, I don’t come here [campus recreation center] by myself.—Taylor
(18 yr), queer nonbinary
• I think in general, like in terms of outside of the team [club sports team through the
university], I’m not really out. We have a lot of sponsors that are politically or socially leaning one
way. Um, and I don’t really want to jeopardize the team that way.—Jenna (20), bisexual woman

Minority stress—internalized • For working out, it’s kind of a split between my friends. Some are very, um, sometimes to a point,
homophobia over-active and working out too much. To the other side where some of them do have that very
self-deprecating, “I’m not gonna work out, but I’m trash so it doesn’t really matter,” sort of thing.
—Adam (23), queer man
• You feel like no matter what you’re doing, you always think like, “Is this really me?” Like, “Ok,
so I checked out that person in the gym who was the same gender as me. Am I a fraud,
though?” Like, “Am I really part of this community? Am I not? Am I in like hetero-space, and
should I just try and shut-down whatever’s going on?”—Carly (19), “not sure” woman

Minority stress—perceived • I don’t know if it’s fear of being judged or fear of being “the other.” Um…the first thing that comes
stigma to mind is like, that perception that they may find out I’m different, you know? Or almost like this,
secret agenda kind of…I have kind of like an assimilation kind of thing. Like I’ve integrated into
their society and they’re going to find me out or something, you know?—Ken (28 yr), gay man
• So it’s like, certain times, I never wanted to talk about my martial arts because I didn’t want people
to assume something about me. And then I started feeling ashamed about working out, or being
toned, or whatever.—Carly (19), “not sure” woman
• I wanted to tell my friends on my cross-country team, but we had morning practices on
Wednesday and Friday so we would literally shower together…I didn’t run it [cross
country] freshman year because I knew they had morning practices! I was like, it stresses me out
too much, like I can’t do it…I was just convinced someone would find out!—Sophie
(20 yr), bisexual woman Translational Journal of the ACSM 7

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Qualitative Themes and Illustrative Quotes Related to Additional LGBTQ+-Specific Concerns.

Qualitative Themes Illustrative Quotes

Effects of PA on body shape—benefit • So I feel like with people in the trans community, working out can be a good thing,
like to help with body dysmorphia and things like that. Because they can have more
control over like, what their physical, secondary attributes look like.—Kristi (20 yr),
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bisexual woman
• There’s um, like things you can do and working out a certain way is one of those just to
look more gay or bi or queer or whatever.—Jenna (20 yr), bisexual woman
• Because like, you know, I present as like a very feminine person and then, I want to be
like, those gendered exercises, I want the slim waist with bigger hips, look like a
Kardashian, kind of thing. And I’m sure, I can’t speak for like, butch people, but I’m
sure it’s very different for them.—Jess (21 yr), bisexual woman
• Especially as a trans person, one of the benefits is feeling comfortable in your body and
kind of recognizing what physical activity you’re able to participate in. Like, through
physical fitness and exercise, kind of, you know, setting new records for yourself.
—Karen (21 yr), queer nonbinary

Effects of PA on body shape—barrier • I know, um, trans guys who haven’t gotten top surgery, they don’t try as hard to
get slim because they’re afraid it will show off their chest.—Jamie (26 yr),
queer genderqueer
• I think it’s really common in the trans community for people to be like overweight and
plus-sized because I think it’s easier to kind of de-gender your body if you have extra
body weight.—Karen (21 yr), queer nonbinary

Focus on aesthetics in • If you’re at all plugged into the community, you know what you’re “supposed” to look
LGBTQ+ community like…the pressure to fit a certain body type is, intense.—Karen (21 yr), queer nonbinary
• I can think of like gay cruises for men. Oh my gosh, if you don’t have like the perfect
body, you’re just not going to be a part of that.—Matt (45 yr), gay man
• Within the community itself, the standards of how you think you should look are a lot
higher just because, I don’t really know how to explain it, but it’s a more…limited field.
—Will (20 yr), gay man
• People who are not binary or trans, being such a big part of that community that like, it
is kind of body-focused. Not, I don’t think it’s too body focused but I think that’s
naturally more of a thing that this community has to face than the heterosexual
community.—Amy (21 yr), lesbian agender

Importance of physically active • I think that in and of itself is a barrier, not seeing people like you being physically active.
LGBTQ+ role models I think it’s really common for queer folks…We don’t have a ton of role models. And
some of the role models that we do have, most of the time they’re not athletes.
—Karen (21 yr), queer nonbinary
• I think also in sports, it’s not seen. Cause there are not really a lot of openly queer
athletes.—Adam (23 yr), queer man
• When I wanted to join a triathlon club, I purposefully did not join the LGBTQ tri club…. I
was thinking about the children of some of my teammates. Their parents didn’t care
and that kind of gives a potentially, you know, a kid who’s gay, a chance to see a gay
athlete.—Matt (45 yr), gay man

Deviance from social or gender • In terms of group sports, most sports are gendered, you know? And I have no idea
norms related to PA what team to join. And that’s been an issue for a really long time.—Karen (21 yr),
queer nonbinary
• At least here in [campus recreation center], there’s these very rigid roles of what you’re
supposed to look like and be like. You’re either the testosterone guy or you’re the really
sexy girl that has a perfect body.—Amy (21 yr), lesbian agender
• When you do dance, everything is really gendered because guys have certain roles and
girls have certain roles when they’re dancing. And as a nonbinary person, that is really
weird.—Taylor (18 yr), queer nonbinary

Same-sex relationships and • It’s something that I didn’t experience when I was in a relationship with a guy. There is,
body image in some ways, like a comparative thing.—Terry (21 yr), queer woman
• If you both identify as the same gender, yeah there’s these ideal standards that you
believe you want to kind of get to. Then personally I think it’s a little weird too
because you don’t want to mirror each other either. So there’s a battle there kind of.
You both want to look good for each other but then not look the same.—Jenna
(20 yr), bisexual woman

8 Volume 7 • Number 4 • Fall 2022 LGBTQ+ Students’ Physical Activity

Copyright © 2022 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Qualitative Themes Illustrative Quotes

• You want to appeal to everyone else but you’re attracted to your same gender so you
are also trying to be that pinnacle of attraction as well. So there’s that kind of
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friction between wanting someone who looks like this but also being that because
you’re attracted to that too.—Adam (23 yr), queer man
• Dating women, there’s competition and they compare themselves a lot and it almost
disincentivizes working out. It’s like I wish we didn’t have to compare ourselves on
this.—Amy (21 yr), lesbian agender

The EBBS data indicate that this sample of LGBTQ+ stu- health promotion programming tailored for those identifying
dents perceived levels of benefits and barriers to PA similar to as LGBTQ+. In fact, recent qualitative work among a sample
other inactive subgroups of the college student population, of LGBTQ+ adults (ages 18–67 yr) identified recommenda-
with the exception of social interaction (25,34–37). Contrary tions for how to make PA spaces more inclusive, many of
to previous research indicating that college students use PA which aligned with the barriers identified in our college student
for social opportunities (9,34,38), these LGBTQ+ participants cohort (39). For example, the general recommendation to cre-
did not necessarily view this as a benefit of engaging in PA. Bar- ate safe(r) spaces suggests that perceived physical, mental, and
riers related to LGBTQ+ identity may reduce the appeal of PA emotional safety is a barrier to accessing PA spaces for the
spaces as places for positive social interactions for this cohort LGBTQ+ community as a whole (39). Furthermore, sugges-
(17,39). The current sample aligned with other groups of in- tions for increasing representation of LGBTQ+ individuals in
sufficiently active college students in their endorsement of PA spaces indicate that there is a lack of PA role models, which
physical exertion and time expenditure as the largest perceived was also a theme from our study (39). Finally, the theme of
barriers to PA (25,36). However, in addition to commonly re- challenging the gender binary aligns with some of our
ported barriers to PA, LGBTQ+ students cite definitive aspects LGTBQ+-specific barriers related to the consequences of devi-
of minority stress and population-specific barriers that prevent ating from gender norms and how that influences the per-
them from engaging in this important health behavior. The ex- ceived ability to participate in PA (39). Continued study of
istence of the themes related to the Minority Stress Framework these barriers is needed to more fully inform efforts to create
(Table 4) and additionally the LGBTQ+ identity (Table 5) indi- inclusive programming for members of the LGBTQ+ commu-
cate that students identifying as LGBTQ+ face different bar- nity regardless of age or life stage.
riers than their counterparts. This means that, in addition to In conclusion, LGBTQ+ college students perceive more
the perceived barriers related to the EBBS constructs, addi- than the general barriers to engaging in PA. Much like the con-
tional perceived barriers must be overcome by students who cept of minority stress itself, these perceived barriers, specific
identify as LGBTQ+. Further investigation on how to address, to their LGBTQ+ identity, are additive to general barriers faced
reduce, or remove such barriers will decrease the burden on by college students regardless of gender identity or sexual ori-
these students and allow them to more fully participate in entation. However, when using standard instruments, such as
health-enhancing PA during their college years and beyond. the EBBS, these concerns become largely invisible and therefore
Although standard instruments such as the EBBS are useful cannot be assessed or addressed by health promotion program-
to understand general perceived benefits and barriers to PA, ming efforts. Future research should utilize both quantitative
our data suggest that the EBBS has limitations among certain and qualitative methods reported here to explore concerns specific
minority groups. As shown here, LGBTQ+ college students to LGBTQ+ students to attenuate such barriers and encourage
perceive additional barriers and concerns related specifically participation in PA for all students.
to their LGBTQ+ identities, which are not captured via the
EBBS instrument. Rather, these gender- and sexual minority– The results of this study do not constitute endorsement by the
specific concerns only became evident through the application American College of Sports Medicine.
The authors have no conflicts of interest and no outside
of the Minority Stress Framework (20); even then, several
funding to disclose.
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10 Volume 7 • Number 4 • Fall 2022 LGBTQ+ Students’ Physical Activity

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