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● Work directly on tasks and are not
● It allows managers to see the greater responsible for overseeing others’ work
context and set long and short term
company targets and objectives MANAGER
● Basically, it means TEAMWORK. The ● Direct and oversee the activities of
manager should be able to work with his others and may have work duties not
subordinates. related to overseeing others.
● It is essential that in any organization, the ● Someone who works with and through
leadermanager must realize the other people by coordinating their work
importance of people working activities in order to accomplish goals
harmoniously with the aim of effectively ● Managers perform certain activities, tasks
reaching the target goals of the company or functions as they direct and oversee
other’s work .
Process: of getting things done effectively and
efficiently, with and through people.
5 Functions of Management
Effectiveness: Doing the right things
(Acronym: POSDICON)
Efficiency: Doing things right

The three common characteristics that
organizations share: ➔ STAFFING
Goals: which express the distinct purpose of a ➔ CONTROLLING
particular organization
People: who make decisions and engage in work PLANNING
activities to reach the organization’s goals ● includes identifying the aims & purposes
Deliberate structure: which systematically of the business, its tactics and developing
defines and limits its members’ behavior plans to incorporate and synchronize
Managers- The people responsible for supervising activities
the use of an organization’s resources to meet its
● a function that ensures that each job or
How Are Managers Different from position is not duplicated and the
Non-managerial Employees? corresponding authority is properly
identified with the responsibilities
assigned to the person concerned.


STAFFING Manager, Branch Manager, General

● identifies the qualified potential Manager, Plant Manager etc
employees .
DIRECTING (LEADING OR MOTIVATING) ● Administers the work of operating
● refers to encouraging people to work employees.
towards the attainment of the company’s ● They manage the work of
goals and objectives. non-managerial employees who typically
are involve with producing the
CONTROLLING organization’s products or servicing the
● involves evaluating the actual organization’s customer.
performance, compare it with the ● They are often called: supervisor, shift
standards and take the action needed. manager, district manager, department
manager, office manager
TOP MANAGERS ● Team leaders are a special category of
● They are in-charge of making lower-level managers that have become
company-wide decisions and setting more common as organizations have
purposes, plans, and objectives that affect moved to using employee work teams to
the whole firm. do work.
● Are responsible for making organization ● They typically report to a first-line
wide decisions and establishing the manager.
plans and goals that affect the entire
organization. AREAS OF MANAGERS
● They are often called: Executive Vice
President (EVP), President, Managing Department/Unit/Division - A group of managers
Director (MD), Chief Operating Officer and employees who work together and possess
(COO), Chief Executive Officer (CEO), similar skills or use the same knowledge, tools, or
Chief Finance Officer (CFO) techniques

MIDDLE-MANAGERS Skills and Competencies of a Manager

● Administers the task of the supervisors
and in his absence, the activities of the Technical Skill – refers to the expertise of the
operating employees. person in his area of specialization. Possessing
● They manage to work to the first-line expert job knowledge
● They are often called: Regional Manager, Human Skills – refers to how one can blend with
Project Manager, Store Manager, Division other people. Working well with others


Conceptual Skill – refers to the capability of the

manager to conceptualize ideas for the entire
organization. Analyze and diagnose ROLE DECRIPTION Identifiable
Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles
Henry Mintzberg studied CEOs at work and Monitor Manager receives Reading
created a scheme to define what managers do on and collects magazines and
the job. These are commonly referred to as information reports;
Mintzberg’s managerial roles. These can be maintaining
grouped into three primary headings: personal contacts
interpersonal, informational and decisional
Communi Manager Holding meetings;
cation distributes making phone
(Dissemin information calls to relay
ator) within the information;
organization email/memos

Spokespe Manager Holding board

Figurehead Manager serves as Greeting visitors;
rson distributes meetings; giving
an official signing legal
information information to the
representative of documents
outside the media
the organization
or unit

Leader Manager guides Staffing,

and motivates training
staff and acts as a DECISIONAL
positive influence
in the workplace
Liaison Manager interacts Acknowledging
Entreprene Manager Organizing
with peers and mail/email;
ur initiates sessions to
with people serving on
change develop new
outside the boards;
organization to performing
gain information activities that
design of

Disturbanc Manager Steps in when


● Carefully select workers with the right

e Handler decides how an employee
abilities for the job. •
conflicts suddenly
● Carefully train these workers and provide
between leaves or an
proper incentives.
subordinates important
should be customer is ● Provide these workers with the necessary
resolved lost support.
● Taylor emphasized the importance of
Resource Manager Scheduling; using the “One-best method” in order to
Allocator decides how the requesting systematize the process of creating a
Negotiator organization will authorization; product.
use its budgeting ● He also initiated the “Differential Rate
resources Participating System” wherein he encouraged the
Manager in union owner of the company to increase the
decides to contract wages of workers who are considered to
negotiate major negotiations be productive
contracts with or in those ● Taylor’s followers – the husband & wife
other with suppliers tandem named Frank & Lillian Gilbreth
organizations or devised the Scientific Management theory
individuals later on

Contributions of Scientific Management theory

Evolution of Management Theories a. Production miracle
b. Efficiency techniques
Management existed many years ago although c. Encouraged the managers to seek the
during those times the term “manager” doesn’t “one best method” of getting a job done.
Limitations of Scientific Management
machinery was introduced during the
pre-twentieth century. This resulted in mass Theory
production and expansions of factories. In effect,
these developments demanded formal a. Poor performers were laid off as well as the
management guidelines in order to guide increased production resulted from terminating the
managers. Thus, the emergence of Management services of some workers.
Theories. b. Changes in piece-rate left the workers
producing more output for the same income.
Scientific Management Theory (Frederick Taylor) c. Stress & tensions among the workers speed up
their work
● Develop a science for every job, including
d. Social needs of the workers were overlooked.
rules of motion, standardized work
e. Unionism emerged due to the exploitation of the
implements, and proper working
workers. There was also the exploitation of
conditions. •
customers in terms of product quality.


Henry Gantt Fayol’s Principles of Management

an associate of Taylor; he abandoned the 1. Division of Labor: allows for job specialization. •
“differential rate system” due to its small incentive jobs can have too much specialization leading to
effect on production; he also initiated the charting poor quality and worker dissatisfaction.
system for production scheduling known today as 2. Authority and Responsibility -Authority means
the Gantt chart. It refers to a table or diagram the power or the right entrusted to make the work
that reflects the status of the stages of possible. Responsibility means the duty of work
production. assigned to a particular position. The two terms are
Frank & Lillian Gilbreth 3. Unity of Command –There must only be one
This husband and wife tandem made a device superior that gives directives/orders to employees
called MICROCHRONOMETER. It is intended to to avoid confusion.
identify the hand-and-body motions of a laborer 4. Discipline – giving respect and comply with the
primarily to determine the length of time spent policies of the organization.
doing each motion. 5. Unity of Direction – an organization should have
a single plan of action to guide its manager and
General Administrative Theory employees.
➔ The study of how to create an 6. Subordination of individual interest over
organizational structure that leads to general interest – the welfare of the organization
high efficiency and effectiveness should come first over that of the interest an
➔ This was developed by Henri Fayol to individual.
address the issue as to how a complex 7. Remuneration (Salary/Wage) – compensation
company such as factories can be must be fair.
managed efficiently and effectively. 8. Centralization – authority is concentrated at the
top hierarchy of an organization.
Rules, SOP’s and Norms 9. Scalar chain – pertains to the sequence of
positions from the highest to the lowest rank.
➔ Rules – formal written instructions that 10. Order – people (HR Dept.) and materials/office
specify actions to be taken under supplies (Purchasing Dept.) should be in the right
different circumstances place at the right time.
➔ Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) 11. Equity – respect, fairness, impartiality
– specific sets of written instructions 12. Stability of tenure – the organization should
about how to perform a certain aspect of promote long term employment. (Contractual,
a task probationary, Regular, Tenure)
➔ Norms - unwritten, informal codes of 13. Initiative – subordinates exercising creativity
conduct that prescribe how people should without directives from subordinates . Managers
act in particular situations should encourage them to propose and execute
their ideas or plans
14. Esprit de Corps –French word which means
“Unity is strength . ” Managers should promote


team spirit and each employee should be a team anticipated merely because of expectations
player created by the situation

Max Weber Building a Positive Organizational

● A German theorist who introduced Culture
BUREAUCRACY – a form of the •Organizational culture
organization that emphasized division of -A set of shared values and norms that support the
work, the rules and regulations, chain of management system and that guide management
command and impersonal work and employee behavior.
relationships. -We also call it Corporate Culture.

Mary Parker Follet Example of fabulous Work Culture

● She stressed the significance of belonging • Netflix – Where Trust is the Keyword of Culture •
to a group as a way for people to grow in Wonder why Netflix makes to this organizational
the organization. culture examples list? Because they actually trust
their employees! They trust their employees to put
in their best efforts at work. Unlike most
Organizational Behavior Theory organizations, Netflix doesn’t measure employees’
● A theory that refers to the behavior of efforts by the number of hours they work, but
people at work. rather on the end product they deliver. In turn,
● Contributors to this theory include employees love this sense of trust and flexibility.
Chester Bernard, Mary Parker Follet,
Robert Owen, and Hugo Munsterberg. What Sets Them Apart:
● The best approach to work and • Did you know that Netflix has no set schedule, but
productivity is through the understanding offers unlimited vacation days to its employees?
of the worker. Hence, the manager is It’s not for all companies and certainly easier said
expected to be good in human skills. than done. Netflix’s culture was set up and
formulated in its early days of existence by Patty
McCord with a 124-page slideshow known as
Human Resource Approaches
‘Netflix Culture: Freedom & Responsibility‘. The
Basic Assumption: People are Social and
company culture has got its own share of
Self-Actualizing by Elton Mayo.
naysayers but the fact remains that people love
working for them.
The Hawthorne Studies
• Established the human resource as an essential
Why study management?
concern for management, and one that has unique
➔ The universality of management- The
reality that management is needed in all
• We learned that the nature of the Work Group
types, sizes, level, areas of organizations.
should be important.
➔ The reality of work You will either
• We learned about the tendency of people who are
manage or be managed in your future
singled out for special attention to perform as


➔ Rewards and challenges of being a of communication, decision making, &

manager control
➔ Helps people deal with their bosses and ● Create incentives to align individual &
coworkers firm goals
➔ Opens a path to a well-paying job and a
satisfying career BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT
Environment refers to all internal and external
factors which have a bearing on the functioning of
the business. It refers to those aspects of the
surroundings of business enterprise and
A group of people working together to accomplish circumstances of business unit which affect or
some specific purpose/goals. influence its activities and operations and decides
Organizational system its effectiveness.
consists of an assortment of interacting External environment: everything outside an
mechanism (resources/people) that acquires organization’s boundaries that might affect it. The
inputs (goals) from the outside environments, uncontrollable environment.
processes them (structure and processes) and Internal environment: the conditions and forces
creates an output (Product/services) to be within an organization. The controllable
consumed back by the outside environment environment
(customers / consumers / clients = buyers/final
or end-users). Aspects of the business environment:
Microenvironment/internal: Actors close to the
The Basic Tasks of Organization company Macro-environment/external: Larger
● Achieving high levels of productivity societal forces
● Specialization by individuals necessitates The Internal Environment
COORDINATION Owner: someone who has legal property rights to a
● For coordination to be effective requires business.
COOPERATION Board of directors: governing body elected by a
● But goals of employees == goals of corporation’s stockholders and charged with
owners THE ORGANIZATIONAL overseeing the general management of the firm.
PROBLEM Employees: those employed by the organization.
Physical work environment: the firm’s facilities.
Internal Environment / Microenvironment
To design structure & systems that: ➔ It includes forces affecting operations
● Permit specialization that are within the control of the
● Facilitate coordination by grouping company, that is, the company is able to
individuals & link groups with systems manipulate these forces towards the
firm’s advantage.


➔ The internal environment consists of handling mechanisms, management-labor

five (5) equally powerful forces, namely, relations, etc
Management, Marketing, Finance,
Production and Operations, and Human External Environment / Macroenvironment
Resources factors, forces, situations, and events outside the
organization that affect its performance.
The Microenvironment
Management - This refers to the organizational The General Environment
setup, including objectives and goals, managerial Economic environment: the overall health and
composition, company philosophy, organizational vitality of the economic system in which the
structure, policies and programs, plans, tactics and organization operates.
strategies, and visions missions etc.

Marketing - is the process of teaching consumers Resources Supporting Economic Systems (1)
why they should choose your product or service ➔ Economics
over those of your competitors, and is a form of Production, distribution, and consumption of goods
persuasive communication. and services to satisfy wants and needs
Market-based systems interact through sellers and
Finance - This contains the resources of the buyers Supply and demand determines prices
company. Items covered under this are financial
performance, profitability indices, balance sheet, Resources Supporting Economic Systems (2)
and income statement results, and operating ➔ Natural capital + Manufactured capital +
expenses, among others. Human capital = Goods & Services

Production and Operations- This includes all The General Environment

aspects of manufacturing (pertaining to industries) Technological environment: This refers to the
or operations (for commercial and service advancement of science and technology and
enterprises). Specific items falling under this force includes discoveries or inventions, research and
are quality and sources of raw materials, development, technological breakthroughs,
machinery and equipment, production efficiency, scientific experiments, information technology, etc.
service reliability, technical expertise, production ➔ McDonald’s Automated Kiosk
credo, scheduling, delivery, sales service, ➔ Fast Food Chain and Restaurant POS
maintenance, factory location, etc. Systems
Socio-cultural environment: This environment
Human Resources- This aspect pertains to the pertains to people and their culture. Examples of
people in the organization. Specifically, it includes forces under this type of external environment are
motivation, compensation, training and religious affiliations, customs, and tradition,
development, promotion, recruitment, selection, education, perception, cultural values, ethnic and
placement, hiring policies and procedures, fringe racial diversity, demography, etc.
benefits, performance appraisal, grievance


➔ Showing the thumb held upwards in Latin Colgate Philippines, the leading
America, especially Brazil, means toothpaste brand in the country, is
"everything's ok", while it is understood in continuing its mission to keep Filipino
some Islamic countries as a rude sexual families strong, healthy and smiling as it
sign strengthens its commitment to work
➔ Cross cultural communication collectively with the Department of
➔ The Meaning of Color: Red signifies good Education (DepEd), the Department of
luck and celebration in China, Yellow Health (DOH), Local Government Units
indicates a merchant in India, In England (LGUs), and various Public Health Dental
and the U.S., “Something Blue” on a Associations in promoting proper oral
bride’s garter symbolizes fidelity. care.
➔ Strategic Partner of Safeguard:
Political-Legal environment: the government SM Cares and Safeguard team up for the
regulation of business and the general relationship #SafeHandsAtSM and #SafeMallingAtSM
between business and government. campaign to educate and encourage
Natural environment: This includes earthquakes people to practice the five steps of proper
typhoons, the La Niňa and El niῇo phenomena, hand washing – especially in this time of
deforestation, ozone depletion, pollution, pandemic.
preservation and extinction of animal species. ➔ Since 1989, their partnership has granted
a total of 379 scholarships and has
The Task Environment produced 267 medical technology
➢ Competitors: an organization that graduates
competes with other organizations.
➢ Customer: whoever pays money to
acquire an organization’s products or
➢ Suppliers: an organization that provides
resources for other organizations. A business can be organized in one of several
ways, and the form its owners choose will affect the
➢ Regulator: a unit that has the potential to
company's and owners' legal liability and income
control, legislate, or influence an
tax payment.
organization’s policies and practices.
What is a Business Organization
Task Environments Continued
Interest group: a group organized by its members The term "business organization" refers to how a
to attempt to influence organizations. (liberal business is structured. It refers to a commercial or
party) industrial enterprise and the people who constitute
Strategic partner: an organization working it
together with one or more organizations in a joint
3 Types of Business
venture or other partnership.
➔ Strategic Partners of ColgatePalmolive:
1. Service Business


➔ A service type of business provides restaurant, for example, combines ingredients in

intangible products (products with no making a fine meal (manufacturing), sells a cold
physical form). Service type firms offer bottle of wine (merchandising), and fills customer
professional skills, expertise, advice, and orders (service). In this case, restaurants are more
other similar products. of this service type – they provide dining services.
➔ Examples of service businesses are:
schools, banks, accounting firms, and law
firms or technical skills (repair shops or
Choosing a Form of Ownership
● There is no one “best” form of ownership.
2. Merchandising Business
● The best form of ownership depends on
➔ This type of business buys products at an entrepreneur’s particular situation.
wholesale price and sells the same at ● Key: Understanding the characteristics of
retail price. They are known as "buy and each form of ownership and how well they
sell" businesses. They make profit by match an entrepreneur’s business and
selling the products at prices higher than personal circumstances.
their purchase costs.
➔ A merchandising business sells a product
without changing its form. Examples are: Your choice depends on your needs and goals
grocery stores, convenience stores,
distributors, and other resellers.
Sole Proprietorship

is a business owned by ONE person who is known

3. Manufacturing Business as the proprietor/owner. The business is prevalent
in retail industry, handicrafts, agriculture, forestry,
➔ Unlike a merchandising business, a fishery, other service or family workshops
manufacturing business buys products
with the intention of using them as ➔ Single ownership
materials in making a new product. Thus, ➔ No sharing of profit & loss
there is a transformation of the products ➔ One man’s capital
purchased. ➔ Unlimited liability
➔ A manufacturing business combines raw ➔ Less legal formalities
materials, labor, and overhead costs in its ➔ One man control
production process. The manufactured
How can I start one?
goods will then be sold to customers.
● Few legal requirements
Hybrid Business ● Can be run at home, garage, or van

Hybrid businesses are companies that may be Examples of Sole Proprietorship

classified in more than one type of business. A


Direct or online selling, freelance writers and How to register a partnership business in the
consultants, run a bookkeeping business, Philippines
landscape artist or graphic designers, computer
repair shops, local restaurants and shops, and 1. Register Your Business Name at the Securities
home-based businesses, day care owner or offer and Exchange Commission (SEC)
tutorial services .
2. Obtain a Barangay Clearance
3. Register with the Social Security System (SSS)

An association of two or more people who co-own a 4. Obtain Permit from the Mayor’s Office
business for the purpose of making a profit. The
Philippine Civil Code provides for a definition of a 5. Register Your Business with the Bureau of
partnership as follows: Art. 1767. By the contract of Internal Revenue (BIR)
partnership two or more persons bind themselves
to contribute money, property, or industry to a •Additional requirements
common fund, with the intention of dividing the
profits among themselves. ➔ Endorsement/clearance from other
government agencies, if applicable
Characteristic ➔ For partnership with a foreign national as
a partner (FIA Form - 105)
➔ Membership
➔ Unlimited liability
➔ Sharing of profit & loss Corporation- A business that is chartered by a
➔ Mutual agency state and legally operates apart from its owners. It
➔ volunary registration is typically owned and controlled by its
➔ Continuity shareholders/stockholders who have purchased
➔ Contractual relationship units of shares of the company. Corporations can
➔ Transfer of interest either be stock or non-stock and are controlled by
the Board of Directors or Trustees. Registration of
corporations is with the SEC

Types of Partnership
Corporations- Basic Concepts
➔ Small portions of corporate ownership
General partners- Take an active role in managing
that are owned publicly are called stocks
a business. Have unlimited liability for the
or shares. Individuals who own shares of a
partnership’s debts. Every partnership must have
➔ Corporation are called shareholders and
at least one general partner
become owners of the business.
•Limited partners- Cannot participate in the Shareholders have limited liability. A
day-to-day management of a company. Have board of directors runs a corporation that
limited liability for the partnership’s debts is owned by shareholders.


➔ A publicly traded corporation that makes Health and Nursing Services, Social
a profit may pay out dividends to Services and the Volunteer Services.
shareholders ➔ An international, non-sectarian
organization advocating for the cause of
street children throughout the world.
ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES ➔ Haribbon Foundation- Protecting nature.
Protecting Life. Committed to nature
Lmitited liability Double taxation conservation through community
empowerment, and scientific excellence.
Transfer of ownership Forming a corporation franchise
a contractual agreement to use the name and sell
Perpetual life Disclosure of the products or services of a company in a
information designated geographic area. To run a franchise,
you have to invest money and pay franchise fees or
External source of Employee-owner
a share of the profits
funds separation

Expansion potential Franchising- refers to the method of practicing

and using another’s perfected business concept. In
Cooperative a franchise relationship, the franchisee (individual
an organization that is owned and operated by its merchant) is granted the right to market a product
members. The purpose of a cooperative is to save or a service under a marketing plan or a system
money on the purchase of certain goods and that uses the trademark, name, logo and
services. It is formed so that members have advertising owned by the franchisor (company
advantages in buying and selling products and owned or Mother company).

Franchisor / Franchiser - the person or mother

Nonprofit organization
company that grants the franchisee the right to do
a type of business that focuses on providing a
business under their trademark or trade name.
service, not making a profit. A nonprofit
organization does not pay taxes because it does
Franchisee - the person or company that gets the
not make a profit
right from the franchisor to do business under the
franchisor’s trademark or trade name and benefits
education of our youth. We give college
from it.
and technical-vocational scholarships to
deserving and qualified students, and Franchise Agreement - the legal, written contract
build school buildings for underserved between the franchisor and franchisee which tells
communities. each party what each is supposed to do
➔ The PRC provides six major services:
Blood Services, Disaster Management Types of Franchising
Services, Safety Services, Community


.Product franchising 5. TGP- Pharmacy, P290,000-750,000, RF:

1% gross sales
➔ Also known as trade name franchising.
➔ - Type of franchising wherein a
manufacturer grants a franchisee the
right to sell its products, but with no IMPORTANCE OF PLANNING
method of doing business.
➔ - Examples of this type of franchising are
car dealerships and service stations. Planning: The primary management function.
refers to the method of assessing in advance the
purpose and goals of an organization and the
appropriate courses of action to help achieve the
Business Format Franchising said purpose and goals.

➔ Also identified as a name and process

Purposes of Planning
➔ It can provide direction to managers and
➔ Aside from granting the right to use the
name and market the products and
➔ It reduces improbability
services of the franchisor, the franchisee
➔ It lessens waste and redundancy
is also provided a complete plan for
➔ It sets the standards used in controlling.
managing and operating the business – a
➔ Formulate a decision from several
transfer of the proven way of doing
business that has been developed by the
➔ This plan often includes a full range of
Robbins & Coulter, 2016 identified the most
services, including site selection, training,
popular ways to describe organizational plans
product supply, marketing plans and even
assistance in obtaining financing.

Breadth Time -frame Specificity

2022 Top 5 Franchises Ranking in the Philippines
Strategic Long-term Directional
1. Jollibee- Fast food, P1.3 - P2.5M Cash ,tactical, plan, & specific
Requirement: P750,000, RF: 5% (Net of operatio intermediat plan
sales) nal plan e plan, short
2. Potato corner- french fries, NO RF just term plan
monthly service: P5k
3. 7/11 convenience store- P3.5M - 5M Breadth
RF: 5%
4. Petron- petroleum, P1M-2.5M + CASH Strategic plans – applies to the whole organization
BOND: P100,000 create the company’s overall goals and seek to
place the firm in terms of its environment.


➔ For Example – Strategic Plans consist of

Type Created Scope Includes Level of
the Vision, Mission, Values, and
of Plan by: detail
overall-Objectives of the organization.
These are the key elements that clearly Strateg Top Entire Mission Very broad
define the state of the business in terms ic Plan Manage organi of the and
of what to achieve in the future. ment zation compan general
y, future
Tactical plans – are formulated to create the
blueprint for the strategic plan. These plans clearly
define how the strategic plan will be implemented
➔ For Example – Managers of the company s
create plans to allocate required
Tactica Mid-Lev Single Specific Specific
resources to support the strategic plan.
l Pla el Are of actions actions and
HR Manager make plans to manage
Manage the to ideas, but
Human Resources of the company.
ment busine support not very
Production managers make plans to
ss as a or work detailed
smooth the production process of the
whole towards
(divisi the
on of strategic
Operational plans – plans that specify the the plan
information of how the overall goals are to be comp
attained. any)
➔ For Example: Team leaders have to
manage daily shift timing schedules and Operati Low-Lev A unit Specific Extremely
allocate tasks to their subordinates, onal el within plans for detailed
Supervisors make strategies to reach daily Plan Manage a low level (who, what,
targets that should be completed ment single and where and
according to the daily plan area day-to-d when)
of the ay
busine activities
Contingency Plan- An operations team may ss ( a and
develop a contingency plan as part of risk depar processe
management. A contingency plan lists risks tment s that
together with an estimate of their probability and within will
the steps required to reduce each risk. a support
divisio and
3 Levels of Planning n enable


Frequency of use

Time Frame ➔ Single-use plan – A one-time plan

Short-term plans specifically designed to meet the needs of
➔ planning includes operational objectives an exceptional situation. Examples are
for specific departments and individuals. projects, budgets, and targets.
➔ -These plans are created by Supervisors ➔ Standing plan – Ongoing plans that
and Team Leaders. And they have to provide direction for activities performed
report their manager of the department. - over and over again. Examples are
➔ It has a time period of 3 to 6 months or organizational mission, and long term
within a year. objectives, strategies, policies, procedures
Intermediate plans and rules
➔ period ranges 1-5 years.
➔ Middle-level managers are involved in the ROLES OF PLANNING & CONTROLLING IN
intermediate-term plan and they report to MANAGEMENT PROCESS
top management before the Planning- to set the direction, decide where you
implementation of these plans go, and decide how to best go about it.
Long-term plans Organizing- creating structures
➔ plans beyond five years. Controlling- to ensure results, make performances,
➔ Top management is involved in the take corrective action
formulation of Long term plans. Leading- to inspire effort

Directional – plans that are bendable and that set PLANNING AT DIFFERENT LEVELS OF THE FIRM
out universal guidelines.
Senior management- policy & strategy
➔ Example: the Sales Manager provides a
guideline to his subordinates to the
Middle Management- procedure & tactics
expected target and now how
subordinates will achieve that it’s up to Line Management- execution & operations
them. They are free to opt for any mode of
practice. Hence we can say that the
Directional plans are outcome focus
Specific – plans that are visibly defined and leave Planning Techniques & Tools
no room for explanation.
Environmental Scanning – examines a large
➔ Example : the Production Manager
amount of information to predict and infer changes
briefing the plan to his subordinates as to
in the environment.
what, when, where, how much, and by
whom task will be performed. Hence we ➔ Competitor intelligence – it seeks to
can say that the Specific Plans are classify who are the business competitors,
Process Focused.


its’ strength and as to how their actions ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE- specification of

will influence the organization. the jobs to be done within an organization and the
ways in which they relate to one another

ORGANIZATIONAL CHART-A diagram that shows

Forecasting – predictions of outcomes. It has 2 how employees and tasks are grouped and where
categories the lines of communication and authority flow

➔ Quantitative forecasting – applies a set WHAT DOES AN ORGANIZATION CHART SHOW

of mathematical rules to a series of past
data to foresee outcomes. The management structure and main departments
➔ Qualitative forecasting – It uses the within an organisation
judgment and opinions of knowledgeable
individuals to predict outcomes. ➢The relationship between departments

Benchmarking – the quest for the best practices ➢The reporting structure
among the competitors or noncompetitors that
➢The span of control of each employee (the
lead to their higher performance
number of people a person has responsibility for)
Decision Making- Choosing the appropriate course
of action among alternatives to generate the

➢Visitors to the organisation

The Manager as Decision Maker ➢New members of staff

● Almost everybody in an organization ➢Receptionist/ Concierge/Customer Service

makes decisions from the lowest level to
the highest level of management. In fact,
even rank and file employees do make
● Managers, as to be expected, are
➔ Reporting relationships within a company
expected to become the decision-makers
➔ It is used for the purposes of overall
simply because their positions require
accountability and responsibility in the
them to do so.
attainment of stated objectives and goals
through the use of orders one direction
ORGANIZING and reports of conformity in the other
A management function which involves assigning ➔ Board of Directors- Managing Director
tasks, allocating resources, and coordinating work Sales Director -Sales Manager
activities in order to achieve a common purpose


➔ Authority pertains to the right inherent in

a managerial position to communicate to
Characteristics of Organizing people what to do and to expect them to
do it. In the chain of command, managers
1. Orientation towards goals - all Business
have authority to do their job of
organization has its own objectives and
overseeing and coordinating the work of
purpose. Organizing is structuring and
arranging work to accomplish the goals of
➔ Responsibility refers to an employee's
an organization. Organization
obligation or the expectation to perform
complements the individual objectives of
any assigned duties or activities.
the employees with overall goals of the
➔ Accountability is the requirement to
show performance results to a supervisor
2. Composition of individuals and groups - in the chain of command
Individuals create a group and the groups form an
organization. Hence, the organization is the
combination of individuals and groups. Individuals Forms of Authority
are grouped into departments and their work is
coordinated and directed towards organizational Line Authority - organizational structure in which
goals. authority flows in a direct chain of command from
the top of the company to the bottom
3. Continuity - An organization is a group of people
with a definite connection in which they work
together to achieve the goals of the organization.
This connection does not come to conclusion after Staff Authority- authority based on expertise that
finishing each task. Organizing is a never-ending usually involves counseling and advising line
process. managers

4. Division of work and specialization- The Staff Members- advisers and counselors who help
complete thinking of the organization is focused on line departments in making decisions but who do
the concepts of work specialization and division of not have the authority to make final decisions
work/labor division of work is a breakdown of jobs
Departments- Unique group of resources
into narrow and monotonous tasks handing over
established by management to perform
responsibility for each organizational element to a
organizational tasks
specific individual or group of people thereof. It
becomes work specialization when the job for a
specific task lies with a chosen expert in that field.
Unique group of resources established by
management to perform organizational tasks

THREE CONCEPTS A. Activities grouped by common function


B. All specific skills and knowledge are Customer Departmentalization dividing an

consolidated organization to offer products and meet needs for
C. Promotes economies of scale identifiable customer groups
D. Slow response to environmental changes
E. Prevalent approach but few companies Matrix Departmentalization- Multi focused with
can respond in today’s environment strong horizontal linkage
without horizontal linkages
Conditions for Matrix:

➔ Share resources across the organization

Functional Departmentalization dividing an ➔ Two or more critical outputs required:
organization according to groups’ functions or products and technical knowledge
activities ➔ Environment is complex and uncertain

Geography Departmentalization Allows organization to meet dual demands .

Largest weakness is that employees have two
Geographic Departmentalization dividing an bosses and conflicting demands
organization according to the areas of the country
or the world served by a business

➔ Organizing to meet needs of Virtual Teams- A virtual team, also known as a

users/customers by geography geographically dispersed team or a remote team, is
➔ Many multinational corporations are a group of people who interact through electronic
organized by country communications.
➔ Focuses managers and employees on
➔ Members of a virtual team are usually
specific geographic regions
located in different geographical regions.
Product Departmentalization Since communication is not in-person,
trust and good communication are crucial
Product Departmentalization dividing an to the success of a virtual team
organization according to specific products or
services being created

➔ Divisions organized according to Flat and Tall Organizations

products, services, product groups
Flat Organizational Structure - characteristic of
➔ Good for achieving coordination across
decentralized companies with relatively few layers
functional departments
of management
➔ Suited for fast change
➔ Loses economies of scale • Tall Organizational Structure -characteristic of
➔ Lacks technical specialization centralized companies with multiple layers of


Span of Control

● number of people supervised by one

● The distribution of authority in an
organization also affects the number of
people who work for any individual

The Delegation Process

Delegation - process through which a manager

allocates work to subordinates

1. Assigning responsibility - the duty to perform

an assigned task

2. Granting authority - the power to make the

decisions necessary to complete the task

3. Creating accountability - the obligation

employees have for the successful completion of
the task


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