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JULY 2023
- About us (who we are) + logo {first 3 posts}
We are a full-service finishing startup company based in Riyadh offering painting, flooring,
installations, and many more general finishings to meet our clients’ everyday needs

- Our Aim
We aim to provide full finishing services with our skilled team of designers, workers,
and technicians who all combine their expertise to deliver remarkable outcomes with the
highest possible care for your residential or commercial projects.

- What we do
The Decogate Company is a leading supplier of premium finishing services. We focus on
transforming areas into visually appealing and functional surroundings with a strong
commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.

- Why us
We make sure that our finishes are not only aesthetically pleasing but also long-lasting and
sturdy by utilizing only the best materials and cutting-edge procedures. We stand out due to
our attention to detail and dedication to outstanding workmanship, which makes us a reliable
option for discerning clientele who seek excellence from their projects in every aspect.

- Our services
As a list or a menu in a way in the highlights

- Contact us
** I feel it would be best to put the content above in the highlights only
and have the first three posts include the logo only or “about us” anything
introductory. Then the rest of the content being the following:
- Images of previous projects
- Before and after pictures/videos
- A video of behind the scenes during projects (include them as reels)

A way of organizing the content I really liked is this —>

Where it’s 6 different posts as one image then one being a reel
This is the link for the account —> Jirnoun Fitout Construction Company IG

Or we could do something like this —>

Almea Consulting Agency IG

This entire account is also organized in a beautiful way —>

Mutana engineering consultancy IG

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