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9723/22, 2:00 PM (Change NX Tile NX DESIGN CommiunitysTomizATion AND PROGRA ({SITOPICIOTO4OOOOODOMINTWAS!.. {/S/TOPICIOTO40000000MIWWAS!. FLehn (/siprofile/00540000007x1UpQAl) asked @ question August 8, 2018 at 12:37 PM (! Change NX Title ‘ogy uonlsraermann gies rea More v jestion/0054000006 1xNnMSAUchan He) Hello, I'd like to customize the title in the titlebar of NX Nxt By modifying .men menus, you can put things like "TITLE NX110custom’ and then it will prompt NX110custom in the titlebar. However I'd like to go a bit further and use more than raw text. | tried setting "TITLE NX110custom - %eMyUserEnvironmentVariable%” but it prompts NX110custom - ‘%MyUserEnvironmentVariable% Is it possible to do something like this ? (whether it's with environment variable or with another mean) Thank you for your time ! Best regards, Frédéric NX Customization And Programming {lsltopicioT040000000MiWWAS), ‘Manswers 481 views to Like @ Answer 2 Share Top Rated Answers ©) Stefan Pend! (isiprofiteio0s40000007xhIEQAY) 4 years ago You can also add a path containing the variables to the custor_dirs.dat file, which automatically includes the folder iit exists. So the path would be something like “MY_MENU_DIRSA®MY_SITESKI%MY ENVIRONMENTS, which contains the startup fold © Selected as Best Like iat contains the fle hitps/Icommunty sw siemens. coms!question/0054000006 1xNnMSAUIchange-nx-ile us 9723/22, 2:00 PM (Change NX Tile All Answers Community Stefan Penal (Is/profle!00540000007xhIFQAY) v.siemens.comeAcdS!community-catalyst-program/) | More v You cannot use variables for the ttle entry BIW, the NX files use the UNIX variable notation, instead of thvariable%, you use ${variable. | have managed this by using fle names that are constructed by variables. File “WUGIL_SITE_DIR** contains: 11 2 | Haidlmair Window Title 3! 4 5 VERSION 120 6 7 EDIT UG_GATEWAY_MAIN_MENUBAR 8 9 TITLE NX10.@ (HAIDLMAIR - Test) oR: 1 ! Haidlmair Window Title 1 2 3 4 5 VERSION 120 6 7 EDIT UG_GATEWAY_MATN_MENUBAR 8 9 TITLE NX10.0 (HAIDLMATR - Teancenter - Test) MY_SITE is set to the site abbreviation. MY_ENVIRONMENT is set to “managed! or “native” Like Reply ©) Flehn (siprofieio0s40000007xrUPQAD years ago Dear Stefan, Thank you for your answer and your information, Regarding the Unix variable notation, youre totally right, my bad | Regarding your method, it seems lke a good workaround. Limagine you use an NX launcher custom bat who set MY_SITE and MY_ENV among other things However Ido not understand how the men is chosen (Je how one of the .men is chosen to be the ‘one giving the TITLE and not one of his neighbour). Currently tm using variable such as UGII_SITE_DIR and UGII_GROUP_DIR in which there are “startup” folder. But fm not pointing to a .men specifically I there another environment variable allowing to do this ? Best regards, hips community sw siemens. comisiquestion/0054000006xNaMSAUIchange-neitle 25 9723/22, 2:00 PM (Change NX Tile Frédéric. Like Reply Stefan Pend (Is/profilel00540000007xhIFQAY) 4 years ago Community You can also add a path containing the variables to the custom_dirs.dat fle, which automatically v.siemens.corffeHGS)E SHUNT "catalyst: pro Fam) 4 More.w. ‘So the path would be something like "SeNMY_MENU_DIRS\%MY_SITE%\%MY_ENVIRONMENTS", which contains the startup folder that contains the file © Selected as Best Like Reply e FLehn (/siprofile(00540000007xrUpQAl) years ago ‘Oh ! Now | understand. | thought you had a "KUGII_SITE_DIRtélstartupl folder with a lot of text fles named after this pattern directly inside. Putting a small windows fle inside each *sub-environment” makes sense. I think | can make this work in our environments. Thank you very much for the help ! Like Reply ©) _VPruszewicz (siprofile/0051300000BHfyAAAT) (Partner) 4 years ago Hello, | wonder if there possibility to use variable in the *.men fle (on startup). | use many bat fie to start NX, but one *.men fle on startup and depend from version of NX 1 would like to have different title. IF itis possible, how to that. Best Regards! Like Reply e M roy (/siprofile/00530000005dihOAAQ) (Employee) 4 years ago Hello, Ih your men file you ean adda line Ike this TITLE NX XX.X.X MP2 ‘An easier but not as desireable would be to modify the OOTB men fle in your NX install Cainstall_Location\NX (file:C:Install_Location/NX) X.0\UGII\ HTH, Like Reply ©) Stefan Penal ('siprofe100540000007xhIFQAY) A years ago The TITLE command doesn't allow variables. You may file an enhancement request at GTAC to support this ike Reply © _Aleancerz (isiprofie'o0s40000007xy4)QAA) 2 years ago hi. ist possible to change the title from a batch file? i wanna use it to change the title for each project. 0 i start project bosch ...can notice that in the ttle that i start the bosch project. Like Reply hitps/Icommunty sw siemens. coms!question/0054000006 1xNnMSAUIchange-nx-ile ais 9723/22, 2:00 PM v.siemens. (Change NX Tile © Stefan Penal (isiprofiteio0s40000007xhIFQAY) 2years ago No, variables are not supported in the TITLE command of the menu files. You will have to GormprRariity™ens fles for each environment to have the title changed accordingly. If your project variable is called MyProject you could add the following to your custom _dits.dat fle .comlen-US/community-catalyst-programl) More v 1 $MyProjectTitlePath\$yProject MyProjectTitlePath would point to a common folder that contains the startup folders for each project that contains a menu file for each projects title Like Reply © Alerancerz (isiprofielo0s40000007xy4)QAA) 2 years ago Hey Stefan. i can create @ menu file with my batch script. but i need to change the custom_dirs.dat from the installation folder, right? thats my problem. if have 10 nx installations, so i need to change and update anytime this file ... or do i misunderstand something Something like that. Soe ee eee ee ee coer neu Poca moav Deca Ee =e eer me eo ee Like Reply (©) Stefan Penal (siprofilei00540000007xhIFQAY) 2years ago You can also create a custom custom _dits.dat fle with your batch script You just source the custom_dirs.dat file of the NX installation in with the following line 1 include $UGIT_BASE_OTR\UGII\nenus\custon_dirs.dat ‘The variable UGIL_CUSTOM_DIRECTORY_FILE would then point to your batch created custom_dirs.dat file Hope this helps. like Reply Log In to Answer hitps/Icommunity sw siemens. coms'question/00540000061xNnMSAUIchange-nx-itle 46 9723/22, 2:00 PM (Change NX Tile BOOKMARK TRENDING ARTICLES Community ‘What is a Power Spectral Density (PSD)? \-RLEREDR RAMI nSMareaR munity catalyst-program/) More v What isa SN-Curve? (islarticle/what-is-a-sn-curve) The Content You Are Looking For Has Moved ((slarticle'The-Content-You-Are-Looking-For-Has-Moved) What isa Frequency Response Function (FRE)? {slarticlelwhat-is-a-frequency-response-function-frf) Digital Sional Processing: Sampling Rates, Bandwidth, Spectral Lines, and more, (islarticleldigital bandwidth-spectral-lin NX Shortcut Keys - View Full List and Create Custom Keys {(slarticleInx-shortcut-keys-view-full-list-and-create-custom-keys) AC wersus DC Coupling What’ the diffrence? ((slatticlelac-and-de-coupling:- what-s-the-difference) PADS Viewer Downloads (PADS Professional, PADS Standard and PADS Standard Plus) ((slarticlelPADS-Viewers) Natural Frequency and Resonance (slarticle)Natural-Frequency-and-Resonance) Dynamic Stiffness, Comoliance, Mobility, and more. (Jslarticleldynamic-stiffness-compliance-mobility-and-more) hitps/lcommunty sw siemens. comsiquestion/00540000006"xNaMSAU/change-nxtile 5s

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