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A tale of lost tails: pseudoautotomy in the Neotropical snake
genus Drymoluber (Serpentes: Colubridae)
H.C. Costa, M.R. Moura, and R.N. Feio

Abstract: Pseudoautotomy (no spontaneous tail breakage without regeneration) occurs in the snakes Drymoluber brazili (Gomes,
1918) and Drymoluber dichrous (Peters, 1863) throughout their geographic range. Examination of 197 specimens of D. dichrous and
60 D. brazili show, respectively, a frequency of tail breakage (FTB) in 26% and 40% of specimens, similar or higher than observed
Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from by CSP Staff on 09/03/14

for most species with pseudoautotomy. There is no sexual difference in FTB for D. brazili, and no relationship between tail
breakage and snout–vent length (SVL). For D. dicrous, tail breakage is more frequently observed in males when specimens
are <710 mm SVL, but for longer specimens, the FTB is higher in females; this strange pattern may not be explained by a single
hypothesis. The FTB does not vary significantly between disjunct populations of D. dichrous, suggesting that they are subject to
similar predation pressures and escape rates, or minor or no effect of habitat structure on predation risk. The FTB increases with
SVL in D. dichrous (but not in D. brazili, probably due to sample size), which is an indication that as the snake grows, the chance
of being injured increases and partial tail loss becomes an efficient defense. The multiple tail break hypothesis is not supported
for the genus Drymoluber Amaral, 1930, remaining restricted to taxa with specialized pseudoautotomy.

Key words: defensive behavior, Drymoluber, Woodland Racer, natural history, predation, pseudautotomy, tail breakage, urotomy.

Résumé : La pseudoautotomie (séparation non spontanée de la queue sans régénération) se produit chez les couleuvres
Drymoluber brazili (Gomes, 1918) et Drymoluber dichrous (Peters, 1863) dans toute leur aire de répartition géographique. L’examen de
For personal use only.

197 spécimens de D. dichrous et de 60 spécimens de D. brazili montre, respectivement, une fréquence de séparation de la queue
(FSQ) chez 26 % et 40 % des spécimens, soit des taux semblables ou supérieurs à ceux observés chez la plupart des espèces ayant
recours à la pseudoautotomie. Il n’y a pas de différence de la FSQ selon le sexe pour D. brazili, ni aucun lien entre la séparation
de la queue et la longueur museau–cloaque (LMC). Pour D. dicrous, la séparation de la queue est observée plus fréquemment chez
les mâles quand la LMC des spécimens est <710 mm, mais pour les spécimens plus longs, la FSQ est plus élevée chez les femelles;
une seule hypothèse pourrait ne pas suffire pour expliquer cette étrange distribution. La FSQ ne varie pas de manière significa-
tive entre différentes populations isolées de D. dichrous, ce qui donne à penser que ces populations sont caractérisées par des
pressions de prédation et des taux de fuite semblables, ou par des effets mineurs ou non existants de la structure de l’habitat sur
le risque de prédation. La FSQ augmente parallèlement à la LMC chez D. dichrous (mais non chez D. brazili, probablement en raison
de la taille de l’échantillon), ce qui indique que, à mesure que les couleuvres grandissent, la probabilité de blessure augmente et
la séparation partielle de la queue devient un moyen de défense efficace. L’hypothèse des séparations multiples de la queue n’est
pas appuyée pour le genre Drymoluber Amaral, 1930, cette hypothèse demeurant limitée aux taxons caractérisés par une
pseudoautotomie spécialisée. [Traduit par la Rédaction]

Mots-clés : comportement de défense, Drymoluber, histoire naturelle, prédation, pseudoautotomie, séparation de la queue.

Introduction baenians, and some other lizards lack this ability (Arnold 1984;
Reptiles employ several antipredator strategies from crypsis to Vitt and Caldwell 2009). To unify the terminology, Slowinski
aposematic coloration, from death feigning to bite (Greene 1988). and Savage (1995) and Savage and Slowinski (1996) proposed
One defensive behavior called urotomy is restricted to Lepidosauria, “urotomy” for all types of tail breakage, while “autotomy” would
and allows a specimen to lose its tail to an aggressor and escape describe only autonomous intravertebral breakage with tail re-
(Arnold 1984). Tail loss occurs at points of weakness and can be generation (genus Sphenodon (Gray, 1831) and most lizards), and
intravertebral or intervertebral (Arnold 1984; Bateman and “pseudoautotomy” (or pseudautotomy) occurs when there is an
Fleming 2009). Presence of intravertebral tail breakage seems to intervertebral breakage with no spontaneous separation and no
be a plesiomorphic state in squamates, but has been indepen- regeneration (snakes and some lizards). The intervertebral break-
dently lost in members of many of its groups (Arnold 1984). How- age with regeneration observed in some agamids (Arnold 1984) is
ever, in some agamids and snakes, urotomy was regained through considered an “intermediate condition”, while the intravertebral
intervertebral breakage (Arnold 1984; Savage and Slowinski 1996; breakage without regeneration present in some Amphisbaenia
Bateman and Fleming 2009). Most lizard species presenting tail (Arnold 1984) is not cited by Savage and Slowinski (1996).
breakage are able to regenerate the tail through the development Current phylogenies suggest pseudoautotomy evolved indepen-
of a cartilaginous rod replacing vertebrae, while snakes, amphis- dently in agamids and snakes (Gauthier et al. 2012; Pyron et al.

Received 29 April 2014. Accepted 9 August 2014.

H.C. Costa and R.N. Feio. Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Departamento de Biologia Animal, Museu de Zoologia João Moojen. Vila Gianetti 32, Viçosa,
Minas Gerais, Brazil.
M.R. Moura. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Departamento de Zoologia, Laboratório de Herpetologia. Avenida Antônio Carlos 6627, Pampulha,
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Corresponding author: H.C. Costa (e-mail:

Can. J. Zool. 92: 811–816 (2014) Published at on 9 August 2014.
812 Can. J. Zool. Vol. 92, 2014

2013). Several independent evolutions of this trait have occurred Data analysis
within snakes (mainly in taxa with relatively long tails), since Data were analyzed by logistic regression, a generalized linear
pseudoautotomy is recorded for some species of the families modeling (GLM) under binomial errors suitable for modeling the
Elapidae, Lamprophiidae (subfamilies Lamprophiinae, Psammophii- effects of one continuous explanatory variable (with or without
nae, Pseudoxyrhophiine), and Colubridae (subfamilies Colubrinae, additional categorical covariates) on a binary response variable
Dipsadinae, Grayinae, Natricinae, Sybinophiinae) (e.g., Kaufman (Logan 2010). We aimed to determine the effects of the continuous
and Gibbons 1975; Zug et al. 1979; Arnold 1984; Broadley 1987; explanatory variable “snout–vent length” (x variable) on the bi-
Mendelson 1992; Aubret et al. 2005; Sheehy 2006; Dourado et al. nary response variable “presence or absence of pseudoautotomy”
2013). Some records of pseudoautotomy in snakes come from oc- in Drymoluber specimens (y variable). To account for the potential
casional field observations of individuals that urotomized after effects related to sex and geographical distribution, an additional
being grabbed by the tail (e.g., Sharma 1980; Cooper and Alfieri explanatory covariate recorded the sex (male or female for both
1993; Ananjeva and Orlov 1994; Marco 2002; Hampton 2007; species) and geographical unit (only for D. dichrous) for each spec-
Lockhart and Amiel 2011; Roberto 2011) (but for a case where the imen examined. Because of the large difference in the number of
snake fractured its own tail after twisting it tightly around the specimens of D. brazili and D. dichrous available for analysis, we
body see Hoogmoed and Avila-Pires 2011). Another source of re- chose not to consider “species” as a covariate, therefore analyzing
cords comes from natural history or taxonomical studies where each species separately.
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broken tails are noted in some specimens, suggesting pseudo- Logistic models differ from traditional linear regression models
autotomy (e.g., Savage and Crother 1989; Prudente et al. 2007; because they do not describe the rate of change in the response
Leite et al. 2009; Cadle 2010, 2012; Gomes and Marques 2012; variable with change in the explanatory variable. Our logistic
Siqueira et al. 2013). Finally, there are studies analyzing pseudo- model describes the chance of a Drymoluber specimen of a given
autotomy statistically, testing one or more hypotheses (e.g., Mendelson species and sex to present pseudoautotomy, thereby establishing
1992; Slowinski and Savage 1995; Fitch 2003; Pleguezuelos et al. 2010; the chance of a relationship between the response and the predic-
Todd and Wassersug 2010; Santos et al. 2011). tor. A linear model would be inappropriate in this case because it
Recently, while reviewing the taxonomy of the Neotropical is not bounded by logical probability limits of 0 and 1. Neither
colubrine snake genus Drymoluber Amaral, 1930 (Costa et al. 2013), would a classical ANOVA be appropriate, as the explanatory vari-
we observed a high frequency of broken tails in two species, sug- able (SVL) is continuous. Under the null hypothesis, there is an
gesting the occurrence of pseudoautotomy. Drymoluber comprises equal chance of presence and absence of pseudoautotomy inde-
three species: the Common Woodland Racer (Drymoluber dichrous pendently of SVL values, while in an alternative hypothesis, we
expect to find a significant relationship represented by a sigmoid
For personal use only.

(Peters, 1863)), with a disjunct distribution in northern South

curve with asymptotes towards 0 and 1 for lower and higher SVL
America and the Atlantic Forest of Brazil (including its transi-
values, respectively. The choice of this sigmoid function would
tional areas with the Caatinga and Cerrado ecoregions); Brazil’s
also indicate a critical SVL above which Drymoluber specimens are
Woodland Racer (Drymoluber brazili (Gomes, 1918)) from the Cer-
more likely to present tail breakage (i.e., likelihood >50%). This
rado, Caatinga, and Atlantic Forest of the lower Doce River (south-
critical size would correspond to the inflection point of the sig-
eastern Brazil), and Atlantic Forest – Cerrado transitional areas;
moid curve. Because the model includes covariates, deviance is
and the Apurímac Woodland Racer (Drymoluber apurimacensis Lehr,
expected to be apportioned accordingly between continuous (i.e.,
Carrillo and Hocking, 2004), restricted to the Apurímac Valley,
SVL) and categorical variables terms, thereby reducing the chances of
south of the Apurímac and Pampas rivers, in Peru (Costa et al.
obtaining spurious significance attributed to the snake’s SVL. De-
2013). Drymoluber apurimacensis is known from only six specimens, viance is the GLM’s measure of variation, analogous to “variance”
none presenting tail breakage (possibly a bias of sample size), of Fisherian statistics.
while breakage was common in D. dichrous and D. brazili. To in- As pointed out by Slowinski and Savage (1995), a more appro-
crease the knowledge on the natural history of Drymoluber and of priate test of the multiple tail breakage hypothesis (for snakes
tail breakage on Neotropical snakes, specimens of D. dichrous and with healed tails) would involve a regression of the residual vari-
D. brazili were examined to evaluate (i) the frequency of tail break- ation in the number of subcaudals (SC) against SVL, instead of a
age (FTB); (ii) the geographic variation in FTB in D. dichrous; (iii) sex- simple regression of SVL against SC, since a homogeneity of vari-
ual difference in FTB; (iv) difference in FTB according to body size; ance is not expected in the latter. Therefore, we did a regression
and (v) evidence for multiple tail breakage (Savage and Crother of the absolute values of residuals (the unexplained deviations)
1989; Mendelson 1992). against SVL for all snakes with healed tails, also accounting for
covariates (sex and species).
Materials and methods Analyses followed recommendations by Crawley (2007) and
A total of 291 specimens of D. dichrous and 84 of D. brazili (see were performed under R version 3.0.1 software (R Core Team
Appendices I and II in Costa et al. 2013) were examined. Only adult 2013), followed by residual analyses to verify error distribution
specimens with intact or healed tails were considered to avoid and the suitability of employed models, including checks for over-
those in which tail breakage could have occurred after collection. dispersion. Model simplification was achieved by extracting non-
Young specimens (those presenting a banded dorsal pattern) significant terms (p > 0.05) from the model, starting from the term
were not analyzed because only 2 out of 78 D. dichrous and none explaining less deviance. Each term deletion was followed by an
out of 20 D. brazili presented healed tails. Therefore, we included analysis of deviance with ␹2 test to recalculate the deviance ex-
197 specimens of D. dichrous and 60 specimens of D. brazili (Appendix A). plained by the remaining terms.
The following data from each specimen were considered for this
study: locality of collection; snout–vent length (SVL; measured Results
with a flexible ruler to the nearest 1 mm); sex (determined by the Of 197 D. dichrous examined (130 males and 67 females), 52 (26%)
presence or absence of hemipenes); condition of the tail (intact or exhibited a healed tail (42 males (32% of that sex) and 10 females
healed); number of subcaudal scales. For geographic analysis, we (15% of that sex)). Of 60 D. brazili examined (32 males and 28 fe-
grouped specimens of D. dichrous in two geographical units: GU1 males), 24 (40%) exhibited a healed tail (14 males (44% of that sex)
(Andes, Amazonia, and Guiana Shield) and GU2 (Atlantic Forest and 10 females (36% of that sex)). Considering the geographical
and its transitional areas with the Caatinga and Cerrado eco- units of D. dichrous, GU1 present 147 specimens (95 males and
regions). 52 females), 39 (26%) having a healed tail (32 males (33% of that sex)

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Fig. 1. Probability of pseudoautotomy in Common Woodland Racer (Drymoluber dichrous) as a function of snout–vent length (SVL) and sex.
There is a significant interaction effect (␹冋1册
= 4.609, p = 0.031), where frequency of tail breakage increases with SVL in both sexes.
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and 7 females (13% of that sex), whereas GU2 present 50 specimens (approximately 50%; Savage and Slowinski 1996), the psammo-
(35 males and 15 females), 13 (26%) with a healed tail (10 males (28% phines Natriciteres olivacea (Peters, 1854) (Olive Marsh Snake)
of that sex) and 3 females (20% of that sex)). (43.6%; Broadley 1987) and some Psammophis Boie, 1827 (up to 45.9%
For personal use only.

We did not find significant differences in the FTB between in a large sample of Psammophis subtaeniatus orientalis Broadley,
D. dichrous geographical units GU1 and GU2 (␹冋1册 2
= 0.262, p = 0.608). 1977 (Eastern Striped-bellied Sand Snake); Broadley 1987), the
There is a significant interaction effect between SVL and sex (␹冋1册 2
= sybinophiine Scaphiodontophis annulatus (Duméril, Bibron, and
4.609, p = 0.031) for probability of pseudoautotomy in D. dichrous, Duméril, 1854) (Guatemala Neckband Snake) (70%; Savage and
where FTB increases with SVL in both sexes (Fig. 1). However, we Slowinski 1996), and the elapid Notechis scutatus occidentalis Glauert,
did not find this same relationship between SVL and probability of 1948 (Western Tiger Snake) (58%; Aubret et al. 2005). Inter- and
pseudoautotomy for D. brazili (␹冋2册 2
= 3.431, p = 0.179). intra-specific variation in frequency of urotomy can be attrib-
The inflection point of the sigmoid curve, above which Drymoluber uted to factors such as differences in predator abundance or
specimens are more likely to have had pseudoautotomy corre- sample size (e.g., Bowen 2004; Placyk and Burghardt 2005; Santos
sponds to 759.22 mm SVL for females and 899.48 mm for males of et al. 2011). Both factors could explain the differences here ob-
D. dichrous. These critical SVL correspond to 94% of the maximum served between D. dichrous and D. brazili, since the two species
SVL for females and 77% of the maximum SVL for males. For SVL inhabit distinct environments (Costa et al. 2013), but also because
values near 710 mm, both sexes have the same likelihood of our sample size of D. brazili was only 30% of the sample size of
pseudoautotomy (Fig. 1). D. dichrous.
Models built to test the multiple tail break hypothesis (MTBH) The lack of significant differences of tail-breakage frequency
showed no differences in relation to sex (␹冋1册 2
= 36.575, p = 0.085) or between the two geographical units of D. dichrous may suggest that
species (␹冋1册 = 15.876, p = 0.259). Therefore, we opted for the use
both groups are subject to similar predation pressures and escape
of the simplest model, considering all Drymoluber specimens rates, or even minor or no effect of habitat structure on predation
together, regardless of species and sex. The initial regression risk (Santos et al. 2011). Opposite results were found for large
performed for SC against SVL was not significant (␹冋1册 2
= 5248, samples of Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis (L., 1758) (Common Garter
p = 0.520), as well as the second regression for residuals against Snake) (523 specimens) from natural populations in the USA
SVL (␹冋1册
= 0004, p = 0.985), indicating that MTBH does not occur in (Placyk and Burghardt 2005) and Natrix maura (L., 1758) (Viperine
the genus Drymoluber. Water Snake) (397) from natural versus predator-free European
sites (Santos et al. 2011). Therefore, we cannot fully discard the
Discussion possibility of a bias in our results because of the unbalanced sam-
Frequency of tail stubs in D. dichrous (26%) and D. brazili (40%) is ple size between disjunct populations of D. dichrous (Bowen 2004;
similar or higher than that observed for most species with pseudo- Placyk and Burghardt 2005). However, absence of geographic vari-
autotomy (e.g., Broadley 1987; White et al. 1982; Akani et al. 2002; ation in tail breakage was found in other species with larger sam-
Fitch 2003; Bowen 2004; Gregory and Isaac 2005; Placyk and ples (two from the Neotropics), such as Mastigodryas bifossatus (n =
Burghardt 2005; Pleguezuelos et al. 2010; Todd and Wassersug 537; Dourado et al. 2013), Thamnophis sauritus (L., 1766) (Eastern
2010; Santos et al. 2011; Siqueira et al. 2013). However, it is smaller Ribbon Snake) (n = 502; Willis et al. 1982), Thamnophis sirtalis (n =
than the frequency observed for the colubrines Dendrophidion 685; Willis et al. 1982), and Coniophanes fissidens (n = 927; Mendelson
dendrophis (Schlegel, 1837) (Olive Forest Racer) (59%; Dourado et al. 1992).
2013), Mastigodryas bifossatus (Raddi, 1820) (Rio Tropical Racer) Our data do not support a difference in the FTB between
(46%–52%; Ferreira and Outeiral 1998; Dourado et al. 2013; but see sexes in D. brazili. Similar findings were found for Coniophanes
Leite et al. 2009), the dipsadines Coniophanes fissidens (Günther, fissidens (Zug et al. 1979; Mendelson 1992), Dendrophidion dendrophis
1858) (Yellowbelly Snake) (up to approximately 60%; Mendelson (Dourado et al. 2013), Mastigodryas bifossatus (Ferreira and Outeiral
1992), genus Enulius Cope, 1871, and genus Urotheca Bibron, 1843 1998; Dourado et al. 2013), Natrix maura (Santos et al. 2011), Nerodia

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814 Can. J. Zool. Vol. 92, 2014

sipedon sipedon (L., 1758) (Northern Water Snake) (Bowen 2004), Seventy-eight specimens of D. dichrous and 20 specimens of
Nerodia taxispilota (Holbrook, 1838) (Brown Water Snake) (White D. brazili examined in our previous study (Costa et al. 2013) exhib-
et al. 1982), Notechis scutatus occidentalis (Aubret et al. 2005), ited cross-banded coloration, but only two D. dichrous had healed
Rhinechis scalaris (Schinz, 1822) (Ladder Snake) (Pleguezuelos et al. tails. The distinct color pattern and the near absence of healed
2010), Scaphiodontophis annulatus (Slowinski and Savage 1995), tails in smaller specimens led us to exclude them from all analy-
and Thamnophis butleri (Cope, 1889) (Butler’s Garter Snake) (Willis ses, but it deserves comment.
et al. 1982). Absence of sexual dimorphism in pseudoautotomy It is usually suggested that smaller specimens present fewer
could suggest that tail breakage does not involve survival differ- healed tails than adults because they spend more time hidden
ences between males and females. In fact, some studies indicate under cover to avoid predation, while adults are more exposed
tail stubs do not cause a significant survival cost at all (but see (Gregory and Isaac 2005). But in a study using recapture data,
Fitch 2003), due to a lack of relationship between tail breakage Willis et al. (1982) argued that although injury may not cause
and body condition (e.g., fat storage and growth), at least for spe- immediate death, it may kill a juvenile before it can attain a larger
cies with no important morphological caudal structures (Aubret size; thus, the lower frequency of healed tails in small specimens
et al. 2005; Pleguezuelos et al. 2012). could also be explained because they usually do not survive after
On the other hand, studies have found a higher frequency of being injured with tail loss.
broken tails in females of Thamnophis sauritus (Willis et al. 1982) It is also possible that the cross-banded pattern of small speci-
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and Thamnophis sirtalis (Fitch 2003; Placyk and Burghardt 2005), mens of the genus Drymoluber plays a role in their lower FTB.
and in males of Natrix natrix (Gregory and Isaac 2005). According Young Drymoluber may mimic coral snakes (Brodie and Brodie
to our data from D. dichrous (Fig. 1), males with SVL up to about 2004), reducing predation rates especially by birds (Brodie 1993).
710 mm have higher probability of pseudoautotomy, while for The color pattern may also conceal the snake when it is immobile
longer SVL, females are more prone to exhibit tail loss—SVL in and create a deflective illusion during flight (Jackson et al. 1976;
adult specimens of D. dichrous ranges from 415 to 10501 mm (mean Pleguezuelos et al. 2010). All these would favor small banded spec-
697 mm) in males and 415–801 mm (mean 607 mm) in females imens to rarely need to break the tail for defense.
(H.C. Costa, unpublished data). A higher FTB in females is usually Savage and Slowinski (1996) suggest that in species with both
explained by the result of (i) fewer males surviving tail attacks, coral snake coloration and pseudoautotomy, the ability to break
possibly because of hemipenis damage (Bowen 2004; Placyk and the tail evolved first, providing an effective defense for dull-
Burghardt 2005); (ii) males avoiding tail breakage, because it can colored specimens. This is an interesting hypothesis that fits well
reflect a decrease in reproductive success (Shine et al. 1999); the patterns observed for the genus Drymoluber. However, tail
(iii) the larger mass of females facilitates breakage (at least in breakage and ontogenetic shift in coloration are also present in
For personal use only.

species with females heavier than males, which appears to not be the genus Mastigodryas Amaral, 1935 (see Dourado et al. 2013), the
the case in D. dichrous) (Fitch 2003); and (iv) the coincidence of the sister genus of Drymoluber (Pyron et al. 2013) and other close re-
species’ reproductive season with peaks of activity of predators, lated genera (e.g., some Chironius; Sheehy 2006), suggesting that
increasing the risk of gravid snakes being attacked (Akani et al. if Savage and Slowinski’s hypothesis is correct, pseudoautotomy
2002). In Natrix natrix, for which males exhibit more broken tails, should have evolved in the most common ancestor of those taxa.
females usually reach larger sizes and grow faster than males, Tail stumps of larger (= older) Drymoluber specimens are not
leading Gregory and Isaac (2005) to argue that the higher injury significantly shorter than those of smaller specimens, not sup-
rate of males of a given size may be only an indicative that they are porting MTBH. Up to now, Scaphiodontophis Taylor and Smith, 1943
older than similar-sized females. As we do not have any informa- is the only genus for which MTBH has been confirmed (Slowinski
tion about growth rates of D. dichrous, is not possible to know if the and Savage 1995). Scaphiodontophis has a long tail thickened along
hypothesis of Gregory and Isaac (2005) could explain a higher FTB its entire length, which facilitates breakage. This feature is shared
in males <710 mm SVL than females of similar size. only with the genera Urotheca and Enulius, and is known as “spe-
A significant increase of incidence of pseudoautotomy with SVL cialized pseudoautotomy” (Slowinski and Savage 1995; Savage and
has been reported by most studies that tested this hypothesis Slowinski 1996). It is possible that only species with specialized
(White et al. 1982 (only for males); Willis et al. 1982; Mendelson pseudoautotomy are able to experience multiple tail breaks
1992; Gregory and Isaac 2005; Pleguezuelos et al. 2010; Santos et al. (Savage and Slowinski 1996).
2011). Fitch (2003) and Dourado et al. (2013) found a higher FTB in Pseudoautotomy is an intriguing, yet understudied, behavior.
adult specimens, but did not test the “size-related hypothesis” Herein, we provide the first contribution on this topic for the
(Pleguezuelos et al. 2010). Neotropical snake genus Drymoluber, testing different nonexclu-
The size-related hypothesis is confirmed for both sexes of sive hypotheses. Our results suggest the need for more research to
D. dichrous, suggesting that as the snake grows, the probability of (i) evaluate reproduction and activity patterns of males and fe-
being injured increases and pseudoautotomy becomes an effi- males (e.g., Marques et al. 2009); (ii) determine the fate of small
cient defensive strategy (e.g., Willis et al. 1982; Pleguezuelos et al. specimens after attack (Willis et al. 1982); (iii) evaluate the effects
2010). It also indicates that larger snakes may have been attacked of tail breakage on body condition (Pleguezuelos et al. 2012);
more frequently and survived (Mendelson 1992). (iv) evaluate the effectiveness of juvenile dorsal color pattern to
The absence of a relationship between SVL and probability of avoid predation (Brodie 1993); and (v) evaluate the relationship
pseudoautotomy in D. brazili is an unexpected result, found (but between pseudoautotomy and the evolution of banded color pat-
not discussed) only for females of Nerodia taxispilota (White et al. tern (Savage and Slowinski 1996) in juveniles of some colubrines.
1982). The small sample of D. brazili may be the cause of this result After all, lost tails may tell more tales.
(Bowen 2004).
It is important to note that there is an ontogenetic shift in Acknowledgements
dorsal coloration in the genus Drymoluber. Specimens smaller than H.C.C. thanks Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de
400 mm usually have a cross-banded pattern that changes to uni- Nível Superior (CAPES) and the Smithsonian Institution for scholar-
form dorsal coloration in larger individuals (Costa et al. 2013). ships provided during the execution of his M.Sc. (2008–2010); M.R.M.

1The maximum snout–vent length recorded for Drymoluber dichrous (1050 mm) is from FMNH 109807, not from MPEG 17235 as mistakenly cited by Costa et al.


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thanks Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tec- seasonal activity of the dipsadid snake, Echinanthera undulata (Wied, 1824),
nológico (CNPq) for Ph.D. scholarship; RNF thanks CNPq for produc- from the Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil. S. Am. J. Herpetol. 7(3): 233–
240. doi:10.2994/057.007.0305.
tivity fellowship. We thank G.R. Colli, M.A. Brasil, and M.C.M. Viana Greene, H.W. 1988. Antipredator mechanisms in reptiles. In Biology of the Rep-
(CHUNB); P.C.A. Garcia and P.S. Santos (UFMG); J.H.C. Delabie (CZGB); tilia. Vol. 16. Edited by C. Gans and R.B. Huey. Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York.
F.L. Franco and V.J. Germano (IBSP); M.R.S. Pires and B. Imai pp. 1–152.
(LZV); L. Sarmento and F. Lanschi (MBML); G.M.F. Pontes (MCP); Gregory, P.T., and Isaac, L.A. 2005. Close encounters of the worst kind: patterns
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816 Can. J. Zool. Vol. 92, 2014

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Specimens examined for this study (for locality details see Costa 7221, IBSP 7706*, IBSP 25411, IBSP 5089*, IBSP 51703*, IBSP 52140*,
et al. 2013). An asterisk (*) indicates healed tail. IBSP 52828*, IBSP 69567, MBML 483, MCP 7618, MNRJ 4858*, MNRJ
Collections acronyms—AMNH: American Museum of Natural 9240, MNRJ 9297, MPEG 421, MPEG 1838, MPEG 2647*, MPEG 2652,
History, New York, New York, USA; ANSP: Academy of Natural MPEG 2670*, MPEG 4041*, MPEG 8400, MPEG 8607*, MPEG 10811,
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sília, Distrito Federal, Brazil; CZGB: Coleção Zoológica Gregório 15189, MPEG 15321, MPEG 16207*, MPEG 16982*, MPEG 17057*,
Bondar, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil; FMNH: Field Museum of Natural MPEG 17233, MPEG 17437, MPEG 17481*, MPEG 17494, MPEG 17566,
History, Chicago, Illinois, USA; IBSP: Instituto Butantan, São MPEG 17915, MPEG 17995, MPEG 18240, MPEG 18759, MPEG
Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; LZV: Laboratório de Zoologia de Verteb- 19750*, MPEG 20044, MPEG 20108, MPEG 20331, MPEG 20384, MZUESC
rados, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, Minas 636, MZUESC 1383, MZUESC 1993, MZUESC 2540, MZUESC 5697,
Gerais, Brazil; MBML: Museu de Biologia Mello Leitão, Santa Te- MZUESC 5801, MZUFV 779, MZUFV 1208, MZUFV 1422, MZUSP
resa, Espírito Santo, Brazil; MCP: Museu de Ciências e Tecnologia, 4207, MZUSP 4391, MZUSP 5467*, MZUSP 6098*, MZUSP 7378,
For personal use only.

PUC-RS, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; MCNR: Museu de MZUSP 8500, MZUSP 9351, MZUSP 9644*, MZUSP 9645, MZUSP
Ciências Naturais, PUC-MG, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil; 10298, MZUSP 10423, MZUSP 10424, MZUSP 10763*, MZUSP 11303,
MNRJ: Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, MZUSP 14284, MZUSP 14285, MZUSP 14286*, UFC 2083, UFC 2128,
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; MPEG: Museu Paraense UFC 2177, UFC 2201*, UFC 2204*, UFC 2220, UFC 2221, UFC 2730*,
Emílio Goeldi, Belém, Pará, Brazil; MZUESC: Museu de Zoologia UFMT 919, UFMT 1997*, USNM 197267, USNM 204133*, USNM
da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil; 217185*, USNM 247501, USNM 247694, USNM 316601, USNM
MZUFV: Museu de Zoologia João Moojen, Universidade Federal de 316602, ZMB 1661. Females: AMNH 23354, AMNH 52191, AMNH
Viçosa, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil; MZUSP: Museu de Zoologia 52295, AMNH 54541, AMNH 55276, AMNH 55628, AMNH 57258*,
da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; AMNH 119431, CZGB 339, CZGB 1222, CZGB 1269, CZGB 3164, CZGB
UFACF: Universidade Federal do Acre, Campus Floresta, Cruzeiro 3176, CZGB 5180, CZGB 6809*, CZGB 6825, CZGB 7059, CZGB 7397,
do Sul, Acre, Brazil; UFC: Universidade Federal do Ceará, For- IB 2198*, IB 3141, IB 52003, IB 53256*, LZV 373*, MCP 7617, MPEG
taleza, Ceará, Brazil; UFMG: Coleção Herpetológica da Universi- 8688, MPEG 10832, MPEG 16551, MPEG 17443, MPEG 17446, MPEG
dade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, 17829, MPEG 17841, MPEG 17849, MPEG 17897, MPEG 17996,
Brazil; UFMT: Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, Mato MPEG 19007, MPEG 20000, MPEG 20146, MPEG 20298, MPEG 20330,
Grosso, Brazil; USNM: National Museum of Natural History, MPEG 20762, MPEG 20765, MPEG 20766*, MPEG 20800, MZUSP
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, District of Columbia, USA; 4390, MZUSP 6388, MZUSP 6389, MZUSP 10422, MZUSP 11444,
ZMB: Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Berlin, Germany. UFACF 663, UFACF 720*, UFACF 741, UFACF 801*, UFACF 1333, UFC
Drymoluber brazili—Males: CHUNB 3839, CHUNB 37345, 2101, UFC 2104*, UFC 2205, UFC 2211, USNM 83946, USNM 193807,
CHUNB 3747*, IBSP 383, IBSP 574*, IBSP 696, IBSP 741*, IBSP 7675, USNM 204126, USNM 204128, USNM 204129, USNM 247500, USNM
IBSP 8103, IBSP 8836*, IBSP 10188*, IBSP 10465*, IBSP 12692, IBSP 283952*, USNM 289091, USNM 332470, USNM 566261.
16595, IBSP 18309, IBSP 18992, IBSP 22415, IBSP 23693*, IBSP 25379,

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