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Majaloh Farmasi Indonesia(22}4, 306 - 314, 2011 Optimasi Formula Tablet Teofilin Menggunakan Co-Processed Excipients Campuran Laktosa dan Avicel Optimization of Theophylline Tablet Formula Using Co- Processed Excipients of Lactose and Avicel Hayatus Sa‘adah, Achmad Fudholi Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Gadjah Mada 306 Abstrak Eksipien tablet pada metode kempa langsung harus mempunyai sifat alir dan kompaktibilitas yang baik. Peningkatan fungsi eksipien dapat dilakukan dengan co-processing, yaitu mengkombinasikan dua atau lebih eksipien dengan proses tertentu. Material co-processed excipients campuran laktosa dan avicel dibuat dengan teknik spray drying untuk digunakan sebagai filler-binder dalam formulasi tablet teofilin. Material co-processed excipients yang dihasilkan dievaluasi sifat fisiknya yaitu: distribusi ukuran partikel dan diameter rata-rata, berat jenis, sifat alir, kompaktibilitas dan daya serap air. Optimasi terhadap sifat alir, Kompaktibilitas dan daya serap air dilakukan dengan simplex lattice design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proporsi campuran laktosa dan avicel yang memenuhi persyaratan sifat fisik serbuk yang optimum ditetapkan dengan perbandingan 1:1 dengan respon waktu alir 8,79 + 0,02 detik, kompaktibilitas 5,61 + 0,08 kg dan daya serap 61,30 + 0,40 mg/mnt. Superimposed contour plot untuk optimasi formula tablet teofilin menggunakan co-processed excipients sebagai filler-binder dengan desain faktorial ditetapkan dengan proporsi optimum magnesium stearat dan eksplotab (1:3,74) dengan respon kekerasan 5,54 + 0,042 kg, kerapuhan 0,303 + 0,015 %, waktu hancur 1,83 + 0,115, menit dan DEz. 85,66 + 0,35 %. Kata kunci ; tablet teofiin; co-processed excipients; laktosa; avicel Abstract Tablet excipients in direct compression should have good flowability and compactibility. Improvement of excipients properties may be obtained by co- processing. Co-processing is defined as combining two or more excipients by an. appropriate process. Co-processed excipients of lactose and avicel, which were fabricated by spray drying technique, would be used as filler-binder in theophylline tablet formulation. The co-processed excipients were evaluated for their physical properties, i.e; particle size distribution, average diameter, density, flowability, compactibility and water absorption. Simplex lattice design was used for optimizing flowability, compactibility and water absorption of co- processed excipients. The results showed that proportion of lactose and avicel with optimum physical properties was determined by the ratio 1:1 with a response of flowability was 8.79 + 0.02 seconds, compactibility was 5.61 + 0.08 kg and water absorption was 61.30 + 0.40 mg/min. Superimposed contour plot of theophylline tablet formulation using co-processed excipients as filler-binder by factorial design was determined by the optimum proportion of magnesium stearate and eksplotab (1:3.74) with the response of hardness was 5.54 + 0.042 kg, friability was 0.303 + 0.015%, disintegration time was 1.83 + 0.115 minutes and DEzs was 85.66 + 0.35%. Key words: theophylline tablets; co-processed excipients; lactose; avice! Majaloh Formesi Indonesia (22)4, 2011 ISSN : 1693-9883 Majalah IImu Kefarmasian, Vol. VII, No. 1, April 2010, 9-16 PENGARUH AVICEL PH 102 TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK FISIK DAN LAJU DISOLUSI ORALLY DISINTEGRATING TABLET PIROKSIKAM DENGAN METODE CETAK LANGSUNG Dwi Setyawan, Bambang Widjaja, Zimy Fianti Ningtyas Departemen Farmasetika Fakulas Farmasi Universitas Airlangga, ul. Darmawangsa Dalam Surabaya 60286, Telp +62-31-5033710 ABSTRACT The influence of Avicel PH 102 as disintegrant on physical characteristic and disso- lution rate of piroxicam Orally Disintegrating Tablet prepared by direct compression method was observed in this research. Concentration of Avicel PH 102 used were 5%, 10%, 15% and 0% as a control. Physical characteristics of the powder blend includ- ing flow rate and angle of repose showed good attributes. The powder blend was pressed into tablet by hydraulic press with a pressure of 1 ton and diameter of 8 mm. The physical characteristic of piroxicam orally disintegrating tablet including hardne friability, disintegration time, and dissolution rate were examined. The hardness of all formulas were between 0,99 - 2,78 KP, friability were between 3,45% ~ 1,25%, disintegration time were between 223,67~ 18,33 sec and drug released at 45 minutes were between 32,71% ~ 88,63%. The results showed that increasing the concentration of Avicel PH 102 would increase the hardness, and dissolution rate and decrease the friability and disintegration time of piroxicam orally disintegrating tablet . From statistical analysis (u = 0,05), it could be seen that there was significant difference in physical characteristics and dissolution rate of all formulas. Among all formulas, it could be concluded that formula with 10% concentration of Avicel PH 102 was the optimum formula Keywords : Orally disintegrating tablet piroxicam, Avicel PH 102, direct compres- sion, physical characteristics, dissolution rate. ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh Avicel PH 102 terhadap karakteristik fisik dan laju disolusi Orally Disintegrating Tablet piroksikam dengan metode cetak langsung. Konsentrasi Avicel PH 102 yang digunakan 5%, 10%, 15% dan 0% sebagai kontrol. Karakteristik fisik campuran serbuk yang meliputi kecepatan alir dan Corresponding author : E-mail : Vol. VIL, No.1, April 2010 9 As-Syifaa Vol 08 (02) : Hal. 64-74, Desember 2016 ISSN : 2085-4714 FORMULAS! TABLET PARACETAMOL SECARA KEMPA LANGSUNG DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN VARIASI KONSENTRAS! AMILUM UBI JALAR (Ipomea batatas Lamk.) SEBAGAI PENGHANCUR Nur Ani Akademi Farmasi Tadulako Farma Palu Email : ABSTRACT It has been conducted a research about paracetamol tablet formula with kempa technique directly using various concentration of parsnip creeps amylum (Ipomea batatas Lamk.) as dissolver. The result observation shows that all tablet qualifies to test tablet physical character of that. Cover wight uniformity, size uniformity, crispness, and violence, flohat are indicated accord with in Indonesian Pharmacopoeia. Based on analysis of variance quiz f that there is no significant formula among uniformity, size uniformity, crispness and violence. All formula qualifies to test at dissolution Keywords : Amilum is parsnip creeps, destroyer material, tablet. PENDAHULUAN Kecenderungan — penggunaan bahan obat alam atau herbal di dunia semakin meningkat. Selain ekonomis sumber tanaman obat di Indonesia sangat_ melimpah dengan _jenis beraneka ragam. Tanaman berkhasiat obat menjadi sesuatu yang sangat potensial untuk —_dikembangkan budidayanya, proses penyarian bahan berkhasiatnya, dan teknologi untuk menjadikannya suatu sediaan farmasi. Salah satunya adalah bentuk sediaan tablet. Tablet adalah sediaan padat yang mengandung bahan obat dengan atau tanpa bahan pengisi. teknologi pembuatan tablet diperlukan bahan tambahan yaitu bahan penghancur (diluents), pengikat (binder) dan lubrikan.diantara bahan-bahan —tersebut ~—_bahan (disintegrant), _pengisi penghancur merupakan salah satu bahan yang dibutuhkan dalam proses pembuatan tablet yang berfungsi untuk memudahkan —pecahnya atau hancurnya tablet ketika masuk medium berair atau ketika kontak dengan cairan saluran_pencernaan dan diharapkan tablet melepaskan kandungan zat aktif, oleh segera sebab itu zat penghancur merupakan 64 Optimasi Konsentrasi Amylum Sagu (Metroxylon rumphii) sebagai Co-Processed pada Pembuatan Tablet Teofilin Optimization of Sago Amylum Concentration (Metroxylon rumphii) as Co-Processed in Theophylline Tablets Nor Laili, Annisa’ Meyndra Komala, Hidayaturrizqika Maulida, Suprapto* Fakultas Farmasi, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta ‘email: ABSTRAK Sediaan tablet banyak digunakan masyarakat untuk pengobatan, schingga tingkat produksi sediaan tablet ccukup besar dan selalu mengalami perkembangan dalam formulasinya. Eksipien yang umumnya digunakan berupa 95% bahan impor yang relatif mahal schingga biaya produksi akan berpengaruh pada harga sediaan tablet yang akan lebih: mahal. Berdasarkan pertimbangan tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan eksipien bbahan alam Indonesia dengan biaya relatif rendah berupa amylum sagu. Penelitian int mengkombinasikan amylum sagu dan Avicel pH 101 dengan 5 variasi konsentrasi, yaitu 90%:10% (formula 1), 80% (formula 2), 70%:30% (formula 3), 60%:40% (formula 4), dan 50%:50% (formula 5) yang menghasilkan suatu co-processed eksipien. Co-processed ini diaplikasikan dalam pembuatan tablet Teofilin sebagai bahan pengisi, pengikat dan penghancur dengan metode cetak langsung dan diuji berdasarkan parameter pada Farmakope Indonesia Edisi V. Analisis data menggunakan software Design Expert® versi 11 untuk ‘mendapatkan formula optimum. Karakterisasi co-processed yang dihasilkan memiliki sifat alir optimum yaitu 11,11 gidtk, kompresibilitas=3,0%, dan sudut diam=32,0° serta evaluasi terhadap mutu tablet keseragaman bobot CV=10,3, kekerasan ¥=6,2 kg, kerapuhan=1,8%, dan waktu hancur 46,2 detik, Berdasarkan analisis dengan ‘metode Simplex Lattice Design membuktikan bahwa semakin banyak konsentrasi amylum sagu meningkatkan kerapuhan dan menurunkan kekerasan, Sedangkan scmakin banyak Avicel pH 101 menurunkan kerapuhan dan meningkatkan kekerasan. Kesimpulan dengan analisis software Design Expert didapatkan formula optimum co-processed berupa kombinasi 50% pasta amylum; 18,1 amylum sagu; dan 31,82% avicel PH 101. Kata kunci: Amylum-Sagu, Avicel PH 101, Co-processed, Tablet, Teofiin ABSTRACT Tablet preparations are widely used many people for treatment, so the level of production of tablet preparations is quite large and always develops in its formulation. Excipients are generally used inthe form 0f 95% imported materials which are relatively expensive so that production costs will affect the price of tablet preparations which will be more expensive. Based on these considerations, this study uses Indonesian natural excipient witha relatively low cost in the form of sago amylum. This study combines sago amylum dnd Avicel pH 101 with § concentration variations, 909%: 10% (formula 1), 80%: 20% (formula 2), 70% 30% (formula 3), 60%: 40% (formula 4), and 50%: 50% (formula 5) which produces a co-processed excipient. This co-processed was applied in the manufacture of the Theophylline tablet as a filler, binder and shredder with the direct compression method and tested based on parameters in the Indonesian Pharmacopoeia V. Data analysis using Design Expert® version 11 software to obtain the optimum formula. The co-processed characterization produced has optimum flow properties which are 11.11 g / sec. compressibility = 3.0%, and the stationary angle = 32.0 ° and evaluation of tablet quality uniformity CV = 103, hardness ¥ = 6, 2 kg fragility = 1.8%, and 46.2 seconds destroyed time. Based on the analysis by Simplex Lattice Design method, itis proved that the more amylum sago concentration increases friabiit and decreases hardness, while more of Avicel pH 101 decreases friablity and increases hardness. It is concluded withthe Design Expert software analysis, the optimum co-processed formula was obtained in the form of a combination of 50% sago amvlum: 18, 18% pasta amylum sago and 31.82% Avicel pH 101 Keywords: Amylum-Sago., Avicel PH 101, Co-processed, Tablet, Theophylline PHARMACON: Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vall No2 017) 72

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