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Name:James James Date:19.05.



Instructions: Students will practice this skill using the following cues.

Thumb exits water first, little finger enters the water first
Straight arm during recovery
Elbow bent at 90 degrees at catch (hand sweeps in S-shaped
pattern) Arm is next to the ear when entering the water.
Hand does not pass to the other side of the body at any point.

Alternating kick
Relaxed knees and ankles
Toes pointed
Power coming from the hip

Body Position/ Motion

Body nearly horizontal
Rotation of the shoulders and hips
Head facing the ceiling
Too much rotation of the shoulders and hips

Rhythmic pattern of arm stroke to kick
Windmill arm action (one arm goes into the water as the other arm comes out)

Push off under the water
Strong flutter kick
Arms are straight and over the ears
Facing the ceiling with correct body
alignment Two feet under the surface of the
Backstroke Reflection

Instructions: After practicing the back stoke for two days, students will find a professional
swimming demonstration of the backstroke online. Then answer the reflection questions below.

1. Who did you view for the professional swimming demonstrations?

I talked to professional swimmer that was in professional swimming rankings.

2. How can you correct your arm stroke to be more efficient?

I need to avoid bending my elbows which will help me to correct my arm stroke and will make it to
be more efficient.

3. What should you being doing differently in regard to your body alignment?

To align my body I would need to improve my posture and put more attention to it.

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