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The School of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart Avenue, Digos City, Philippines
Tel. No. (082) 553 – 2433 local 105* Fax No.: (082) 553 – 2433
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Name: TANGOG, JAN KIENETH A. Course and Year: BSCE-2C

Type of Activity:
⎕Concept Notes ⎕Laboratory ⎕Individual ⎕Quiz ⎕Formative ⎕Summative Others
⎕Exercise/Drill ⎕Art/Drawing ⎕Pair/Group ⎕Others, specify_____________________________

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Understand the essence of ab-workouts;
b. Value the importance of ab-workouts by providing an explanation as to how to improve fitness through ab-workouts; and
c. Apply the importance of performing the different ab-workouts.
II. Subject Matter: Ab-work outs
Reference(s): Papastergiou, M., Natsis, P., Vernadakis, N., & Antoniou, P. (2020). Introducing tablets and a mobile
fitness application into primary school physical education. Education and Information Technologies, 1-18.
III. Procedure
A1. Activity: Picture Talk
Instruction(s): Describe what is in the picture. Write your answer inside the box.

A V – Sit is an intermediate level exceecise that requires core strength to be

properly executed. You need to keep your back straight and your head and neck
in a neutral position at all times. Breathe out as you lift your torso, using your
ab strength, and slowly return to the starting position.
Lie face-up on the floor with his legs and arms straight and lifted off the floor
slightly. In one movement, lift his torso and legs as if she’s trying to touch his
toes. Lower his body back down.

A2. Analysis: Questions

1. What is abdominal work out?
Abdominal exercises are a type of strength exercise that affect the abdominal muscles
(colloquially known as the stomach muscles or "abs").
2. What are the benefits of abdominal work outs?
Abdominal muscles help stabilize your core. They also assist your breathing, allow movement,
protect your internal organs and are in charge of postural support and balance.
3. What are the different abdominal work outs?
 The plank. Plank. ...
 The bicycle crunch. Why: In the San Diego study, this exercise was the second highest in terms
of strengthening the obliques in participants. ...
 Side plank. ...
 Vertical leg crunch. ...
 Reverse crunch.

A3. Abstraction

Abdominal exercises

Abdominal exercises are a type of
strength exercise that affect the
abdominal muscles. Human abdominal
consist of four muscles which are your
rectus abdomens, internal oblique,
external oblique, and transversus

Upper Abs Workout

1 Dumbbell crunch
Upper abs workout: Dumbbell crunch
Reps 10 Rest 10sec

Lie on your back, holding a dumbbell or weight plate

across your chest in both hands. Raise your torso, then
lower it, maintaining tension in your uppers abs

2 Modified V-sit
Upper abs workout: Modified V-sit
Reps 15 Rest 10sec

Lie down with your hands by your head and your legs
raised with your knees bent at a 90° angle. Simultaneously
raise your torso and draw your knees towards your chest.
Keep your fingers by your temples throughout and initiate
each rep smoothly without jerking your torso up. Don’t let
your feet touch the floor between reps.

3 Tuck and crunch

Upper abs workout: Tuck and crunch
Reps 12 Rest 10sec

Lie with your legs raised off the floor and extended away
from you so they’re parallel with the floor, and your arms
straight by your sides, held off the floor. Keep your arms
straight as you raise your torso and bring your legs in,
bending at the knees, so that your chest meets your knees at
the top of the move. Then lower under control.

4 Crunch
Upper abs workout: Crunch
Reps 20 Rest 90sec

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet planted,
and your arms crossed across your chest. Raise your torso
using your abs, then lower. Your upper abs will already be
close to fatigue but try to hold the top position of each rep
for at least one second to make them work as hard as

Lower Abs Workout
1 Hanging leg raise
Lower abs workout: Hanging leg raise
Reps 10 Rest 10sec

Fair warning, this tough exercise sets the tone for what is
going to be a brutal workout involving four different
hanging exercises. Start in a dead hang with your legs
straight and your knees and ankles touching. Keep them
together as your use your lower abs to raise them, then
lower back to the start under control.

2 Hanging knee raise twist

Lower abs workout: Hanging knee raise twist
Reps 12 each side Rest 10sec

Start in a dead hang with your legs straight and knees

together. Twist your body and raise your knees to one side,
then return to the start. Continue, alternating sides.

3 Hanging knee raise

Lower abs workout: Hanging knee raise
Reps 15 Rest 10sec

This slightly easier variation on the hanging leg raise still

puts a lot of pressure on your lower abs. Start in a dead
hang and raise your knees powerfully to activate more of
the muscle fibers in the lower abs. Lower back to the start
under control to prevent swinging.

4 Garhammer raise
Lower abs workout: Garhammer raise
Reps 20 Rest 90sec

Start hanging from the bar but with your knees already
raised to around your midsection, then lift them as high as
you can. Lower back to the start under control, keeping
your abs engaged throughout.

Obliques And Core Workout

1 Decline plank with foot touch

Obliques and core workout: Decline plank with foot touch
Reps 10 each side Rest 10sec

Get into a decline plank position, supporting yourself on

your forearms with your feet raised on a bench. Your body
should form a straight line from heels to head and the aim
is to maintain that position throughout the exercise. Lift
one foot off the bench and move it to the side to touch the
floor, then return it to the bench. Continue, alternating

2 Seated Russian twist

Obliques and core workout: Seated Russian twist
Reps 12 each side Rest 10sec

Sit on the floor with your knees bent and heels on the
ground. Your torso should be at the top of the crunch
position, forming a 45° angle to the ground. Twist your
torso from side to side, moving in a smooth and controlled

3 Bicycle crunches
Obliques and core workout: Bicycle
Reps 15 each side Rest 10sec

Lie on your back with your hands by your temples and

your legs raised with your knees bent at a 90° angle. Bring
your right knee up towards your chest while raising your
torso and twisting so your left elbow comes to meet your
knee. Then lower and do the same on the opposite side.
Keep your shoulders and feet off the ground to force your
abs to work hard to stabilize your torso.

4 Plank
Obliques and core workout: Plank
Time Max Rest 90sec

Maintain a strict plank position, with your hips up, your

glutes and core braced, and your head and neck relaxed.
Breathing slowly and deeply, hold the position for as long
as possible.

A4. Application

Instruction(s): Perform the following ab-workouts and take a picture of the each given workouts. Also, answer the following
questions after performing.

Q1. How do you find the activity?

Q2. Which ab-workouts is difficult for you? Why do you find it difficult?

Q3. Which ab-workouts is easy for you? Why do you find it easy?
Q4. What did you learn from the activity?

Rubric for Questions: Rubric for Performance:

Content – 50% Execution – 30%
Relevance of discussion to the topic – 20% Accuracy of movement – 30%
Sentence Fluency – 15% Confidence in executing – 15%
Organization of Ideas – 15% Creativity and Costume – 15%
Total – 100% Overall performance – 10%
Total – 100%

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