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2 8 D AY C O R E C H A L L E N G E


Whether you care about getting ripped or not, your core goes
The 28-Day CORE Challenge works best when combined with a
way beyond those six-pack muscles in both form and function.
healthy diet (ditch the added sugars and refined carbs and go
The muscles of your mid-torso — the ones on your back, sides,
for the protein, veggies and good quality carbs instead) and an
and underneath the more superficial rectus abdominis muscles
exercise program that combines strength, HIIT and cardio. Start
— are the support system for your spine. Translation: They’re
roping in some friends and do it together – we really can’t stress
the foundation for almost all movement, in and out of the gym.
enough what a major difference it will make to do it with other
Strong core muscles assist in everything you do physically, in
people. Before and after photos are also a really good idea – often
ways that would surprise you, from lifting a box over your head,
it’s not until you lay those pics next to each other that you can
to pulling a suitcase, to twisting your body while parking your
really see the improvements.
car. Because they’re so essential, when abs and back muscles
are weak, it can cause all kinds of trouble: bad posture, back PS. Please consult your doctor before embarking on a new
pain, and even spinal injury. exercise regime. And ladies; if you’re pregnant, this one is not
for you.



The basic crunch is the consummate abdominal exercise in a Reverse crunches can be the best thing that ever happened to
strength-training program. Pay special attention to your form your abs, or, if you don’t do them right, a complete waste of time.
when you do crunches, especially if you have lower-back or
The reverse crunch is a core exercise that targets the muscles
neck problems.
of the lower abdomen. To perform a reverse crunch, lie flat on
1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the your back with your hands beneath your hips. Bend your knees
floor, hip-width apart. and lift them towards your head, drawing them upward slightly
at the end of the movement. Lower your feet back down just
2. Place your hands behind your head so your thumbs are
above the floor to complete one repetition.
behind your ears.
1. Lie flat on your back. Fully extend your legs, with your toes
3. Don’t lace your fingers together.
pointing upward and keeping your gaze focused on the ceiling.
4. Hold your elbows out to the sides but rounded slightly in. Your body should form a straight line from head to toe.
5. Tilt your chin slightly, leaving a few inches of space Relax your shoulders and neck to minimize the tension in
between your chin and your chest. your upper body.
6. Gently pull your abdominals inward. 2. Place your arms down beside your body. Reach your
fingertips toward your feet on either side of your thighs.
7. Curl up and forward so that your head, neck, and shoulder Press your palms firmly into the floor to create stability.
blades lift off the floor. Keep your eyes on the ceiling. If you don’t feel quite stable enough in this position, try
8. Hold for a moment at the top of the movement and then sliding the backs of your hands beneath your buttocks to
lower slowly back down. anchor your arms closer to your body.
3. With your feet elevated and your knees bent, the tops of
your shins should be roughly parallel to the floor.
4. Draw your knees toward your head. Contract the muscles
of your lower abdomen and bring your bent knees straight
back until they’re just in front of your face. Make sure your
hips and butt are firmly rooted to the floor. They’ll act as a
hinge for your thighs to swivel over.
5. Don’t forget to breathe. You’ll exhale sharply as you bring
your knees up and exhale as you lower them down.
6. Lift your knees upward at the top of the movement. As
your knees come level with your gaze, push them up in the
direction of the ceiling. This should cause your lower back
and butt to come off the ground by an inch or two.
This extra lift increases the overall range of motion, making
the crunch more effective.
Avoid rocking into the movement or extending your back
too forcefully. You’re just looking for a tight vertical tilt to
briefly engage your middle and upper abs.
7. Lower your knees back to hip level. Let your lower body
come down in a slow, controlled manner, stopping when
your thighs are once again perpendicular. Reverse the
motion of your legs and raise your knees again to start the
next repetition. You’ve just completed a reverse crunch
(aka “a$$ lifter”!)



• Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the You may think that the core muscles are only the ones in your
ground (pull your navel in to also target your deep abs). stomach. In fact, the core is made up of all the muscles that
connect the upper and lower body, including those of the
• Put your hands behind your head, then bring your knees
stomach, lower back, hips and buttocks.
in towards your chest and lift your shoulder blades off the
ground, but be sure not to pull on your neck. These muscles are essential for supporting the spine, aiding good
posture, and almost every movement. By strengthening core
• Straighten your right leg out to about a 45-degree angle
muscles you will not only be on a fast track to a flatter stomach
to the ground while turning your upper body to the left,
but will also improve the effectiveness of any exercise you do.
bringing your right elbow towards the left knee. Make sure
your rib cage is moving and not just your elbows. The plank is one of the best exercises because it tightens the
deepest core muscles. It’s a static exercise where you use your
• Now switch sides and do the same motion on the other side
arms to raise yourself off the floor and hold the whole body
to complete one rep.
straight and rigid, like a plank of wood.
• Speed is not the name of the game here; go slowly to focus
You can do it anywhere, you don’t need any equipment and it
on your form and your breathing. Also, it is not necessary to
only takes a minute (literally). What’s more, it is more effective
touch your elbows to your knees as this could cause strain
than sit-ups and crunches because these work only the
in your neck.
superficial abdominal muscles.
Below are three different plank positions that target different
core muscles. The longer you can hold a plank, the stronger
your core will become and you will quickly see an improvement.
Do not attempt the plank if you have suffered any lower
back problems.



• Start on elbows and knees, locking hands together. • Lie on your right side, propped up on your elbow.
• Straighten legs and raise your body so that you’re supported • Let your left foot rest on top of your right, and then push
by the balls of your feet, with feet hip-distance apart. up so that your body forms a perfect triangle with the floor.
• Face the floor, being careful not to arch your back or stick • Don’t let your left shoulder roll forward or back. Hold the
your bottom in the air. position for as long as you can, then repeat on the other side.


• Always follow a basic or side plank with this move. Lie flat • Begin on all fours with your hands directly under your
on the floor, face down, with your arms by your sides. shoulders and your knees directly under your hips.
• Gently raise your chest off the floor until you can feel your • Pull your abs in to your spine. Keeping your back and
lower back muscles start to work, simultaneously raising pelvis still and stable, reach your right arm forward and
your arms up, palms facing upwards and with your thumbs left leg back. Don’t allow the pelvis to rock side to side as
furthest away from your body, pointing to the ceiling. you move your leg behind you. Focus on not letting the rib
cage sag toward the floor. Reach through your left heel to
• Be careful not to clench your buttocks.
engage the muscles in the back of the leg and your butt.
• Return to the starting position, placing your hand and knee
on the floor. Repeat on the other side to complete one rep.



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