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Venue: Date: Time: 7:00am Duration:

House November 14, 2022 45 minutes

Subject: Equipment:

Muscular Endurance


exercise program for

WARM-UP  To activate and 5 minutes

 Stand in one place, tilt primes the
 Head Abduction
your head to the side of connections between
 Shoulder
shoulder, repeat this nerve and muscles,
process to left and right for which improves the
 Arm Rotation
8 seconds. efficiency of
 Hip Rotation
 Rotate both shoulders movement. This will
 Standing Knee
backwards (count 8sec. loosen up the shorten
then reverse) Extend both muscles due to the
 Knee Rotation
arms out to each side, previous physical
 Ankle Rotation
parallel to the floor. activities. Thus,
 Breathing
 Extend both arms out to improve range motion
each side, parallel to the in joints.
floor. Rotate backwards (8  To prepare the body
sec. and then reverse) for the activity.
 Rotate hips counter-  To gradually rev up
clockwise for 8-seconds the cardiovascular
and then clockwise system by raising the
direction for 8-seconds. body temperature and
 Stand with one knee, grab increasing blood flow
your right knees towards to the muscles.
your chest for 8-seconds.
Do the same to your left
 Rotate both knees’ inwards
for 8-seconds and then
outwards for 8-seconds.
 Maintain balance, rotate
first right ankle for
8-seconds (clockwise and
then counterclockwise). Do
the same to your right.
 Inhale and exhale

Burpees  A burpee is essentially a  Burpees are a full- 7 minutes

two-part exercise that body calisthenics
consists of a pushup workout that aims to
followed by an air leap. increase muscle
Doing several burpees in a strength and
row can be exhausting, but endurance in both the
the payoff may be worth it, lower and upper
especially if you want to body. A standard
build strength and burpee strengthens
endurance while burning the muscles in your
calories and improving legs, hips, buttocks,
your cardio fitness. abdomen, arms,
chest, and shoulders.

Plank  The plank is a bodyweight  This exercise 7 minutes

exercise that involves strengthens your
holding your trunk in a back, chest,
straight line off the shoulders, neck, and
ground. The static exercise abs, making it easier
works multiple muscle to keep your
groups at the same time, shoulders back and
making it extremely your lower back
effective for core neutral while sitting
strengthening while also or standing — two
working the shoulders, essential components
arms, and glutes. of good posture.
Leg Raise  Lie down on your back  Leg lifts, in addition 7 minutes
with your legs straight and to working the lower
together. 2. Keep your legs abs and inner thighs,
straight and raise them to help with hip strength
the ceiling until your and flexibility due to
buttocks are off the floor. the motion of your
3. Lower your legs slowly
legs and hips during
until they are just
the move.
Furthermore, the
move engages your
low back, which is
beneficial for anyone
looking to strengthen
the entire core region.

Inch Worm  The movement itself takes  The inchworm's 7 minutes

on the appearance of an primary goal is to
inchworm. Starting from a dynamically stretch
standing position, you your hamstrings. It
reach your arms down also works your chest
toward the ground, walk and shoulder muscles
your hands away from
while stabilizing your
your feet, forming a plank
position, before stepping
your feet forward toward
your hands and finally
returning to a standing

Wall Sit  The person wall sitting  The wall-sit test. This 7 minutes
leans against a wall, their is a straightforward
feet shoulder-width apart assessment of lower-
and a few inches away body muscular
from the wall. They then strength and
lower their hips until their endurance. The goal
knees form right angles
is to assess the lower
while keeping their back
body's strength
against the wall.
particularly the
quadriceps muscle
group. A smooth wall
and a stopwatch are

COOL DOWN  To cool down the 5 minutes

 Stretch your arms. body.
 Arms
 Stretch your legs.
 Legs
 Breathing  Inhale and exhale.

Observation before workout (maximum of 5 sentences)

I warmed up before doing the warm up so that my body would be ready and it would be easier for me to execute the

Observation after workout (maximum of 5 sentences)

Because of the exercises, my body is weak and I am tired. I was so proud of myself because I had accomplished my goal.

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