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NSTP 101 (10:30 – 1:30) SATURDAY SCORE:

In the previous weeks, I learned about how self-awareness, the nature of the human person, and
volunteerism are interrelated ideas that can influence how we view ourselves and our place in
society. Knowing that in one's own character, emotions, motivations, and desires are consciously
known is known as self-awareness. It promotes personal development and empathy by allowing
people to reflect on their strengths, weaknesses, and values. Also, understanding a person's
nature allows one to explore the core of what it means to be human. It encompasses our ability to
reason, feel, have morals, and engage in social interactions. Empathy, tolerance, and compassion
are encouraged when we accept that we are all humans, and these traits are crucial for effective
volunteerism. Furthermore, we also did an activity where we learned about ourselves, how we
see others in person, and how others see us.
My reflection

It is just overwhelming to know that some people see me as

this kind of person: friendly, helpful, confident, energetic,
brave, and trustworthy. It's hard to see in myself that I have
this kind of personality. I also know from myself that I am
friendly to people I know or feel comfortable with. But
furthermore, I had no idea that I was confident, brave, and
energetic when they saw me. In addition, I also know that
I'm trustworthy to all people whom I also know to be
trustworthy to keep my secret that I will tell them.

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