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Bones provide the primary support and structure for the body, but they also do much more.
They have a vital role in maintaining the body's mineral composition and protect vital organs
from harm. Bones also house bone marrow, which helps to produce a number of blood cell
types that are vital to healthy body function.

Bone marrow is a spongy organ that fills the center of various bones of your body. It is where
stem cells produce red and white blood cells and platelets. Without bone marrow, you
couldn't move oxygen through your body or fight infections, and blood wouldn't clot.Bone
marrow is primarily found in axial bones found in the:

1. Chest bones
2. Ribs
3. Spinal bones
4. Collar bone
5. Shoulder blades
6. Skull
7. Pelvic bones
8. Parts of the femur and humerus bones of the legs


Bone marrow serves a crucial function for the body, producing bone marrow stem cells and
blood products. The process of the bone marrow creating red blood cells, white blood cells,
and platelets is called hematopoiesis. There are two main types of bone marrow, and they
each perform specific roles.
Red Bone Marrow

Red bone marrow, also called myeloid tissue, is made up of fibrous tissue that contain hematopoietic cells, or blood-forming stem cells. All red
blood cells and platelets in adults are formed within red bone marrow, as well as 60% to 70% of white blood cells. The remainder of early white
blood cells, called lymphocytes, begin formation in red bone marrow and then become fully mature in other parts of the body like the thymus,
spleen, and lymph nodes.

Yellow Bone Marrow

Yellow bone marrow is fattier and is home to mesenchymal or marrow stromal cells. These are the stem cells that produce the body's connective
tissues like fat, cartilage, muscle, and bone cells. Yellow bone marrow also stores fat and nutrients for red bone marrow to use and to maintain
body functions. If the body is stressed, like during an infection or severe blood loss, yellow bone marrow can transform into red bone marrow and
take over its function.

Healthy bone marrows carries out functions of range of systems:

Circulatory system

Circulatory system comprises of RBCs, WBCs, and platelets and carries out other functions such as transportation of oxygen to tissues, clotting
blood after injuries and and fighting infections.


Hemoglobin is a protien present in RBCs. It collects oxygen from the lungs, carries it with RBCs to tissues such as heart muscles and brain and
removes carbon dioxide, which is a waste product of respiration.


Iron makes hemoglobin with the help of red blood cells. Iron is stored in liver, bone marrow and spleen.
Red Blood Cells

RBCs take seven days for stems cell to mature into functioning RBCs. With their age, they become less active. The blood replaces atleat 1% of
total red blood cells daily.

White Blood Cells

White blood cells help fight infection and the main type of WBCs are:

• Lymphocytes
• Monocytes
• Granulocytes
• Neutrophils
• Eosinophils
• Basophils


Platelets are essential for blood to thicken and form clots in order to stop bleeding. Lack of platelets causes higher risk of internal bleeding.

Lymphatic system

Lymphatic system consists of tonsils, thymus, lymph nodes, bone marrow and spleen. Lymphocytes are born in bone marrow from stem cells and
they mature in thymus gland and are called T cells. The ones that mature in Bone marrow are called B cells.

Immune system

Immune system protects the body from diseases and fight against microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses.

Bone marrow is essential for the minor body functions to take place. If some serious disease occurs such as cancer and with chemotherapy and
raditation the bad cells dies and so does some of the good ones, making it harder for the bone marrow to produce new cells, a bone marrow
transplant may be required in such condition.
Evaluation Tool:
Anatomy and Physiology 1-7 8-12 13-20
No drawing or picture, or Used right drawing or picture of the body system and Used right drawing or picture of the
identified the wrong body body parts that are directly involved in the disease body system and body parts that are
system and body parts. process and correctly labelled; but lacking some directly involved in the disease process
details on the characteristics and functions and how it and correctly labelled; described the
may have or have contributed to the disease process. characteristics and functions and how it
may have or have contributed to the
disease process.

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