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Written by: Observant

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Earn money by League of Legends accounts.
First of all I would like to thank you for purchasing this e-book. I know every e-book starts with an
introduction and I know that almost every e-book explains some advanced stuff in order to earn just a
few bucks online. I myself always had problems earning money, you can look at some of my threads
where I tried to do things for small amounts of money. Then I found out this awesome method, I never
did something with this until I saw that there were people interested in league of legends accounts. And
that’s when I started selling accounts.

In this method I will show you how to crack accounts (Every region). It includes a few important steps
like: Create combolists, get proxylists and an account checker. Don’t worry, I have included all
downloads below.

Before I start the method, here are the downloads you need:

 WzScraper [download]
- This program collects usernames from: LolKing, LolDB and LolSummoners.

 Wordlist Creator by Chessus [download]

- You’d need this to create your own combo list.

 Senty MBA [download]

- You are in need of this to crack accounts.

 League of Legends account checker [download]

- This is to check all information of accounts. (things like: RP, IP, rank, last log in, refunds etcetra)

 League of legends config pack (for Sentry MBA) [download]

- We have this one for you!

All these programs above are a must. You cannot create/check/crack your combo list without these
programs. I am not taking credits of these programs, these are public and just downloaded which
worked fine for me.
Let’s start: Account Scraper
Alright, before we start cracking accounts we would need a combo list, and since we want unique
accounts we are going to create our own combo list. This part is very easy, it sounds hard but you’ll get
used to it when you use it more often.

Open the program WzScraper.exe and choose your region + site. (I always go for Lolking because it has
so many accounts. The other two links are excellent as well!)

I always start from number 2000 to 60000. It takes nearly every single account on the website while

Now that you have completed setting up the scraper you’re gonna hit the “Scrape!” button. Let it scrape
for about 1-2 hours. I normally keep it open in the night so when I wake up it has around 700-800k

After that you have scraped usernames, you’re gonna export them ONLY AS USERNAMES. Make sure
you check the first radio button in.

I use these settings below. – remember to export it only as usernames.

Let’s start: Account Scraper

Now that you finally exported your scraped username list, you need to change the style of every
username that is scraped. Don’t worry, there is a website for it.

Go to this link:

Copy your scraped username list and paste it there, then click on “lower case”.

Now everything is set to lower case, copy the lower case username list and save it somewhere (ex:

Now that we have created the username list, we will need a password list in order to finish the
combolist. In the next step I will show you the easiest way to make a password list.
Let’s start: Password list

For this step we would need the program “Lol Wordlist Creator by Chessus” which you can find in the
first page of this e-book.

Alright, open up the program and you would see two blank input fields. The first one is for the username
list you created in the previous page. And the second one is the password list (which we didn’t created

In the first empty field you should select your username list and in the second empty field you should
select “pass.txt” which is in the same folder as the program.

Click on “Create Wordlist” and let it do it work. (The loading bar is bugged so don’t exit the program
when it’s full.).

After 10-15 minutes (really depends on the size file of your username list) you can close the program.
The program created a file in the same folder called “Combolist.txt”.

There we go, we have our own combolist – your private one. That means no leaked dumps!
Let’s start: Cracking

Finally, we have our own combo list which means we can start cracking. Using the combo list you
created in the previous steps exists of nearly 50-60% of level 30 accounts. And there are a couple of
them which are unverified. For this step we would need patience because it could take some time to
have the combo list finished.

Open up the program “Sentry MBA” and click on “Settings” in the left side of the program. Then click on
“General”. You would see a section called “Snap shots below”.

Click on “Load Settings from Snap Shot” and select the config file. (You can choose either EUW or NA, or
if you have your own region config you can use that aswell. The link of the config is in the first page.)

After you have loaded the config go to “Lists” and then “Proxy lists”. There are a few links where you’re
able to get free working proxies:
Pick one of these sites and get yourself a proxy list, save it somewhere (ex: proxylist.txt) and select it in
the proxylist section in Sentry MBA.

Now click on “Wordlist” and load your combo list there.

Now you are ready to start cracking, click on “Start” and let it do it work. After a few minutes/hours you
would notice some hits.

Now you can select all working accounts and right click on it. Click on ‘Copy combo” and create a
notepad file where you can put the working accounts in. (ex: workingaccounts.txt).
Let’s start: Checking the working accounts

Hehe, now when you finished cracking the accounts you’re willing to check the content of the accounts.
There is a simple program for it called “League of legends account checker”. You can find the download
link in the first page of this e-book.

Open up the program, and click on “Accounts”. Then click on “Import” and select the file with working
accounts which you created in the previous step.

Select the region you cracked and click on “Import”. Now click on “Start” and let the account checker do
its work.
Let’s start: Monetizing

Now, the part where like 80% of the buyers are searching for, monetizing. There are people who are
interested in league of legends accounts, and since you’re able to crack them, you’re able to sell them!
How I managed to advertise my account shop is to post on different forums about my shop.

I posted my thread on: Hackforums, Reddit (< -- not allowed, you could get a ban) and elitepvpers. With
my thread on these 3 forums I managed to earn $50 in a day. (50 sales of $1 per account, some of them
bought 2/3 accounts).

You can create an account on sellfy and put your accounts there, and make your shop auto-buy! You
could wake up with some profit.
Everything in just one day!

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