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Profesores Asociados Egresados del Instituto de

Enseñanza Superior en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández”

Nombre: _______________________________________________________________
1. Read and answer the questions.

My name is Ben and I come from Australia. I am 24 years old and I live in a small town near Sydney
called Branton.
I don't have a job now, but normally I clean shop windows. I am not married but I live with my very
beautiful girlfriend, Maria, in a nice house in Branton. We don't have any children - maybe next year.
My girlfriend is an actress, but she isn't very famous. She acts in a small theater in our town. At the
weekend, we like to go swimming in a big lake near our house.
I normally get up at eight o'clock, but on Thursday I get up at six o'clock and I go running in the park.
I like living in Branton because it's not too big. There are some historical buildings in the center of
the town and near Branton, there is a river and I go there fishing sometimes when I want to relax.

1. Where is Ben from?


2. Ben is working at a shop now. TRUE FALSE

3. Ben and Maria live in a nice house in Sydney. TRUE FALSE
4. What is Maria´s job?


5. What does Ben do on Thursdays?


2. Read about Ben’s brother and complete with words from the box.



Tim is Ben’s brother. Every ____________________ Tim wakes up at five thirty. He ____________________
up and then goes to the bathroom and has a ____________________, hot shower. After that he goes to the
____________________ and makes breakfast for him and his wife, Betty. Tim ____________________ coffee
and two slices of toast and Betty ____________________ a cup of tea and eats a bowl of cornflakes. At
six o’clock Tim brushes his ____________________, always before he gets dressed. He doesn’t want to
get toothpaste on his clothes. Tim is a train driver and he ____________________ a uniform! Finally,
he kisses his wife and ____________________ and leaves his ____________________ at a quarter
after six.

3. Go on reading about Tim and complete with words from the box.



Tim starts work ____________________ seven o’clock and drives trains on the London Underground. He
works ____________________ day from Monday to Friday, but he sometimes works ____________________
Saturdays too. At midday he stops work for half ____________________ hour to have lunch. At four o’clock he
stops work ____________________ goes home.
____________________ is a supermarket near his house and Tim always buys ____________________
sweets for his baby son.
____________________ the evenings, Tim plays with ____________________ son and then he
and Betty watch television. Then they all go to bed. ____________________ very tired and they
get up very early in the morning!

Profesores Asociados Egresados del Instituto de
Enseñanza Superior en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández”

4. Now read about Tim’s weekend and circle the correct option.

It’s Sunday afternoon and Tim and Betty ARE / IS in the park with little Ben. They HAS GOT /
HAVE GOT a dog, too and it is in the park with them. They LOVE GO / LOVE GOING to the park
at weekends and eating there. They IS HAVING / ARE HAVING a picnic and the dog IS RUNNING
/ ARE RUNNING after a ball. It is a small dog. It HAVE GOT / HAS GOT small ears and a short tail.
It runs very quickly and it IS JUMPING / CAN JUMP, too.
Yesterday, Tim and his family WAS / WERE at home because Ben HAS / HAD a very bad cold. There WAS /
WERE a good TV show so it was all right.

5. Complete this dialogue with the phrases in the bubbles. Be careful! There is an extra one.

What time does it Whose shops are Which shops are

you like to go How much money Where shall we

Maria: Hi, Betty. There´s a big sale at the shopping mall this afternoon. Would ___________________
Betty: Sure. ___________________________________________________________________ on sale?
Maria: All the shops, I think.
Betty: Great!____________________________________________________________________ start?
Maria: I think it starts at midday.
Betty: OK. ____________________________________________________________________ shall I take?
Maria: I don’t know. I’m taking my credit card.
Betty: And ____________________________________________________________________ meet?
Maria: Let’s meet at the bus stop near your house.
Betty: Perfect. See you then.

6. Write a letter about your best friends. Include the following information:

 What are their names?  What do they do every afternoon?

 What do they do?  What do they do every morning?
 Where do they live?  What do they do every evening?
 Have they got any pets  What do they usually do at weekends?












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