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WSTEP 0d 2015 rola uczniowie, ktérzy ueza sig wszkele ponadgimnazjalne)wediug nowe) podstawowy programows), podchodza domatury wnowym formacie. Na poziomierazszerzonym 2wigkszenie wartoicipunktowejzadai bezposredniosprawdzajacych -znajomos¢ srodkow Jezykowych. Z raportow Centralne) Komisji Egzaminacyjne) wynika, 2e na poziomle rozszerzonym egzaminu maturalnego to wlaénie te zadania sprawiaja uceniom najwigksza trudn oz Jestnlezwyklewazne, aby uczertjaknajwzesnig), jak najczescieji jak najszerszymzakreste stykalsiezzadaniami, ktorenaegzaminie koscowym moga sprawié mu najwiges) trudnoéci. Diatege oddajemy w Paxstwa rece zestaw ponad 100 zadah egzaminacyjnych, \wierzac, Ze bgdzieistotnym uzupetnieniem podrecznik6w i innych materialbw,z ktérych Paristwo korzystaja, 2yczymy powodzenial Zesp6t Pearson SPIS TRESCI Strony 2-3 Testwielokrotnego wybort 4-5 Urupelnianietekstu 6-7 Stowrotworstwo 2-9 ——_Urupelnianietekstu wyrazami zramki 10-0 Parafrazy zdai is Thumaczenie fragmentow 2dan 1S Unupelnianiezdas 16 MiniTest1 wv Minitest2 18 MiniTest 3 19-21 Odpowiedzi TEST WIELOKROTNEGO WYBORU \Weadaniach 1-6, przeczytaj zdania.2 pedanych odpowiedzi wybierz wlasciwa, tak aby otrzyma€logiczne| adania. Zakrestiterg a,b, club d. Jamatyeznie poprawne ZADANIEY ZADANIE 4 1. When Kaen became the manager, she began to 1. One day you'll have 10 the consequences of your peapleasif they were infeio: behaviour towards her and nobody wil support you. alockdownon bgoof — thar natch. all me as (ak ytkomeble bode) athome please ZADANIE 16 My students (niemagjgnie przecinio zfawanu) five mack exams before the finale Te like to knew (ak wy lacs ayce wut) The lm producer i believed (nie zaplecif the actors a much ache agieediv inthe contact When Istudy alt, | have feeling that (im wigce sieucze, tym nig) 1 knaw. ‘oPeasonCentalsuope's.200.2014 [PHOTO@PARLE ‘roth gzyhowe—maturavozsrerona B UZUPELNIANIE ZDAN Weadaniach 1-8, praeczytaj zdar Uzupetnijzd: ‘wykorzystujac podanew nawinsach wyrary w odpowiedniejformie. Nienaledy zmieniackolejnosc podanych wyraz6w, trzebanatomast - je2el jest to konieczne - doda¢ inne wyrazy, tak aby otrzyma¢ logicane i gramatycanie poprawne zdania, Wymagana jest pelna poprawnos¢ ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentow. Uwaga: ada luke moiesz wpisaé maksymalnie szesé wyrazbw, wliczajac w to wyrazy juz podane, ZADANIE1 1 eter (aivays/ tale) 1 ZADANIES won't heve time to pick mum up from the airport so Iwas wien annoys neal woretng our) tha 2. Theyoung boy (think / steal) forme oma beal gotey tr 2. Weworttgetn without an intaton as pour Bong ime but ie Tootage om CIV didnt provide ary uarcschecting the evderce aera 3. Dorf: youthink we should havea snack bforewe go st 3 Narionlosther sahtat the age five asa result (cate/ bey not) : tan accent but the see (geal) Sinner feral? round he cty wth 4 Do you realise that the weather (likely / change) evrite sich ewer tomorew 4 fe tuppctenot/ ke) the ote now can we get tothe conference? ZADANIE2 ZADANIE 6 1 sages nae a scooter sol'dlove togo with you fora little spin. 1 My mather keeps (suagest /1/not/study) 2 Ard (suppose Cad /not/come SSE to meet you, what would you have done? ry demanding prof 3 jst acouple cf oursagoche pole confined tt 2 Foehaintmiedibe pine e/8d (woman /hit) a baseball int eco By nw. be but hey sll Faven ound out who didi 3 Myrandperent (se/ il deve) vo ther dooestep, butt 4. fmsogladyou rang. about /col/ou SOIREE ‘myself ta find out more ‘doesn’ happe Sone eting elday 4 youte stregling with moma, why dont you (ey/ he 9 helo you seep ZADANIES ZADANIE 7 1) Watan appating smell whet onearth ou) the st oe hours? 1 We ava beaut pctureinthe galley on Sunde, but 2 Matikawort steno anybody anyway, so guess rot /use when ewer ackan Monday was gone rowe nes it oh btalkher ou of bing’ ew digtaleanera 2 eraw/dangeous ow 3 Im pretty sureit'l be ages before | (accustom /live) was, we decided to stayindoon, irauch shot cmste 3 gc real rated by thse people who geen buses 7 44 Wyden you have Rehan gan /Sina mun ebay (eben ————- ot birthchy party? He's weal Just arg 7 throug makewa 4 Hopetally curteam(xxceed/ ali) forthe also ZADANIE ZADANIE 1 When we met (eady/sun the café forsicyears, 1 Yeu need not/orepae 2 Are you telling me that (be / veorth / vite) sucha lish meal becaure we've alraady eaten Imthecaurciaboutthe 2 When fob went ve par hehadto concn ofthe wad? ute thelarguage odeon ern ve 3 Judging by Emil’s excellent results in her A-levels, she (must. ‘onthe right fou) Torweeks before «3. ony (or/uy/eo) theeam wth you ecommetded= Fs cetng wa fortune now 44 The soup tasted though/somebody ated 4 Thetecue stared with a genet introduction tothe course ‘oomuch gat Bra (goon a, or assignment 14 ereaonCenattunpesy.z00.201 [ RRSTORRRRE | sotejertewe man wxcenon UZUPEELNIANIE ZDAN W zadaniach 9-16, pr2eczytaj zdania. Urupeinij zdania, wykorzystujge podane w nawiasach wyrazy w odpewiednie| formic. nalezy zmieniac kolejnoSci podanych wyrazdw, trzeba natomiast ~ jezell jest to konieczne ~ doda¢ inne wyrazy, tak aby otrzymac logicene i gramatycznie popraimne zéania. Wymagana jest pelna poprawnosé ortograficana wpisywanych fragmentow. Uwage: ww kazda luke mozesz wpisaé maksymainie szesé wyrazéu, wliczajac w towyrazy juz podane, ZADANIES ZADANIE 13 1 The manager (ought /net /entiese) 1. The building collapsed while (personel /be/ evacuate) Lesley flan of the others. But be rarely behaves appropriate, 2 Weren't you an: hat taking ob/ mean/move} the States? 3 The streets look really dirty. Lwish (people / not / throw /Ieten) ‘wherever they feel lke it 4 I(not/wak) that pavement if were you~ some paving slabs are missing and it becames dirttrack in 200 matres ZADANIE10 1. However easy it may seem, you (beter/not /attempt) ‘gp diving on your own, 2 Chulstlejnoe/ mine fas) todo some extra work ar weekends. She rarely goes away. 3 | would rather (you /noe/asappeat) sayinggood-bye last right. Itupset me very much, 4 Doyouthink (he /ket/i/tate) aday off tomorrow? ZADANIE 11 11 There vas no swimming poolat my old school, so we: (not/ we co) any water sports. But we playedtennis instead 2 Hewor't ial to miter (unless/she/ apologise) herbehaviour fist. 3 lish (ne/rot/st). right herenow. 4 The fightwas delayed by sometechnical problems, (mean (me (have) a three-hour wait And because of that, we missed the last coach home: fromthe airport ZADANIE12 1 When exzcty ibe/ news /broadeas) And coulcyoutel us where you wete atthe time? 2. Last week Sarah (advise /1/not /pay) ta mach attention to James vemarks 3 Theirrabbit wasso aggressive that t/have lec in ts cage, 4 Iguessits about timel dida driving course ~(nat/tnow/ dive) limitsthe job offers, ‘oPeasonCentalsuope's.200.2014 [PHOTO@PARLE My grandma always (nsst/1/sormle) at least one piece of cf the cakes she makes forme at Chistmas (be/s taut the carbroke down halfway through the journey home? (On curway out we (hear / Claudia practése) for hermusic competition teas a real plaasute because of herfantastic voice ZADANIE 14 The police (beieve /fotow) the suspects at thisvery moment. ‘You must not hesitate to canvact us (you requie / artes) Information abaut the vecangy During my bst dentalappointment (forbid / eat) saweets because of the possiblity of decay Tomwondered the/ replace) hit ald computer or nce ZADANIE 15 Would you believe that ina few minutes'time (ne/b) this coach or 24 Fours? ‘Geoige'sparents abandaned him when he was tiny so (rotnirg /kvow) his past, Jetemy/s parents (want he /study) medicine rather than philosophy but he wasnt keen on thatat all The supervisor complained to /Jenny/ always fai) ‘tn meet deadlines. ZADANIE 16 We'd describe our friend Philp as a bite centered and bossy because he (ove /isen ana he rarely takes ‘no’ foran anewer I Lesley had had time, she (buy/ soni aft stat she just {give him cash to choare something himeek, Wasit while you (baler /install tha: you decovered ‘a problem with the pe? There are only four houses in my street (all/buil#) in he 1260s, ‘roth gzyhowe—maturavozsrerona 5 MINI TEST 1 ZADANIET UZUPELNIANIE TEKSTU Przecaytaj tekst Uzupelnij kaéda luke jednym wyrazem, tak aby otrzymaélogicany! poprawny gramatycanie tekst, Viymagana jest pelna poprawnosé grametyczne i ortograficana wpisy wanych wyrazov. ‘THE COMMONWEALTH OF NATIONS. ‘The Commonwealth of Nations 5 an organisation which conssts 1 53 member states. Allof them used to be Bitsh colonies and, infact, the xganisation was created in 1949, when the colonies started gsinng independence from Britain. The member any legal obligation to each other They are, though, united by culture, hisory and, of course, language 2s 2 principles and values: demacracy, human rights and the rule of law The head of the Cammonweath is the Queen but her postion it rather symbol so, afterher death, her Apart Fram political involvement in the afats of the member states, the organisation is ako well-known for the Commanweaith Games, 501 3 be chosen by the Commonwealth leaders a sporting evert held 4 four yeas. What's interesting about the Games f some af the sports playsdthere, They include Lew Bowls and Rugby Sevens. 6 ZADANIEZ PARAFRAZY ZDAN, Wykorzystujac wyrazy podane drukowanymi literemi, uzupelnij kaide zdaniezluka, tak aby zachowaésenszdania wyjsciowego. Nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazs w. Wymagana jest pelna poprawnos¢ ortograficzna | gramaty2na wpisy wanych fragmentow 2dat\, Uwaga:w kazdq luke mozesz wpisaémaksymalnie szesé wyrazéw, wliczajac w to wyraz juzpodany. 1. Theyare delverina my new dishwasher on Tuescay. HAVING H on Tuesday. 2. “‘Whydorit you sit next to me?" Mark asked fate. InvireD Merk. rex! to hit 3 It's important co remember to complete ths form in block letters. FILLED. This form should in block letter. 4. Whyis this place visited by so mary tourists? POPULAR, What males so many tourist? ia ZADANIES ‘stoworworsTwo Uzupetni) kazda luke jednym wyrazem, praeksztalcejac podany wyraz, tak aby otrzymac logiczne | poprawne gramatyczniezdania. ‘Wymagana jest petna poprawnos¢ gramatycana i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazow. 1 The (SIMPLE) of style and her classical elegance made Auctey Hepbutn the iconof Hollywood. 2. In orderto avoid stess when moving house its ital hire profesional (MOVE) company 3 There are plan: to bul she third runway to (ABLE) bigger rumberof planes toland 4 Ben's (MANIPULATE) personality gat him s fury high postion inthe management cf the compeny. 7a KAZE /i2 16 ‘© PearonCentaleuone 9.200.204 [PHOTO@PABLE | srodhieaytowe-maurarozsertona MINI TEST 2 ZADANIET stoworworsTwo Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupelnij kaida luke jednym wyrazem, przeksztalcajge podany wyraz, tak aby otrzymaé logicany i poprawny {gramatycenie tekst, Wymagana jest pelna poprawnosé gramatyczne i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazéw. VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS It seems that vocational schools are gaining in popularity again. Many yaung people dart know what their 1 (PERSON) ime tomake decisions cbout ther future-At the same time, they talents areand, asa reuli, they choos this type ef e schoolto give themseh gain the 2 (QUALIFY) necessary to do a particular job (One advareage of vocational schools f that you can get extra certificates and diplomas shat wil show an emplayer what kind of sis you have acquired. Another beneft of attending such a school is that they usually have 3 (EXCEL) connections with local busineses and industries. These businesses wauid often prefer to employ 3 4. (TRAIN) who they hav than somebody who hasn't dane an apprenticeship with them. In this way both parties know what they are getting and a young employee is likely to be encouraged to train further ‘got te know rather a ZADANIE2 UZUPELNIANIE ZDAN Uzupetnij zdania, wykorzystujac podane w nawiasach wyrazy w odpowiedniej formie. Nie nalezy zmieniaé koleinosci podanych wyrazéw,traabanatomiast-jazali jest to koniaczne -doda¢ inne wyrazy, tak aby otrzymaé logiczne igramatycznie poprawnezdani Wymagana jest pelna poprawnes¢ ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmento. Uwaga: w keédg luke mozese wpisaé meksymalnie szesé wyrazéw, wliczajacw to wyrazy juz podane. 1 Iwas very surprised when the customs officer demand /knom) which sutease was mine, 2 The tom (seem renovate) only recently looked so fresh 3. Fonly \know/ how /uninal) this softvare! Irmakes my computer annoyingly slow 4. Buying health naurance (et /user/lower) medical expenses 4 ZADANIES PARAFRAZY ZDAN, Wykorzystujac wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupetni kazde zéanie zluka tek aby zachowa¢ senszdania wy)sciowego. Nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyraz5w. Wymagana jest peina poprawnosé ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych fragmentow zdati. Uwaga:w kaidq luke mozesz wpisaé maksymalnie szeéé wyrazéw, wliczajac w to wyrar juzpodany. 1. Kesin is fend of paragliding isn’t he? INTO Kevin he 2 Your won't make further progress without outside help SOMEBODY Untess you won't make further prgress. 3. It was impossible toreach the mountain ladge due to heavy snow fals cur The mountain lodge heavy snow fal, 4 “Dorit expect much from him" she told me. Nor She waned from him 4 RAZEM 12 ‘© PearonCentaleuone 9.200.204 [PHOTO@PABLE | srodhieaytowe-maurarozsertona wv MINI TEST 3 ZADANIET UZUPELNIANIETEKSTU WYRAZAMI Z RAMKI Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupehiij kaéd lukg, pracksztaleajgc jeden 2 wyraz6w 2 ramki w taki sposéb, aby powstal spéjny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pelna poprawnos¢ ortograficzna | gramatyczna wplsywanych wyrazow. Uwaga: dwa wyrazy zostaly podane dodatkowoi nie pasuja do zadnej luki. [ active I boil I Tong) [minimum taste I warm) ] HOW TO PREVENT FOOD POISONING ‘Ate yousure you know how ta treat faad to 1 the tsk offood potioning? There are quite a few things you can do but let's lockat the most important ones Frstly, you should keep dishes, worktops and ut 2 _-moisture and time to grawoon faod. You can alto help food ta stay detintey slow the growth of bacteria and therefore the focd can stay fresh 3 Another way ta prolang the life of food is by Freezing it However you must remember that it daesnt kill bacteria—it only ral sls clean, cool and dry. The reason for this 5 that mould and bacteria need Lh by keeping itceld Storing fod inthe fridge wil them 4 That wy it's vital w@ heat itezen food a a high enough temperature to destray the bacteta. In this way you can be to avoid being pcisoned 6 ZADANIE2 PARAFRAZY ZDAN, Wykorzystujac wyrazy pedane drukowanymiliterami, uzupelnij kaide zdaniez luka, tak aby zachowaésenszdania wyjéciowego. Nie :zmieniaj formy podanych wyraz9.w. Wymagana jest pelna poprawnos¢ ortograficzna | gramatyczna wpisywanych fragmentow 2dan\, Uwaga:w kazda luke mozesz wpisaémaksymalnie szesé wyrazéw, wliczajacw to wyraz juz podany. 1. The match cartied on despite the goalkeeper’ in ry THOUGH the match carried on, hat does your bretherdo at work? uvin Whatdoes your brother 3 Im sure they ate having agreat tein Gr must They. _agteat time in Greece 4 Idor‘t tke my sister spending s0 much time takingon her motile ont a somuch time talking anher mobi 4 ZADANIES ‘TEUMACZENIE FRAGMENTOW ZDAN, Przettumacz na jgzyk angielski podane w nawiasach fragmenty zdar, tak aby otrymac logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. ‘Wymaganajest peina poprawnos ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych fragment6w rd Lwaga: w katda luke mozesz wpisaé maksymalnie sz04é wyraz6w. 1 dessica cart (obese bez) milk in her coffee. 2 Would you abject (gaybysy zens) thedete ofthe meeting? 3 The frst fountainpen. believed (e zostal uyty) inthe 10th century. * Riding a tike (nie nozna porswrynad driving acar 6 RAZEM —/12 18 ‘© PearonCentaleuone 9.200.204 [PHOTO@PABLE | srodhieaytowe-maurarozsertona

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