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What are the most effective ways film can use cinematography to put the audience in a character’s


Show vs Tell; how does each balance the other?

Wes Anderson films. Question could be something like “is there a case of Emperor’s New Clothes” or
is he a truly strong brand/auteur. Subject vs Whimsy?

Multistyle animation as a trend; comparison between Spiderverse and TMNT, derivative or


What makes a character identifiable by silhouette. Connotation of character shape/style/design.

How has the internet affected people’s perception of horror? Is this about capabilities of FX or
possible desensitisation due to exposure to real horror.

Development of Analogue horror: Blair Witch horror, Mandela catalogue. How has it developed? Is it
a reaction to high VFX production qualities? Comparison with HQ current film and which one is more
scary? Why?

How have slasher films been pushed aside?

How colour theory can effect emotion? Is it possible to subvert colour theory successfully in
storytelling? Context can further affect connotation of colour.

Where does volumetric production show its limitations or lose realism through pattern? Comparison
with draw distance?

How colour palette changes for different movie genres. What are standard colour palettes for films
and can these be more nuanced by subversion?

Case study of indie animation: democratization through technology.

Film locations and colour theory: natural colour versus post production (case study). Example films
for each then a conclusion about which does it better and why.

What makes a fantasy forest look magical? Define magical in appearance. Lighting, colour, sound,
nature; 5% beyond what we know. Represent on screen by putting things together that don’t quite

What makes a fantasy world immersive? Relation to the real world, plausibility.

The effects of colour, lighting and sound on an audience.

What is the role of the physically monstrous sapient in media and how, if at all has it changed over
time? Examples: Bowser, Blaidd (Elden Ring), others.

What is the psychological connection between the firearm and heroism/machismo viewed through
the lens of design? How has it changed over time?

What defines a humanoid character across media, how has it evolved over time and how can it be
pushed for the sake of creative freedom?

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