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What are Red Bull’s strongest points as more companies enter the
energy drink industry and gain market share?

Red Bull’s strongest point is, its marketing strategy to sponsor

collaboration with expert athletes, teams, dancers, filmmakers, and
musicians and Red Bull also organizes its events strategy.
It made them successful because they reached 166 countries selling
their product. The company explicitly executes its product and
attained the trust of adolescents worldwide, that are mostly young
and adventure-seeking.

2. Should Red Bull continue to do more traditional advertising even in

today’s modern generation? Why or why not?

In my opinion YES. Because traditional advertising is still helpful and

has a huge impact on everyone. For example one of Red Bull’s
traditional marketing advertisements is a billboard, it’s helpful for
some people on road to see Red Bull advertisements without looking
at their devices, not only adolescents can see the advertisement but
also older people, a short glance might catch the audience’s attention
and purchase the product.
3. If you were to work with Red Bull, what marketing strategies or
activities would you suggest?
Even though Red Bull preserved traditional advertising I still
recommend improving and innovating its company’s strategy. With
the generation and technological advancement, digital marketing will
also do a lot and reach many people. One of the best options is
‘display ads’. Here people whose visit websites have a possibility to
see the product and might get their attention to purchase it.
Expanding its digital marketing advertisement will help the company
to continue to reach more customers.

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