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Team members: Veronica, Patrick, Lane and Josh

Module 3 Group Project

OGL 320


Recommended Approach:

Based on the scenario in module three, we decided that an agile approach would fit the
best for the organization. While the use of an off-the-shelf software solution would work just as
well for this organization, the agile approach could be adapted to fit the exact needs of the
company. Our clients expect a rapid influx of growth especially over the next five years. If we
were able to hire someone to make a program that could cater to the volume while creating
something that is user-friendly for the clients that would be the best option.

We would explain to the clients the pros and cons of both methods. The agile approach,
also known as the adaptive approach, is an approach that is useful when there is an anticipation
of changing requirements. It also works best when there is going to be a high level of
communication between the developers and the client. This way they are actively getting
feedback and can change the process as they encounter issues. Agile development also
emphasizes simplicity which would work for handing over the data tracking to the client. One
drawback of the agile approach is that errors are more costly to correct when detected late, which
is why the communication aspect is vital for the success of this method. This method allows for
higher customer satisfaction, better productivity, faster feedback cycles, and faster time to

The waterfall approach, also known as the predictive approach, is one that focuses on
clearly defined requirements. Most of the designing occurs at the beginning of the process and
builds on itself through each step of the process. The waterfall approach is not considered
suitable for projects that require change. It works well for projects that have predictable,
recurring processes. A benefit of using this approach is that the cost can be estimated upfront
because most of the planning is done upfront. One problem with this method is that a missed
deadline can have a major impact on the final product including time to production and feedback
The method that we believe would work best for our client is the agile approach because
they would be able to cater to their needs. In the long run, it may cost a little more money
however, it seems worth the cost with the increase in customers that is expected. There would be
a high level of communication between the developers and the clients, allowing them to have a
hand in the way that their software works.

Part 2:

We were unable to get ahold of Corbin Baker, so we divided the work among the four of us.
Patrick and Veronica were tasked with developing the first page, while Lane and Josh took on the
second page. We came up with our decisions through discussion and voting on which was the
best approach. We used Perusall l as a way to figure out what was the best option. The only
problem we found was getting Corbin into the group, however, we plateaued and went forward
without them and will attempt to get them involved in the next part. Everyone had an input on
the overall process of this portion of the project.

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