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Test 2

Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date--------------------Grade 6

Task 1 Read the text “Max’s Good Habit”

Max loves reading, he reads all the time and his friends laugh at him because he likes reading more than playing video
games, but his parents and his teachers are proud of him. They say reading is important, and it will help him learn about
the world around him. They also tell him it is a good habit to read on a regular basis.

One day Max was reading a magazine article about volcanoes. He told his friends all about volcanoes and what causes
them to erupt. The next week, his teacher gave the class a science project about volcanoes. Guess who everyone wanted
in their project group? Max’s friends weren’t teasing him anymore.

Max was in a group with Liz, Anna and Josh. The assignment was to create a poster board with information about
volcanoes and to build a volcano model. Max made copies of the magazine article about volcanoes so his project
partners could read about them too. They also went to the library to look for more information about volcanoes.

The group met at Anna’s house that night to organize the information and decide what they wanted to put on the poster
board. They all asked Max what he thought was most important.

The next night they met at Josh’s house to build their volcano. They used cardboard and modeling clay. First they made a
volcano shape with the cardboard, and then they covered the shape in brown and red clay. The red was lava flowing
down the volcano. They also attached red clay to the top of the volcano to make it look like it was erupting. The volcano
looked great.

Max, Liz, Anna and Josh were very proud of their hard work. When they turned in their project, their teacher was proud
too. Thanks to Max’s good habit, they earned an A+ on both parts of the project.

 Answer the questions:

1. What is Max’s hobby?

a) Playing computer games
b) Reading books 4. What did they do at Anna’s house?
c) Doing projects a. organized the information
b. built their volcano
c. made a volcano shape

2. Where did Max first read about volcanoes?

a) On a poster
b) In a story book 5. What did they do at Josh’s house?
c) In a magazine a. read the magazine article
b. built their volcano
c. decided what to put on the poster

3. Which place did Max and his group go to find

more information about volcanoes?
a) The bookstore 6. How did Max feel at the end of the story?
b) The library a. Sad
c) Max’s house b. Proud
c. Upset
 Write if the sentences are True or False
1. Max has got a good habit, he loves reading books.
2. His friends laugh at him because he loves playing computer games.
3. Max found out about volcanoes when he was watching TV.
4. They found more information about volcanoes in the library.
5. Max made a copy of the magazine article about volcanoes to use it in their project.

Task 3 Read the situations and express your wishes:

1. Situation 1: You don’t have a dog, but you would like to have it.
2. Situation 2: You are on the seaside, but you cannot swim
3. Situation 3: You are poor and you want to have much money and be rich
4. Situation 4: You don’t have a car, and you go to work on foot.
5. Situation 5: You don’t know your friends phone number.

Task 4 Change sentences from Active into Passive:

1. David wrote a story about friendship.


2. The Browns will visit Georgia next year.


3. Sophia washed the dishes yesterday.


4. Our neighbors clean the park every weekend.


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