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Zharick Tatiana Lis Grajales
Lic . in English
Mr. Alfonso Hernando Scopari Trujillo
Análisis of english texts

Caribbean University Corporation ( CECAR)

November 20,2023
The way for the gas, ladies and gentlemen

( page 12)
I go back inside the train; I carry out dead infants; I unload luggage. I touch corpses, but I
cannot overcome the mounting, uncontrollable terror. I try to escape from the corpses, but
they are everywhere: lined up on the gravel, on the cement edge of the ramp, inside the
cattle cars. Babies, hideous naked women, men twisted by convulsions. I run off as far as I
can go, but immediately a whip slashes across my back. Out of the corner of my eye I see
an S.S. man, swearing profusely. I stagger forward and run, lose myself in the Canada
group. Now, at last, I can once more rest against the stack of rails. The sun has leaned low
over the horizon and illuminates the ramp with a reddish glow; the shadows of the trees
have become elongated, ghostlike. In the silence that settles over nature at this time of day,
the human cries seem to rise all the way to the sky. [ CITATION TAD \l 9226 ]

1) Mainly as I as a person can say that what lived in that concentration can was
inhuman, scary and above all, destroyed the lives of millions of people, it is
heartbreaking to read the previous lines of how the actor of his writing Borowski
could have lived such an atrocity, sincerely it is a chilling thing to know that it
really happened, the holocaust was the worst thing that could have happened in
humanity that teaches us to say that we do not want to see ravaging and
innumerable deaths on top of each other stacked and combusting to death , people
of all ages Jews, children and women this scene made me want to cry and feel
repulsion towards that kind of yoke from what was Hitler and his Nazi empire.

2) How was it possible that so much barbarism could be a source of inspiration for
many writers?To answer this question it is important to say that this helped the
world to know intimate and scary details of a death Factory such as the
concentration camp in Auschwitz was something that caused the world to wake up
against the magnified and crimes of lesa humanity, think about human rights, this
literature allows us to see the human being humiliated and trampled even immersed
in their own feces, their own sweat and their own nakedness, the world knew the
barbarism through the experience lived by its author Borowski.
3) ) This writing reminds me of some very award winning films in the world of cinema
which specify perfectly what I mean for the people of the time the hell of
Auschwitz, the movies called LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL, THE CHILD OF
THESTRIPED PAJAMA, here is reflected the feeling of truth and the reconstruction
of the history that the world lived and the crimes that humanity had to endure, that
place was a FACTORY OF DEATH, it will always be recorded like this and this
makes people watch these kinds of movies are with the deepest feelings and are
reflected in how wonderful life is and especially not having distinctions of race,
religion, and sexual relations, we are all the same.

4) (Page 8-9) "What, you don't want to take them?" asks the pock‐marked S.S. man
with a note of surprise and reproach in his voice, and reaches for his revolver. "You
mustn't shoot, I'll carry them." A tall, grey‐haired woman takes the little corpses out
of my hands and for an instant gazes straight into my eyes. "My poor boy," she
whispers and smiles at me. Then she walks away, staggering along the path. I lean
against the side of the train. I am terribly tired. Someone pulls at my sleeve. "En
avant, to the rails, come on!" 9
I look up, but the face swims before my eyes, dissolves, huge and transparent, melts
into the motionless trees and the sea of people. . . I blink rapidly: Henri.

In this passage, it is very significant since it shows how the author was forced to
carry out the work carrying bodies of infants, women, innocent people which is
repulsive for any person shows what the life of a battered prisoner is like, and
forced to do the worst things bodies for calcination.

5) (Page 9) "Ah, on the contrary, it is natural, predictable, calculated. The ramp

exhausts you, you rebel—and the easiest way to relieve your hate is to turn against
someone weaker. Why, I'd even call it healthy. It's simple logic, compris?" He props
himself up comfortably against the heap of rails. "Look at the Greeks, they know
how to make the best of it! They stuff their bellies with anything they find. One of
them has just devoured a full jar of marmalade." "Pigs! Tomorrow half of them will
die of the shits." "Pigs? You've been hungry." "Pigs!" I repeat furiously. I close my
eyes. The air is filled with ghastly cries, the earth trembles beneath me, I can feel
sticky moisture on my eyelids. My throat is completely dry.

This chapter shows a hyperbole which shows as the author with a tone of
exaggeration and anger shows the Greeks as people who eat no matter what happens
to their surroundings and who do not care about anything but only food and
exaggerate saying they eat like pigs.

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