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Imani vs.

Federal Reserve Bank, the Council on

Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the
Trilateral Commission, Archer Daniel Midland

I have no ownership of any assets or financial positions, short or long, in the stock
market, metals or precious metals, cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, and commodity
markets. Moreover, in this writing I make reference to the Jews. I mean the Elite
Jews who rule over the United States of America (the US), and the US’s political
economical and financial systems, and the US citizens from the top 0.5% position
of the wealth pyramid in the US. In one sentence: “The Jews RULE In the US.”
Therefore, we might appropriately refer to the US as the “Jewish Kingdom of the
States.” Or the “Zio Occupied States of America.”
Moreover I refer to super Elite Jews, who sit behind the curtains and control the
US, as the Termites. Because ultimately their function has been and is to hollow
out the middle class while the termite continue plundering the US Economy.
Thomas Jefferson said, “If the American people ever allow private banks to
control the issuance of their currencies, first by inflation and then by deflation,
the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people
of all their prosperity until their children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered.”
Nathan Mayer Rothschild in 1815 made his famous statement after having the
British government subject the US shipping ports under a restrictive Naval
Blockade: "I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule
the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls the British money
supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply."
Mother of Nathan Mayer Rothschild said: “If my sons wanted no war, there would
be no war.”
LA Times: “But I don’t care if Americans think we’re running
the News Media, Hollywood, WallStreet and the Government, I just care that we
keep running them”. Joel Stein, Los Angeles Times, Dec 19, 2008, wrote about
how Jewish Hollywood is.
Harvard Law School Professor Alan Dershowitz put it this way, “People say Jews
are too powerful, too strong, too rich, we control the media, we’ve too much this,
and too much that and we often apologetically deny our strength and our power.

Don’t do that! We have earned the right to influence public debate, we have
earned the right to be heard, (and) we have contributed disproportionately to
success of this country.” He has also discussed punishing critics of Israel, “Anyone
that does [that] has to be treated with economic consequences. We have to hit
them in the pocketbook. Don’t ever, ever be embarrassed about using Jewish
power. Jewish power, whether it be intellectual, academic, economic, political– in
the interest of justice is the right thing to do.” My comment: When Alan said “we
have contributed disproportionately to the success of this country, what I read is
“we have contributed disproportionally to hollowing out the middle class by
plundering the US economy, ….., and nobody should even think of criticizing us let
alone standing up to us, …., we have to hit them in the pocketbooks.”

“The Elite Jews are accused of whatever they accuse us of, like Supremacy and
Racial Discrimination.”
- Behzad Imani

“Who controls the food supply controls the people, who controls the energy can
control whole continents, and who controls money can control the world.”
- Henry Kissinger

“Illegal we do it immediately; unconstitutional takes a little longer,”

- Henry Kissinger
The following case summary exhibits the essence of this lawsuit, the Power of US
Federal Reserve Bank, owned by the elite Jews who control and manipulate the
economic and political affairs of the USA.

“I have NO hate toward ordinary Jews.” – Behzad Imani

Summary of the Lawsuit:
I sue the Federal Reserve Bank for Lying to the American Public, POTUS and
Congress, Manipulating the Financial Markets, stock markets, and bond
markets, for the benefit of a few, Manufacturing periodic Economics expansions
and Economic contractions for the benefit of a few Elite. Moreover I accuse the
Federal Reserve Bank and its cronies for practicing Interest rates apartheid and
Credit apartheid, for Toppling down several US Presidents, and for Illegal
inception of the Federal Reserve Bank by blackmailing Woodrow Wilson,
deceiving some members of the Congress in 1913. I ask the court to dissolve and
halt the operations of a) the International Monetary Fund, b) the World Bank
and c) the International Bank of Settlement in the US.
I invoke the 10th Amendment, ask the court to dissolve the existing Federal
Reserve Bank, replace it with a “US Federal Government owned” transitional
Federal Reserve Bank, which will introduce a new US Dollar based upon a
basket of the top 100, or less, commodities and Bit Coin, for a maximum of 2
five year terms. And at the end of its term or sooner the US will possess a
completely decentralized banking system by incorporating new technologies. I
will suggest the architecture and implementation procedures of the
decentralized system as well.
I respectfully ask the Federal court to:
Cease the operation and activities of the Federal Reserve Bank.
Cease the operation and activities of Council on Foreign Relations.
Cease the operation and activities of the Bilderberg Group.
Cease the operation and activities of Trilateral Commission.
Cease the operation and activities of the Fed and Treasury Agreement of 1951.
Cease the operation and activities of the Bank of Settlement in the US.
Cease the operation and activities of International Monetary Fund in the US.
Order the creation of a new Fed for a maximum of 2 five years limit, until a
Decentralized System Banking and Financial System is established.

Hopeless ness in America is causing enormous death statistics. Every day 175
people die from fentanyl poisoning.
“In the US, Hope is in deficit” - Natalie Brunell

The Price Instability since the Federal Reserve Agreement with Treasury of 1951.
The graph has gone parabolic after Aug 15, 1971, and more so after 2012, up until
the Present time.

Last time the CPI was at 7.9% the Fund Rates were at 13%.
Please note: The Fed reported a CPI of 7.9% on March 10, 2022. They have
changed CPI components compared to what it was in the Reagan years, early
1980s. If you measure inflation by the CPI of 1980s, then today’s inflation rate
would be more like 15% (including housing, rent, etc.) And thus the Funds Rates
should have been much higher today, say about 20%. Since the interest rates are
low, the Federal Reserve Bank is printing money like hell, resulting in the price
inflation that we are dealing with. After Fed’s Jan 26, 2022 press conference, they
ignited the Ukrainian war to blame the ensuing inflation on Russia by imposing
demands that Russia could not accept. The Ukrainian war is only 14 days long. But
today’s inflation is the result of the Fed printing money on a steroid since 2008
financial crisis. This is NOT the first time the US Government ignites a war
overseas to benefit the elite Jews who are sunning the financial and political
system of the US. Please read the content of the lawsuit carefully.

Illustration of Interest Rate and Credit Apartheid. Thomas Jefferson said, “If the
American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their
currencies, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their prosperity until
their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

The above quote by Libertarian Lew Rockwell circulated among the US Patriots
some time ago (I guess 6 years ago if my memory serves me well).

Behzad Imani, Ph.D., soon to be 61 years old.

The End of Summary of This Lawsuit, Imani vs The Federal
Reserve Bank et al.

This law suit is a small step but a giant leap toward reestablishing the identity of
the US as a sovereign country, and toward the liberation of Americans from the
criminal Federal Reserve Bank (the Fed) and its Elitist cronies. The Fed is a private
bank that is owned by the elite, yet it acts as the central bank of the US. With this
lawsuit, I intend to replace the Federal Reserve Bank with a decentralized entity
and attack the US establishment peacefully. I am an alt-right conservative and a
believer in the caravan of the prophets, flag and the country. I am also a student
of the American history with in depth knowledge of technology and finance. My
name is Behzad Imani. I am 60 years old and I graduated from the University of
Arizona, Tucson Arizona, with a Ph.D. in engineering almost 37 years ago. I am a
system engineer who can put any large or small complicated multidisciplinary
(electrical, mechanical, optical and software) systems together, has not been able
to get a job or obtain Venture Capital (VC) funding for any of my inventions and
innovations in the past 20 years. In one sentence, “I have been cancelled at Silicon
Valley.” I attended the “Occupy Wall Street” demonstrations in 2009 and 2010
with my Liberal friends. My Conservative friends with all of their guns, rifles and
pro NRA stances, did not have the guts to participate in any of the
demonstrations against the Obama bailouts of the big banks. Basically the Big
Banks confiscated our properties with the money that Obama injected into the
financial markets and the big banks which brought him to power. President
Obama issued a decree and cleared or wiped out the “Red Records” of the
demonstrators some of whom signed an atonement letter and received high
paying jobs in Wall Street later. The rest of the demonstrator’s records were red
flagged, not by the government, but the elitist who run the US. This event was the
beginning of the “Systematic Cancellation” or what is now referred to as the
“Cancel Culture”, here in Silicon Valley. So the liberals were the target of the
“Cancel Culture” at the beginning. I knew some red flag did associate with my
social security number after I tried to get a job at the local Costco store to mop
the Costco floors. Everything went well in my interview up until I provided my
social security number to Costco. Suddenly they told me that they no longer
sought to employ me.
The reason I attended those “Occupy Wall Street” demonstrations was two folds:

I lost my XLOptics Company to a Jew who deprived me of making $200 Million.
I could not raise money for my Surface Plasmon patent that was the high light of
my professional career. A further application of Surface Plasmons (I was NOT
involved with the development of OLED application that was developed after I
left) could be seen in the next generation of OLED flat panel screens coming up
after 2022. One of the students at Stanford whom I was mentoring, applied
Surface Plasmons to Terra Hertz Waves a couple of month ago received the most
distinguished engineering award of 2022 in the US. This application will be
implemented in the next generation chip industry in 2030s.
I couldn’t raise money for my new Gig Economy (Uber Patent) that I had filed on
September 07, 2007 a few months after Steve Jobs announce Apple iPhone. Yet
the Jewish Venture Capitalists placed many Billions of dollars on the Jewish
founder of Uber two years later.
I lost two major commercial properties in the recession of 2009. The recession
had actually started in Aug 2007. If I could raise $625,000 in 2008, I would have
paid off the mortgages and I would have earned about $20,000 of rent from those
two commercial properties now. This was hurting, and still does hurt, me when
Steve Mnuchin, a Jew who later became the Secretary of Treasury under Trump,
had raised many 100’s of millions of dollars from the Wall Street Banks that
Obama had bailed out. The Wall Street and the Big Banks were the arsonists
which had set the market on fire to begin with. Mnuchin used the funds to
purchase distressed properties in batches of 400 at a premium discount. So the
Jews of Wall Street financed fellow Jews who confiscated our properties by
economic disaster (economic contraction according to Thomas Jefferson) that the
Federal Reserve Bank and its cronies had manufactured.
Unfortunately for the Jews, the Jews confiscated my properties from the wrong
person. I, Behzad Imani, am a student of American history with in-depth
knowledge of the US finance and technology. I have spent 45 years in Silicon
Valley and have been a witness to the contemporary oral history of the Silicon
Valley from the time when most of the Valley was covered by Orchards and Peach
I further attest that the US is a truly diverse country. In fact the US is the only
country where they mix French toast, English muffin and Canadian bacon and call
it “All American Breakfast.” The problem is that the Jews of the Federal Reserve
Bank have taken advantage of this young and diverse nation, and have been
plundering its economy and its citizens, hollowing out the middle class, ever since
1913. Furthermore, the Fed has employed some economic policies driving the
masses into poverty through credit and interest rate apartheid. The Jewish
owners of the Fed preach diversity of races, but never allow diversity in credit and
in interest rate distribution. They never allow diversity of thoughts either. And
through the illegitimate use of the US military, the Federal Reserve and its
cronies, conveniently referred to as the economic establishment or economic
elites, have raped and plundered the rest of the world.
My conclusion was that the Jews controlled and continue to control the monetary
system of the US, through the Federal Reserve Bank, and practiced economic and
credit apartheid in favor of their fellow elite Jews and their non-Jewish ass kissers.
I am NOT a Jewish ass kisser, never was and never will be. The sons of Cyrus the
Great who liberated the Jews some 2500 years ago, could NEVER be ass kissers of
the Jews. Please see the exhibits at the bottom of this lawsuit (Last Exhibit).
They Jews practiced “Cancel Culture”. Whoever was not willing to kiss their ass,
they outright cancelled him or her out by Silicon Valley VCs or powerful social
media companies. They continue canceling the livelihood of whoever they don’t
like or approve of. The case examples are enormous. The latest being the case of
Joe Rogan who dared to challenge the establishment narrative on mask mandates
and other corona related issues.
Since 1971, the US has had two Presidents simultaneously: the POTUS and the
Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank. Actually the Chairman of the Fed has been
more powerful in pulling the strings than the POTUS. In the 1970s, the media used
to print that the US had two presidents, POTUS and the president of AFLCIO. But
that was not true. The Chairman of the Federal Reserve was the ultimate King and
the King maker in the US political establishment.
In 1971, an event took place that is inappropriately referred to as the Nixon
Shock. The Jews of Federal Reserve came up with a new Jewish currency
commonly known as Petro Dollar. They guised it as the US Dollar. Nixon Shock
should definitely be referred to as the Jewish Shock. Because the whole idea was
developed and implemented by the Jews. Nixon was lied to. He was deceived. I

was 10 years old when President Nixon announced the Jewish Shock and have
observed the economic and political deterioration of the US ever since then. On
August 15, 1971, the US got off the Gold standard as a backup to its US Dollar
currency. Along with 90% of the American public, I have been personally
financially hurt and damaged by the lies, and deceits of the Jewish Federal
Reserve Bank and their Jewish Dollar. Specifically the US nation and I have been
damaged by the lies propagated and practiced by the Jewish Federal Reserve
Chairpersons, periodic contraction and expansion of the economy, and the Fed’s
Jewish fiat currency (a.k.a The US Petro Dollar. They have deprived 90% of the
American public from earning their real wages over the past 50 years. The Fed has
been responsible for the biggest THEFT (from the American wage earners and
middle class) in the world’s history since 1971, as the wage earners and property
owners lost about $50 Trillion in unpaid wages, confiscated properties, stocks
and lands since 1971.
I am going to start off from where Jesus Christ left off 2000 years ago in year 33
CE. One day his companions came by his side, and complained about the Jews
who had driven them to poverty by collecting compounded interest loans, driving
them to poverty. Michael Hudson reported that in Aramaic language the word
“Debt” meant “Sin”. They showed Jesus a gold coin and said to Jesus Christ, "The
Roman emperor's people demand taxes from us. Jesus said to them, "Give the
emperor what belongs to the emperor, Give God what belongs to God”. The
companions looked and were very utterly amazed at him.
The always peaceful Jesus Christ went to the Bazar of Jerusalem and knocked off
the coin exchange tables of the Jews and literally engaged in a fist fight with the
Jews. Less than a month later, the Jews provoked the Romans to imprison Jesus
Christ for three days before sending him to the cross for crucifixion. And then
happened what happened.
Following the footsteps and traditions of Jesus Christ, and as a system engineer, I
will attack the current Federal Reserve Bank, its policies and its Jewish Dollar,
which is incorrectly but conveniently branded as the US Dollar. I will debase the
Fed’s Jewish Dollar and replace it with a new US Dollar which represents the
sovereignty of the United States of America. And then introduce a new economic

system that benefits the modern day plantation workers, also known as The US
Citizens, without prejudice.
In September 2020, I learned that in the 1990s, another system engineer by the
name of Harvey Francis Bernard came up with a set of economic reforms. Barnard
persuaded the US Government that the debt financing of bonds would diminish
the growth potentials of the US economy. He was right. Every Dollar of debt used
to produce $3 worth of growth in GDP, but since the debt mounted up, every
Dollar produced 70 cents of growth. Moreover, Barnard’s work was made into a
NESARA act that never passed the Congress. He finally published his work in a
book in 2005, but suddenly died of an unexpected heart attack!!! I am told but
couldn’t verify that Nancy Pelosi was among legislators who initially supported
the NESARA act but then she withdrew her support after the Federal Reserve
pundits vehemently opposed NESARA act. The NESARA legislation proposal died
when the 64 year old healthy Harvey Francis Bernard suddenly passed of an
unexpected heart attack!
In this legal journey, if I face what Jesus Christ faced 2000 years ago, or if anything
happens to me, I wish to pass the ball to my soccer teammate Dr. Hossein
Eslambolchi who is a medical doctor, and has a Ph.D. in engineering. He has an
expert knowledge of packet networks, probability theories, and particle and Astor
physics, machine learning and artificial intelligence. He also was the president and
chief technical officer of AT&T. He can pull off the architecture and
implementation of a decentralized banking system from a technical point of view
without my help. Also in my absence, economists and forecasters Gerald Celente,
Michael Hudson, Steve Keen, Alasdair MacLeod, Charles Hugh Smith, Mish
Shedlock, Nassim Nickolas Taleb, Max Keiser, Paul Craig Roberts, and Michael
Saylor can handle the economic aspects of the new fair and balanced economy
and exchanges. And last but not least, Jack Dorsey can handle the Web 3.0
decentralized implementation down the line say within 5 years from now. I am
good without any one of them. I won’t need help from any one of them, but just
in case if I am not available for one reason or another, the above team can handle
the implementation of a “Decentralized Banking System.”

I sue the Federal Reserve Bank for:

Lying to the American people.

Lying to the US Presidents and Congress.
Manipulating the markets, stock markets, and bond markets, for the benefit of a
Manufacturing periodic Economics expansions and Economic contractions for the
benefit of a few.
Interest rates apartheid.
Credit apartheid.
Toppling down several US Presidents.
Illegal inception of the Fed by blackmailing Woodrow Wilson, deceiving some
members of the Congress in 1913.
I also sue them for establishing a two tier justice system. There are one set of
rules for the elite, and then there are another set of rules for the rest of us, “We
The People”. For example, the big business (the corporations that grow around
them per Thomas Jefferson) pay almost no taxes when you, and I, and small
businesses pay 30% in income taxes.

By Apartheid I mean the Fed extends enormous credits (billions of dollars) at zero
interest rates to some people and organizations when We The People, you and I,
small business owners, have to borrow money on our credit cards at 18%, house
mortgages, and car loans at 5 % and up! Depending on our credit scores. By the
way, the credit scores of those big banks and Wall Street institutions is never
checked out by anyone in spite of them losing money. They just continue
receiving billions of dollars in the name of “Stabilizing the Markets.”

When the particular few, friends of the Fed, lose money The Fed bails them out
but when “We The People”, you and I or small business owners lose money, we
have to go out of business, nobody bails us out. The friends of the Fed and their
cronies never get their credit scores touched let alone deteriorated, rather they
get paid to go on with and continue with their the Las Vegas crony capitalism: If
they win, they pocket the profits but when they lose, the Fed bails them out!

Let me illustrate the credit apartheid by some more examples: After 911, the Fed
set the interest rates at 1%. A startup company called Amazon received many
billions of dollar in loans and indirect financing. The massive investments enabled
Amazon to engage in a predatory business practice, and gabbled up market share
from the competing small businesses when Amazon sold products at cost or at
below costs driving small businesses out of business. In 2007 the Starbucks
Coffee shop company was about to go out of business when they received an
injection of a huge amount of money from the Jewish Banks and financial

I have evidence to prove ALL of the above in a Federal court of law. As president
Kennedy said before his assassination: “Stop asking why they are doing this to me.
Start asking why in the hell am I allowing it.”

The New Transitional Fed should and will introduce a new US Dollar, replacing the
current Jewish Petro Dollar, based upon a combination of agricultural and metallic
commodities, fossil fuels and energy commodities plus Bit Coin.

Part 2)

I would want the Federal court issue an order to fire the entire Federal Reserve
Bank (the Fed) governors and the chairman on a wholesale basis, and abolish the
current Federal Reserve Bank (that is the 3rd central bank in the history of the
US, President Andrew Jackson abolished the 2nd central bank) completely. Then
bring in Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan, Elizabeth Warren, or responsible people like
them as a custodian who would establish and appoint a new two times 5 year (5
to 10 years) transitional central bank with new governors upon recommendation
of and under the tight observation of the Congress. During the transitional period,
the new central bank would bring in state-of-the-art technology and democratize
the decision-making process for the economy. There is no reason that a bunch of
bureaucrats, a private investors, could decide about the livelihood of the
American citizens through the private and illegal Federal Reserve Bank policies.

After the transitional period of 5 to 10 years, we will have a completely

decentralized economy. Some genius people have the architecture worked out
with new packet networks for proper money exchanges and settlements on the
Web 3.0 plus new Decentralized Finance (DeFi) systems. The solution will be

The Social Injustice manufactured by the Federal Reserve Bank:

The problem is that the Federal Reserve Bank cannot taper a Ponzi scheme. And
in the meantime the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Over
2/3 of the Americans are not living under financially unhealthy conditions. The US
Capitol might be the scene of an insurrection by 2026, the year of Singularity. The
purpose of this lawsuit is to avoid the upheaval of 2026 by an economic reform of
the financial system and the Wall Street.
In 33 C.E., Jesus Christ opposed the Roman coins (Equivalent to the Jewish Petro
Dollar of today) that had become a tool and a source of enslaving his people. For
that reason Jesus Christ was sent off to the cross.
Thomas Jefferson said, “If the American people ever allow private banks to
control the issuance of their currencies, first by inflation and then by deflation,
the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people
of all their prosperity until their children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered.” The reason for his statement was that Thomas
Jefferson, a “Genius” who played 5 instruments and spoke 5 languages before he
was 33 years old, was an avid reader and was a student of history, and the
empires before him, before 1776. He used to read one or two pages of Quran
sitting on his rocking chair in his Monticello ranch. He had studied the reasons for
the success of (Ottoman) and collapse of (IBERIAN) empires. Specifically, he had
seen how John Law’s Mississippi venture and his Libra currency eventually
resulted in the collapse of the French empire after 1721. He also had observed
the collapse of the Continental Dollar during the revolutionary times in the US in
1770s. Ironically the Ottoman Empire (that had lasted and successfully ruled for
800 years) collapsed after the last Ottoman sultans adapted the Jewish Rothschild
banking system.

In the past 400 years, Rothschild family controlled the banking and finances of the
Europe, India, and the US. For example in country of India alone, between 1760
and 1938, the Rothschild family stole 45 Trillion Pound Sterling (About $100
Trillion dollar) from the Indians (the Asian country that has elephants, not the
Bow and Arrow Indians). In Europe, the Rothschild family made the majority of
their initial money from financing the French European wars, and the battle of
Waterloo that ended a 23 year conflict in June 1815. In 1812, while the Spanish
colonies of the Iberian Empire were seeking independence from the diminishing
Iberian Empire, Rothschild had the UK cause and impose the 1812 war between
the US Patriots and the UK. He had the United Kingdom impose severe sanctions
on and blockade of the US ports between 1811 and 1815, drove the US into
poverty. The economic standard of living in the young and revolutionary US
became poorer than the 1776 revolutionary times. Finally in 1816, the US
congress gave in and the Jews passed the legislation to establish the 2 nd central
Bank in the US. Then Nathan Mayer Rothschild in 1815 made his famous
statement: "I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule
the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls the British money
supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply." The
current authority and leverage of the US Federal Reserve is above and beyond the
power of ALL US government institutions including the White House, The
Congress and the Supreme Court. In effect, the three major branches of the US
Government along with the US Intelligence Services are a puppet of the Federal
Reserve Bank (a private bank) and its owners. The powers of the Federal Reserve
Bank are unconstitutional for the reasons below and according to the 10th
Amendment to the US Constitution.
At the present time, the US national debt has become a burden on the US
Citizens. While the Fed indicates and reports an inflation rate of 7 %, the real
inflation is more like 15% if we use the consumer price index (CPI) of the 1980s,
during the Reagan years. As a starving student, I used to live on avocado and
cheese sandwich then. We used to buy 15 to 20 Avocados for $1, or 5 cents to 7
cents per avocado in San Francisco. Nowadays, we pay $1.59 per avocado at
Costco. Since I started writing this lawsuit, Costco increased the prices of Avocado
to $1.69 in early January. By Jan 26, 2022, Costco increased the price of the
Avocado to $1.79 per Avocado in Foster City Costco in CA. The reason is that

reckless money printing and inflation has hit all prices across the board. The Fed
has been able to hide this inflation by exporting the inflation (from excessive
money printing) to foreign countries and importing deflation (in price of goods
and services) from the foreign countries to the US. However, in the process, they
have shipped our US jobs overseas in order to create a fake aggregate demand for
the Fed’s Jewish Dollar and their fake financial papers and packages. The US has
lost good paying jobs to foreign countries, and it has become a “Warehouse
Country” where everything is manufactured by the cheap overseas labor.
Meanwhile the Power Purchase Parity (PPP) of US citizens, their ability to
purchase goods and service, has gone down to zero.

Part 3)

The US Federal Reserve Bank has had three major accomplices: The Bank of
International Settlements (BIS), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the
World Bank.
In 1930, Bank for International Settlement (BIS) was originally established as a
collection agency by the founder and original owner of the US Federal Reserve
Bank, Lionel Walter Rothschild, to facilitate reparations imposed on Germany in
the aftermath of World War 1 and the subsequent Versailles Treaty of 1919. BIS
later evolved into a coalition of the central banks in US, Europe and Japan to
plunder the economy of the world in a convoluted way. Even before its official
establishment, and in order to rip off the people of the countries of the world, BIS
created central banks in the target countries, and took over the economy of that
targeted country through its central bank. For example, they forced Mexico to
establish Mexican Central Bank in 1925, Argentina Central Bank in 1935, and
Brazil central Bank in 1945, and the list goes on and on. Each of those countries
were prosperous countries BEFORE the establishment of their central banks, but
then the elite Jews plundered their economy one by one and continuously up
until now through their central banks. They corrupted their politics, and
submerged those targeted countries into unaffordable and unpayable debt. In
return, the elite Jews gradually owned the natural resources, agricultural lands,
mines, and properties of those target countries.
International Monetary Fund (IMF) was established in July 1944 during Bretton
Woods Conference, with the intention of extending Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New
Deal program all over the world. That is how they framed it as. But it quickly
became a wing of the BIS for ripping off the counties of the world by extending
them loans that they could never pay back. The latest example was Argentina that
defaulted in its loans (1998 to 2002) and its economy deteriorated ever since. The
Federal Judge’s order in favor a rich Jewish lender didn’t help the Argentines in
2014. Their currency simply collapsed (I was involved in a solar project
development then in Catamarca Argentina). As was the casa after the 2002
collapse of Argentina currency, an army of investors from Goldman Sachs and
other Jewish entities of New York flew to Argentina. The elite Jews now own most
of the mines and agricultural lands of Argentina. A US Federal Judge is in it with
the elite Jews and constantly rules in favor the elite Jews. So these days you hear
Anti US slogans in Argentina. But the slogans should be directed toward the Jews
not the US.
No country in the world should accept loans from and allow IMF to make
economic decisions against the sovereignty of that country.

The World Bank emerged at the outcome of the 1944 Brenton Woods conference
at a hotel by the same name in New Hampshire. The World Bank is an
international financial institution that is supposed to provide loans and grants to
low and middle income counties for the purpose of pursuing capital projects to
alleviate poverty. But then again that is an empty slogan. The terms of those loans
and grants are such that the recipient countries would submerge into more
poverty after receiving the loans from the World Bank.
John Maynard Keynes (a Jew), the cofounder of the World Bank, was a corrupt
man with ill intentions and habits. Today’s lying Dr. Anthony Fauci looked like an
angel compared to John Maynard Keynes who always projected his evil intentions
in the name of public good, alleviating poverty, etc. But to be fair, the World Bank
was the lesser of the two evil when compared to either IMF or BIS.

Nevertheless, IMF, World Bank and the International Bank for Settlement are the
true three axis of Evil that W forgot to mention in his State of the Union Address.
The reason was obvious: His speech was written by a Jew.
For the purpose of this law suit, I will touch upon and discuss how the Lionel
Walter Rothschild’s Federal Reserve Bank of the US (the US’s third Fed) ripped of
the US Citizens, hollowed out the US middle class, and ripped off the people of
the world.

Biggest Problems with the US Federal Reserve Bank Policies since 1971:
The US Federal Reserve Bank plundered the US Economy directly ever since its
inception in 1913 as mentioned above. The Fed ripped off the American people
more rapidly and systematically ever since 1951, The Federal Reserve and
Treasury Agreement took place. And theft became the biggest theft in the history
of mankind ever since August 15, 1971 after the Jewish Shock. Basically The Fed
used the 1951 Federal Reserve “agreement” with the Treasury Department under
the treasonous Harry Falseman (POTUS 33 who was a Monnoosi, the first O is
pronounced as O in October, means a Jew who pretended to be Christian) and
gave rise to the modern Federal Reserve Bank monetary policies. Here is how the
elite Jews plundered the US Economy. Since 1971, the wages never kept up with
the productivity. The productivity curve and the wages diverged from each other.
The velocity of money decreased when they practiced credit apartheid, issued
credit and gave money, and issued tax cuts to the elite, and the money never
trickled down to the base of the economy. Thus the velocity of money decreased.
They manufactured worthless papers and called them securities and bonds,
shipped the US Jobs overseas, closed down US factories, imported migrants from
those central and southern American countries whom they had ripped off their
economy, changed the identity of the American culture and citizens, imported
goods and services from those overseas countries who bought those worthless
bonds and securities. If these were not enough, they manufactured recessions
every 10 year (what Thomas Jefferson called economic contractions) and emptied
the pocket books of the American tax payers, the peasants, the modern day
plantation workers. The net result of their evil and selfish policies is apparent in
the streets of America: Drug overdoses, Homelessness, Internal mass migrations,
etc. In the process they plundered some $50 Trillion dollars from the US economy
alone since 1971.

Graph of Productivity:

Velocity of Money going to Zero:

Bond Vigilantes Era 1990 - 2020:

What I am afraid of is the negative interest rates, which are the sign of De
Population. The 2018-2019 negative interest rates brought us the 2020
COVID pandemic. Would we experience another Corona virus by 2025?! If
the interest rate trends continue going down to below Zero? plus a
mounting debt suddenly stops getting financed?! The era of Bond
Vigilantes (1980 to 2020) is over. The entire US economy is weaker than a
spider web. Would US give up California or Texas to US Bondholders and
creditors? The Keynesian model introduces instabilities, fake asset classes,
and thus is not sustainable. Paul Krugman says: "We owe money to
ourselves". Boy, he is wrong. I recommend that he sues the university that
gave him his Ph.D. degree, return back his Nobel Prize, and stop misleading
the American public.
Note: After 2014, Fauci funded the Corona virus research at Wuhan labs.
That is a fact. Above is the 30 year interest rate trends since 1990.

Wealth Gap:

No we don't have an L shape recession. We don't have a V shape recession. We

don't have a U shape recession. What we have is a K shape recession. What is a K

shape recession? "The Have Yachts" is getting richer. "The Have NOTs" is getting
poorer. The problem is that there is much too much M2 and QE money in the
system with a little M1 money. So if you own a $1 MM in the bank, you actually
own a number equivalent to $1 MM of credit to purchase goods and products
with. If everyone suddenly decides to withdraw his money, the banks would go
bankrupt. When M2>>M1, we have a "Virtual" economy that is out of equilibrium
& results in unemployment, underemployment (work less than 8hr/day), sub
employment (work in the service sector that pays less than nominal wages). In
one sentence: The Economy is NOT Real. The root cause is the Federal Reserve,
which has manipulated the economy beyond repair. The FED is THE PROBLEM,
not part of a solution. Black, Red, Yellow, White who are all oppressed by
monetary robbetary reckless policies of the FED, show their grievances in the
form of riots, protests, racial tensions across the USA. Before 1913, US economy
grew at the rate of 4% per year, year after year, for 75 years even during the Civil
War. The timid US politicians have had NO courage to abolish the FED.

Credit Apartheid:
There are Credit Apartheid rules: One set of rules for the Elite Jews and another
set of rules for the masses. Just as there are Justice Apartheid rules, one set of
rules for the Elite, and another set of rules for the masses.
Basically since 1913 and specifically since 1951, The Fed implemented the Credit
Apartheid policy by infusing cash and credits to the Jews in particular and to pro-
Jewish or pro –Israeli people among the non-Jews. The most recent example was
apparent in the case of Amazon. When Amazon came on line selling books, there
were 100 or more companies selling things on the internet. However, neither one
of them had access to the cash and credit that Amazon had. Amazon went on
selling products at cost or at a loss on its site, drove the competition and a lot of
small brick and mortar businesses out of business. Here in Silicon Valley, your
chances of raising capital increase by many folds if you have a Jewish confounder
on your board or as a member of the original founding team. The reason is that
the ultimate provider of credit, the Federal Reserve Bank, flows credit to the
Jewish banks, and they provide liquidity to Jewish Venture Capital companies, and

they fund startups which fi their criteria. Please read the events of 1985, 1987,
1994, 2001, 2008 and 2009as described below to realize my claims.

Interest Rates Apartheid:

Oh I forgot to mention that, there are Interest Rate Apartheid too. The price of
money (the interest rate or the terms of the loan) increases as the money comes
down the food chain to the ordinary people. The Big Banks receive Trillion of
Dollars in free money from the Fed with a simple phone call. The Fed claims that
the Fed is securing the banks! But as the money flows down the loan tree, We The
People have to pay 18% interest on our credit cards and 5% interest on auto and
home loans. That is if we have good credits. Except Ron Paul and a few others, no
one in Washington DC dared to audit the Federal Reserve and its evil financial
system that has grown around the Fed. Meanwhile We The People also have to
pay the banks $15/month to keep our accounts open! What a Beautiful Country
America Has Become! The way the legislation are formulated in DC, even NSA
doesn’t dare tapping on the phone records of the financial criminals who are
sitting at the bottleneck of the financial system, yet NSA is free to tap into the
phone system and records of the ordinary people with a FISA application. The
proof was in the incomplete FISA application targeting Donald Trump back in

Illegal inception of the Fed by blackmailing Woodrow Wilson,

deceiving some members of the Congress in 1913:
Here is a brief History of the Illegal Inception of the Federal Reserve Bank.

A Historical Perspective:
Thomas Jefferson said, “If the American people ever allow private banks to
control the issuance of their currencies, first by inflation and then by deflation,
the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people
of all their prosperity until their children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered.”

The Fed is engaged in a Ponzi scheme. As an economic forecaster Gerald Celente

said it well, “You can never taper off a Ponzi scheme.” Let’s illustrate the Fed’s
Ponzi scheme by some historical precedents.

The Fed Fueled Stock Market Bubble is A Ponzi scheme just

like John Law exaggerated valuations of the Mississippi
The reason I recall the rise and downfall of the failed Mississippi Venture,
the Banque Générale Privée ("General Private Bank, is that its operation is
analogues to the current Federal Reserve Bank and the US Stock Market with over
exaggerated valuations. This is a one minute description of what happened. It is
almost identical with what is happening in the US today.

Here is a decryption that appears on Wiki:

“The Compagnie du Mississippi was originally chartered in 1684 by the request
of Renee-Robert Cavelier (La Salle) who sailed in that year from France with a
large expedition with the intention of founding a colony at the mouth of the
Mississippi.[3] But the expedition wasn't successful. They actually founded a
settlement in the vicinity of present-day Victoria, Texas, but it didn't last very
In May 1716, the Scottish economist John Law, who had been appointed
Controller General of Finances of France under the Duke of Orléans, created
the Banque Générale Privée ("General Private Bank"). It was the first financial
institution to develop the use of paper money.[5][6][7] It was a private bank, but

three-quarters of the capital consisted of government bills and government-
accepted notes. In August 1717, Law bought the Mississippi Company to help the
French colony in Louisiana. In the same year Law conceived a joint-stock trading
company called the Compagnie d'Occident (The Mississippi Company, or, literally,
"Company of [the] West"). Law was named the Chief Director of this new
company, which was granted a trade monopoly of the West Indies and North
America by the French government.[8]
Not all of the blame should be leveled against President Woodrow Wilson for
establishing the Federal Reserve Bank. The conspiracy for establishing the current
Federal Reserve Bank had two folds and started BEFORE Woodrow Wilson
became President. Here is the summary: The Jews set up Woodrow Wilson, a
rising star in Democrat Party, with some extra marital affairs with a Jewish
Socialite Lady in 1906. And almost simultaneously the Jews of, JP Morgan and
Heinze Brothers (specifically F. Augustus Heinze) conspired on creating the 1907
Economic Panic attack. Senator Aldrich tried to investigate the crisis. But by 2013
the ground work was set. The same Jews took some congressmen to a secret
meeting in an Island off of Carolina / Georgia coast. The Congressmen drafted the
legislation for the current Federal Reserve Bank. Then they brought the legislation
to the floor of Congress on a Christmas Eve, passed the legislation for Authorizing
the Creation of the current Federal Reserve Bank that, in reality, was a private
bank. Then the same Jews threatened Woodrow Wilson with Impeachment by
exposing his love letters to the public if he didn't sign the legislation passed by

Creation of a private bank that controlled the finance of US, was a GRAND
conspiracy by the Jews who currently compose the bulk of US Deep State.
Federal Reserve, the enemy of US Citizens, is the back bone of Jewish Power in
US. That is why Presidents and the entire Congress of United States are afraid of

The Jews had a previous experience with the Ponzi scheme of the Federal Reserve
System. President Macron of France can verify my claim. It was called John Law's
Mississippi Bubble.

In short, John Law created a central bank in France during the Feudalism
period, printed fiat money and collected taxes from the peasants using that fiat
money. Then he printed more and more of that fiat money and invested them in
the Mississippi Territories Venture. The Ponzi scheme attracted the regular
investors who saw the increase in the stocks of Mississippi venture. So John Law
created an artificial and exaggerated growth in stocks of the Mississippi Company.
Eventually the Ponzi scheme failed between Feb 1720 and Aug 1720. John Law
escaped from France afterwards. Below is a YouTube link to a short 2 minute
video about it. {The Jews who run YouTube these days place a 4 to 10 minutes of
unstoppable ads in front of any 2 minutes long video that I intend to watch. In a
30 minute video, I have to watch 30 minutes of Greenspan Ads (It means Bullshit
Ads among the Patriots, because Greenspan used to Bullshit a lot during his
testimonies in front of the Congress)}.

In reality and by practice, the Jews weaponized US Dollar against the interest of
US Citizens. They created income tax in 1913 too. Then they collected taxes from
WeThePeople using the new Jewish Dollar. US Dollar became the Jewish Dollar,
the same sort of currency that Jesus Christ opposed to and stood up against in his
days (I mean the Roman coins that Jews used to practice usury with in those day
prior to 33 CE). Well there was one part missing: A target venture market like
Mississippi Venture. So they targeted the Stock Market of US and treated it as
John Law's Mississippi Venture company. Do you see the analogy? So the Jews
inflated then deflated the stock market as they wished by adjusting the interest
rates and the money supplies. And in this process, they rubbed the wealth from
American people. There was a little difference between John Law's Central Bank
and Federal Reserve Bank. The John Law's Central Bank of France directly invested
into Mississippi Venture; however, the Federal Reserve Bank targeted the Stock
Market through some intermediaries, such as Repo Market dealers-> Big Banks->
Hedge Fund Managers -> Stock Brokers.... and so on.

Then the Jews proceeded with their new Financial Lever Tool (Federal Reserve
Bank), and created recessions by adjusting the interest rates, money supplies,
starting with the recession of 1920s (the forgotten recession) in US. Then they
engineered the great depression of 1929. .... (I have many stories to tell you about
those Jewish engineered and Jewish made recessions).... And they created a
recession every ten years ever since then. This Jewish behavior was exactly what
Thomas Jefferson had warned us of and against.

So the termites (I mean the Jews) got control over the finances of US gradually.
Let me give you a metaphoric example. Suppose the US was a big ship like Titanic.
"Finance" should have been and acted like the oil lubricants in the engine room.
However, when the Termites took over the finance of US, they became the engine
of the ship, the structural body of the ship, and eventually the total ship. But what
was hurtful was this: The Termites determined who should and could be the
passengers of the ship. They threw the "Bad Passengers" off the ship (Cancel
Culture). Only those passengers who were obedient of "The Jewish Rules", got to
stay, maintained their status, on the ship and enjoyed the ride. But the rest of us
were thrown off the ship. Eventually the termites took control of the agriculture
industry, manufacturing industry, Low Tech and High Tech Industry..... They
hollowed out those industries from their core products and competence,
artificially raised the stock prices, shipped the jobs overseas, and hollowed out
the middle class from the middle of political spectrum. That is why the existing US
political spectrum looks like the back of double hump back camels in the Central
Asia. The middle has little population but the alt-right and alt-left are heavily

The thirst of the Jews for money was insatiable and was not confined to US;
because the Jews wanted to exert their control all over the world. They went on
franchising the Central Banking System around the world, and stole the wealth of
those countries through their Central Banking System. For Example, Argentina
had a thriving economy up until 1935 when they created their central bank. In
other words, Jews controlled and raped the people of the world and
WeThePeople, by controlling the monetary system of US and countries around
the world. When a country refused to submit to this grand Jewish Ponzi scheme,
they engaged US military into wars that only benefited the Jewish Elite and the
friends of Federal Reserve Banking system. The Jews made a lot of money, about
$500 Trillion worldwide by adjusting the interest rates and controlling the money
supplies since 1913. Ironically the US total Liabilities is about $1,365 Trillion today
and to date.

So the Jews ripped off US and the countries around the world, and made money
while ripping them off (please excuse my bold language). As the result, people of
the world started chanting "Death To America" while they didn't recognize that
the Jews were ripping off the American people just as much, if not more, than the

people of the world. The American people were as much of a victim as the people
of the world in this Jewish Ponzi Scheme. Max Keiser correctly characterized our
era as the era of "Neo-Feudalism". The Termites have become our bosses and We
the People are their peasants.

But then God shined his light onto my heart. He gave me the ability to foresee the
future, and hack into people’s minds. And by a series of some accidental events, I,
the savior of American People and We the People, came to Silicon Valley. I
observed and experienced the functioning of the Termites from close distance. I
am not bragging about myself. I am merely stating the facts. I am aware of my
position, and my mission, in History. I intend to establish “Justice” here in US and
make preparations for the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.

"They (the Jews) plotted, God Plotted, and God is the BEST Plotter". Holy Quran. Check out Solutions A, B, and Plan of Action.

Obama's was in San Jose CA in 2019 when he met with the Tech Elites over here
at the Fairmont Hotel trying to rig the 2020 Elections against Sanders, Tulsi
Gabbard via Social Media posts.

1792-1812, First Central Bank, or the First National Bank:

Thomas Jefferson, and almost all founding fathers vehemently opposed the
central banking system. Because as an avid reader, Thomas Jefferson had seen
what the Mississippi Venture Ponzi scheme had down to the France Empire. After
the 1776 Revolution when the US Patriots kicked out the British, the Rothschild of
Europe reentered the US via the back door of a “National Bank”.

Among the founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton was the youngest and enjoyed
the backing, support, and was riding high on the legacy, of George Washington.
Hamilton had a vision for the economy after the collapse of the Continental
Dollar. He proposed a coin with a certain fixed Gold to Silver Ratio of 15:1. Even
then the locals thought of Alexander Hamilton as a sympathizer for, or even a
puppet of, the Nathan Rothschild of England but nobody dared objecting to and
opposing Hamilton in those days. Actually these rumors turned out to be true.
The proof was how the Jewish establishment differentiated Thomas Jefferson
from Alexander Hamilton. In the recent years, while the US establishment has
been cancelling Thomas Jefferson by removing his name and his statue from
public parks and places, The Hamilton Broadway musical has been going on for
nearly 8 years. The Jewish creator of the Hamilton show, Lin Manuel Miranda,
based his show upon a biography written by a famous Jewish reporter, Ron
Chernov, who also wrote the very favorable biography for John D. Rockefeller
(Please see the explanation below about Rockefeller). The Jews have always
altered history to make heroes of whomever they want, and vilify whoever they
want in the history books.

1812 – 1816 Era, Rothschild sanctioned the US

In the absence of Alexander Hamilton and after the first central bank of the US
expired, the remaining founding fathers and their sons did NOT have any
inclination to extend or to re-establish the central banking system. Under this
political climate, Nathan Rothschild of England deployed a conspiracy against the
young independent US nation. He managed to have the British government place
the major import-export ports of the US under British Naval Blockade. Effectively
Britain place the US under sanctions for the benefit of the Jewish Rothschild. The
trade between the US and their European counterparts became almost
impossible although some trade went on via the port of New Orleans thought the
Gulf of Mexico. However, the volume of trade was insufficient for the young US
nation to survive. By 1815 the sanctions were lifted but the US economy had
become weaker than the years of 1776 revolution. So the US congress reluctantly
approved reestablishing a second central bank that went into effect from 1816 to
1836. In 1815, Nathan Mayer Rothschild made his famous quote: "I care not
what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which
the sun never sets. The man who controls the British money supply controls the
British Empire, and I control the British money supply." Interestingly, Rothschild
mother was quoted as saying that No war would take place unless his sons’ want
it to” (This is a paraphrase, not an exact word by word quote) I believe the exact
quote was: “If my sons wanted no war, then there would be no wars”. Circa
early 1800s.

1816 to 1836, Second Central Bank, Bank of Philadelphia,

Abolished by Andrew Jackson:
The populist, President Andrew Jackson ended the Second Bank of the United
States, and as the result of his efforts, the US economy experienced 70 years of
un- interrupted growth even during the Civil War of 1861-1865. If President
Andrew Jackson had remained in office for a 3rd and 4th term, US would NOT
have had a series of one term presidents leading to the Civil War. The media of
those times, created a devastating moral campaign against President Andrew
Jackson and his immoral (!) support for his wife Rachel and the socialite Margaret
Eaton, to the point that even his VP John C. Calhoun abandoned President
Jackson. At the outset of the Civil War, people were regretful for not having
President Jackson around because people believed he could have stopped the
Civil War.

Andrew Jackson abolished the Second Fed by vetoing the extension period of
Second central bank. Congress did not find enough votes to override Andrew
Jackson’s veto. Patriot Andrew Jackson paid a heavy price for his opposition to the
2nd Fed. The Jewish historians completely smeared his legacy by depicting him a
racist, a white supremacist and someone who had nothing done as president

except scalping the local Indians (people with bow and arrows). Andrew Jackson
lost his wife to suicide after being subjected to rumors of then Jewish media.
Because the Jews knew of Andrew Jackson’s intentions to oppose them. He was
the first populist president of the US after the 1st generation revolutionaries and
founding fathers had passed way. Andrew Jackson popularity was so immense
that at the outset to the Civil War, people used to say if Andrew Jackson was alive,
Civil War would have never commenced. The Jewish historians have demonized
President Jackson as a redneck and a White Supremacist. In his defense I say this:
After President Jackson abolished the 2nd central bank, the US economy
experienced a 70 year un-interrupted expansion run at 4% growth year after year
even during the Civil War. No wonder the Jews in congress removed his statue
from the Congress. Currently there is an effort to remove his picture from the $20

1821 Torkmenchy Treaty between Russia and Iran.

Nathan Mayer Rothschild practically ruled over as he controlled the Iranian
finances. The Rothschild initiative went back to 1772, 4 years before the American
Revolution of 1776. A Jew representative of the Rothschild clan in Iran printed
gold, silver, and copper and Nickle coins near the today’s Bazar of Tehran. These
coins became the official trading currency of the Qajar King, Agha Mohammad
Khan Qajar. Later on, through this intermediator, the Iranian Qajar Kings had
borrowed money from the Rothschild’s of Europe. Meanwhile in 1802, DuPont
started manufacturing and selling gun powders in the US for exports. Of course
DuPont needed a market for their gun powder used in the artillery shells
Rothschild financed the purchase of artillery shells by the Iranians from UK. After
successfully Rothschild had the Brittan placed the US ports under embargo (1811-
1815), and after establishing the 2nd central bank in the US in 1816, Rothschild
prompted and provoked a regional conflict between Iran and Russia over the
Caucasia Region that was part of Iran for many centuries. The Iranians lost the
war because UK delivered the artillery shells about 500 miles away from the
theater of operation. The defenseless Iranians lost oil rich Iranian territories of
Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Caucasia to the Russians per 1821 Torkmenchy treaty

(about 13 of the Iranian Reservoirs). Alexander Griboyedov, a Russian poet
turned politician negotiated the Turkemchy treaty. After that war, Iranians
became more indebted to Nathan Mayer Rothschild. About 70 years later, His
grandsons and grandnephews eventually owned the entire exploration and
export rights of the oil rich wells of the south western Iran through the British
Petroleum (BP) company of United Kingdom. So Iranians lost ALL of the revenue
from their oil fields to either Russians or the British by 1907. And Iran practically
became a colony of the Rothschild United Kingdom.

From 1765 to 1940s, the Jews stole about $100 Trillion from India (the country
with Elephants), that is why India is so poor today. I will quote the exact amount
in Sterling below.

1836 to 1860 Era leading to the Civil War:

This period is very comparable with what the US is experiencing right now. The
Jews who consider themselves as the owners and in charge of the financial
systems, start shaking the boat until they get back on the saddle and restart
plundering the economy of the locals. Such was the case in the period from 1836
to 1860. The politics of those years were so divisive, engineered by innuendos and
rumors that no US President could carry on the presidency for more than one
term without trouble. In 1838 the country of Jamaica passed their version of
Emancipation Proclamation. The Communist Jews of New York, specifically the
Jews of NY Daily Tribune where Karl Marx (a devout Jew) was an affiliate, brought
up Abraham Lincoln thought the ranks, used the Jamaican Proclamation, and
rallied the North to engage in a Civil War with the South.

1838 and 1848 Emancipation Proclamations:

In Jamaicans passed the Emancipation Proclamation of 1838, freeing the slaves.
Later in 1848, in the West Indian islands as territories of Danish and French
governments, Emancipation Proclamations passed and freed the slaves. The
significance of the said events was that later on, Lincoln and his Jewish friends in
New York adapted the Emancipation Proclamation as a noble idea during the US

Civil War. The real cause of the Civil War was that the South had established its
own economy and its own currency after my hero Andrew Jackson had abolished
the 2nd Fed in 1836. The Yankees wanted to bring back the South under their own
currency and tariff.

1848 Irish Potato Famine:

The Jews manufactured the Potato Famine of 1948 in Ireland. Two years into the
famine, the largest immigration of the Irish people to the US took place.

1860 to 1865, The Civil War era:

In those days, the North had fallen behind the Industrial Revolution on 1840s, and
had virtually no industry of its own. On the other hand, the South had its own
thriving agricultural business, its own economy, and used to engage in trades with
the prosperous European countries. The North wanted to impose and collect
levies on the South. They hired a renegade General Grant out of Freemont
California where he used to manage several brigades (He was not born in CA).
Grant was a great military strategist and probably the only person in the US who
could keep up with and fight General E. Lee. They had fought in the previous US
wars together. The Liberation of slaves was the mail slogan of the North. Finally
General Robert E. Lee surrendered because his Jewish treasurer sold him out to
the North. General E. Lee maintained: “The Civil War was not about Slavery.”
Indeed it was about the economy of the prosperous economy of the South.

I don’t wish to prosecute the Civil War here. But I need to mention this important
fact. After General Grant became president (1869 to 1877), he recognized what
he had down to the Nation. He suffered from a deep depression in the last two
years of his presidency before scrumming to throat cancer that took his life in
1885. Perhaps from the heavens he could comfort himself by seeing what
President Woodrow Wilson later did to this nation from 1813 to 1821 by
reestablishing the current criminal and Jewish owned Federal Reserve Bank that is
neither Federal nor has any reserves.

Crime of 1873, John D. Rockefeller Silver Coin:
The state of Azerbaijan (on the west side of the Caspian Sea) was part of Iran from
3,000 year ago. Azer means flames of fire. Baijan meant for ever. So Azerbaijan
meant “Forever Flames of Fire”. The reason was that the Zoroastrians who
believed in the sanctity of Fire inhabited the region. They had explored oil from
about 2500 years ago and used H2SO4 Sulfuric Acids to refine the crude oil into a
flammable liquid that kept the fire in their temples going for ever.

After the invention of steam engine that started the Industrial Revolution (1760-
1840) Azerbaijan became the largest producer and exporter of the crude oil. Jon
D. Rockefeller went to Azerbaijan and transferred the oil refinery technology to
the US under Standard Oil. After his success of producing oil at $2 and selling it at
$7 to $9 per barrel, the first thing he did was to min his famous Rockefeller Silver
Dimes. He was trying to take over the silver coin exchange. President Grant signed
in to law what became known as 1873 Crime. Basically, the some people bought
the silver from the silver mines of the Sierra Nevada, minted them into coins,
used them as an exchange in Europe at an exchange ratio of better than 15:1 (set
forth by Alexander Hamilton), brought the Gold back and purchased more silver.

The history should look favorably to President Grant. President Grant stopped the
Rockefeller and other Jews’ efforts by signing the 1873 Bill. Please note that
during the Civil War, the South had developed its own independent economy and
its own currency, which was one of the main causes of the Civil War. The North
had NOT kept up with the Industrial Revolution and was way behind the
industrialized Europe in that respect. In the meantime, The South was exporting
its agricultural Goods and Products to Europe bypassing the North. President
Grant was well aware of the money systems as he had experienced it during the
Civil War first hand. In one word, President Grant was trying to “redeem” himself
in his own mind. And so the historian should give him credit for that.

The conclusion from the above historical events was that John Rockefeller was
trying to gain control of the US Currency after Patriot Andrew Jackson had
abolished the 2nd Fed. In recent years. Zuck of Facebook, tried and still is trying to
follow the footsteps of Rockefeller by introducing a stable coin called Libre (using

the name of the fiat currency that Jon Law used to destabilize the French Empire
with in 1721 as mentioned above). Here is the history of Azerbaijan.

10.2 Azerbaijan's Oil History - A Chronology Leading up to the Soviet Era - by Mir-
Yusif Mir-Babayev

Azerbaijan International - Spring 2002

1880 to 1902 The Boer Wars:

The United Kingdom that was under the thumb of Emanuel Walter Rothschild, the
Jew, engaged in a conflict in Africa that took about 20 years. As the war
progressed, the UK Empire became weaker and weaker, and led to the demise of
the United Kingdom as an Empire. The US emerged as the next Empire after
World War 2.

1907 Panic by Heinze Brothers:

The Current Federal Reserve Bank is the result of and in the Aftermath of 1907
manufactured Panic by three Jewish Heinze brothers. I remind you that the offices
of the three Heinz Brothers were in walking distance across the hall to one
another. JP Morgan bailed them out. Many ordinary retail investors lost money.
Senator Aldridge investigated the Heinze manufactured market panic. But then as
I describe later, the super influential former Senator Aldridge (he was out of office
in 1911) and others were deceived by 1913. Sen Aldridge had become close to JP
Morgan and his daughter had wedded the only son of John D. Rockefeller,
(Chairman of the Standard Oil). Their son Nelson Rockefeller (grandson of
Aldridge) served as governor of New York for four terms and was a close
confidant of the Shah of Iran during the events that led to Watergate hearings.
Jerald Ford named Nelson Rockefeller as his Vice President. One of the biggest
mistakes of the Shah was to choose a Jew, Nelson Rockefeller, as his confidant.

Chase Manhattan Bank of New York stole Billions of Dollars from the Shah and the
Iranians by 1979.

1909 NAACP

In 1909, The Jews did hide behind the African Americans, and started NAACP in
the name of realizing the freedom for the African American minority. Just as in
the case of the Civil War, 1861-1865, they used and abused Blacks to gain control
of the US politics and economics.

The Anti Deformation League (ADL):
Samuel Livingston with help of the Jews who founded NAACP, established ADL to
fight Anti-Semitism in the US. But their ultimate intention was to uproot the
White Race and make the White Race go extinct in the name of Diversity. This
single quote by the President of Anti Deformation League is enough for us to
conclude: “Criticizing the Jews and Anti-Semitism is NOT a problem. It is part of
the solution.” Here is the proof:

The above quotes proves that the ultimate intention of the
Anti-Deformation League, ADL, is to erase, eradicate and
extinct the White Race who constitute a pillar of Christian
Majority in the US and Europe. Below are examples of regular
Jews who have been brainwashed by the Elite Jews. It is time
for the Elite Jews to get of the horse of Pride and Supremacy
which they have been riding on since 1619, and practically
since 1913 up until the present time. I want the court to issue
an order to ALL the Jews that they cannot replace us.

The Third Fed: The Current Federal Reserve Bank Since 1913
Here is some Details about the events of 1913 pertaining to Congress as
reported in books and articles. Let's revisit the Historical events of 1913 in

Thomas Jefferson said, “If the American people ever allow private banks to
control the issuance of their currencies, first by inflation and then by deflation,
the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people
of all their prosperity until their children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered.”

1906 to 1913, The Conspiracy to establish the Fed started:

The conspiracy to establish the current Federal Reserve Bank consisted of two
folds: The conspirators needed a legislation passed by the Congress plus a POTUS
who would sign onto that legislation and effectively make it to law. The
conspirators used the panic of 1907 as a pretext. Let me review the role of the
1913 Congress and the role of President Woodrow Wilson.

1913 Congress:

The Federal Reserve System, is neither Federal nor a Bank, is the third central
banking system in United States history. The legislation for First Bank of the
United States (1791–1811) and the Second Bank of the United States (1817–1836)
each had a 20-year charter. But then in and around 1907, those who were behind
the first two Banks of United States, seduced and bought off Senator Nelson W.
Aldridge. He was close to J. P. Morgan and his daughter wedded John D.
Rockefeller, Jr.

In 1910, Aldrich and executives representing the banks of J.P. Morgan,

Rockefeller, and Kuhn, Loeb & Co., secluded themselves for ten days at Jekyll
Island, Georgia. The executives included Frank A. Vanderlip, president of the
National City Bank of New York, associated with the Rockefellers; Henry Davison,

senior partner of J.P. Morgan Company; Charles D. Norton, president of the First
National Bank of New York; and Col. Edward M. House who would later become
President Woodrow Wilson’s closest adviser and founder of the Council on
Foreign Relation (1919). Paul Warburg of Kuhn, Loeb, & Co. directed the
proceedings and wrote the primary features of what would be called the Aldrich
Plan. Warburg would later write that “The matter of a uniform discount rate
(interest rate) was discussed and settled at Jekyll Island. This meeting was kept as
a secret until three years after the Illegal Federal Reserve Bank was established.
Close to the Christmas Eve of 1913, The Federal Reserve Act passed Congress in
December, 1913. The bill passed the House by an overwhelming majority of 298
to 60 on December 22, 1913 and passed the Senate the next day by a vote of 43
to 25, An earlier version of the bill had passed the Senate 54 to 34, but almost 30
senators had left for Christmas vacation by the time the final bill came to a vote.
Most every Democrat was in support of and most Republicans were against it.
Republican Representative Charles Lindbergh Sr. of Minnesota, one of the most
vocal opponents of the bill, who on the day the House agreed to the Federal
Reserve Act told his colleagues:
“But the Federal Reserve Board has no power whatever to regulate the rates of
interest that bankers may charge borrowers of money. This is the Aldrich bill in
disguise, the difference being that by this bill the Government issues the money,
whereas by the Aldrich bill the issue was controlled by the banks…Wall Street will
control the money as easily through this bill as they have
heretofore.”(Congressional Record, v. 51, page 1447, Dec. 22, 1913)
Republican Congressman Victor Murdock of Kansas, who voted for the bill, told
Congress on that same day:
“I do not blind myself to the fact that this measure will not be effectual as a
remedy for a great national evil – the concentrated control of credit…The Money
Trust has not passed [died]…You rejected the specific remedies of the Pujo
committee, chief among them, the prohibition of interlocking directorates. He
[your enemy] will not cease fighting…at some half-baked enactment…You struck a
weak half-blow, and time will show that you have lost. You could have struck a full
blow and you would have won.” He further said: “You allowed the special
interests by pretended dissatisfaction with the measure to bring about a sham
battle, and the sham battle was for the purpose of diverting you people from the
real remedy, and they diverted you. The Wall Street bluff has worked.”
William Jennings Bryan who at some point advocated for a Government
Controlled Central Bank, had become disillusioned with the Federal Reserve

Banking system. In the November 1923 issue of “Hearst’s Magazine” Bryan wrote
that “The Federal Reserve Bank that should have been the farmer’s greatest
protection has become his greatest foe.”
While a system of 12 regional banks was designed so as not to give eastern
bankers too much influence over the new bank, in practice, the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York became “First Among Equals.” The New York Fed, for example,
is solely responsible for conducting Open Market Operations, at the direction of
the Federal Open Market Committee. Democratic Congressman Carter Glass
sponsored and wrote the eventual legislation, and his home state capital of
Richmond, Virginia, was made a district headquarters.

President Woodrow Wilson, 1906 to 1920:

Woodrow Wilson was a rising start inside the Democrat party. Before becoming
the Governor of New Jersey, he was a professor at Rutgers. He was a married to a
very distinguished Presbyterian woman from a distinguished and practicing
Christian family. Woodrow used to relay on his wife in moving up the ranks and
achieving his political objectives. They had three children together. AS it was
culture of those day, Woodrow Wilson’s wife divided her love and attention
between him and her three children. Filling the void, Woodrow took a trip to the
Bahamas without his wife, where he stayed in a resort by the beach. In the same
resort, there was a married Jewish woman. Woodrow had a one night stand with
the Jewish woman. The affair ended there but Woodrow kept writing about 130
letters to this Jewish and married woman. When the Woodrow Wilson became
president, he practically became a compromised president because the Jews who
established the Federal Reserve Bank black mailed President Wilson. They
threatened him that they would go public with those letters. After the Congress
passed the Federal Reserve legislation on Christmas Eve 1913, Woodrow Wilson
signed it to law. So the conspiracy circle completed as such:
1906 Woodrow Wilson affair with the married Jewish lady, 1907 manufactured
financial panic as a pretext, 1913 leaders of Congress went to a remote Island
with the Jews for three days, Congress passed the legislation on Christmas Eve
and then the Jews became the Kings of the United States.

This is John D. Rockefeller who established the existing pharmaceutical machine
that keeps Americans seek, and make money from the seek Americans. He also
stole technology patents from the Iranians regarding oil refineries earlier in his

Let me remember and celebrate the life of a 69 year old reputable Pasteur from
Ohio. Washington Gladden, if he was alive today, would have been my older
brother and would have rallied ALL progressives behind my efforts. Like me,
Gladden believed in application and interpretation of the Bible in the business
transactions. In 1905, John D. Rockefeller gave his church, Nationwide
Congressional Church, a $100,000 donation. Gladden refused it and returned it
back. Rockefeller’s donation was some sort of hush money trying to silence what
Gladden characterized as tainted money. Gladden prominence and moral
arguments led to the 1914 Anti-Trust laws. But then, John D. Rockefeller who had
seen the Antitrust law coming, financed the 1912 campaign of Woodrow Wilson,
effectively made him the President, only to compromise him by his “love letters”
to the Jewish woman. Other Jews besides Rockefeller were the campaign
contributors to Woodrow Wilson. Jews long admired Wilson. Famous Jews
supported Wilson such as Jacob Schiff, Nathan Straus, & Henry Morgenthau.
Wilson also befriended a slew of other notable Jews, including Bernard Baruch,
Samuel Untermeyer, & Rabbi Stephen Wise.

In a peculiar way, the Congressional Church played a spiritual role in the resilience
of Central and South American nations to the establishment of Central Banks by
the Jews in Mexico (1925), Argentine (1935) and Brazil (1945). May be I write a
book about them later. The Jews wanted to plunder the economies of the south
and Central America by controlling their finances via a central bank. These days
we are facing the grave consequences of the Jewish greed and plunder as many
economic refugees from those countries flood the US Southern borders.
As of today, the Los Angeles County in California, has as many voters as seven
flyover states. Now if you extend the boundaries of the county by three miles,
then the subtended area would have as many voters as ten flyover states. As an
emigrant I can testify that when going through the process, one Party always
claims to be pro emigration and recruit the new emigrants, their future voters, on
a whole sale basis.

If by exposing "how the Jews got undisputed control over the financial system
of US that drove American people into poverty", Jews brand me as an Anti-
Semite, then I wear the badge of Antisemitism with HONOR.

- Behzad Imani

A Brief Resume of the Emanuel Walter Rothschild, the founder
of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913:
Rothschild created the #FederalReserveBank, established Income Tax in 1913 in
US. Then he drove US into WW1, engineered #Marxist Revolution of 1917 in
Russia, had Most of Slovenian (women as beautiful as Melania Trump) women
raped, carved out Israel from Ottoman Empire by Balfour Declaration, Defeated
#Germans in 1918, and humiliated Germans by Versailles Treaty of 1919. He
created the Famine of 1917-1919 in Iran, followed by an epidemic, killed 50%, or
8 to 10 Million, of the Iranians by 1919 . He had the #FederalReserve
manufacture the 1920 'Forgotten Recession' in US followed by the subsequent
'Great Depression' of 1929. In 1935 he went to Hell, and did not see the
consequences of his actions when #Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933 and
Holocaust occurred in 1940s. Later some people asked: Why did Holocaust
happen? The answer people whispered was: 'Divine Justice', 'Divine Revenge'.
Here is his profile: Walter #Rothschild who later bragged about his
'Accomplishments' was a biologist too. He designed large scale experiments. He
wanted to examine the propagation of epidemic diseases by introducing viruses
among populations (i.e. in Iran, Famine of 1917-1920). This man was sick and was
a clear example of 666 Demons-Devils, yet he is revered in #Israel and by #Zionists
of the world.
My family has a firsthand account of the Iranian Famine through my
grandparents, and this person, one of my grandfathers (from my mother side).
The picture is taken in 1924, about 4 years after the famine.

1914 to 1918, World War 1:
Why did he drive US to #WW1? Rothschild financed the ill faith German Sino
Expedition of 1907, when the Germans eventually failed, but the German
Government had become too poor to pay back it's debt to Rothschild family. So
Emanuel Walter Rothschild needed US to defeat the Germans who had a
powerful army. He had already lured the British Government to the war. But an
amazing incident happened on the Christmas Eve of 1915. The trenches of the
French and the British soldiers were in close proximity of the German trenches.
There was an Opera singer from Munich on the German side. On Christmas Eve
2015, he stated singing the Christian Gospels with his ultra-laud and mesmerizing
vocals voice. Other Germans followed his lead. The British and French soldiers
over heard his voice. In a matter of minutes they too followed and joined the
singing of Jesus Christ gospels. Pretty soon, the war front turned into an open air
church commemorating Jesus Christ. Both sides learned that they were fighting
their fellow Christians. Gradually they came out of their bunkers and trenches and
started shaking hands. The news spread all over the European war fronts.
Emanuel Walter Rothschild marched his US Jews to the White House and
convinced the compromised Woodrow Wilson to send the American troops to the
European theater of operation. Wilson obliged. The war ended with the defeat of
the Germans via the participation of the US military. General Smedley Butler, a
hero of the World War 1, later mentioned that the entire War was a racket.
Emanuel Walter Rothschild, the founder of the Federal Reserve Bank, later
imposed the lopsided Versailles treaty on Germans through his British
Government. That treaty eventually led to the rise of Hitler and commencement
of World War 2.

1916 – 1917 in Russia

Why did he oppose the Russians? He absolutely hated the Romanov monarchy for
they would never deal with the Rothschild family over financial matters. The 1917
Revolution of Russia indeed originated from US Communists.
Long before the World War 1, the Emanuel Walter Rothschild (the Evil founder of
the US Fed), had the entire British Government in his pocket. Romanovs Russian

Tsar Dynasty (1613 to 1917) vehemently rejected the Rothschild family owned
European Banking System of those years. While involving the US in the World
War 1, this evil man had some British agent assassinate Grigori Rasputin in Russia
in 1916. The reason was that Rasputin had vehemently opposed the involvement
of the Romanov Tsar and the Russian army from getting involved and with adnd
confront the Germans. After Rasputin assassination, and while Romanov got
involved in the war, Emanuel Walter Rothschild moved Vladimir Lenin, a Jew,
from Switzerland to Germany to Russia. Lenin instigated the Communist Russian
Revolution of 1917, followed by assassination of the entire Romanov family
including women and children. I wore a letter to Trump about this matter that
NSA has a copy of (I don’t). Over 82% of people who rose to power and controlled
key positions within Russia after the revolution were Jews. Yes, 82% of those
holding high offices were Jews after Lenin’s revolution. Practically Russia became
a satellite state of the Jews for the Jews. Please note that the Communism and
Oligarchical economic system of the US (centered on the US Fed) are the two
sides of the same coin. In Communism, the masses are ruled over by a central
committee. In the US oligarchical system the masses are ruled over by some
unelected board members in the US unicorns and corporations.

1917 The Iranian Famine, killed 8 to 10 Million Iranians, or
50% of the entire Iranian Population.

While the Communist coup (a.k.a. Russian Revolution of 1917) was under way in
Russia, Rothschild created the famine of 1917 to 1920 in Iran. Why did Emanuel
Walter Rothschild (a Jew and the founder of the US Fed) create the Iranian
Famine of 1917-1920? He was a major stock holder and on board of British
Petroleum. From 2500 years ago, the Azeri’s of the northern Iran used to explore
and refine oil. William Knox D'Arcy explored Artesian (the keyword is Artesian) Oil
Wells in Agha dJari, in southwest Iran and made a one sided export treaty with
then Government of Iran for the benefit of the British Petroleum (BP). Meanwhile,
the Iranians moved towards democracy by the Constitutional Revolution of 1907
in Iran. And thus the young revolutionaries rejected the so called D'Arcy
(lopsided) Agreement because the Iranians had been left with less than 7% of the
oil revenue from the oil exports. Emanuel Walter Rothschild, a Jew and the
founder of the US Fed, who also had a stake in the oil revenue out of Iran via
D'Arcy Treaty, wanted to punish the Iranians for their rejection of the D'Arcy
Treaty. This Emanuel Walter Rothschild, a Jew, was a sick man, much sicker than
Bill Gates and Fauci (both Jews). He killed 8 to 10 million Iranians and reduced the
Iranian population by 50%. I want the Iranian patriots know that Emanuel Walter
Rothschild (a Jew and the founder of the US Fed) genocide in Iran was not at
anyway or by any mean related the weak administration of Woodrow Wilson in
the US. Because, 17 months before the end of his 2nd term as President, Woodrow
Wilson suffered from a severe depression that caused him to have a stroke, and
so he was practically, out of it and became a lame duck president. His vice
president, Thomas R. Marshall effectively ran the county with the help of the
speaker of the house, under supervision of Edith Wilson (wife of Woodrow
Wilson) in the last 17 month of Woodrow Wilson presidency. Marshall actually
helped the Iranians back in 1919-1920.
Woodrow Wilson, a compromised and controlled president by the Jews,
effectively laid the ground works for the Second World War Top economic advisor
to Wilson advised him during the Paris Peace conference to set the for the pre-

planned WW2. Just as the Jews previously forced Wilson into WW1 recorded by
ex-Jew Benjamin Freedman.

Toppling Down US Presidents since 1920, Coup against
FDR, the Impeachments of Nixon, Clinton, and Trump.

1920 the Forgotten Recession:

Back home in the US, the US Fed termites established the Council on Foreign
Relations also known as CFR in 1919. Council on Foreign Relation became the
political front for the Fed that was ready to intervene bluntly in the economic,
political and ultimately cultural affairs of the US. The Fed raised the fund rate to
4.75% drastically. The Forgotten Recession of 1921-1923 ensued. Meanwhile in
1920, a Republican president won the 1920 Elections. In March 1921, President
Warren Harding inaugurated as the 21st POTUS. Both the country and the 56
years old President had no clue as how to deal with the Fed manufactured
recession. The Forgotten Recession was the first “Experiment” by the Jewish US
Fed and its cronies in the US. The Fed used this experiment as a template and
eventually caused the “Great Depression” of 1929.
Council on Foreign Relation founder (name? forgot), via rumors, distracted
Harding by accusing him of a scandal that he had no part of. Warren was accused
of the Teapot Dom Scandal, where a Christian oil Tycoon, allegedly had given
$100,000 to Mr. Fall the secretary of the interior. The scandal was a distraction.
The reason was that Warren Harding had wanted to apply and comply with the
Antitrust act of 1914. The Antitrust laws passed in 1914 specifically targeting John
D. Rockefeller and his unfair, horizontal market integrations. But the
compromised Woodrow Wilson couldn’t execute the 1914 laws for one reason or
another. When trying to enforce the law, President Harding appointed former
president Taft as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Harding’s presidency
went under a cloud of suspicions after the news of the $100,000 bribery surfaced.
While the country was busy with the Teapot Dom scandal, the real scandals of
John D. Rockefeller and his unfair and unethical, and by then unlawful, practices
went to the back pages pf the newspapers and under the carpet. The Jews of the
Fed and CFR practically watched and protected from justice, the back of John D.
Rockefeller in a two tier justice system. Warren Harding died of a heart attack
while campaigning in San Francisco in August 1923. To this date, some historians
have judged his presidency as a failed presidency. Harding was the 2 nd victim of
Jewish Fed conspiracy, post 1913. The first victim was Woodrow Wilson, of
course, who had been a compromised POTUS.
Next the Jews practically created the Great Depression of 1929 up until 1945.

1929 Recession, led to the Great Depression

Once the Jews controlled the flow of money from the Federal Reserve Bank to the
economy, they utilized several instruments to expand or contract the economy.
As discussed above, one lever was the interest rate. By increasing the interest
rate, they contracted the economy as in the Forgotten Recession of 1920-1923,
and when they reduced the interest rates, they expanded the economy. Between
1922 and 1929 the US economy boomed because the manufacturing roared
across the US. The Jews who had placed short calls on the stocks between 1920
and 1923, coved their profits and then placed long puts on the stocks. The US was
going through its own industrial revolution and factories were popping up and
were profitable. Eventually the stock market valuations became over exaggerated
because there was no partition between” Banking” and “Investment Banking” so
the banks could bet on the price of stocks and leverage their financial reserves
with impunity. The Emanuel Walter Rothschild (the Jew and founder of the US
Fed) pulled his money off of the London Stock market back in March and April of
1929. It was a deliberate signal to the New York stock market. With the news of
him, suddenly the Jews withdrew their money form the stock market. The retail
investors and ordinary did not see it coming. The Jews cashed out during the
summer, and sat on the sideline, while retail and ordinary non-Jewish investors
suddenly couldn’t meet their long puts starting in September of 1929. The market
crashed on Tuesday Oct 24, 1929. Suddenly the Jews were not participating in the
market. The long puts had no eventual buyers. Then the selloff of Oct 29, 1928
ensued. Small retail investors jumped off to their death from their high rise offices
in New York City. My name is Behzad Imani, but my real name is the name of
those naïve but honest investors who trusted the Jews and became the victim of
the Jewish foreplays. I should write a book about the events of 1929 from spring
to fall of 1929. Please note, the case of the Forgotten Recession occurred on the

watch of Warren Harding a Republican, the crash and subsequent depression
occurred on the watch of Herbert Hoover, a Republican. Coincidence? May be
because the Council on Foreign Relations was a liberal entity and sort of timed
these two manufactured recessions.
The Keywords in reading below article about the crash of 1929 in Wikipedia is:
Expectations, Calls, Speculation (betting on stocks)

1933 Bible
Emanuel Walter Rothschild (a Jew), ordered the publication and nationwide
printing and distribution of the current Bible. He placed Torah next to the words
of Jesus Christ and had ALL Jewish newspapers propagate this Judeo-Christian
culture throughout the US. He divided the book into “Old Testament” and “New
Testament”; by doing so, he legitimized the Judaism as part of American culture.
This was a falsehood. The US had been established by Christians. If anything the
Jews impeded on the natural progress of the US economy (i.e. British sanctions
and blockade of 1811-1815, 1812 War, by a Jews, Nathan Mayer Rothschild).

1933 Ukraine Famine, Rothschild massacred 4 Million

Twelve years after Leonel Walter Rothschild (a Jew and the founder of the US
Federal Reserve Bank) conducted the genocide of ten million Iranians with
impunity, he got involved in more evil adventures. Post World War 1, his puppet
Vladimir Lenin was instrumental in the Ukrainian Civil War of 1917 to 1920 and
the 1922. Rothschild demanded a payback from Lenin and so Lenin effectively
gave Ukraine, with an enormously fertile agricultural soil, to the Jews on a silver
plate. Please bear in mind that 365 years ago, the Ukrainians had willingly decided
to be part of Russia. However, following the World War 1 and after the Hungarian
Austrian regional Empire collapsed, Ukraine became a scene of civil unrest.

Countries like Poland emerged. Rothschild effectively owned Ukraine after the
Civil War of 1922 with the help of Vladimir Lenin, his Communist puppet.
Emanuel Walter Rothschild (a Jew and the founder of the US Fed) used his
experience with the genocide of ten million Iranians back in 1917-1920, as a
template and replicated it in Ukraine in 1933 in an event that the historians call
Holodomor. Over 4 million Ukrainians perished. He had an accomplice as well. His
accomplice was a Georgian Jew named Marshall Stalin who had been handpicked
by Vladimir Lenin the Jewish leader of 1917 Russian Communist Revolution. Lenin
handpicked and installed his fellow communist Jews in 86% of key Government
positions after 1917. The pictures of the dying Ukrainians is unbearable to see.
Non Jewish members of all Ukrainian ethnicities died except the Ukrainian Jews.
From then on, the Jews became powerful in the Ukrainian domestic politics.
These days, the Ukrainian Jews have been in coalition with the Nazis of Ukraine
(yes you heard it right, Jews are in collation with the Nazis) against the Eastern
Ukrainians who are of Orthodox Christian church and of Russian decent.

1919 Vladimir Lenin in Ukraine

This picture is called, The Ukraine Holodomor Boy

Joseph the Jew Stalin (handpicked by Vladimir the Jew Lenin) who was architect
of Holodomor under directions of Walter the Jew Rothschild, founder of the US
fed. Holodomor was a carbon copy of the Iranian Famine of 1918 to 1920 that
killed 10 million Iranians.
A side note: During the Joseph Stalin era, Stalin provided for the emigrations of
the Russian Jews to two particular destinations: Palestine in the Middle East,
Hollywood in California and New York NY. After the Balfour declaration of 1917,
and the famine of Iran, and upon the orders of Emanuel Walter Rothschild,

Iranian Baha’ite members started purchasing lands from the Palestinians in the
1920s and 1930s, then they re-sold the titles of those lands to the Jewish
Emigrants from Europe and Soviet Union. Moreover, the movie industry of
Hollywood was THE thriving technology of those days. Naturally the Jews
intended to rule over the Hollywood studios to control the mindset of the
Americans. That is why J. Edgar Hoover and other referred to the Jews as
“communists” because most had come from the communist Russia. Furthermore,
three Communist Jews arrived in the US from the Soviet Union. With financing
from the Jewish banks, and the ultra-Jewish Goldman Sachs, the three Jews
started NBC, CBS, and ABC television broadcasting stations in the 1950s. The
brainwashing of the American people by the Jewish propaganda machines kicked
off. These happened continually up until the death of Joseph Stalin on March 6th,
1953 and even after his death. In the vocabularies of 1930s, 1940s and 1950s you
should know that the word “communists” was synonymies and an indirect
reference to the Jews. This is very important to note: “Some call is Marxism, I call
it Judaism,” Rabbi Stephen Wise, The American Bulleting, May 5, 1935.
I don’t have the bandwidth to describe the Jewish backed atrocities of Emanuel
Walter Rothschild in Poland, the reginal Austrian European Empire, and
elsewhere in Europe prior to WW1 and WW2.
The genocide of the Iranians, Ukrainians, and devastation of Europe before,
during and after the First World War, and the lopsided 1919 Versailles treaty
upon the Germans, ultimately caused the rise of Hitler to power. Against this
background, if Hitler had not risen to power, then someone else like Hitler from
Germany, Austria, France, Poland or other devastated European countries would
have risen to power post World War 1.

Here is the proof of Jewish Media in the US:
Following the Jewish founders of NBC, CBS and ABC in the 1950s with the Jeish
backed finances, today the Jews occupy the US media.

1933 to 1945 FDR:
As a student of US History, when choosing between the most populist presidents,
I could never chose between Andrew Jackson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt
(FDR). They were the ultimate populists of their times in their own rights. Both
have a common goal: Opposing the Jewish Establishment in the US.
FDR was honest in his campaign rhetoric and the Jews knew what he was going to
do when elected as POTUS. So seventeen days before his inauguration, they
decided to assassinate him (for the reasons I describe below). It was apparent
that the Jews prompted a deranged Italian with emotional problems to
assassinate FDR in Georgia. FDR’s pal, the mayor of Chicago stepped in front of
FDR. The assassin’s bullet missed FDR by less than five inches but hit the body of
his pal who died on FDR’s lap while transporting him to the hospital. In the car,
the mayor said: “I am glad they got me, not you.” And then closed his eyes and
passed away.
For a peculiar reason, the FDR assassination by the Jews reminded me of Trump’s
political assassination in 2017. Just eleven days before Trump’s inauguration,
Fauci did send an email (NSA has this email) that authorized the mass production
of the Coronavirus. Why?! The Jews absolutely hate the populist nationalists.
Because Jews think global, they are Globalists. Trump came to power as a populist
but then sided with the establishment almost in every step of his way as president
after he fired Steve Bannon. That was his biggest mistake because Trump then
sided with the pro establishment Jews, like his son in law and his daughter. The
establishment Jews later dumped Trump, like a used Kleenex, by the events of
FDR, with his warm and electrifying voice, captured and guided the spirit of the
entire nation. In his first fire chat interview after his inauguration, he started
discussing with the nation about the banking and the financial system and the
harms they had inflicted on the US as a nation. The US as a nation listened to FDR
talk about Finance 101 (I am using this as a college metaphor for FDR educating
the masses about the financial system).
Moreover, he guided Representatives Glass and Steagall, who came up with a
piece of legislation named Glass-Steagall Act in 1933. This piece of legislation

basically separated “Banking” system from “Investment Banking” system in the
financial markets. The Jewish owners of the banks, had used the people’ savings,
and had gone on fractional Reserve lending beyond 10:1 ratio, then lending the
virtual money to their own investment banking department that had placed bets
on the stock market. The Glass Steagall legislation worked out pretty well for
about seventy years until the Jews had Bill Clinton repeal Glass Steagall act during
and shortly after Bill Clinton impeachment. I am very opposed to impeachments
of presidents, like impeachment of Nixon, Clinton, and Trump, because the
impeachments of presidents always benefited the Jews of the US in the financial
system. I am opposed to the possible impeachment of Biden too in 2023.
Furthermore, in 1933 just a few months after taking office and by an executive
order, FDR Government purchased ALL of the Gold in the market at $20/oz. He
then turned around and resold the Gold at $33/oz. So effectively, he imposed a
67% wealth tax on the “Rich”, specifically the Jews who were holding most of the
Gold in the market. He used the proceeds to fund his New Deal that
encompassed a series of job creations by constructing the infrastructure
throughout the US. Rockefeller, Morgan family who had lost about 40% to 50% of
their fortune in the process, approached a Marine General Smedley Darlington
Butler, nicknamed "Old Gimlet Eye", WWI & Spanish War hero. The Jews
prompted him to stage a Ku d'eta against FDR presidency. General Butler listened
to them and took accurate notes of his meeting with the coup plotters, some with
ties to the Council on Foreign Relations. The coup plotting Jews promised General
Butler the presidency (President of the US) after the coup would become
successful! Then to their surprise, General Butler, a loyal solider, turned them
down and blew the whistle on the coup plotters. Prescott Bush (father of Bush 41)
came to rescue the Jewish coup plotters who declared General Butler was
mentally unstable and had gone insane. So Prescott Bush effectively ensured 41's
presidency! General Butler was mysteriously killed six years later when he was
just 60 years old. He was extremely fit and he wore waist size 32 pants (no belly
fats nor any love handles at all he had, his body was like Joe Montana’s body with
less than 7% body fat). He was the soldier's soldiers and the most decorated
Marine of his times. He was the whistle blowers’ whistle blower too. Butler saved
the US Democracy by his heroism on and off the battlefields. We solute one of the
greatest US soldiers ever: Marine General Smedley Butler.

FDR developed a demining view of the Jews from 1933 to his death on April 12,
1945. After the coup failed, FDR tried to bring the coup plotters to justice. But
they were much too rich, and much too influential in the Congress. That is the
reason FDR tried to pack the Supreme Court in no vein. I am not trying to justify
FDR efforts for packing the Supreme Court. Not at all. I am just trying to illustrate
his mindset, and what was going on inside his mind when he spoke about packing
the SCOTUS. FDR’s efforts reminded me of Warren Harding inserting former
president Taft as Chief Justice of the SCOTUS hoping to bring John D. Rockefeller
and others to justice in the early 1920s.
Jews absolutely hated the super populist FDR. No doubt about it. They always
have hated the populist, nationalist, patriotic presidents. No doubts about it.
History proved they always heated populist presidents including Andrew Jackson,
FDR, JFK, and Nixon 2.0, and Trump. FDR was no exception. However, FDR won his
2nd and 3rd presidential reelections with over 500 Electoral votes in the General
Elections of 1936, 1940 respectively. FDR even won his 4t term reelection with
432 electoral votes in a landslide too. Only 7 states didn’t go his way in his 4th
reelection campaign in 1944. So the Jews of Council on Foreign Relations plotted
a coup inside the Democrat Party in 1944 before the 1944 General Elections.
Please see events of 1945 about Truman (a Jew who pretended to be a Christian)
below. As a side note: Both World Wars were European wars. Both Wars started
by the Europeans against Europeans. But Winton Churchill (1/2 Jew) dragged the
reluctant FDR into WW 2 by manipulating the Japanese to attacking Pearl Harbor.
FDR presided over the involvement of the US in World War 2 after the Pearl
Harbor attack on December 07, 1941, the Day of Infamy. Interestingly, the
Japanese Naval Fleet that attacked Pearl Harbor did NOT capture or occupy the
Hawaiian Islands, rather they sailed down south in to the south Pacific and
attacked other islands. How foolish the Pearl Harbor attack was on the part of the
Japs! But it served Churchill’s (a ½ Jew) objective. Pearl Harbor dragged the US
into the European War and branded it as the second “World War”. Please note
that even the First World War was a European War, until the Jews forced the
compromised Woodrow Wilson to engage in the first European War, then the

Jews called it World War 1. Neither Wars were World Wars until the US got
involved. Both Wars were European Wars at the beginning.
Starting from 1944, Jewish Newspaper like NY Times printed editorials about the
creation of the State of Israel in post War era. FDR who was still feeling the pain
from the Jewish military coup against him in 1933, vehemently opposed the
creation of the “State of Israel. Most of the US Generals who had served in North
Africa, Mediterranean and European Theaters of Operations opposed it too.
Please see General Patton quote later. Please bare that in mind.
Three months through his 4th term presidency as POTUS, FDR became sick after
his travel to Malta in February of 1945. He had come down with pneumonia after
his long trip to Tehran Iran back meeting with Churchill and Stalin in Dec 1943. His
medical records of 1944 through 1945 at the Walter Reed Medical Hospital, a site
that he had designated and built back in July 1938, is suspect. One thing was
obvious: During his Malta trip, FDR had developed a black shadow around his eyes
which was the sign of his liver malfunction (clue: His liver malfunction had nothing
to do with his pneumonia that he caught over 16 months earlier during his
December 1943 trip to Tehran, Iran meeting with Churchill (1/2 Jew) and Soviet
Union dictator Marshal Stalin (100% Jew). FDR had completely recovered from
the Pneumonia by the General Election of 1944.
Three months into his fourth term, the 63 years old President Roosevelt died on
April 12, 1945 in his little White House in Georgia. He died in the arms of his
college sweet heart whom FDR felt had filled the place of his feminist wife after
Eleonore Roosevelt had got busy with her social and women related issues and
FDR’s Monoosi Jew Vice President, Harry Falseman, took over as POTUS 33 in
April 1945. The damage that this POTUS did to the US economy is still being felt
by every one of us.
In retrospect, I give a slight edge to FDR over Andrew Jackson because FDR
mastered the communication skills with his constituency over the radio airwaves.
His electrifying voice and reasoning brought the entire nation together at a time
that nation needed to be united. Moreover, he presided over and executed World
War 2, by selecting some of the best Generals the US has ever had. Selection of
the right man and installing them at the right positions was an undebated
character of the FDR and his leadership skills. Leader can pick leaders. However,
wait and see what his Monnoosi successor did to those FDR Generals who won
the World War 2.
A side note: Andrew Jackson was a powerful populist leader He was such a
populist patriot leader that at the outset of the Civil War of 1861, the people in
the main street believed that there would be No Civil War if Andrew Jackson was
alive!. That is a testament to the social impact of his presidency!

1945 Bretton Wood System:

After the surrender of Japan, In July 1945 Congress passed the
Bretton Woods Agreements Act, authorizing U.S. entry into the IMF and World
Bank. In Breton Woods the Jews (not the US) decided to implement a financial
system that settled ALL of the worldwide financial transactions by the Jewish
Dollar disguised as the US Dollar.
Also in 1945, Henry Falseman threatened the Soviet Union with a nuclear blast in

1945 The Soviet Union occupied Iran:

After Dec 01, 1943 Tehran Conference between Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin,
Iran was named as the Bridge of Victory for the allies. Iran became a supply route
for the transfer of logistics from the Persian Gulf to Russia in 1944 and 1945.
However after the WW2 concluded, the Soviets didn’t leave Iran and occupied the
northwestern part of Iran. Henry Falseman threatened the Soviets with dropping
a bomb if they wouldn’t leave Iran. His motivation was NOT to protect Iran.
Rather, his intention was to protect the oil rich wells of south western Iran that
were completely owned by the Jewish British Petroleum. Majority of BP’s stocks
were owned by the Jews. The Russians had already separated Iranian oil wells of
Azerbaijan from Iran back in 1821.
1948 Chairman Mao in China:
Japan was always hostile toward China. During the Second World War, General
MacArthur the Great prosecuted the war efforts in the Pacific theater of
operation. Japanese who had occupied part of the mainland China, Koran
Peninsula and Philippines defeated MacArthur in Philippines Islands and made
him wet his boots walking in the shallow waters toward his rescue boats.
MacArthur was always concerned about his shining booths, kept them shining like
a mirror. Then the Japs made fun of him, wetting his booths, escaping the Islands.
After the War, MacArthur treated the Japanese Emperor Hiro Hitto with respect.
But in China, a civil war ensued among six competing factions. General MacArthur
preference in China was with the nationalist faction from the Six competing
factions. Without the knowledge of General MacArthur who was practically the
King Maker in all of the Pacific countries involved in post war era, the Jewish
Goldman Sachs officials approached Chairman Mao, a Communist. Goldman Sachs
provided $50 Million in finance to Chairman Mao’s communist party in the next
seven years. The Chinese nationalists fled to the Island of Taiwan. The proof is in
the confessions of those communist party leaders who abandoned Mao, or were
later savagely tortured by Mao’s wife and fled China. Here is the proof of
Goldman Sachs being in bed with Mao:

Below is the picture of the Daughter of CEO of Goldman Sachs meeting with Mao
in China. Goldman Sachs paid $50 Million to Mao after 1948.

And last but not least, here is the ultimate proof, see below. Kissinger came up
with the Ping Pong Diplomacy during the Nixon years.

1951 Agreement between the Fed and the Treasury:
Before I discuss the presidency of Henry Truman, I need to illustrate his treason to
the American people by allowing promoting the Fed – Treasury Agreement of
1951. It is pubic knowledge that The Monetary Accord of 1951 was an agreement
between the Fed and the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury under Truman
administration. He practically established the frame work for the current Federal
Reserve Bank criminal activities. The accord rearranged the Federal Reserve's
independence, paving the way for the Fed's control of monetary policy as the
nation's central bank, and by default the world’s financial system. Since then, The
Fed manipulates the money supply and influences interest rates. This agreement
pretty much defined the role of the Fed in the current economic mess that the US
is in. Over $30 Trillion of national debt plus a lot of other debts that are
unaccounted for totaling at least $200 Trillion. If one adds other derivative debts
too, then the number becomes about 1264% of GDP. This is an astronomical
number. The Fed pundits say that as long as the Fed keeps juggling the debt
(pretty much like the Juggler who keeps several balls up in the air) then we will be
fine. The problem is that in this metaphor, the Juggler is placing his boots on the
back of the American people who are feeling the inflationary pressures of the
debts which the Fed is juggling with. Every time the Fed juggles with the ball (the
debt), the Middle Class shifts to the lower class in the US economic spectrum.
Middle class opportunities go down the drain, and hope would be in deficit. Drug
addictions and overdoses continue rising. Various crimes increases. Over 100,000
American dies of Drug overdose in 2021 alone.

1945 - 1952, Harry Truman (a.k.a Harry Falseman) POTUS 33:
Harry Falseman (POTUS 33), was a Monoosi Jew (a Jew who pretended to be a
Christian). The damage that this man inflicted on the US is enormous and beyond
imagination. He took the decency off of the American politics, conducted a purge,
and inserted Jews in the Justice Department, State Department, Treasury and
Commerce departments. His most critical damage was the “Purge” in the US
Let’s flash back: The Jews of Council on Foreign Relations brought a fellow Jew
from Kansas up through the ranks. Monoosi Harry Falseman came to power in a
political coupe inside the Democrat Party in 1944. During the Democrat National
Convention FDR was nominated for his 4th term as president. Yet, if you read the
papers of those days, you find out that the Jews who staged a military coup
against FDR eleven years earlier, staged a political coup against FDR’s Vice
President Mr. Henry Agard Wallace, who was taking a diplomatic approach
toward the emergence of the Soviet Union in the post-World War 2 era. Marshall
Stain of the Soviet Union was still alive then but in his last years (He dies on March
5th 1953). Council on Foreign Relations, through the media blitz and CFR political
pundits, literally accused Henry A. Wallace of being a Russian Agent or a Russian
sympathizer of Marshal Stalin who, by then, had wedded three Jewish wives! So
the Party dumped Henry A. Wallace in favor of Harry Falseman. Please note that
the emergence of the Communist Soviet Union as a European power was the
direct consequence of Emanuel Walter Rothschild coup against the Romanov
Tsars of Russia back in 1917. Moreover, helped Walter Rothschild in massacre of 4
million Ukrainians in 1933. Do you see the irony? Today, In Ukraine the Jews are
in a coalition with the Nazis of Ukraine against the Eastern Ukrainians who of the
Russian Slave heritage? Do you see the irony there too?
Most of the top US Generals who served in the Mediterranean and the European
theater of operations DID NOT agree with the establishment, and recognition of
the state of Israel. Among them was the War hero General George Patton, the
strategist in Tank and Armor logistics and operations. General Patton said: “The
US is threatened by three countries practicing communism, the Soviet Union,
China (that was going through the communist Mao revolution), and Israel. I am
paraphrasing his quote because I can’t find the exact quote with my google

searches as usual. Google is used to de-ranking information pertaining to Israel
and the Jews (Please see Patton papers for the exact quote). General Patton’s
inclusion of Israel as a communist socialist state threatening the US deeply
offended Harry Falseman. George Patton suddenly died in a hospital in Germany
in December 1945, eight months after the conclusion of the WW 2. This was
suspicious because FDR, who also vehemently opposed the Jews, suddenly died
when he was just 63 years old on April 12, 1945.
After the War, Harry Falseman continued with his purge but accelerated his purge
of the top US Generals and WW2 heroes. But starting from late 1947 up until
November 1952, Harry went on a steroid and accelerated the purge. Many many
top US Generals were forced into retirement. The insider, J. Edgar Hoover of FBI
put together the Ike-Nixon ticket for the upcoming November 1952 General
Elections. J. Edgar Hoover had been opposing, and investigating, “the taking over
of the Hollywood and its labor syndications” by the communist Jews, in the 1940s.
He had even prepared a Black list of the communist directors and producers of
the Hollywood.
Let me review some Falseman “accomplishments” here:
He ordered the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima despite the objections of his top
Generals. Then he added to his sin by dropping a second atomic bomb on
Nagasaki. He approved the establishment of the United Nation (the political arm
of the Globalists). Right after General Mc Arthur negotiated the surrender of the
Japan, he ordered a purge. He practically forced retirements of those top US
Generals and started transforming the US armed forces into a “Diverse” military.
Please note that FDR had handpicked his top Generals who proved to be some of
the best visionaries and competent soldiers of all times ever.
Harry Falseman continued with his purge in the State Department in 1946. That is
why you rarely see any Independent Christians in the key positions of the State
Department today. Ever since his purge, the US has entered in over 600 bilateral
and multilateral treaties up until today, and the US has violated every single one
of them. The US is NOT trustable. He also installed Jews inside the Justice
Department, Treasury, and Commerce Departments after retiring the Christians.

Let me accuse him of this: He DID NOT like the White Christians. Period. His
actions proved this claim beyond a reasonable doubt. Great many contemporary
historians can back me up and my claim(s) above.
In 1948 he recognized the State of Israel despite objections. If the above sins were
not enough, let me disclose his BIGGEST sin that pertained to the economic
collapse of these days:
In 1951, he ordered “the Federal Reserve Bank - the Treasury Department
Agreement” that led to the current sorry state of economic affairs in the US.
What does Falseman have to do with my lawsuit against the Fed? The
combination of his 1951 Agreement between the Fed and Treasury plus inserting
the Jews in key and decision making positions, who subsequently encouraged the
US to vacate or violate over 600 bilateral and multilateral treaties, led the US to
where we are now. Nobody in the main street of the US, and no foreign leader in
his right mind, trusts the US words and commitments. That lack of credibility
translates itself into the financial markets as well. For example, in the financial
markets, nobody is willing to purchase the US bonds and treasuries. That is why
the Fed is printing and going on with Quantitative Easing forever, like hell, leaving
the poor in deeper poverty under the poverty line, while making the rich even
richer by fake asset prices in price exaggerated stock market. In San Jose
California these days, people are stealing the Catalytic convertor of the cars,
melting it down for the metals inside, selling it and then buy groceries from the
proceeds. That is what the state of the Union is in the ultra-rich Silicon Valley
today. A hollowed out middle class is the direct consequence of Harry Falseman
policies, enabling the Jews practically taking over the US economy and politics. If I
could blame three presidents, I would blame Woodrow Wilson for his 1913
signing of the Federal Reserve Act, Harry Falseman for his Purge in the US, and the
1951 Agreement between the Fed and his Treasury Department, and finally Bill
Clinton for Globalization, and repealing the Glass Steagall Act of 1933.
Unfortunately, all three presidents were Democrats.
Please note, under Falseman direction, the first CIA coup took place against a
sovereign nation in Syria back in 1948 and it continued elsewhere around the
globe including Iran, Guatemala, etc. Iranian liberals have a favorable impression
of the POTUS 33 because he threatened to bomb the Soviet Union after WW2.

The story was that after the Tehran Conference on Dec 01, 1941, Roosevelt, Stalin
and Churchill used the Iranian infrastructure to supply arms to the allies against
the Germans. But at the end of the war, the Soviets decided to stay and occupy
Northern Iran. POTUS 33 threatened the Soviets with blasting a nuclear bombing
of the Soviets army in Iran. Stalin took the threat seriously and withdrew his
troops from Iran and the Cold War started. What Iranian liberals don’t know is
that POTUS 33 wanted to blast the bomb over in Azerbaijan and so many Iranians
would have perished. Secondly, his motivation was not saving Iran, rather to keep
away the Soviets from the oil reach provinces of the Southwest Iran that were
owned by his rich Jewish fellows of the British Petroleum.

1953 to 1961, Dwight D. Eisenhower

Ike and his anti-communist Vice President Richard Nixon put the US politics back
in order for 8 years. The US enjoyed the fastest economic expansion in its history
in post WW2 era. The Camelot continued during the JFK era for another 3 years
until November of 1963. In his farewell speech, Ike openly criticized the Military
Industrial Complex for continuously pushing for the US participation in the Korean
Peninsula Conflict. The reason for Ike’s criticism was that he had to put up and
deal with the aftermath of the Korean War in the Korean peninsula in the 1950s.
The Military and Industrial Complex asked for and was thriving off of the conflict
in the Korean peninsula (and Vietnam) which could have been diffused in the
post-World War 2 era by the Truman administration with the intervention of
immensely powerful General MacArthur. In Aug 18, 1953, Ike was dealt with the
Coup in Iran that was pre planned by the British and the Truman administration.
As a historian my feelings is this: if the Coup in Iran had failed, then Iran (not
Vietnam, or may be in addition to Vietnam) would have been a scene of a
domestic war between the Soviet Union proxies in north west Azerbaijan and the
US backed people elsewhere in Iran. After Ike ended the Korean War, and the
1953 coup in Iran, the Jewish owners of the US military and industrial complex
ignited the conflict in Vietnam. A conservative professor at the prestigious
Stanford’s Hoover Institute later (in 1970s) concluded that the same people who
were selling arms to South Vietnamese army, had erected an arms manufacturing
plant not far from Moscow, and supplied arms to the Viet Kongs of North

Vietnam. The professor was fired from Stanford for exposing the truth in 1979.
Ike could see the hands of the Military Industrial Complex and thus delivered his
famous last farewell speech to the nation criticizing the Military Industrial
Complex in 1953. Ike later became a mentor to JFK during the Cuban missile
crises. In 1978-1979, another Stanford graduate, US Senator Church of Idaho and
the head of the famous “Church Commission”, raised the same sentiments about
Israel. He was cancelled by the Jewish lobby. And couldn’t get reelected in the
1980 general election and passed away four years later (why?). Please ask his son.

1961 to November 1963 John F. Kennedy (JFK):

The Camelot continued until the day of K’s assassination. If JFK was alive today,
his politics would have been to the right of today’s Republican Party (Tax cuts and
minimum income taxes). That shows how much both political parties have shifted
to the left by design. JFK said: “Stop asking why they are doing it to me, start
asking why in the hell am I allowing it?!”
Kennedy’s assassination came after his anti-secret societies’ speech, his
antiestablishment rhetoric, his tough stance on establishing social justice, and
smaller government stance. JFK would not allow the False Flag Operation
Northwoods by Alan Dulles the Jew. A patsy was Oswald, Kennedy wanted to
destroy Alan Dulles’s CIA and their owners the Central Banking Cabal. The
amazing thing is that nobody in the US dares to say that Israelis and American
Jews who supported Israel had a good motive to kill JFK. In the early 1960’s Israel
was aggressively developing its nuclear weapons program and the Kennedy
administration was vehemently against it. In comparison, Lyndon Johnson
administration was ‘asleep behind the wheel’ when it came to Israeli Nuclear
bomb making program. This is not a conspiracy theory. Every investigation should
start with establishing who had a motive for the assassination. The fact remains
that Israelis had a motive. Considering that they viewed Arab hostility as an
existential threat, it was a serious motive that justified their act. Also, after the
JFK assassination, the US opposition to the Israeli nuclear weapons program
weaned. Google: “How a Standoff With the U.S. Almost Blew Up Israel's Nuclear
Program”. JFK invited people to take back the government from the Jews in no

vague terms. I believe he is rolling in his grave when he sees the current state of
affairs in the US economy and politics. For some unknown reasons, the wife of
Lee Harvey Oswald (the assassin) later said to the media that the Federal Reserve
Bank was behind Kennedy’s assassination. No body followed up with her claim.

Oliver Stone: Here is a documentary by Oliver Stone released in March 2022,

See new Tweets

Oliver Stone


(1/2) Very heartening to see that our JFK documentaries, which

released digitally in North America this week, have hit the iTunes documentary
charts (#3 for #JFKRevisited and #1 for #JFKDestinyBetrayed in nonfiction TV).

JFK quotes:

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolutions

“Stop asking... “Why are they doing it to me? (Instead) Start asking why in the Hell
am I allowing it.”

“The stories of past courage…can teach, they can offer hope, they can provide
inspiration. But they cannot supply courage itself. For this each man must look
into his own soul.”

“For in a democracy, every citizen, regardless of his interest in politics, ‘hold

office’; every one of us is in a position of responsibility; and, in the final analysis,
the kind of government we get depends upon how we fulfill those responsibilities.
We, the people, are the boss, and we will get the kind of political leadership, be it
good or bad, that we demand and deserve.”

4. “A man does what he must—in spite of personal consequences, in spite of

obstacles and dangers and pressures – and that is the basis of all human

“Let us not emphasize all on which we differ but all we have in common. Let us
consider not what we fear separately but what we share together.”

“Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any
price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to
assure the survival and the success of liberty.”

“United there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided

there is little we can do—for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and
split asunder.”

Please read these 100 JFK quotes and you get a feeling why he was assassinated

JFK was essentially inviting people to an insurrection against the establishment.

That is why he was assassinated.
An ex- CIA Cuban Jewish affiliate and his friends were briefly detained at the
Delany Plaza on the day of JFK’s assassination. His name was Frank (The Jew)
Sturgis. Sturgis’s friends and he went to Dallas from Miami with two cars, one was
filled with ammunitions, guns, and rifles. Eight years after JFK Assassination, this
Sturgis brought $25,000 donations from the Jewish CEO of Archer Daniels
Midland Company (ADM). Please remember this name ADM as it has to do with
the Water Gate matter in June 1971, and the Federal Reserve Aug 15 1971 Jewish
Shock, and to Nixon reelection campaign of 1972. This Frank Sturgis approached
the Nixon Whitehouse, and without knowledge or approval of Nixon, became the
“Master Plumber” in installing eavesdropping devices at the Water Gate Building
the home of Democrat National party in 1971. Nixon was riding high on the
national poles with approval ratings of around 80%. Nixon re-lection was almost
guaranteed. Because Nixon had lived up to his campaign promises and had
reduced monotonically year after year the troops in Vietnam from 500,000 to
25000 in Vietnam (by the time of his resignation). He really didn’t need such
gimmicks or Water Gate scandal. He was impeached for standing by his top staff
who knew about the Water Gate, and for covering it up, not for approving it.

1969 to 1974 Nixon 2.0, Impeachment of President Nixon:

The 2020 race reminded me of 1972 presidential race when Richard Nixon was
facing immense mayhem by anti-Vietnam war protesters. Democrat candidate,
George McGovern supported the protesters. Nixon used to cross his two feet on
the top of his oval office desk, sipping on two glasses of Blue Johnny Walker on
Ice/water per day while watching TV. When he campaigned, he said: "Do you
want lawlessness and mayhem, or do you want a Law and Order president?!" He

won the 1972 race in a landslide although 80% of the Jews DID NOT vote for
Nixon. (In 2020, 75% of the Jews did not vote for Trump either). American Public
were and are pro Law and Order. Why did Nixon order the Water Gate break-ins?
Well, he didn’t. It was alleged that he did but he really didn’t. Please read the
next paragraph. Nixon was paranoid from his 1960 campaign when he lost the
close election to a coalition set forth by JFK's father against Nixon. Joe Kennedy's
coalition consisted of Catholics, Mafia, Jews, Italians, Cubans, and Blacks. Unlike
Trump, Nixon enjoyed a vast amount of campaign financing by the Shah of Iran in
1968 and 1972 presidential campaigns. Now, Trump should have sought the help
of current Iranian leaders in Iran if he wanted to win in a landslide. Instead Trump
withdrew from the Iran Nuclear deal, and imposed ever more sanctions on the
Iranians, and assassinated their hero while facing an impeachment over a phone
call to the Ukrainian president! Vow! The impeachment of Trump damaged the
US economic system much more than the impeachments of Nixon (1974) and Bill
Clinton (1998) combined. The Jews took advantages of all three impeachments.

1970 to 1974, the Jewish Shock mistakenly called Nixon Shock:

Back in 1971, President Nixon was lied to by Henry Kissinger and the Chairman of
Federal Reserve who told him that the Nixon Shock would be temporary and only
last for a few months or less than a year. Well it lasted up until today for 51 years.
The so called Petro Dollar was architected by Kissinger in concert with the Bank of
England, Rothschild and International Monetary Fund, all-star worldwide elite
Jewish team. Kissinger was acting as the Secretary of State for the world wide
Jewish Government, not for the US Government. I will introduce the evidence in
the court if the witnesses are placed under witness protection plan.
If you review the history books, the official narrative was that the Arabs got
together in the wake of the 1973 Arab Israel war, and placed the US under an oil
embargo during the Nixon administration. Nixon who was under the Watergate
investigations, had engaged the US military in a massive logistic operations
supporting the Israeli Army. Thus in retaliation to Nixon’s operation, the Arabs
conspired and increased the price of oil from $1 to $4 per barrel. This narrative is
an outmost lie by the Jewish Establishment and by Hennery Kissinger in particular
to this date.
What actually happened that in the wake of Aug 15, 1971 Nixon Shock when
Nixon administration decoupled the US dollar from the Gold standard, the Federal
Reserve and the elite Jews came up with the new Petro Dollar backed by the black
Gold, namely the finite oil reserves of Venezuela, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. Kissinger
approached the latter and ordered the Saudis to increase the price of oil from $1
to $4 per barrel because the US Federal Reserve had planned to balance its
balance sheet (and its future balance sheets) to support the new Jewish Petro
dollar. Here is the proof:
The Jewish Petro Dollar was not an environmentally friendly currency either,
because it inherently assumed a worldwide consumption of fossil fuels by the
countries trading goods and services backed by the Jewish Petro Dollar.
Moreover, the Israel Arab conflicted was instigated by an Arab who was Israeli
Mossad agent (He was the son in law of Gamal Abdul Nasser, then the President
of Egypt). In 2010, the Arab was pushed off the 10th floor of a balcony in London
high-rise by other Mossad Agents according to his wife (the daughter of Gamal
Abdul Nasser). He provoked the Arabs to engage in a war with Israel based upon
instructions by his Mossad bosses.
Back in 1971, this point in time, the Shah of Iran was completely out of the loop
for the following reasons. Please note that Shah was the closest ally of then
President Nixon.
The Jews of Israel, had sent Moshe Dyan the Defense Ministers of Israel to meet
with some Iranian Jews who planned for the downfall of the Shah’s regime.
Moshe Dyan had met with Elghanian (an Iranian Jewish Exporter & smuggler of
Iranian national artifacts and heritage) in the city of Ghazvin without the
permission or knowledge of the Shah or his administration. Subsequently the
Israelis sent off their most rootless killer and assassin by the name of Sylvia Rafael
(a South African Jew like Elon Musk) to Tehran. Shah repeatedly companied about
the price increase of the commodities by Archer Daniel Midland Company (ADM).
In this interview Shah complains about the West increasing the price of their
products and commodities x500 fold.
So Kissinger had the Arabs increase the price of oil from $1 to $4 per barrel, an
increase of about 400%, while the West increased the prices of goods and

commodities (ADM) by 500%, but Kissinger blamed the oil price increase on the
Arabs for starting the Arab Israel war of 1973. That was a lie. A BIG Lie.
Also, in August of 1971, Just about the time of The Jewish Shock, Kissinger and his
Jewish counterparts and power houses, (The Jewish) Bank of England and the
Jewish owned British Petroleum, in Britain forced the Shah of Iran to abandon
Iranian populated Bahrain Islands in the southern side of the Persian Gulf. The
Jews wanted to ensure the flow of oil would not be disturbed or interrupted
through the straights of Hurmuz by the Iranians. The Israelis had sent their most
notorious assignation agent to the court of Shah to finish him off. Everything was
set for the introduction a new Jewish currency, called the Petro Dollar (the
currency that we carry today in our wallets).

1970s Inflation

The US experienced a recession immediately after the Jewish Shock of Aug 15,
1971. However the economy had enough steam from the 1950s and 1960s and
the Recession actually hit home after 1973 up until 1976 during the times of
Arthur Burns (a Jew) as the Fed Chair. He official inflation rate was about 10% but
in reality it was more. In the meantime the wages remained stagnant, thus the
term Stagflation was introduced. Burns didn’t want to increase interest rates. So
Nixon tried to curb the inflation by mandatory wages and price controls but
failed. Presidents Ford and Carter implemented voluntary wage controls! They
also failed. The underlying reason for inflation and wage stagnation was three
folds: 1) Kissinger had asked the Arabs to increase the price of crude oil by x4, so
that the newly established Jewish Petro Dollar (the existing currency of the US)
could have enough backing to balance the Fed’s balance sheets in the absence of
Gold. Crude oil had become the “Black Gold”. 2) Kissinger on behalf of the Fed
(not on behalf of the US) was trying to create a fake aggregate demand for the
newly established Jewish Petro Dollar. The Petro Dollar was a fiduciary illusion at
best. So the market interest rates kept growing although the Fed officially kept
the interest rates constant. 3) Archer Daniel Midland Company (a Jewish owned
company with a Jewish CEO) which controlled the commodity market of those
days, practically raised the price of commodities by x5 to x8. The combination of
the price increases in oil and the commodities (i.e. corn, wheat, pork, etc.) really
hit hard the pocket books of the ordinary American citizens. The pathetic
newspaper headlines by the Jewish media constantly blamed the Arabs for the
stagflation. It was and is a habit of the Jews: They always blame a foreign cause
for their faults. Kissinger made his famous statement: ““Who controls the food
supply controls the people, who controls the energy can control whole
continents, and who controls money can control the world.” Kissinger
backstabbed the Shah of Iran.

I have three distinct memories of those times: In 1971 at my school, suddenly

they eliminated the map of Bahrain as one of the provinces of Iran in geography
books and classes in Iran. About two weeks after the Jewish shock of Aug 15,
1971, One day my father came from Bazar to our home and said that he
wondered why the price of gold has gone up from $33 per ounce to $370 per
ounce with NO reason. When I arrived at San Francisco International Airport, the
processing officer at the visa section with a smile to his friend, “Another Camel
Jock Rider has come over to steal our money.” The divorce rate was going up, so
was the bankruptcies, while the newspaper headlines constantly blamed the
Arabs (I am Iranian). President Carter announced his solar energy initiatives, and
set the speed limit in US High ways at 55 miles per hour. He said that cars used
the minimum amount of gas at 55 miles an hour. I remember it well because I
paid for many speeding citations at 70 miles an hour.

1978 – 1980
As the “Stagflation” of the 1970s was on steroid in the US, the Iranian Revolution
took place. Paul Walker (another Jew) stepped in as the Chairman of the Fed
before the start of the Iranian Revolution. Together with Milton Friedman (yet
another Jew), they advocated for the increase in “Bottom Line” of corporations.
Milton Freidman had published his ideas back in 1971. What these two Jews really
meant was what Nixon, Ford and Carter had failed to do: “A Restrict Control over

the Wages”. So what the previous three presidents had failed to accomplish for
the Jews, Milton Freidman and Paul Walker introduced as an “Ideology” or
“Corporate Success Prerequisite” in the stock market. What these two Jews
promoted was essentially the same sort of wage control and consistency that Karl
Marx had suggested almost a century earlier, and Vladimir the Jew Lenin had
implemented after 1917 Russian Revolution. Walker – Freidman, the two Jews,
simply re-branded Marx’s ideas differently as “Conservative Economics”. To be
fair to Karl Marx, at least Marx was preaching wage increases as the communist
society grew. However, Walker – Friedman said that the stock market growth was
tied down and essential to GDP growth, and thus “Wage Control” was the ONLY
important line item for corporations to watch for in their quarterly profit and loss
statements if the corporations wanted to see their stock growth. So these two
Jews practically encouraged the corporations to keep the wages constant, as the
price of everything else (energy and commodities) were going up through the roof
because the USD had decoupled from Gold. They said this is the only way to
improve the corporation’s profit and loss income statements for the stockholders!
Freidman went one step further: He said that it was a “Conservative Value” to
keep the wages from growing up and to give tax cuts to the rich and corporations
because then the money would ticked down the economy. That was simply a
fallacy. Because the history proved that the money arising from the tax cuts,
never got reinvested in the economy, instead went offshore to the Cayman
Islands and other tax heavens. Milton Freidman became an economic advisor to
Margret Thatcher and wrote the campaign materials for then presidential
candidate Ronald Reagan in 1979. So essentially the Federal Reserve Bank kicked
off the biggest money heist in the history of mankind to the tune of $50 Trillion
since the Jewish Shock of Aug 15, 1971 when the Jews introduced their paper
currency and branded it as US Dollar backed by the military might and armed
forces of the US.
The Iranian Revolution took place but it didn’t produce the intended results that
the communist socialist led by the Jews of New York (Rockefellers) and Britain
(Rothschild) had planned. The Islamists led by Ayatollah Khomeini came to power
in February 1979. In July 1979, Kissinger along with the Jews of New York and
Britain brought Saddam Hussain to power in Iraq following a political coup against
President Al Bakr of Iraq. In November of 1979 the Iranian students took

Americans as hostages for 444 days in what they thought was a retaliation of the
1953 US CIA coup (a Jewish coup by the Dulles brothers) against the government
of Iran. Then in 1980, Kissinger advocated for his “Dual Containment” Policy to
contain both Iran and Iraq, literally started the Iraq invasion of Iran in September
1980. The war lasted for eight years. Millions perished on both sides. Carter with
his Rose Garden strategy was defeated by Reagan in November 1980. Reagan
immediately implemented Milton Freidman policies. Over 30% 0f the tax cuts
went offshore, never reached the people at the bottom or base of the economy.

1982 Recession

Prior to 1980, we used to play soccer or street basketball on 14th street in Oakland
California. Small shops and businesses were thriving. People were happy, friendly
and NOT angry. It was safe. Drug addictions and distribution was very low.
Libraries were open 24/7 except on Thanksgiving and Christmas days. Reagan tax
cuts came as another shock. By 1981 David Stockman, Reagan’s budget director,
couldn’t balance the government books so he resigned. The economy was in a
deep recession. The national debt kept rising. The tax revenue didn’t match the
government’s expenditures. Divorce filings went up. But the economy was still
carrying some energy and momentum from the 1950s and 1960s. As the national
debt went up, so did the degree of fucked up ness of people. These days, you
need to drive up on the 14th street of Oakland in an armored vehicle, and still you
might get shot at. And you shouldn’t get off your car, forget about playing soccer
or street basketball any time during the day particularly after sunset. Trust me. It
is not safe. Those happy smiling faces of our African American business owners
are replaced by the gangs and drug dealers.
During the recession of 1980 to 1982, the farmers had to borrow money from the
Jewish banks and left their land titles, tractor titles, as collateral. The farmers
used to sell their crops to the Jewish Archer Daniel Midland (ADM) Company that
was in bed with the Jewish banks. ADM controlled the price of commodities by
setting the price, a bargain price, for next year’s harvest of the agricultural
products and goods grown by the farmers. By 1985, the US farmers couldn’t pay

back the mounting debt that they had accumulated all the way back from 1980.
So the Jewish banks foreclosed on the farmer’s lands and equipment. Willie
Nelson and other country singers came up with “Farm Aid” a series of concerts
raising money for the bankrupt farmers facing foreclosures in 1985. That was NOT
enough. The Jewish banks foreclosed on the lands. In the meantime, the Jewish
banks decided to divert the attention of the main street from the catastrophe
that was taking place in the farmlands of the USA. The Hollywood Jewish
executive producers came up with and threw fund raising concerts for the
Children of Africa. Singers, led by Michael Jackson, Lionel Ritchie, Tina Turner, and
a host of others came up with the song “We are the World, We are the Children”
and diverted the attention of the American people in the main street USA from
the financial slaughter house that was taking place in the Midwest farmlands of
the US. In Silicon Valley and Hollywood, the narrative was that the African kids
were dying of famine while the “Rednecks” were throwing concerts! Once again
the Jewish Hollywood and media changed the narrative by diversion. By 1988, the
Jews (through their predatory Jewish lending practices) confiscated the farmlands
of the US farmers while the American people and the rest of the nation were
asleep. ADM became larger and other Jewish owned agribusinesses came to the
scene and Jewish conglomerates grew large. Once again, the Jews made butter
from the thin air. This event was the largest farmland confiscation in the history
of the US if not the world. Actually there was a similar land confiscation by the
Jews post 1917 revolution in Russia. Comparing the amount and value of land
confiscation by the Jews in the US and by the Jews in the Soviet Union should
become the titles of many Ph.D. dissertations to check out and see which one was
larger. Both had one kind of victim, the White Christians, and one kind of
predators, Jews.
Now the events of 1987 bleeds my heart when I remember them. Please compare
the farmland foreclosures with what took place in the Wall Street by 1987. I can’t
stop crying when remembering and comparing the two situations. In 1987, the
Jewish Federal Reserve, through its intermediaries, stepped in and bailed out the
Wall Street hedge funds but did not do a damn thing back in 1985 helping the
distressed farmers who lost their lands to the Jews. Most of those farmers were
White Christian Patriots. This, once again, illustrated the “Credit Apartheid”
practiced by the Jewish Federal Reserve Bank and its Jewish cronies and

intermediaries. In summary, the existing Jewish financial system in the US has
turned into a “Confiscation Mechanism” stealing wealth, money, properties from
the Main Street and delivering them to the Jews of the Wall Street. They have the
audacity to call it “Free Market.” The market is anything but free. With corrupt
politicians in their pocket, the Jews have turned the market into a lopsided
mechanism for “legal” theft, heist and stealing.

October 1987 Bailout

Paul Walker stepped down as the chair of the Federal Reserve and Alan
Greenspan (another Jew) took the wheels at the Jewish Federal Reserve Bank.
Lying was in his DNA.
Who could forget the crash of October 19, 1987? The Dow suddenly sank by 500
points and lost over 22% of its value on a Monday morning. The main cause of the
market crash were the piling up of automated sales orders generated by newly
developed trading software. The criminal Alan Greenspan, then the newly
appointed Chairman of the Federal Reserve, stepped in and infused a great deal
of liquidity to the “market leaders”, his fellow Jewish owned Wall Street hedge
fund managers. In reality, he Jewish Wall Street bailed out the Jewish hedge fund
managers with the blessing of the Alan the Lying Jew Greenspan. In essence,
based upon the marching orders of Greenspan, the Wall Street bailed out the
Jewish owned Hedge Funds. Greenspan slashed the interest rates. Please note: In
the Jewish controlled Stock market of the US, the Jews and their companies
would never lose money. The “Jews Rule” is a rule set forth by the Jewish Federal
Reserve Bank. The Fed is always there to save them. This is one of the main pillars
of this lawsuit.

1989 – 1993, President George Bush (Bush 41):
Federal Reserve vs. George H. W. Bush: Four short years after 1987 Black
Monday, The criminal FED engaged in 5 massive Rate Hikes, engineered the
Recession of 1992, and ousted then president Bush who enjoyed 80%-90%
popularity in 1991 polls.

President Bush presided over the collapse of Soviet Union, secured their nuclear
arms, reunified Germany, kicked Saddam out of Kuwait in 1991, and put a cap on
the budget: For every $3 of budget cuts, he raised taxes by $1.

Although Richard Haass (now of CFR dot Org the political arm of Federal Reserve)
and Paul Wolfowitz (Ziocon American Enterprise Institute) were working for
President Bush, the Jews knew very well that NO JEW could contain or mess with
President Bush: He was experienced, a WW2 hero, a former head of CIA and an

ambassador to China under Nixon, & immensely popular even among the
Democrats. With 85% approval ratings he was headed for an easy reelection. His
1992 reelection was like money in the bank.

Against this background, the Jewish FED went to work to halt the economy,
because Bush ordered the Madrid Peace Conference between Palestinians and
Israelis. Yitzhak Shamir ‫ יצחק שמיר‬PM of Israel chewed his lips as Bush tried
ending Jewish settlements in the Palestinian disputed territories during the
Madrid Conference. Meanwhile the Jews had gone to President Bush, and
encouraged Bush to break away from his campaign pledge of “Read my lips, No
New Taxes”. He had raised taxes to balance the budget. The Jews set him up for
failure. Yet he was riding high in ALL polls with around or above 85% approval

After 1992 Election President Nixon recalled his situation and said: "They (Jews)
did it to George too". But Bush Jr. (a.k.a W, Bush 43) learned a lesson from his
Dad! That Jr. (W) had to be nice to the Jews and kiss their ass as much as he could
if he wanted to realize his political aspirations: So W. became a Neocon, a Ziocon
per US patriots.
As noted above, Greenspan came up with 5 massive interest rate hikes against all
economic trends in 1991-1992. The reason was obvious: President Bush (Bush 41)
had gained enormous popularity at home and abroad after drawing the line in the
sands and defeating and pushing Saddam out of Kuwait in 1991. Bush 41 enjoyed
over 85% popularity and his 2nd term was like money in the bank. Bush 41 also
held the so called Madrid conference where Yiyzhak Shamir didn’t like the
approach of President Bush and Secretary of State James Baker in the Israel
Palestine peace initiative. Bush 41 had committed an unforgivable sin. He dared
to talk to and gathered the Palestinians with the Israelis around the same table in
Madrid Spain. Shamir used the virtue signaling to Greenspan during the
conference. Then Greenspan suddenly raised the rates in 5 massive rate hikes.
The country dipped into a recession by 1992. The net result of Greenspan’s
massive rate hikes was that the popularity of the Bush 41 went down to low 40s
from mid 80s. In June of 1992, the 30 years fixed mortgage interest rates were
about 9.25% for a loan of $300,000. Once again the US citizens paid for the

ambitious planning of the Jewish Federal Reserve and their gangsters (the
corporations that will grow around them per Thomas Jefferson) in the US. Bush 41
lost the elections in November of 1992 to e Globalist Bill Clinton.

1992 to 1998:
In November of 1992, Bill Clinton was elected as president and came to power
with the promises of “Globalism”. He said that the world was a small village and
therefore, we needed cooperation between nations to solve the world wide
problems. But the decade ended up with a bunch of Jews determining the faith of
supplychain in the world. They basically started controlling the supplychain and
the financial transactions that went along with controlling the supply chain.
NAFTA was the first issue that came up after Bill Clinton passed his 1993 budget.
NAFTA was supposed to ease the trade between Mexico, US, and Canada, remove
the red tapes and eased up export and imports between the three participating
In January of 1993, before NAFTA was passed, I participated in the annual
Semiconductor Equipment Manufacturer ( dinner. In those days, Andy
Grove, a Globalist Jew, was the CEO of Intel. At the SEMI dinner, I remember the
VP of Intel was the keynote speaker who said: “Before I sleep at night, I (struggle
with myself and) don’t know if I should open another $3 Billion Semiconductor
fabrication plant this quarter or should postpose it to the next quarter in China.
This dinner was BEFORE the passing of NAFTA act. I stood up and asked: Who
gives you the permission to erect plant(s) in China, when the labor rates in
Mississippi and Louisiana are so low? He laughed it up! I always said, even if
NAFTA passed, NAFTA was a treaty between three North American nations.
Where would Intel get its permission to export $60 to $200 an hour jobs
(equivalent to $180 to $600 per hour in terms of today’s purchasing power) to
China. Please note: In those days, with all these high paying manufacturing jobs,
Intel cost for fabrication of an Intel CPU was about $1. Intel sold each CPU for
$400. There was NO Reason for cost cutting by Intel. What I didn’t know then,
was that the criminal Greenspan had given the marching orders to export the high
paying US jobs to China, and in return, the Chinese would purchase the junk
financial packages (manufactured financial junk papers) from the US Federal
Reserve Bank and its related entities (per 1951 Agreement with the Treasury). The
era of Bond Vigilantes had started and the US workers were the first victims of the
US Fed financial-ization of the economy. I love to and look forward to cross
examine this Supremacist Jew, Greenspan, in the upcoming court arising from this
In this period leading to the impeachment of Bill Clinton, the Jews of the Fed
financialized everything, every industry, every possible small, midsize, and large
The only voice of reason on TV came from Ross Perot, Pat Buchannan who used
to argue against Globalism. They used to say that by Globalism, the purchasing
Power of American workers would diminish over time. They were right. 1994 was
the scene of extra hot debates between pro and anti NAFTA voices. But the real
debate was not about NAFTA, the real debate was about Globalization. Finally the
Jews in concert with some members of the Congress, strong armed the entire
Congress to pass NAFTA, while was the Conductor of this effort. Ask every
living member of Congress, then, who would confirm the above.
Now back then I used to go to the Science library where they used to place most
European newspapers printing in English on a counter top. Whatever headlines I
heard on CNN, or did read on New York Times and Washington Post, would be
reflected on those European (German, French, British, Italian,…) newspapers with
a 3 months to six months delay. It was like “Cut and Past with a 3 months to 9
months lag”. I connected the dots: This “Globalization” was not subtended to the
US, It was a cross Atlantic Phenomena. But the next event surprised me even
I used to read the Iranian daily newspapers too. I noticed that the same pro
NAFTA arguments were discussed on the Iranian media too. They were saying:
When Iranian sold oil, then (Milton Freedman) economy required the government
to improve and increase its balance sheet bottom line. So the Iranian Government
had to sell or shut down its factories, and ship the productions to China! Next I
went to Iran. In Iran, I started lecturing the same Ross Perot and Pat Buchannan
arguments and sentiments. The Iranians took me for interrogations by the Iranian
Intelligence as a possible anti-revolutionary (I don’t want to get into the details

here). Later in 1997, a person with Jewish heritage in Iran, “Opened up China” for
the Iranian economy! I sort of remembered Kissinger, a Jew, who “Opened up
China” for the US economy. My conclusion from then on was that we were NOT
dealing with a group of Jews in the US, but we were dealing with a worldwide
bunch of high power influential Jewish cabals, whose activities were in concert
with one another. Here is the way Jewish cabal is controlling the world’s
economy. Each O is a bank. The Jews control the banks of Iran through a bank in
UAE. The cabalist Jews control the world’s economy via the US banks and financial
institutions, and 15 foreign banks and financial institutions as depicted below.

The net result of these Jewish Globalists’ efforts in the 1990s were that both
Iranian and the US economies went down the drain when they shipped
manufacturing to China. I believe Iranians, the US and the Europeans lost their
economic serenity as the result of Globalization. As of this writing 70% of Iranian
wealth in under the ownership of the top 1%. In the US, the situation is worse,
much worse. 90% of wealth is owned by the top 1% in the US.

Here in California, as soon as NAFTA passed in 1994, Hewlett Packard that was a
pillar of Silicon Valley, suddenly laid off 20,000 workers in Silicon Valley followed
by another 20,000 workers nationwide. Among them were some friends of mine.
John with two kids, one in college and one in high school, and with a $3,000
monthly mortgage had lost his job. He was desperate to find work, any
engineering or non-engineering work to make ends meet.
Again as of today, Super Sunday 2022, the profit of China’s chip manufacturer
soared after Intel shipped its fabrication and chip making plants overseas.
RT reported: “China’s largest chipmaker, Semiconductor Manufacturing
International Corporation (SMIC), has reported record revenue and a surge in
profit last year amid a global chip shortage and strong demand. According to its
annual financial report published on Thursday, sales for calendar 2021 were up
39% on the year, at a record $5.4 billion.” Why don’t we hear about such news in
the main stream US media? Why should I resort to RT for gaining such

Events of 1994
I would like to illustrate the interest rate and credit apartheid in by the Fed. Two
major events took place in 1994 that has to do with the Federal Reserve Bank.
Please once again remember what Thomas Jefferson said: “If the American
people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currencies, first by
inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up
around them will deprive the people of all their prosperity until their children will
wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
Event of 1994 part A) Orange County, California, filed for bankruptcy. In 1992
Merrill Lynch & Company Gangsters (… The banks and corporations that will form
around them …) approached the officials of Orange County, California, one of the
most affluent counties in the US. They deceived the honorable county officials
into some risky derivative investments. In concert with Merrill Lynch affairs vis-a-
vis the Orange County derivative positions, the Federal Reserve raised rates in

1994. There was NO Reason for rate hikes by the Fed coming off of the 1992
recession. But the Fed did raise the rates at that point. (Please remember that
Thomas Jefferson warned us of those who control the issuance of the money and
corporation that will grow around them quote). Then the Orange County failed to
meet its financial derivative positions and lost Billions of dollars of money and had
to file for bankruptcy. The county officials faced criminal charges but no one from
Merrill Lynch faced any criminal charges. Two years later, Merrill Lynch paid $400
Million (a fraction of what the Jews had stolen from Orange County) in fines. The
reason was obvious, The Department of Justice prosecutors were and are used to
bringing charges to the big financial institutions and then settle the case for a
fraction of what the Jews plundered. It has been the case since POTUS 33, a Jew
named Harry Falseman became president. The case of OC bankruptcy case was no
exception. The case of Orange County (OC) bankruptcy was like a warm up play
for the Federal Reserve and the Elite Jews who used and deployed the same
approach and tactics for bankrupting the entire US Economy by 2008. They forced
the US economy into bankruptcy in 2008-2009 via Mortgage Back Securities scam.
Greenspan (a Supremacist Jew) and his ultra-criminal gang used the 1994 Orange
County financial meltdown as a prototype and architected the plunder of the US
Economy after 2001 when Greenspan dropped the interest rates to 1%. By 2000,
Clinton had already repealed Glass Steagall and delivered a lecture during the
State of the Union address, to include China in the most favored nation in WTO
(World Trade Organization). Incorporating the 1% loans, Greenspan then created
a Real Estate Bubble that induced the financial meltdown of 2008 - 2009. Then
President Bilderberg Obama bailed the accomplices of the Federal Reserve Bank
by saying: “They are too Big to Fail”. What a STUPID statement. What a dumb
statement. I will describe the details 0f 2008 financial crisis later. For now let’s
look at the case of Orange County Plunder by the Jews. I use the Wikipedia
explanation for it but bear in mind that due to a Cancel Culture, the authors are
intentionally down playing the role of Merrill Lynch in describing the events of
Wiki described the facts of the matter this way: “Robert Lafee Citron was a long
time controller of the California’s Orange County. Citron controlled several
Orange County funds including the General Fund, the Investment Pool, and the
treasury Commingled Pool. He sent out the county's tax bills with catchy slogans,
such as "Taxes paid on time never draw fines."[7] He won re-election seven times;
in his last election victory, his opponent, John Moorlach, charged that his
handsome gains were the result of risky betting.[7]
As controller of the various Orange County funds, Citron had taken a
highly leveraged position using repurchase agreements (repos) and floating rate
notes (FRNs). The loss incurred by the use of these financial instruments reached
the amount of $2 billion and was caused by being too highly leveraged for rising
Federal interest rates.[7] In other words, if Federal interest rates had not risen, the
massive trading position would have been a substantially profitable position; if
interest rates did rise, the trading position would result in substantial losses. In
fact, rates rose.
The Orange County funds, managed by Citron, were worth $8 billion. [7] However,
Citron went out to the repo market and leveraged the County Pools to amounts
ranging from 158% to over 292%. To obtain this degree of leverage, he
used treasury bonds as collateral. Profits of the fund were excessive for a period
of time and Citron resorted to concealing the excess earnings. He pleaded guilty
to improperly transferring securities from the Orange County General Fund to the
Orange County Treasury Commingled Pool.
Although regulators and the county's financial counterparties had already begun
scrutinizing Citron's risky investment strategy as early as 1992, following an article
in the trade publication, Derivatives Week, the county's finances did not begin to
unravel until early 1994.[8] At that time, the Federal Reserve Bank began to raise
US interest rates, causing many securities in Orange County's investment pools to
fall in value. As a result, dealers were requesting extra margin payments from
Orange County. These extra margin payments were funded in part by another
bond issue made by Orange County; the size of that bond issue was $600 million.
However, this fix proved to be only temporary. In December 1994, Credit Suisse
First Boston (CSFB) realized what was going on & blocked the "rolling over" of
$1.25 billion in repos ("rollover" essentially means issuing another repo when the
previous one ends, but at the new prevailing interest rate). At that point some
claim that Orange County was left with no recourse other than to file for
bankruptcy.[9] While the county was in bankruptcy, every one of its program
budgets was cut, about 3,000 public employees were discharged, and all services
were reduced.
Financial scholar John C. Hull later described the incident as "the classic example"
of an institution initially earning a profit through risky trades, becoming
complacent about risk as a result, and then making disastrous losses. [10]

Merrill Lynch & Company agreed today to pay $400 million to Orange County,
Calif., to settle claims that the leading Wall Street brokerage firm helped push the
affluent county into bankruptcy four years ago with reckless investment advice.”

Events of 1994 part B) By 1994, Starbucks the coffee shop business was ramping
up its expansion across the US. Starbucks is owned by a super Jewish supremacist
and a major contributor to Israel. Prior to 1994, there were many small brick and
mortar, pop and mom owned, cofee shops across the US. Each had their own
unique roasting and tastes. Starbucks had access to incredible amount of finance
for its expansion, something that other small businesses didn’t have. But an extra
ordinary events took place that drove most of the small coffee shops out of
business after 1994. The price of wholesale cofee jumped from 30 cents per
pound to $1 per pound. How? Let me explain:
Columbia provided only 5% of the total cofee imports of the US back in 1994.
Suddenly the Jews claimed that there were extra ordinary cold weather hitting
the Columbian coffee producers. Even if the news was true, then the price of
coffee had to rise by 5%. But then, the Jews had already taken the future
positions of the wholesale coffee in the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and when
the fake news hit the market, they raised the price of coffee per pound to $1 for
what they had paid or bought positions at 30 cents. The Jews made a huge
plunder. While the small business coffee shop owners faced a 3X increase in their
cost of material, and so their profits shrank. A cup of coffee is made of roasted
cofee beans and water. Starting from 1995, small coffee shops went out of
business while the Jewish owned Starbucks coffee did spread like mushrooms.

1996 Savings and Loans (S&L) Bailout:

Shortly after John McCain ran for and entered the US Senate in January of 1987,
McCain joined a group known as Keating Five. A couple of years later, starting at
1990, along with Charles Keating and W’s brother (another son of Bush 41), they
borrowed money from the Savings and Loans Credit Unions, and built large new
homes in the suburbs of Colorado, Arizona, and Utah. Then they faced a problem.
The Globalization had taken its toll and no one could afford to buy those new
homes. So tracks after tracks of 1500 homes per site, were left unsold and
abandoned. Dianne Feinstein’s husband borrowed money and purchased a great
deal of commercial real estate with the borrowed money, the kind of money that
you and I and the average Joe didn’t have access to. By 1996 the bubble did burst
and the Savings and Loans (S&L) were in debt by about $500 Billion. Bill Clinton
and the Congress intertwined and bailed out the ailing S&L industry to the tune of
$500 Billion.

1997-1998 Tiger Rim Crisis:

This George Soros, manufactured the Tiger Rim Currency Crisis. Let me summarize
this. The current president of Malaysia, Anwar Ibrahim, sold out the financial
health of his country to the temptations of George Soros Forex activities. Thsu
their currencies plummeted by 70% and those countries went back by about 30
years in terms of economic productivity. Suddenly, we in the US, felt a shock wave
from there and the stock market plummeted but recovered. In that short
transitory period, a lot of Jewish investors like Goldman Sachs, with the
knowledge of the Tiger Rim Crisis, shorted then longed the stock market. The
made may billions of dollars. But an anti-US sentiment in South East Asia rose
over Soros activities from which the regular American people had no benefit
from. I used to have an auto glass inventory of about $4 to $5 million, but since
those countries weakened vs USD, the value of inventory went down by 50%, and
created cash flow problems.

1998-2000 Clinton Impeachment

Many Mega Ditto heads, including myself, knew that Bill Clinton had a character
flaw. His “Sex Addicion” did lead to Bill Clinton to Clinton’s impeachment.
Nevertheless Clinton and Al Gore administration performed very well as a team
because they were both young and open to new ideas. Internet 1.0 flourished
under their times. I attended their 1994 rally in Sunnyvale California where they
discussed the Information Super Highway. However, the 20th century closed off
with the impeachment of Bill Clinton over a sexual misconduct because he tried
to cover it up. As always, the impeachments were a political tool from which the
Jews were the main beneficiary. The Republicans, wanted to get even with the

Democrats when they unfairly impeached Richard Nixon for “Covering up”
charges 25 years earlier. Both Impeachments of Nixon and Clinton were unfair to
the American public. The impeachment of Donald Trump over a phone call was
even more unfair. The Jews of Federal Reserve Bank benefited from the all
impeachments in the past 50 years.
While Washington was busy with Clinton’s impeachment procedure, investigation
and trial, the Jews of the Federal Reserve along with CFR (Council on Foreign
Relations) went into action. They circulated a piece of legislation that practically
repealed the FDR backed Glass Steagall Act of 1933. The Act had worked out
pretty well in separating ‘investment banking’ from ‘banking’ industries. I need to
mention that Ronald Reagan with his “De-Regulation” policy had damaged the
Glass Steagall act on the surface, back in 1985. However, the new legislation in
the aftermath of Clinton Impeachment killed it off completely. From then on the
US economy began a downward spiral move toward termination. The absence of
Glass Steagall plus the experiment the Jews implemented in bankrupting the
California’s Orange County, led them to a Las Vegas Capitalism (mortgage backed
securities) that caused the 2008 financial meltdown. Greenspan was directly
responsible for the melt down. The US economy practically died and never really
recovered from 2008 meltdown then on.
There was another story going on in the financial markets in those years too. See

2000 to 2001 Internet Bubble Meltdown:

During the 1990s, a Goldman Sachs analyst falsely claimed that the bandwidth
requirement for internet 1.0 would grow by a factory 2 and exponentially year
after year. Please note, that forte of the Jews is to create bubbles and then pull
out of the market before the bubble bursts. Such has been the case for as long as
I remember. Then the Jews please to their cronies in the Government for a bailout
and indebt the American public, while the Jews of the Fed collect money on the
debt. “Debt Creation and Debt Financing” while creating money out of the thin air
is their expertise. It has been since the times of Jesus Christ.

2001 Bailout
The dot com bubble came about after Internet 1.0, when people designed a 4 to 8
page website, claiming that the website would generate 1 million visitors per
month! Then they offered the stocks of their companies to the market and exited
with $5 to $500 Million.
The dot com bubbles required bandwidth. A misguided analyst from the Goldman
Sachs claimed that the bandwidth of the internet network would double each
year in the communication super highway in lieu of those 4 page websites.
Therefore a lot of communication infrastructure companies came to the scene. By
2001, there was a bandwidth glut and the service providers and carrier networks
could not afford more spending on the communication infrastructure.
Following the dot gone meltdown of the market in the summer of 2001, before
911, the US economy headed for a recession. Abbey Joseph Cohen of Goldman
Sachs (institutions that grow around them per Thomas Jefferson) had already
raised the red flag prior to the market meltdown. This trick has been a forte of the
Jewish Federal Reserve Bank: They first create bubbles and make money on the
way up, and before the bubble bursts, the place short calls on the market and
make money while stealing money and retirement reserves of the general public.
Then the Jews make money as the market unravels and goes done. So they make
money from the bubbles. A steady and prosperous economy for the masses is
NOT what they aim for. They make money from market fluctuations, the
engineered market fluctuations.
Back in 2001, there were 100 companies selling things on the internet. After the
market meltdown, Greenspan (the chairman of the Fed) reduced the interest
rates to 1% and created the real estate bubble. I felt the bubble when our
babysitter earning $18 per hour in 2005, told me that she was looking forward to
purchasing an apartment in San Francisco. The friends of the Fed, the
corporations that grows around them per Thomas Jefferson, started selling
mortgage backed securities in financial packages (for example they placed 2,000
such faint mortgages in a financial basket), insured them through the Leeman
Brothers who guaranteed the 7% rate of return to the buyers, and then sold them
off to retain investors, IRA, Retirement accounts, and foreign investors and
foreign countries. Then Greenspan pulled the rug from underneath every one and
came up with 17 rate hikes, saying that the economy was so good that he had to
increase the interest rates to tame the markets and inflation! The very existence
of those mortgage back securities created the inflation in the housing sector, also
known as the Real Estate Bubble of the 2000s. Greenspan basically engineered
the bursting of the real estate bubble by consecutive rate hikes because he very
well knew there was nothing solid in those financial packages. When the real
estate bubble did burst, Lehman Brothers (the insurer of the rate of returns)
bellied up and went bust out of business, and a market meltdown ensued and
happened what happened. Interestingly, some unknown half black guy became
president by the endorsement of the Council on Foreign Relations ( and
other Jewish think thanks. He bailed out the criminal arsonists and financial
terrorists who had set the financial market son fire. The 1/2 black guy turned out
to be the whitest of the whites against the interest of his own black people and
other races. He was the architect of the Interest Rate and Credit Apartheid.

I am a student of Philp Marshal, a CIA Pilot, who thought me a great deal about
the events surrounding and prior to 911. Philp and his two young boy and
daughter were assassinated before the Super Ball of 2013, where San Francisco
49ers were in the final game. I am sure he wouldn’t have wanted to miss that
Super Ball game on Super Sunday. He wouldn’t have wanted to kill himself or his
beloved kids. I recommend reading his books about 911.

911 Was a direct consequence of Jews endless efforts trying to shift the blame of
the Dot Com Bubble collapse to some outside foreign causes.

After some #Jews (Mark Dubowitz, Foundation for Defense of Democracies A

fake, false name for covering up their assault against US) who called for 911
terrorist attacks a year BEFORE 2001, drafted and IMPOSED new sanctions on
Iran. My twitter handle was @bimani. (Now it is @BehzadImani). I no longer own
@bimani twitter handle. In November 2018 and using @bimani I wrote,
“@Koltnuk @USTreasury @mdubowitz "In America, you Jews are making the
same mistakes that you made in Europe during 1920s and 1930s. We all know
what happened in 1940s."
11:05 PM - 22 Nov 2018

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The 2005 NESARA:

There was at least one attempt to fix the monetary system since the Jewish Shock
of 1971. According to Wiki, “In the 1990s up until 2005, there was Harvey Francis
Barnard (1941–2005), a Louisiana State University graduate in systems
philosophy, and an engineering consultant and teacher. He created the NESARA
proposal during the late 1980s and early 1990s.[2] He printed 1,000 copies of his
proposal, titled Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform (1996),
and sent copies to members of Congress, believing it would pass quickly on its
merits. Based on his theory that debt is the number one economic factor
inhibiting growth of the US economy, and compound interest the number one
"moral evil" and reason for debt, Barnard made several other attempts during the
1990s to draw political attention to the problems he saw in the US economy, and
his suggested economic recovery proposal based on the root causes he
determined. After these did not succeed, he decided in 2000 to release the
proposal to the public domain and publish it on the internet. Barnard established
the NESARA Institute in 2001, and published the second edition of his book in
2005, retitling it Draining the Swamp: The NESARA Story – Monetary and Fiscal
Policy Reform.””
In short, Bernard was a system engineer just like myself. And many members of
the Congress signed on to Bernard’s reforms before he suddenly dropped dead by
a heart attack at the age of 64 in 2005. His proposals never became an act. For
further information about this filed please consult:

2009 Bailout: Macro Economics Analysis of Obama years

as an Elitist President:

I already discussed the events that led to the Real Este Bubble of the 2008. After
the bubble did burst, Bilderberg Obama bailed out those who brought him to
power and sent off the rest of us, We the People, to the woodsheds. That Super
Servant of the Jews (Obama), and a sincere believer in Jewish Supremacy, Obama
bailed out the ARSONISTS who set the financial markets on FIRE in the first place.
A lot of people including myself lost properties, our life savings, to the recession
of 2009 when our million dollar properties were occasioned off on the footsteps
of local courts.

When #Obama came to power, (T stands for Trillion):

The Total Consumer #Debt in #US was $12 T (T=Trillion).

Bilderberg Obama added $10 T to the National Debt.

The Fed printed $4.8 T in Quantitative Easing **
Total = $14.8 T

$14.8 T - $12 T = $2.8 T

If Bilderberg Obama had paid off ALL Consumer Debts (mortgages, student loans,
car loans etc) as of 2009, then WE THE PEOPLE would have been ahead and better
off by $2.8 Trillion. Go Figure. But then it took a long time since 1913 for the Jews
to create and impose this debt on the American people and Government.
Everyone knows it is the Jewish forte to create and then manage debt while
collecting interest on it. Bilderberg Obama was a loyal German Shepard protecting
the interest of the Jewish banking and financial system. And so under NO
circumstances Obama’s Jewish bosses would have allowed him to negate the

Conclusion: Obama was a Bilderberg Elitist President, For The Wall Street, By The
Wall Street through the political maneuvers of the Bilderberg Group and Council
on Foreign Relations. I seek atonement from God for voting for him in 2008. The
color of his skin deceived me. Obama’s actions resulted in the Wall Street
Movement (from the Democrat side), The Tea Party Movement (from the

Republican side), and eventually and inevitably led Donald Trump to the White
House in 2017.
Pro Federal Reserve, professors and reporters tell me that the FED created 3.4%
GDP growth in #US year after year! Here is my response:

Let's assume what they say is true, but the question remains: who benefited from
the GDP growth?

Between 2009 and 2020, GDP grew at 2.1%!

The Fed pushed 40% of the total Wealth of the US toward the top 1%.
While the bottom 90% ended up owning 20% of the total wealth.
Adjusted for inflation by 2016, the wages were 4% less than wages in 1972 (in the
after math of the Jewish Shock). Productivity grew 254%, wages grew by 113%,
and the actual unemployment rate was 10.9%. Baby boomers were forced to drop
out of the workforce.
46 to 50 Million people lived under Poverty Line in the richest country (the US) in
the world.
90 Million People live just above poverty line.
66% of the Americans live paycheck to paycheck.
University professors live a little above the Poverty Line.
The Fed privatized the Wall Street stock market. Over 50% of public companies
were purchased by the friends of the FED.
70,000 factories left the US.
Waves after waves of illegal emigrants poured into the US after their countries
defaulted on the debt that was serviced by Friends of the FED i.e. the
International Monetary fund IMF. The newly arrived emigrants altered the
demographics and the voting culture of the US.

Conclusion: Those pro-Fed pundits are either ignorant or (ALL of them) are in the
pocket of the Fed and those who are close to the driver seat of the Fed. Fareed
Zakaria of the CNN is one of them. Fareed has forgotten what the ancestors of his
Jewish bosses did to India. When I observe Fareed’s ass kissing, I can’t help but to
remember what Winston Churchill said: “someone asked why has UK gone across

the oceans and colonized India though the East Indian Company, but UK has not
been able to do the same with the Ireland that is in its backyard?. Churchill
responded: “Because in India there are a minority Traitor class, but In Ireland we
don’t have such a Traitor class.” India should be ashamed of Fareed and his types.

2010 to Present: Quantitative Easing (QE) forever

Ben Bernanke (2006-2014) implemented the Quantitative Easing. He
executed the "Too Big to Jail" idea, and had the Fed absorb ALL toxic assets
of the Big Banks, left the rest of us dealing with the inflationary
consequences of their money printing. He engaged US in a Currency War
with US Trading partners. According to a CIA analysts, Currency Wars lead
into Trade Wars that lead into Hot Wars eventually.

Janet Yellen (2014-2018) went on QE policy even further: She used to say
that she could reverse all of that in 15 minutes! What a liar! She continued
with the Ponzi scheme of Bernanke by printing more money and artificially
creating another bubble, privatized the Stock Market (about 50% of public
companies). As the result, the US experienced a sharp gap between price of
Goods inflation vs Wage Stagnations since 1970s and especially under
Bernanke and Yellen CRIMINAL activities.

There are two commonalities among ALL of the Fed Chairpersons: They
claim to be Macro Economists, and they all have been of Jewish Faith, a
member of the tribe of Judah.

This "sophisticated" graph shows why we have to replace the Federal

Reserve Bank. (The graph is not mine). The Fed
keeps several balance sheets! Because they are afraid of We The People
who might start panicking if and when we learn the truth about the Fed's
actual balance sheet. Meanwhile we observe and absorb the resulting Fed’s

inflation and feel the loss of Power Purchase Parity when we have to pay
the bills at the end of the month.

Since 2008, over 1500 small and medium size banks went out of business and
their assets at $0.1/Dollar were gabbled up by the Zio banks of New York whom
Bilderberg Obama bailed out. So in effect, by having the Fed printing money out
of the thin air and giving it to the Zio - Jewish Banks, Obama empowered the Zio
Jewish banks of NY, the Bilderberg community, and the "too big to fail / too big to
jail" to become even bigger entities. They escaped prosecution from the law
enforcement at any time in the future too because Obama’s African American
Attorney General was in bed with the Jews too. In short, Obama rewarded the
Arsonist who set the financial industry on fire! As a result of bailouts, he made
American people poorer and the Banking companies, Insurance companies of
New York, and their friends like Bezos (Jew), Musk (Jew), Zuckerberg (Jew) even

Trump 2016 Election, 2019 Impeachment, until 2020
Election, The 2020 Corona Virus Pandemic.

As soon as Trump and his wife walked down the escalator in June 2015,
announcing his presidential campaign, I knew he would be elected as president.
The people of the US, Patriots on both sides of the Isle, are fed up with the
system. They feel the economic and political system is NOT working for them. The
same social phenomena is currently underway in Germany, France and most
European countries. People are tired of working and not benefiting from the fruits
of their work.
Trump was elected as president in November of 2016 as an anti-establishment
candidate against the pro establishment candidate. In Silicon Valley, I know of life
long Democrats who voted for Trump.
Right after 2016 Elections, Trump became the target of political assassinations in
three occasions. First he went under investigation as being a puppet of Putin.
Second, Eleven days before his Inauguration, Fauci ordered the Corona Virus
production via an email (NSA has that email). And third, the curves (the interest
rates between long term and short term interest rates) became too close and
were about to flip in August of 2019. So the recession of 2020 was imminent, a
sure thing, and was definitely going to happen. Suddenly, upon the marching
orders of the Federal Reserve political front, Council on Foreign Relations, Nancy
Pelosi and the Democrats started the impeachment allegations against Trump
over a telephone call to the Ukrainian President (a Comedian Jew). That was the
most unfair impeachment probably in the history of the US: Impeachment over a
telephone call.
Before August of 2019, The Fed had injected about $1.7 Trillion into the Repo
Market. Nobody was buying the US junk bonds and corporate bonds anymore.
The fed became the buyer of the last resort. So suddenly the Fed decided to
divert the attention of the nation. Council on Foreign Relations called for the
impeachment of President Trump. The attention of the nation and the media

focused on the impeachment of Trump who was riding high on ALL polls and his
2nd term presidency was like money in the bank.
On September 19, 2019 I wrote to Trump and warned him as follows:
“ … However; In the past 24 hours, the markets suffered from Repo Rate PANICS
(~$2 Trillion of overnight lending per night). Today, at 10:30 a.m. PST on
09/19/19, FED ordered an injection of $150 to $400 Billion in Quantitative Easing,
plus a 0.25% rate cut. Does FED want to destroy the Empire now? Yes, because
FED is running out of options. The FED has three choices: 1) Negative Interest
Rates 2) Massacre of a large population of people with viruses or WMDs to
improve GDP/Population ratios in the world economy, 3) War with Iran, as CIA's
Jim Rickards said: "War with Iran is in full swing.... a Financial war ...with Banking
and Payment Systems"., … ” . However, the impeachment crisis had begun. Once
again as the result of Trump’s Impeachment the US, as a nation, lost but the Jews
took advantage and won. The damage arising from Trumps Impeachment was
worse if not equal to both Nixon and Clinton Impeachments combined when the
Jews won while the US lost.
On January of 2020, the World Economic Forum convened in Davos Switzerland.
This wicked ultra-orthodox racist Jewish man is the most dangerous man in the
world. The title of the event was: The Great Reset. His name is Klaus Schwab (A
Super Dangerous Jew) born Oct 30, 1938.

In January 2020, Trump was too busy to deflect the impeachment damages
against him and lost vision of the bigger picture: The Pandemic. The
impeachment plus the Pandemic and the ensuing media blitz condemning Trump
for the Pandemic (that he had not manufactured), eventually led to his defeat on
November 2020. Trump should have listened to me and should have acted upon
my email to him on September 19, 2019 warning him about the upcoming WMD
because the Jewish owners and Jewish chairman of the Federal Reserve had lost
their economic levers in controlling macroeconomic of the US and the world.
Here is the problem with the Fed: You can never taper a Ponzi scheme, and that is
what the Federal Reserve Bank is doing, a Ponzi scheme. It is the habit of the Jews
to blame the collapse of the economy on an outside or foreign cause. If there is
no foreign cause, then they create one. They are experts in manufacturing crisis.
Covid was a manufactured crisis. Let me review some historical precedents.
Way back in 6th century, the Jerusalem Roman Christians expelled the Jews from
Jerusalem and sent off the Jews to mandatory exile because the Romans blamed
the Pandemic of 530 C.E. to 560 C.E. on the Jews. The Romans banned the Jews
from re-entering Jerusalem forever under any circumstance. Then Jews went to
Medain in Iran (now in Iraq) and some went to Medina a city in today’s Saudi
Arabia. About 75 years later, the 2nd Calif of Islam conquered Jerusalem, and then
lifted the ban on the Jews, and let the Jews back into Jerusalem. So the Exiled
Jews used the Muslims to gain their way back to Jerusalem after living 75 years in
Back in 2017, mere eleven days before inauguration of Trump, Fauci ordered the
production of Corona Virus. As of this writing, nobody had identified patient zero
who allegedly carried the Corona Virus from the Wuhan Labs in China. While
Trump was busy with the “Senate Impeachment Trial”, the virus leaked out. And it
became a worldwide pandemic. My prediction of September 2019 turned out to
be true and accurate. The economy went into a recess. The economy would have
gone into recess with or without the virus because the yield curves had almost
flipped back in August of 2019. It is important to note that during the Senate
Trials of Trump, the World Economic Forum convened in Davos. Switzerland, in a
conference titled: “The Great Reset” in Jan /Feb of 2020.

On January 06, 2022 I wrote an email that NSA is in possession of : “However, the
Reset of 2020-2021 due to Pandemic, did not yield the results the Jewish owners
of the Federal Reserve and their accomplices intended and had wished for. So a
war, any war, was in order.” I further wrote: “…. the Corona Virus Reset didn’t
produce the intended result …. So they will try to engage US in a War with either
Russia over Ukraine, or China over Taiwan, or Iran over something else.”
Obviously my prediction came true and the Russia invaded Ukraine on February
24, 2022. Biden administration practically invited Russia to invade Ukraine by
provoking Putin over expansion of NATO. Ukraine wanted to join NATO against
the promises of both President Reagan and Bush Sr.

January 14, 2022:

Quant Trend Investment Research tweeted on Jan 14, 2022:
“2000: DotCom bubble burst 2008: Great financial crisis 2011: European debt
crisis 2013: Govt. shutdown 2015: Brexit 2018: Govt. shutdown 2020: Covid.
15-Year Total Return #SPX: +876%,
Lesson: Stay invested in Stocks.”
Behzad Imani’s Response: Because the Fed keeps printing. The Rich get richer and
the Poor get poorer.

January 26, 2022, J. Powell News conference:

Mother of Nathan Mayer Rothschild said: “If my sons wanted no war, there would
be no war.” I predicted that The Federal Reserve Bank and its pundits would start
a war.

Montesquieu said: “The less men think, the more they talk”. “An empire founded
by war has to maintain itself by war.” “There is no nation so powerful, as the one
that obeys its laws not from principals of fear or reason, but from passion.” “We
must have constantly present in our minds the difference between independence

and liberty. “There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under
the shield of the law and in the name of justice.” On the war of 1812 he said:
“The object of war is victory; that of victory is conquest; and that of conquest
preservation.” “Useless laws weaken the necessary laws.”

On Jan 26, 2022 J. Powell had a press conference and lied as usual. I tweeted to
him: “To J. Powell, after your dismal performance about an hour ago, I want to
thank you very much bcz you provided more ammunition for my lawsuit against
the Fed. Pls give such press conferences more (often). Just one question: How
come rich are getting richer and poor are getting poorer?”

I thought he was stupid to lie when he knew I had broadcasted since Oct 2021
that I was working to file a lawsuit against the Federal Reserve Bank. It took 24
hours for me to recognize and connect the dots. Actually he was super smart by
sending a message to the “Financial Markets” that a market melt-down was in the
horizon. And that he wouldn’t want to place the blame on the shoulders of the
Fed by raising interest rates when the markets would crash around March 2022.
He wanted to blame Russia for it. The fact was that on the same day Anthony
Blinken, Jeromy Powell’s Secretary of State guised as the US Secretary of State,
announced that he had sent a letter to the Russians over the Ukraine
manufactured crisis. Essentially what Blinken was proposing to the Russians was
the Cuban Missile Crisis in Reverse. It was equivalent to the Russians sending a
letter to the US indicating that they would install mid-range ballistic missiles in
Cuba. Per Blinken, The NATO and the US allies could install mid-range ballistic
missile in Ukraine. Everyone in the world knew this would be a provocative move
and that Putin would never agree to it. It would take seven minutes for a
midrange ballistic missile to reach Moscow from Ukraine. So The Fed’s Powell and
his Blinken hoped that Russians would react by invading Ukraine. I immediately
tweeted: “The US vs Russia tensions over Ukraine is a manufactured crisis. I hope
Putin doesn’t bite the bate.” My tweet had major ripple effects throughout the
Intel community both in Europe and in the US. The President of Ukraine called
Biden and asked to descale the tensions over the expansion of NATO.
The point I am illustrating here is that the Fed has lost control of the economy and
as always they want to blame an outside cause and or a foreign cause to blame it
on. In this case the Fed wants to engage the US into yet another protracted war
(what Ike warned us about when he denounced the Military Industrial Complex)
with cold nuclear winter ramifications, but avoid being blamed for the economic
troubles of the US. Such was the case prior to 911. In the spring and summer of
2001, the tech heavy NASDAQ fell from a high of 5500 to about 1500 BRFORE
Sept 2011. When the terrorist attacked the twin towers on 911, the market sank
another 300 points. The dot com (also knowns as dot gone) bubble had burst
already long before 911 took place. Yet to this date, the market meltdown of
2001, and the ensuing recession of 2001 to 2003, is blamed on 911 terrorist
attacks! Go Figure.

On February 12, 2022 I twitted: Hidden Inflation: This anti histamine at Costco is
$33. But it contained 70 tablets, not it contains 50 tablets. This is called Hidden
Inflation. Now you know why the Fed is trying to manufacture a war to blame the
incoming economic collapse on Russia over Ukraine. #War

On Feb 18, 2022, about 5 days before Russia started entering into Ukraine, I
warned Putin and tweeted: “Hey Putin, Listen. Don't invade Ukraine. It will be
a Quagmire. Ukraine to Russia will be equivalent to Afghanistan to USSR
(1980), Iraq to the USA (2003), and Boer wars to the demise of the UK at the
beginning of the 20th century. Don't do it. Do NOT DO It.”

On Feb 22, 2022, I tweeted: From now On they blame the inflation on Russia. The
price of pasta went up from $8.99 to $10.69 within a year at Costco. Picture taken
on 02-22-2022.

On February 25, 2022 a reported tweeted: “He is saying that “in 1990 the US
made a commitment not to expand NATO beyond East German borders
but since then the US has incorporated 14 countries as new members of
NATO. Ukraine was supposed to be the 15th. Breeching agreements is a
habit of the US without any exceptions.”
I also twitted: “So the Fed wants to print more and more and more … QE
forever… while we will pay for the higher interest rates and “everything
going up “ prices. That was the whole purpose of the Ukraine diversion.”

On February 26, 2022, Zerohedge reported: Goldman: "Investors were hedged for
the correction - We have been averaging $1 Trillion worth of puts per day, the
largest notional on record."

More ammunition for this lawsuit: From a technical point of view, Powell
misinformed the public by deliberately misusing the word “Tightening”. He used
the word as if he had decided to tighten the interest rate. But what he really
meant was that he would tighten the flow of money into the market for the
repurchase of bonds and other assets.

MacLeod said: “M2 money raised by 40% and the inverse Repo Market is up 10%”
George Gammon described it in this video

So once again, the Fed and its pundits put the US in danger of a war with nuclear

Below is the picture of THE JEWISH OWNER of UKRAINE: On the right, His name is
Igor the Jew Kolomoyskyi, Ukraine's Big Daddy, who paid for Volodymyr
Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy to be the President of Ukraine. He is also the financial
backer of Ukraine Neo Nazis of Ukraine.

“In 1990 the US made a commitment not to expand NATO beyond East German
borders but since then the US has incorporated 14 countries as new members of
NATO. Ukraine was supposed to be the 15th. Breeching agreements is a habit of
the US without any exceptions.

The Zionist Jewish Occupied State Department of the US had engaged over 600
international treaties and agreements and has abounded every signed one of

WW1 and WW2 started on July 27, 1914 and January 09, 1939. The invasion of
Ukraine started on February 24, 2022. Now some the numbers up as follows:

Unfair Competition, Amazon
On the left coast, there were at least 100 small companies selling things on the
internet. Some had already become household name like EBay which was cash
flow positive from the get-go. But they all had thing in common. They didn’t have
access to “Infinite Capital”. After the market meltdown of 2001, most of the
internet companies went out of business because they did not have access to
capital to sustain themselves during the dip. The criminal Greenspan (a Jew)
dropped the interest rates to 1% and then through the banks and special accounts
served Capital as a Service to Amazon and Amazon only. During the recession
between 2001 and 2004, Amazon had access to tones of credit at near or slightly
above 1% when others didn’t. This was when no one else had any access to credit.
As the result, Amazon CEO (a Jew) and Jewish stake holders of Amazon went on a
predatory wheeling and dealing scam. They borrowed money at almost no cost,
then drove and incorporated the goods and products of small businesses into
their platform, selling them at cost or slightly below cost. Amazon enjoyed from a
glut of money and gradually but steadily captured the market share from small
businesses, drove them into poverty and eventual bankruptcy by the market
meltdown of 2008. Even during the ensuing recession post 2008 market
meltdown, Amazon had enormous access to Wall Street backed credits. This is
called “Creating a Monopoly”, a game that the Jews have been good at
throughout the history.
The Local, State and Federal Government were also culprit in Amazon growth.
They gave “Tax Credits” to Amazon wherever they opened up a warehouse. These
kinds of tax credits were NOT available to local small businesses, the backbone of
US Employment.
In 2019, Amazon purchased Whole Food for $13 Billion. Ever since then Amazon
has been taking advantage of a clause in the FDA regulatory books. Amazon
imports food from China as “Organic Food” by no one at the FDA is checking up
on the quality of the food Amazon is importing from China as of Valentine Day
2022, yet Amazon labels them as Organic Food.

Fake Asset Classes, Tesla
US President Joe Biden has acknowledged Tesla's leadership role as an American
electric-vehicle maker. Speaking at the White House on Tuesday about efforts to
make sure more things are manufactured in the US, like Intel's chip-making
initiatives, Biden praised the manufacturers working on EVs.
Elon was my neighbor here in Hillsborough California up until 3 months ago when
he sold his Silicon Valley house and left to Texas. His house was in walking
distance to my house. Hillsborough is a small town where its people are the news
makers of the Silicon Valley. I have known of Elon Musk and his equally criminal
cousins for a long time. About 10 years ago, his Jewish cousins the founder
owners of Solar City were on the news here in Silicon Valley. They embezzled the
Government to the tune of Billions of dollars, but then when they got caught,
they only paid $800 MM in fines (a fraction of what they had stolen from the tax
payers), never served any prison time. Then Elon Musk purchased the Ponzi Solar
City and incorporated it into Tesla. If you and I would have done what the cousins
of Elon Musk had done, we would be charged with charges serving 60 years in
prison. I used to be the CEO of a solar company across the high way from Solar
City. I was charging solar roof top installations at $5 per Watt but couldn’t secure
any contracts. On the other hand, Solar City used to charge $12 per Watt and they
used to get almost all of the roof top contracts. The business reason was that the
Jews of Solar City on paper charged $12 per Watt, but they fabricated the
paperwork of their installation, to about $30 per Watt and received 35%
Government Rebates (that is 35% of $30 not 35% of $12) for their solar
installations. Moreover, Solar City packaged their financial scam by offering 20
years leases, because the Jewish owners of the Solar City had access to infinite
amount of financing by the Jewish Wall Street during the 2008-2010 financial
crisis when the cash was “The King” in the post financial meltdown environment,
therefore, the Solar City customers never knew about Solar City back end price
fixing. As the result, 3 solar companies used to go out of business per week
because they could not offer the same type of financing that Solar City had access
to and offered. I repeat, that this was a clear example of “Credit Apartheid” in the
post 2008 market meltdown when Solar City had access to large finances by the
same Jewish Banks and Wall Street Crooks whom Bilderberg Obama bailed out.
How? The Jewish Federal Reserve Bank in coordination with the Jewish Hank
Paulson (Treasury secretary under W) and then the Jewish Janet Yellen (treasury
secretary under Bilderberg Obama) offered Trillions of Jewish dollars to their
Jewish Wall Street and Big Banks who had set the market on fire to begin with.

Regarding Tesla, Let me tell you that by Silicon Valley Standards and from
technological point of view, Tesla is a battery connected to a DC motor. And the
DC motors have been around since the times of Thomas Edison over 100 years
ago. Lithium batteries also have been used in computer laptops for the past 25
In the meantime, the valuation of Tesla as a company is larger than the top 11
major car manufactures of the world combined. Why? Because when the Jews of
the Federal Reserve print money, they have to, they need to, they try to park the
money in a fake asset class to minimize its inflationary effects. In other words, the
Jews are used to creating a bubbles, in real estate, in stock market, and or in
particular companies of their choice. They need to park the money somewhere.
That is why they resort to making bubbles, financial bubbles. They make money
on the way up, when they burst the bubble, they short the stocks, and make
money there too. In the meantime, our 401Ks and Retirement accounts, managed
by their Jewish ass kissers ends up going down the drain.
Zerohedge reported: “Tesla made $331 million in quarterly profit. $397M was in
government credits. Elon Musk is worth $202 billion, up 721% in the pandemic.”
This has been the case with Tesla for as long Elon entered Tesla as an investor but
later named himself as one of the founders. Without Government help, and the
Jewish lavish investments in Tesla, the company would have gone bankrupt a long
long long time ago.
During the pandemic, Elon Musk’s net worth increased from $200 Billion to $300
Billion by the end of the year before he started dumping his stocks in December
2021. Then he had Tesla Board of Director loaded up Elon with Fresh stocks. He
then paid $5.50 Billion in Taxes and the Jewish media made a big fuss about it as
the most generous Richman of the US. This was when during a typical quarter in
2021, Tesla received $397 Million amount of subsidies from the Government, and
then showed a profit of $331 Million. In other words, without the government
help, Tesla was been company with balance sheets in Red. Yet, since Tesla is
Jewish owned company, the valuation of Tesla is more than the next 11 auto
manufacturers of the world combined. The Jews are masters of manipulation the
minds of people through their media outlets. For example, when Elon learned I
was going to sue the Federal Reserve Bank, he paid some $5 Billion in taxes and
made headlines. He knows of me as he was my neighbor.
Let me give you an insight from here in Silicon Valley. The Jewish VCs would NOT
let a company CEO run with a Red Income Statement and Balance sheet for more
than a year. But then they practice financial Apartheid when it comes to
companies with Jewish CEOs. Because the Jewish Federal Reserve Bank is
supporting them indirectly. So the ultimate responsibility remains on the
shoulders of the Jewish Federal Reserve Bank when it comes to practicing credit
and interest rate Apartheid. Let me give you another fact: Here in Silicon Valley,
the Jewish owned startup companies will enjoy a successful exit when they are
purchased by another major company. On the other hand, Iranian owned startups
suffer from and encounter obstacles although they have very decent products.
On March 14, 2022, The Wall Street Silver tweeted:
“To manufacture each EV auto battery, you must process 25,000 pounds of brine
for the lithium, 30,000 pounds of ore for the cobalt, 5,000 pounds of ore for the
nickel, and 25,000 pounds of ore for copper. All told, you dig up 500,000 pounds
of the earth's crust for one battery.”

Do you know why Ponzi Boy Elon the Jew Musk and his gang can continue
operating with impunity while anyone else would have been in prison for these
kind of Ponzi scams Elon and his gang, and other Jews like them, have been
engaged in?

"The Answer" is given by Alan Dershowitz about Jewish Power in US:

Harvard Law School Professor Alan Dershowitz put it this way, “People say Jews
are too powerful, too strong, too rich, we control the media, we’ve too much this,
too much that and we often apologetically deny our strength and our power.
Don’t do that! We have earned the right to influence public debate, we have
earned the right to be heard, (and) we have contributed disproportionately to
success of this country.” He has also discussed punishing critics of Israel, “Anyone
that does [that] has to be treated with economic consequences. We have to hit
them in the pocketbook. Don’t ever, ever be embarrassed about using Jewish
power. Jewish power, whether it be intellectual, academic, economic, political– in
the interest of justice is the right thing to do.”
In other words, the Jews have corrupted the local court system, Department of
Justice, and the judicial system all the way up to the Supreme Court since Harry
Falseman (POTUS 33) engaged in his “GREAT PURGE” policy back in 1945 - 1952.

Then, are you surprised by the title of these articles below:

Abolish the current Federal Reserve (the third Fed).

Replace The FED? Yes Because FED policies have resulted in the rich getting richer
and the poor getting poorer.

US National Debt is just above $30 Trillion (Point of No Return).

Official Derivative Market is over $562 Trillion. Unofficial Derivative Market is
much larger.
Unfunded Liabilities (to Social Security etc) $160 Trillion to $200 Trillion
Wages have be stagnant over the past 50 years.
Average Americans pay 26% of their Income for INTEREST on non-mortgage
debts. Vow!
Student Loans: $1.75 Trillion and increasing to about $2 Trillion very soon. (The
student loans are estimated to be under $2 Trillion by the end of 2022).
This is "You" in the existing US Oligarchy, Economic Power Structure.
Banking Elite are empowered by the Federal Reserve Bank.
"You" are “WE THE PEOPLE” and every Non-Financial/Non-Banking/ Entity and
any Manufacturing entity in US.

I request the Federal court issue an order helping me make this diagram upside
down, and put the average Americans on the Top.
Four years ago in 2016 I wrote:

I intend to Replace the Federal Reserve Bank with a Decentralized Entity. Here is
my Karma: "I'd rather die as an Economic Gladiator liberating American People
from Slavery, than living like a Slave under the Fed".

If the Federal court believes in the Constitution, Jeffersonian Democracy, and

believe in National Economic aspirations of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison,
Andrew Jackson, Polk, FDR, and JFK then the court will agree and rule in favor of
this lawsuit.

Let's liberate America Once Again by 21st Century 1776ers. If we don't, America
will face a Bloody Revolution, Anarchy and Mayhem because the policies of the
Fed has driven 40% of workers out of the "Work Force", and has created, $30
Trillion in the Red on Fed's balance sheet, $20 Trillion in Deficit, $220 Trillion of
unfunded liabilities by the Wall Street.

Let's stand up for each other in the Spirit of 1776.

Let's have moral courage to stand for high idealism.
Let's NOT denounce each other.
Let's march for the common good.
Let's revive the Camelot.
Let's articulate a goal that benefits our children.

Appointment of New Trustees for a 2 x 5 year transitory Fed:

Here is

Gold vs. Bit Coin

Before discussing the Gold vs. Bit Coin debate, on this 13th anniversary of Bit Coin
1.0, I attest: I don’t know who Satoshi was, but the Bit Coin Block chain 1.0 code is

so compact, so efficient, so innovative, so slick, so beautifully organized, so
impressively employed the Game theory, etc. that Satoshi should have worked for
NSA or some other government agency at some point in his career. Here in Silicon
Valley, programmers and hackers who have worked for a short period of time at
NSA or other Government agencies, are in hot demand and earn over $500K
annual. The problem with Bit Coin is that it does not have a utility, an application
use case (except in the country of El Salvador), its number of transactions is
limited to 8,000 transactions per second when Visa handled 35,000 transactions
per second this past 2021 Christmas shopping season ( about 18,000 transactions
per second in ordinary shopping days). Moreover, Bit coin 1.0 is utilizing as much
energy as the country of Norway.
The Question is whether either Gold or Bit Coin could be used as a new US Dollar?
I believe that Bit Coin has to rescue Gold first.
As of today, the price of Gold is NOT real. The price of Gold is fake and it is
whatever the elite want it to be. Under ordinary circumstances, the price of Gold
should have been over $10,000, not $1800, per ounce. The Bank of International
Settlements (BIS) has been sending the wrong price signals to the Gold market to
hide the inflation that had had started since 1971. Actually neither one of
commodities have assumed their real prices. And Gold and Silver are no
exception. In this ongoing market manipulation, the Bank of International
Settlements has had culprits such as the hedge fund managers, and mega Wall
Street financial entities like JP Morgan who manipulated and continue to
manipulate the Gold market futures per FBI / DoJ investigations and reports. JP
Morgan paid a huge fine recently, but the fine was a small percentage of what JP
Morgan made during these fake market manipulations.
There is a clear and present danger to the US Government by these market
manipulations. Here is the deal: I have studied and observed the Regime Change
policies that the US government has engaged into for the benefit of the Wall
Street, and the top 1% since 1945. Ironically, the International Bank of Settlement
along with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and their elite Jewish Banksters
and Wall Street-ers, are engaged in a Regime Change in the United States of
America. My observation is backed by a report authored by an ex-CIA consultant
who has had a great insight into financial markets. As it was during the events of

post Andrew Jackson presidency, they are exerting pressures on the American
public (like Covid lockdowns, Supply Chain debacle, Mandates) hoping for a series
of one term presidents leading to the Civil War 2.0. The stability of US
government as a whole is in danger. Despite advices from my alt-Conservative
and alt-Liberal friends, I am for the US Government taking over and running the
International Bank of Settlement and International Monetary Fund via Bit Coin 1.0
in a decentralized platform. In other words, I trust the US government over the
elite Jews who run BIS and IMF. Bit Coin 1.0 can definitely achieve handling the
tasks that are otherwise handled by IMF and BIS.
In my Quantum Economics, I propose Bit Coin for handling exchanges and loans to
replace the Bank of International Settlements and International Monetary Fund
because they are both Jewish Rothschild entities. They preserve the interest of
the top 1%, rather than the greater interest of the American public.

In conclusion to the Gold vs. Bit Coin debate, I believe the Gold market must
utilize Bit Coin, as discussed above, in order to transfer the fake Gold prices to
some real prices.

A New US Dollar

As of today, the US Dollar is based upon the oil reserves of the world particularly
Venezuela, Iran, Saudi Arabia . However, the Fed has printed much too much
money and the debt has skyrocketed. Simply put, there is much too much money
and debt in the system as of today. The combination of debt and equities is
exerting a tremendous amount of pressure on the system that has caused price
volatilities in goods and services. So I have proposed a new US Dollar based upon
a basket of goods, combination of metallic, agricultural commodities, oil and gas,
plus BitCoin as a yardstick.
On March 05, 2022, Goldman Sachs wrote: "relative to Fixed Income and Equities,
the commodities market is really, really small... a very modest shift of capital from

the big muscle group to the small could have significant medium-term
I immediately responded: "relative to Fixed Income and Equities" no market is
large enough! Neither Gold, nor metals, nor oil and gas, nor BitCoin, nor nothing
else, is big enough to carry the pressure of much too much money in the system.
The thing is that you need to establish a yardstick, an index.

If you use the Commodities index as a yardstick, it would be better than the
(Petro) Dollar yardstick that is getting shorter and shorter every year, thanks to
the FED printing like crazy.”

Let me show the analytics of the above by the following example. If you exert
10,000 lbs of force on a square inch, every little are within the one square inch
would feel the pressure. But if you exert 10,000 lbs of force on 100 Square feet,
then every square inch within the 100 square feet would feel 1/14,400 of the
The mounting debt is putting a lot of pressure on any index, so it is wise to extend
the base by including more and more indices in the yardstick.
International Bank of Settlement and International Monetary Fund and the Fed
have further screwed p the economic system by sending the “wrong” price signals
and by monastically increasing the debt in the US and worldwide. So abolishing
them is a vitally important need. The existing economy is not a free economic
system, rather it is a oligarchical economic system benefiting the few elites.

Principals of Quantum Economics and Decentralized Banking System:

Quantum Economics is at the heart of Econo-Physics. Quantum Statistics is the
mathematics behind Quantum Economics. Dr. SIVAGURU S. SRITHARAN wrote:
“Quantum Statistics idea was due to Satyendra Nath Bose who had difficulty
publishing his paper, so he sent it to Einstein who translated the manuscript to
German and had it published and then subsequently collaborated with Bose.

Hence the name Bose-Einstein condensation. Hence, it should be fair to call it a
prediction by Bose and
Unfortunately, Professor Bose never received a Nobel Prize.”

Einstein’s fame was a product of Lionel Walter Rothschild, the founder of the US
Federal Reserve Bank. Per their Talmudic culture, the elite Jews always project
their supremacy by stealing other people’s ideas and then registering them under
their own Jewish name. In recent memory people are well aware of Mark
Zuckerbrg stealing the idea of Facebook from Cameron Winklevoss and his
brother. It was interesting to see that Bill Gates, another Jew, suddenly invested
$1 Billion in Facebook in 2004. This amount of investment in a startup was
unprecedented in Silicon Valley by then. “In 2004, the Winklevoss brothers sued
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, claiming he stole their ConnectU idea to
create the popular social networking site Facebook. In addition to ConnectU,
Winklevoss also co-founded the social media website Guest of a Guest with
Rachelle Hruska” news reports suggested. Once again, like all other typical elite
Jews, Zuck lawyers settled the lawsuit at a fraction of what Zuck made.

The nature of Quantum statistics is chaotic processes. I used the principals of

Quantum Statistics in Quantum Economics because ALL economic trends in a free
economy are by nature Stochastic, Chaotic processes with random variables.
Quantum Economics will enable Quantum Finance and would bypass the existing
greedy banking system. Quantum Economics is based upon 4 pillars:
A New Macro Economics based on the laws of classical physics.

A New Micro Economics based upon mathematics of Quantum Statistics, the

stochastic probability laws governing particle physics, as originally proposed by
Bose, an Indian mathematician.

A New US Dollar, based upon a basket of Commodities, and Bit Coin.

A New Decentralized banking system based upon web 3.0

Quantum Economics will enable Decentralized Finance (DeFi) similar to a patent
recently issued to Reggie Middleton.

Tom Keleen and Sam Savage


Velocity of Money Optimization

My Case against the Federal Reserve Bank and the Council on

Foreign Relations:

God is with us, with "We The People".

-Dr. Imani, A 1776er.

Help me #Replace The Federal Reserve Bank.

Mississippi Venture of 1721.

Banque Royale[edit]
The bank became the Banque Royale (Royal Bank) in 1718, meaning the notes
were guaranteed by the king, Louis XV of France. The company absorbed
the Compagnie des Indes Orientales ("Company of the East Indies"),
the Compagnie de Chine ("Company of China"), and other rival trading companies
and became the Compagnie Perpétuelle des Indes on 23 May 1719 with a
monopoly of French commerce on all the seas. Simultaneously, the bank began
issuing more notes than it could represent in coinage; this led to a currency
devaluation, which was eventually followed by a bank run when the value of the
new paper currency was halved.[9]

Representation of the very famous island of Mad-head, lying in the sea of shares,
discovered by Mr. Law-rens, and inhabited by a collection of all kinds of people, to
whom are given the general name shareholders, 1720.
Mississippi Bubble[edit]
Louis XIV's long reign and wars had nearly bankrupted the French monarchy.
Rather than reduce spending, the Duke of Orléans, Regent for Louis XV, endorsed
the monetary theories of Scottish financier John Law. In 1716, Law was given a
charter for the Banque Royale under which the national debt was assigned to the
bank in return for extraordinary privileges. The key to the Banque Royale
agreement was that the national debt would be paid from revenues derived from
opening the Mississippi Valley. The Bank was tied to other ventures of Law – the
Company of the West and the Companies of the Indies. All were known as the
Mississippi Company. The Mississippi Company had a monopoly on trade and
mineral wealth. The Company boomed on paper. Law was given the title Duc
d'Arkansas.[citation needed]
Early French colony[edit]
In 1699 the French formed the first permanent European settlement in Louisiana
(New France), at Fort Maurepas. They were under the direction of Pierre Le
Moyne d'Iberville.[citation needed]
The first capital of New France from 1702 until 1711 was La Mobile, after which
the capital was relocated to the site of present-day Mobile, Alabama.[citation needed]
In 1718, there were only 700 Europeans in Louisiana. Bernard de la Harpe and his
party left New Orleans in 1719 to explore the Red River. In 1721, he explored the
Arkansas River. At the Yazoo settlements in Mississippi he was joined by Jean
Benjamin who became the scientist for the expedition.[citation needed]
The Mississippi Company arranged ships to bring in 800 more settlers, who landed
in Louisiana in 1718, doubling the European population. Law encouraged some
German-speaking people, including Alsatians and Swiss, to emigrate. They gave
their names to the German Coast and the Lac des Allemands in Louisiana.[citation

Prisoners were set free in Paris from September 1719 onwards, and encouraged
by Law to marry young women recruited in hospitals. [10] In May 1720, after
complaints from the Mississippi Company and the concessioners about this class
of French immigrants, the French government prohibited such deportations.
However, there was a third shipment of prisoners in 1721.[11]

Law exaggerated the wealth of Louisiana with an effective marketing scheme,
which led to wild speculation on the shares of the company in 1719. The scheme
promised success for the Mississippi Company by combining investor fervor and
the wealth of its Louisiana prospects into a sustainable, joint-stock trading
company. The popularity of company shares were such that they sparked a need
for more paper bank notes, and when shares generated profits the investors were
paid out in paper bank notes.[12] In 1720, the bank and company were merged and
Law was appointed by Philippe II, Duke of Orléans, then Regent for Louis XV, to
be Comptroller General of Finances[13] to attract capital.

Law's pioneering note-issuing bank thrived until the French government was
forced to admit that the number of paper notes being issued by the Banque
Royale exceeded the value of the amount of metal coinage it held. [14]
The market price of company shares eventually reached the peak of 10,000 livres.
As the shareholders were selling their shares, the money supply in France
suddenly doubled, and the inflation took off. Inflation reached a monthly rate of
23 percent in January 1720.[15]
Opponents of the financier attempted to convert their notes into specie (gold and
silver) en masse, forcing the bank to stop payment on its paper notes. [16]
The "bubble" burst at the end of 1720.[15] By September 1720 the price of shares
in the company had fallen to 2,000 livres and to 1,000 by December. By
September 1721 share prices had dropped to 500 livres, where they had been at
the beginning.
By the end of 1720 Philippe d'Orléans had dismissed Law from his positions. Law
then fled France for Brussels, eventually moving on to Venice, where he lived off
his gambling. He was buried in the church San Moisè in Venice.[9]”

Imani’s Reasons for Opposing Jews: 11:30 a.m.

People ask me why am I on the case of the Jews so much. To them I

have to say this: In 2002, a Jewish Cuban American ripped me off of
about $240 million. I got depressed and I was wondering what his reason

was. In 2003, I read the Talmud and after reading the Talmud, I had an
a-ha moment. I figured out Alex Hearn’s behavior thoroughly and
completely; it all made sense. He had a Talmudic culture. Lying was in
his DNA. In a twisted form of logic, these Jews think that whatever
promises and/or negotiations they make with the non-Jews is subject to
deceit because it is made with a non-Jew. Let’s fast forward to the 2008
recession. I was following Greenspan’s lectures and conferences very
closely. Between 2005 and 2008, Greenspan, the chairman of the
Federal Reserve, declared that the economy was so good that he had to
increase the interest rates to slow it down. He came up with a series of
rate spikes, about a quarter percent per quarter, and froze the economy to
a halt. Meanwhile, I had owned several commercial buildings that I
would have fully owned by 2013 and 2018, when the mortgage fiasco hit
the market, I learned that Greenspan knew all along what was going on,
yet he completely lied with a straight face; he misinformed the American
public including myself. By 2009, I lost all of my commercial buildings
because I was unable to refinance my buildings. There were no credits or
loans available. A lot of people lost their properties. Then, Obama paid
out the big banks who had set the financial market on fire. Obama
rewarded the Jewish arsonists who had caused a lot of people to go out
of business or lose their properties to the recession. In 2009, people like
Steven Mnuchin, the secretary of Treasury today, who was friends with
people on Wall Street and close to the Federal Reserve bank, had access
many billions of dollars of credit such that they came into California and
purchased the foreclosed properties at 10 cents per dollar – 400
properties at a time. This was all very frustrating; all of the people that
had access to credit were Jews. No Christians had access to the credit. I
lost my life’s savings; many other people lost their life’s savings as well.
My buildings were the fruits of 35 years of my life’s savings. I
practically lost my retirement accounts and so did many other
Americans. After the Jewish banks confiscated the properties, the Jewish
partners came in and bought them up with cash.

Between 2005 and 2009, I worked on what became known as the
Uber business model. I filed for a patent on it September 7 th, 2007 a few
months after Steve Jobs announced the Apple iPhones. A lot of the
Jewish elite hacked my LinkedIn profile, but none of them were ready to
invest in my Uber business models. I had spent over $250,000 on that
venture. I switched to an energy platform venture.

Low and behold, in 2009, two years after I filed for the Uber
patent, the founder of Uber filed for a patent and received the patent, and
raised money for it from the VCs, that was the most important fact. If
you look at his patent and my patent, it looks like it was cut and pasted
with different wordings. Imagine if I could have been the CEO of Uber
or some entity like Uber.

In 2015, something happened that made me think and look back at

my life and think about where I went wrong. I concluded that whenever
and wherever I lost money, a Jew played a major role.

In 1989, I used to work for a company that had a very racist, Irish
CEO; he fired me for no reason – absolutely no reason. When I went to
work for the next company, he pursued me and accused me of taking the
intellectual properties of his company and transfer it to the next
company I was working for. He had a Jewish lawyer who was
perpetuating the behavior of this racist Irishman.

When I was cofounder of a major glass company, the Jewish

customer account representatives of this Jewish wholesale glass
distribution company used to have meetings with my cofounder and
make him give them concessions on prices, but when our payment to the

Jewish wholesaler was late by one day, the Jewish account
representative used to call me and ask for his money because he knew I
was going to keep my credit intact. So, what happened in 2015 is as
follows. I learned that some Jewish who discarded me considered my
Uber business plan and patent as bogus, they invested money in the
Jewish founder of Uber; this was a clear case of discrimination.

In 2010, to prove my energy optimization patent, I worked on the

SF public utility commissions building for energy optimization. I found
out that the building did not even meet the current HVAC construction
codes. The Jewish mechanical engineering company went to the City of
San Francisco and changed the HVAC design blueprints so that now
they could meet the construction codes. My team and I did not get paid
for all of the work we put into the building.

Also in 2003, for the first time, I saw the picture of Raphael, the
lady Israel assassin with Farah that was taken in the early 1970s because
I had researched Nixon for the past 23 years, and when I saw that picture
it gave me my a-ha moment and I realized how the Shah of Iran and
Nixon were connected.

Also, in 2015, I learned that when entrepreneurs submit their

business plans and ideas to Jewish venture capitalist companies in
Silicon Valley, a lot of the start-ups do not get funded. That is the Jewish
take up the plans and ship it to Israel where they cook up the same start-
ups only with Israelite-Jewish founders.

Between 2010 and 2016, I saw how the Obama administration

bailed out the financial arsonists on Wall Street and other Jewish

financial companies to the tune of $17 trillion, but the ordinary
American wage-earners and workers had to pay 5% - 12% interest rates
for business loans. The criminal Obama plotted the financial market with
quantitative easing that he basically had the Feds print money out of thin
air and distribute it to the Jewish owned banks, financial institutions and
Wall Street. While the American businessman could not secure any
business loan that left them at 8% interest rates.


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