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Student Final Paperwork

Must be submitted within 3 weeks of final internship date to Internship Coordinator

All paperwork can be submitted to

1) Internship Hours Log

See Internship Approval Form

2) Final Experience
Short Answer Questions (about a paragraph or two each)
(must include at least 3-7 photos of internship experiences)

1. Give a short description of your internship experience, the organization, and the work you
completed. What did your day-to-day routine look like?

2. Give an example of a significant experience or major project you had during your internship
(a funny moment, a learning opportunity, an unexpected discovery, etc.)

3. Thinking back to the goals you set before completing the internship, what did you feel were
the goals you most significantly completed?

4. What goals changed as you settled into the internship?

5. How might this internship serve as a stepping stone towards your future career? What have
you learned about the industry?

6. How will you bring the skills and experience from your internship into your own art and
design work?

7. What was a part of your internship that you found challenging, and how did you overcome
that (or deal with not overcoming it)?

8. What new goals would you set for yourself moving forward in your art and design career?

3) Internship Supervisor Evaluation

See Supervisor Evaluation Form

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