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Module 2 The Book of Daniel

Authorship: Two schools of thought dominate history

A. The Exilic Thesis. It is the most ancient of the two believe by both the
Synagogue and the Church. It accepts at face value of the internal claims of
the book that purports to have been written in the 6 th century by a Jewish
exile named Daniel.
1. Internal Evidences
2. The claims: Daniel speaks in the first person : Daniel 7: 1, *:1,2;9: 2;10: 2
3. The testimony of Jesus Christ attest to Daniel’s authorship: Matthew 24:
4. Author is well acquainted with history that is not well known to any
other ancient writer like the existence of Belshazzar and Darius the
5. Findings of Archaeology support the historicity o accounts
6. Literary Unity
a. 2 languages: Hebrew ( Daniel 1: 1- 2: 4a, 8: 1-12: 130 and Aramaic
( Daniel 2: 4b-7: 280
b. 2 sections- Historical ( 1-6) prophetic & 7-12)
c. Chronological links- Babylon history in both sections
d. Chapter 7 interlocks; the use of first person and third person ( 7: 1, 2)
e. Literary pattern. It has been observed that it has a literary pattern
know as chiasmus .
7. Progressive parallelism
B. The Maccabean Thesis, This is the dominant view popularized by historical
critical scholars who believe that the book of Daniel was composed during
the second century Jewish struggle against Hellenism propagated by
Antiochus Epiphanes.

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