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Deacon Meeting /7/23

Present: Rick Stauffer, Brett McBride, Cathy Szabo, Cathy Fratilla, Jan Bombeck, Gretchen
Andolina, Beth Knauff, Janie Lippincott, Shelley Reading

Excused:, Zoey Heckathorn, Derek Work

Open devotion/ discussion: Brett McBride based around Exodus 3:10-14, 4:10-12 and John
The verses in exodus depicted the times when the Israelites are slaves in Egypt and God is
calling Moses to set his people free. Moses responds saying he is not qualified to do the job.
God responds saying tell them I AM has sent you.
Brett applied that to how we as humans can see tasks in front of as something that we are not
qualified for or is outside our comfort zone. We are going to have times when I AM sends us in a
leadership role that we may feel out of our comfort zone those are the times are when we trust
and know that He has given us the Holy Spirit to guide us as John 14 states now that we have
Jesus in our lives.

Team Updates
We were asked to answer 3 questions to get ideas started in our groups:
What areas do you see your team covering?
Job descriptions of someone coming on your team? Responsbilties?
How will you recruit others to be apart?

Care Team: Point person: Cathy Szabo, Cathy Fratilla, Brett McBride, Zoey Heckathorn
The areas they would be covering would be with the care of our Shut-Ins. The responsibilities
would include weekly calls, visits, cards. They want to ensure that they feel connected to the
church even though they cannot be with us in person. Zoey had a few families who were
interested in “adopting” a shut-in, and also a few other names were given that wanted to help
from the congregation.

Mercy Team: Point Person: Janie Lippincot, Rick Stauffer

This team would cover transportation and assisting with home projects. They stated that it is
known that this is done on Sundays but not written down. Janie plans to contact those who by
word of mouth we have heard give rides. Also She plans to see who needs assistance and how
we can support them.

Hospitality Team: Point Person: Jan Bombeck, Beth Knauff, Shelley Reading, Gretchen
This team will focus on Sunday Functional needs like greeting, offering, counting attendance,
counting offering, and assisting the congregation with needs that may arise. They also included
assisting with funeral services in areas like greeting or assisting with the luncheon after. The job
description of someone on the hospitality team is a person who is attentive to the congregation
and want to use a gift of service in the daily sanctuary operations. They should also be a
welcome and comforting face to those coming into the service. The best way to reach new
possible team mates would be through a survey to the congregation so we could have names
and numbers of those interested. Another idea was to also be observant of those around us for
others who have the traits of hospitality and ask those people.

Counting: no new information

Treasurer Report:
February Report:
Beginning 6758.48
Deposits: 544.00
Total: 7303.48

March Report:
Beginning: 7303.48
Deposits: 582.00
Total: 7390.48

Lock up: Lock up is not needed as the checklist is normally done when they arrive. Brett has
arranged that if Jim Braymer or Giles will not be at church they are to call and it will get figured

Closing prayer: Gretchen Andolina

Next meeting is April 4th at 7 pm

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