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The history of the sandwich dates back to the eighteenth century in England, and its invention

is commonly attributed to John Montagu, the fourth Earl of Sandwich. The story goes that the
Earl of Sandwich was a passionate card player and devoted long hours to his games. On one
occasion, while participating in a card game, he asked his servant to bring him roast beef
between two pieces of bread. The reason behind this request was that he didn't want to get
his hands dirty or interrupt the game to eat with cutlery.

The idea of placing the meat between two slices of bread became popular with his friends and
playmates, who began ordering "the same as Sandwich". Over time, the name "sandwich" was
adopted for this way of serving food, and the idea spread throughout England and beyond.

As it spread around the world, the sandwich has been changing depending on each place.

Create delicious sanduches that will captivate and attract everyone's attention, we will
investigate the value of each product, in addition, we will obtain the total value of the entire
product including labor. This venture aims to provide us with better locations to eat, since, in
Milagro there are not many cafeterias that are good

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