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Language report

the object of concern varies among cultures and

religions. Altruism in biological observations in
field populations of the day organisms is an
individual performing an action which is at a cost
to themselves, but benefits, either directly or
indirectly, another individual, without the
expectation of reciprocity or compensation for
that action. Steinberg suggests a definition for
altruism in the clinical setting, that is «intentional
and voluntary actions that aim to enhance the
welfare of another person.

Altruism is the way some people who has like the

wants to help others that type of people are so
special they would give their food who someone
Doesn´t have, that type of mentality. Just 20
percent of people would put in risk their life’s to
save someone but why this people have this
capacity in their genes the we´re born with this
capacity.they have been raised to be like
that,because their parents thought that was a
good way to grown their kids being polite, another
way some persons al polite are their behavior that
is always positive and wants to do everything
good or perfect, there is cases of people that
practice this everyday like people who make
foods to workers, persons who are without eat for
a couple of days or just poor people. Or people
who are rich and give away money to people who

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