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Life in Bible Times midtermExam

Fill in the Blanks

1. The Oriental idea of the family is a little kingdom within itself, over which the ________________ is supreme
2. Hebrew children in general held their __________________ in great respect, even when they became adults.
This may be illustrated by the great influence exerted by queen mothers on the kings of Judah and Israel.
3. The _________________________ is his tent, which is made of black goat's hair. He calls it beit sha'ar, i.e.,
"house of hair."
4. The Roman table and couches combined was called a_________________________.
5. It is important for the Westerner to realize that at the center of the Oriental house of several rooms is a
_________________________ that is open to the sky.
6. The walls of the houses were often made of ______________________, but these were not ordinarily burned,
but were composed of mud dried in the sun.
7. The _________________ of these humble Palestinian houses is made by laying beams across from wall to wall,
then putting on a mat of reeds, or perhaps thorn bushes, and over it a coating of clay or earth; sand and pebbles
are scattered over this, and a stone roller is used to make it smooth and able to shed rain.
8. The ________________ of the peasant's one-room house is opened before sunrise in the morning and stays
open all day long as an invitation to hospitality.
9. When the Children of Israel entered the Promised Land, they adopted the __________________ used by the
Canaanites, which was an earthenware saucer to hold the olive oil and a pinched lip to hold the wick.
10. The_______________ is a popular place for the Oriental to sleep.


1. Give at least five parts of a more than one-room house. 1-5

2. Give at least five ordinary foods of the average Hebrew of Bible times. 6-10

3. Give five common women's tasks in Bible times. 11-15

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