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China approaches the Palestinian-Israeli conflict with a commitment to a comprehensive and lasting

solution. Emphasizing the significance of dialogue and international cooperation, China underscores the
necessity of adhering to United Nations resolutions as a framework for achieving a peaceful resolution
that respects the rights and security of both parties.

Condemning all forms of violence, China urges the protection of civilians and calls for a united effort
from the international community to work towards a just and equitable resolution. China reiterates its
support for a two-state solution and encourages active diplomacy to create conditions for sustainable
peace in the region.

Acknowledging the complexity of the conflict, China advocates for a balanced approach that addresses
the legitimate concerns and aspirations of both Palestinians and Israelis. The promotion of mutual
understanding, respect for international law, and the creation of a conducive environment for
negotiations are central tenets of China’s stance on resolving this longstanding issue.

China remains committed to Palestine and engaging constructively with the international community,
supporting initiatives that contribute to de-escalation, dialogue, and a peaceful coexistence between
Palestine and Israel. As a responsible stakeholder, China seeks to play a constructive role in facilitating a
resolution that ensures stability and security for all parties involved.

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