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A child has been prescribed diphenhydramine hydrochloride to help

control the itching from atopic dermatitis. The nurse should instruct
the parents to report which of the following conditions? Select all
that apply. a. Weight loss. b. Drowsiness. c. Thickened bronchial
secretions. d. Upset stomach. e. Bradycardia*
1 point
I. A,B,C
2. After the nurse teaches the mother of a child with atopic dermatitis
how to bathe her child, which of the following statements by the
mother indicates correct understanding?*
1 point
a. “I let my child play in the tub for 30 minutes every night.”
b. “My child loves the bubble bath I put in the tub.”
c. “I make sure my child has a bath every night.”
d. “When my child gets out of the tub I just pat the skin dry.”
3. A new nurse is comparing rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and
osteoarthritis (OA). Which among the following statements indicate
that the nurse needs to improve her knowledge of the concepts?*
1 point
a. OA is an inflammatory disease, while RA is a degenerative process.
b. OA may affect only a single joint and is unilateral.
c. Typical onset of RA is between 35 and 45 years old.
d. The females are usually affected with RA and OA as compared to men.
4. Which among the following manifestations will an older patient with
OA unlikely to report?*
1 point
a. Pain that diminishes after physical activity.
b. Presence of painful red nodes at the distal interphalangeal joints
c. Enlargement of affected joints
d. None of the above
5. A client is diagnosed with scleroderma. Which intervention should
the nurse anticipate to be prescribed?*
1 point
a. Administer corticosteroids as prescribed for inflammation.
b. Maintain bed rest as much as possible.
c. Advise the client to remain supine for 1 to 2 hours after meals.
d. Keep the room temperature warm during the day and cool at night
6. After teaching a group of clients with osteoarthritis about using
regular exercise, which of the following client statements indicates
effective teaching?*
1 point
a. “Performing range-of-motion exercises will increase my joint mobility.”
b. “Exercise helps to drive synovial fluid through the cartilage.”
c. “Joint swelling should determine when to stop exercising.”
d. “Exercising in the outdoors year-round promotes joint relaxation.”
7. The nurse is giving discharge instructions to a client with systemic
lupus erythematosus on ways how to manage fatigue. The following
statements indicate correct understanding of the discharge teaching,
1 point
a. “I should take hot baths because they are relaxing.”
b. “I should sit whenever possible to conserve my energy.”
c. “I should avoid long periods of rest because it causes joint stiffness.”
d. “I should do some exercises, such as walking, when I am not fatigued.”
8. The nurse prepares to give a bath and change the bed linens of a
client with cutaneous Kaposi’s sarcoma lesions. The lesions are open
and draining a scant amount of serous fluid. Which would the nurse
incorporate into the plan during the bathing of this client?*
1 point
a. Wearing gloves
b. Wearing a gown and gloves
c. Wearing a gown, gloves, and a mask
d. Wear a gown and gloves to change the bed linens and gloves only for the bath
9. A patient brings himself to the Emergency Department to report a
bumble bee sting while gardening. The client is afraid of a severe
reaction because the client’s neighbor experienced such a reaction
just 1 week ago. Which nursing action should the nurse take?*
1 point
a. Advise the client to soak the site in hydrogen peroxide.
b. Ask the client if he ever sustained a bee sting in the past.
c. Tell the client to call an ambulance for transport to the emergency department.
d. Tell the client not to worry about the sting unless difficulty with breathing occurs
10. Latex allergy is considered what type of hypersensitivity?*
1 point
a. Type I
b. Type II
c. Type III
d. Type IV
11. Which among the following products can a patient with allergy to
latex safely use and won’t cause reactions?*
1 point
a. BP cuffs
b. ECG pads
c. Pulse oximeter
d. Velcro straps
12. A patient consults about his allergy to dust mites and airborne
allergens. To be able to prevent allergic reactions, the nurse advises
the patient to the following, except:*
1 point
a. Cover mattresses and pillows with ultrafine mesh covers.
b. Wash bed lines weekly in hot water and detergent.
c. Place carpets in bedrooms and living rooms.
d. Use air-conditioning units or air-cleaning units.
13. The home care nurse is performing an assessment on a client who
has been diagnosed with an allergy to latex. In determining the
client’s risk factors, the nurse should question the client about an
allergy to which food item?*
1 point
a. Eggs
b. Milk
c. Yogurt
d. Bananas
14. The nurse is conducting allergy skin testing on a client. Which
post-procedure interventions are most appropriate for the nurse to
perform? Select all that apply. i. Record site, date, and time of the
test. ii. Give the client a list of potential allergens if identified. iii.
Provide estimation of the size of the wheal and document the finding.
iv. Tell the client to return to have the site inspected only if there is a
reaction. v. Have the client wait in the waiting room for at least 1 to 2
hours after injection*
1 point
a. I, II
b. I, II, III
c. I, II, III, IV
d. I, II, III, IV, V
15. A client with rheumatoid arthritis states, “I can't do my household
chores without becoming tired. My knees hurt whenever I walk.”
Which goal for this client should take priority?*
1 point
a. Conserve energy.
b. Adapt self-care skills.
c. Develop coping skills.
d. Adapt body image
16. Which among the following should the nurse assess as an early
symptom of rheumatoid arthritis?
1 point
a. Rheumatoid nodules
b. Limited motion of joints
c. Deformed joints of hands
d. Early morning stiffness
17. The teaching plan for the client with rheumatoid arthritis includes
rest promotion. Which of the following would the nurse expect to
instruct the client to avoid during rest periods?*
1 point
a. Prone lying positions
b. Proper body alignment
c. Elevation of the affected part
d. Positions of flexion
18. After teaching the client with rheumatoid arthritis about measures
to conserve energy in activities of daily living involving the small
joints, which of the following, if stated by the client, would indicate
the need for additional teaching?*
1 point
a. Carrying a laundry basket with clinched fingers and fists
b. Pushing with palms when rising from a chair
c. Holding packages close to the body
d. Sliding objects
19. The nurse knows that a patient who is present with the symptom
of “blanching of his fingers on exposure to cold” would be assessed
for the rheumatic disease known as:*
1 point
a. Ankylosing spondylitis
b. Reiter’s syndrome
c. Sjogren’s syndrome
d. Raynaud’s phenomenon
20. What will synovial fluid form an inflamed joint look like?*
1 point
a. Scanty in volume
b. Straw-colored
c. Clear and pale
d. Milky, cloudy, dark yellow

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