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The Vril - Project

According to the current state of knowledge, the misrepresentations of commercial swindle

sect which one of Jesse - presentation with short hair spread particularly annoying for both
the authors of this work, as well as for all those who engage seriously for a non-
commercial distribution of this information.

Also of paramount importance is the fact that the Vril Society can not be regarded as a Nazi
association, their political orientation was rather a monarchical.
Did you know,
that the United States at
08.30.1958 and on
Nuclear weapons through the region New Swabia (P211) set fire
in the Antarctic?
This is all the more interesting because modern science to this day is not conclusive where
the exact cause could be for example the ozone hole.
About this fact has been made known to the public anything. Obviously, this should also
be covered up, as the unsuccessful invasion attempt by the Americans in 1946 under
Admiral Byrd.
These Antarctica - mission was declared geological expedition, although a considerable
army with a whole fleet, and aircraft carriers after only a few days and never
(representations speak 6-13) said number of lost airplanes, had to admit defeat.
Admiral Byrd said in his final report that he had been dealing with aircraft that could fly
from pole to pole.Admiral Byrd was the way then treated psychiatrically.
Vril symbolism

The "Pan-German Society for Metaphysics" - internally "Vril Society" - used as the main
symbol of their union, a lightning-like structure. The own "Vril-standard" showed this icon
in white on black and purple, with wide stand for silver.
The lightning-shaped mark symbolizes the flash of divine light Ilu.
It can already be found on a spearhead of the Assyrian Sargon II., Which the goddess
Ishtar particularly fond of this and felt out.
In the German Middle Ages, the same sign is shown at a special grouping of the Temple
Knights Order again.This was part of the "Secret Science Section" of the Order, and was
called in reference to the magical stone of "Goddess of Jesse": ". The men from the Black
The color combination Black Silver Violet - the colors of Jesse - there has originated without
it from that time would be a sense of definition for it.
The "Vril Society," for the Jesse myth was not of central importance, took over characters
and colors and arranged the meaning to:
The violet color represents the Divine Light (Ilu / Pralada) of the New Age.
The Black referred to the present age of darkness.
The silver (white) Lightning thinks the force that opens the way through the darkness in
the earthly here and now the divine light of the new eon.
In the period 1922 to 1945 that lightning was named -Kreisen the "Saetta Ilua" in "Vril" -
the Ilu-flash (Staetta is the Italian word for lightning, especially after formation of the
Rome-Berlin Axis Italian terms in Germany were popular ). The titling "Jesse flash" is not
historically documented.
Another symbol of the dominated ladies 'Vril Society' were female heads with ponytail
hairstyle, a time otherwise unusual hairstyle, which was, however, taken into account in
internal meetings of the "Vril" society of the predominantly young ladies of this association.
The purpose of this presentation was an indication of the importance of the long hair of
women, not least as a "magic antenna" (with the Vril ladies have it no short hairstyles).
Upon conversion of the spiritual community in the company "Drive Technical workshops
oHG" in 1934 the "Saetta Ilua" also became the company logo.

From the work of this company the unconventional aircraft series "RFZ" are supposed to
be (circular plane) and "Vril" emerged as well as the basics of the "Haunebu" devices.
Whether the sign of the "Black Sun" under the "Vril Society 'was used in a formal way, is
uncertain. Certainly this symbol was the circle but known. Under the name "Magic Sun", it
was considered the "gate" of Ilu-light between this world and the hereafter.
Vril spirit Myth
- Legend
a mysterious form of energy in esotericism, art, and therapy

The Vril - Project

spiritual backgrounds

The unimaginable, unbelievable, incomprehensible ideas of Thule and the doctrine of the
Vril will be available here. It took courage to write these lines. This is not because political
harassment to be feared - with immediate policy has all of this to create little - but because
it is a balancing act of a special kind, just the handle into the Incredible, merely fantastical,
but that perhaps more real than all everyday And. if this also can say certainly not, as we
The people of whom we speak have believed in all of this, there have never been internally in
And the uncanny power that in a wishful thinking and the other triggers nightmares is
probably much powerful than even suspect boldest hunches.
Or is anything but mere fantasy? - Maybe even deliberate deception to conceal else? - A
voice deep in that of ourselves can most likely give you the answer.
How have only gathered what approached us information.
(Vienna, August 1992, 5892 by Sargon)
UFO's (Unconventional Flying Objects)

How mysterious lights from the darkness of the unknown -so appear "UFO's" the outside
audience. Find one for themselves and their sedative sufficient arguments, all of this
banishing the overwrought imagination; others dream of all possible and impossible
extraterrestrials - stories. Those finally who realistically dealt with this matter, that it was
not acting in the "UFO's" to phantasms, nor extraterrestrial spaceships, Special to entirely
terrestrial aircraft, whose country of origin Germany seems to be - more precisely, that of
his term Greater German Empire, the so-called "Third Reich". Those people who know a
little, mostly also know that these "UFO's" of thought and technical developments
vorgingen that by no military use were that rather only the war set the stage in an (also)
military direction - just as the steamer not first came on the seas as a battlecruiser, special
served peaceful purposes. The war takes possession precisely of all funds, and thus
assumed the "new technology", the technique of "UFO's", the requirements of the war,
especially the situation in Germany and its few allies necessitated the muster all means
which suited had the desire to annihilate the enemy states encounter.
The final battle for the Earth

In these years, we go with frenzied steps the final victory of light

over darkness contrary; the Aquarian Age, the 'New Golden Age'
triumphs over the Piscean Age, the final phase of the sinister
"Kali - Yuga", will be what then still spoken in many
details. These are not merely vague myths. Especially the recent
developments prove it. The consummate collapse of the "East"
and the ever more rapidly impending and progressing collapse of
the "West" has become a tangible fact (Who could have guessed
this development a generation ago?). From the USSR is almost
nothing left
and the "USA" will disintegrate within a few years as well; as is
to be feared, in terrible civil and racial wars. Gradually, but
always at a faster rate, the fall in 1918 and 1945, drawn by the
Allies blood limits. It comes as Pope John XXIII.Foretold: "They
have the (Second World) war won, will lose it, and will have lost
him to be the winner!"
The sinister "Old Testament" Piscean Age is irrevocably over. The clear spirit of the
Aquarian Age is approaching. What has marked the last two millennia of the Piscean Age,
will easily disappear. El Shaddai, Satan will be banished with all his followers into the lake
of his hell.
Then peace and justice will come into our world. The damage caused by the evil powers to
establish the "hell on earth" will be corrected. The environmental degradation is going to
end and gesundet that "multicultural societies" are to be unbundled, so that the countries
and peoples of the earth healthy. Minority self-interest and Vorherrschaftsstreben it will no
longer exist. And even Israelis and Palestinians will reach peace and harmony.The light
is win over darkness - everywhere. The ideas of "Vril - people" are inextricably linked with
this great "battle of the gods" for a new and better world.
"Clash of the Gods"
The dispute, which at the same time the story of the 'Vril - is the project, which is
inextricably involved in this dispute, was a "battle of the gods", the still fortwährt. It is the
struggle between the rulers of the old Piscean Age, the Hebrew "God" El Shaddai
- Yahweh "and his servants on one side and the bright divinities of the new age, the
Aquarian age on the other, led by the goddess Ishtar - Ostara.
The exoteric character of the Vril - society is not ready to ban from site. It showed a black
swastika on a silver background in a purple oak leaf wreath (black
- Silver Purple: The color of Jesse) .Here the esoteric Signet of Vril - society, which has
already played a role in DHvSS.
On the subject of "Vril" and
" Thule "...

About the "Thule - society" is quite a lot has been written correctly and incorrectly, well-
intentioned and malicious. About the "Vril - society" has been less published, and where it
happened, so in most cases from the perspective of an appendage of the Thule -
Gesellschaft, which, however, is not quite correct. Most "Thule - friendly" Authors have the
"Vril - component" probably therefore neglected because it too has sometimes "fancy"
features. Many probably do not wish the Thule - bring society to which there anyway to
report unusual enough, in the haze still further "phantasms" to. - About the "Vril - project"
is silent surely this very reason also informed circles largely.
Opponents of "Thule", however, is not stingy with nonsense when it came to Thule -
denigrate people. One of the most famous Follies Such is the assertion that the Thule
-People had believed in the "hidden superman" with which they want to realize a "super
breed breeding". This nonsense goes back to the fact that the "Thule - ideas" the idea
belonged to every man wearing the "superman" - understood as the "better self" in itself
and must therefore cultivate this "better self" in itself. This of course is something quite
But it is certainly true that within the Thule - all sorts of myths and occult TEACHING at
least detected society, analyzed and were processed - but this does not mean all such've
heard to the faith and teachings of the "Thule"!Around the "secret reading" of Mrs. Hahn -
Blavatsky or the "hollow world theory" was never part of the Thule - faith world. Even the
Aryan cult has not been represented in that silly way that was later often claimed (as
were, for example, the Semitic Arabs and their culture in the highest respect for the Thule
- people, which further acts to the present day).
One of the main lessons of the Thule - acted strong company, however, was the
ariogermanische Religion reconstruction ("Wihinei") of the philosopher Guido von List, whose
Nahverwandtschaft to "Ilu - teaching" is obvious. Another important lesson was the "Cosmic
Ice Theory" of Hans Hörbiger ("Glacial - cosmology"). There were also personally in the
"Thule", and probably especially with Rudolf von Sebottendorff, Hinwendungen
"antialttestamentarischen" a primitive Christianity (Marcionitertum).
The most essential ldeenunterschied between "Thule" and "Vril" was probably the most that the Thule
-Gesellschaft together sounded a relatively broad basic knowledge. This was
certainly to the conscious "concept" to provide acceptable for as many people
fundamental doctrine, firmly stood their common cornerstones namely, a religious or
ideological narrowing but should be ruled out - while the Vril - society fairly closely with the
teachings of Jesse - linked Revelation may have been.
To recognize the Thule -People example in Welteislehre Hans Horbiger a natural history of
the great struggle of light against implementation darkness. The Vril - people turn talked
probably largely on the revelation texts and were not looking for modern confirmations.

However, it can not be the task of this book to enter into detail on these details and
special - not technological details to be discussed here. We are concerned here about the
great visionary ideas and things that the "Vril - project" culminated.
"Vril - spirit"
There is no death, the passage through the border between life and death, here and
beyond, is an easy way basically; there is no forgetting the ego, the tasks of Lebebns be
"over there" continues almost seamlessly. Any fear of dying is therefore completely
nonsensical, eternal life - the eternal duty - is natural truth ,.
He is "an atheist, I announced the lad, with whom I was walking on a sunny spring days by Bad
Liebenstein then. He needed neither God nor Gods, he told me. Everything is explained by of modern
science. So he said to me, the poor fellow. The force of life, I asked him, he wanted me not indicate
their origin, since he did so much know? The answer was slow in coming, so I gave it to him because:
Small blue flowers bloomed on a spa area. As I pointed out, the boy said: There you can see the
deity-operation, see the mystery of life. No scholar, it indicates you the knowledge alone that
certainty of faith to the highest power, which does not need for themselves cause, offers
understanding: Eternal Godhead - Just You may the deity not biblical thinking you, no, You must
not.! Anders is the deity, as the Bible teaches there, this sinister evil book! This is the deity: Is light
the light is eternal in the light - and yet everywhere the Teutons once, our ancestors knew it well. We
have to learn it again. Need to recognize the divinity, so regard the life. And you understand
immortality. For near is the deity! The eternal power of life we carry within us as a part of her. And
after earthly death will come your way see: There is no death! "
Rudolf von Sebottendorff
Visions of Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorf
This man, Rudolf von Sebottendorff, reign over whose backgrounds variously secrets,
perhaps was the one person who has paved the way into a new millennium - more than any
other, has become well-known personality.Eventually, the history will know this display
properly. Yet it is not so far, and it would probably not within the meaning of this man, the
personal modesty was considered a high ideal.
From Sebottendorff written works are the two main virtually remained unknown: "The inter-
cosmic world struggle" (1919) and "Estimates Fang" (1921); be as it were "exoteric" book
"Before Hitler came" (1933) was issued in larger edition, but never complete, without modi-
fication wording. Sebottendorff, the "father of the Third Reich", the had come to power
forces of this kingdom was not safe, many of his ideas - and thus the Urvisionen of the
Third Reich - were not "party compliant", he had in many ways other developments for
Germany, Europe and the world hoped for. The manuscripts of his major works are now in
private ownership of a pro-German family in the United States. The time is perhaps not yet
ripe for its broad-based publication.
The cornerstone of the "New Age" were recognized as the first of Sebottendorff
correctly; he was like the first, the notion that big, over millennia reaching, relationships
and evaluate understood These cornerstones were and are:.The great battle of the forces
of darkness to the light of the XX. Century of our era brought its peak and will culminate in
the final victory of the divine light: the rising of the Aquarian Age. Furthermore, the
knowledge of "eternal truth" in order to move fishing, beginning, way, and final goal sense
of existence in the world. There is also the realization that there is no death, that birth on
Earth rather a kind of reawakening after a sleep of forgetfulness means in which we all -
formerly otherworldly beings ("Angels") - go through this earthly life in order with the
earthly death to cross the threshold, behind the restart to begin the "real world" and all of
us really true life: eternal life. - Not the idea of "reincarnation" is meant (Re - Carno there is
not), but the knowledge of the true rebirth in worlds of the afterlife, from which the way
home in the once abandoned "kingdom of eternal light" takes place. This was associated
with the knowledge of the reality of the afterlife, the otherworldly spheres and worlds that
are much more real than our basically this-worldly universe, which resembles a temporarily
useful temporary.
However, one knows that there is no death and that this worldly world a means to an end is
merely to regain a once lost "beyond ability" -and one knows the entire Para cosmology - so
the battle on Earth and around the Earth at a time is of course ... (we are still talking
Sebottendorff knew: There is a real - existing dark power - the "devil", the "Satan" and its
supporters - whose goal is our divinely created earth world to destroy so that it can no
longer fulfill their divine destiny; namely to be "run station" for people on their way home
in the worlds of eternal light. This dark power has let reveal himself as "God" by Moses and
other media sinister mental vibration in the so-called "Old Testament" the Bible, beginning
with the words of Yahweh to the
Abraham: "Ani ha El Shaddai" = "I am EI Shaddai" - the "Warped El" -
Satan. (see 1.Mose 17.1).
With this realization, the battle lines were cleared for Sebottendorff: The Shaddai. the "Old
Testament, God '', is the destroyer, the adversary of God. Therefore, his followers used the
destruction of the earth, nature - the people. - But El Shaddai will be struck by the divine
power and by those who serve the true divine power!
In his travels through the Orient Sebottendorff must ancient writings have found - or
maybe just oral reports - where is gekündet from ancient knowledge. So he knew about
the falsification of the Gospel of Christ, and that this in truth nothing called with the. Old
Testament the Bible had to do, apart from the fact that Jesus Christ had rejected this as
"the Hebrew Scriptures" and "worst darkness and wickedness", that Jesus of Nazareth had
been opposed by the Jews as a "blasphemer", because he whose "god" , the El Shaddai -
Yahweh as "the devil" Marked and exposed (John, 8, '4fl 3. And Sebottendorff had learned
that there was a secret "joint heirs of the Knights Templar", found in the archives clear
traces of this truth be had.
In the Orient Sebottendorff also found remains of Persian and Babylonian especially
references to details about those millennium fight he should call the "Great Inter cosmic
struggle". (. Also, more on that later) Below is a brief excerpt from the prophecy of the
"Third Sargon", taken from the Book of the Babylonian seer and priestess Sajaha
The sun obscured her light from Chaldea through to the base of the mountain
midnight. But people do not notice it, the appearance of falsehood they are
blinded, fraudulently obtained from the reflection of gold.
Many Gutsinnige fall many Arglistige rise instead of
their. Schad Deins Grim breath runs the thoughts of most.
What is clear, is going down what is unclean, which rises
to. What was down, it will be up; switch places evil and good.
Be drunken are people. Madness will rule the world.
the land of the north towards.
The Third Sargon: From the battered earth the liberator of the Avengers ascends,!
And from north as south of the lonely righteous will then stand up and will
be enormous and storm the same light the fire and promote wear it, all
this evil burns everywhere, yes, everywhere.
From the north, therefore, so is the Savior of the world, which is called here the "Third
Sargon". Sargon I was like the Emperor Barbarossa the German founder of the Babylonian
Empire Great, a legendary figure. Sargon II had come as an imperial renovator -. But in the
"Third Sargon" was expected to the mystical hero and savior from all evil.
Sebottendorff now felt by a reference to the North: From the north of the Third Sargon was
supposed to come, literally: "Out of the north", an Oriental name for the high Germanic
north (polar night).
Soon Sebottendorff should encounter indications that Jesus Christ spoke to Germanic
legionaries and promised that their people will the "kingdom of God" win and make ...
From the Urwidersacherschaft now seemed to explain that between the "God" Yahweh and
the "alttestamentarlichen Sendlingen" on the one hand and the given the true God and
Jesus Christ people prevails on the other.
It certainly has taken years, until the ends of the main threads of knowledge lay in
Sebottendorff hands. Now he needed this to go just yet and according to the ground. - And
he would set the course that had to be made - that to be fulfilled, what is there prophesied
- the direct application of the Godhead: The Birth of the New Golden Age! - The Germans
had to do, they who are divinely intended and called upon they had to build the new Reich-
not only for themselves but for the whole world!
That this would be a path full of martyrs graves Sebottendorff was well aware. But he also
knew: There is no death, the martyrs are paving the way in the real world of eternal light ...

The beginnings
Probably in August of 1917 met in Vienna Café "Schopenhauer" four men and one woman,
to set the course for the future of humanity. There were German adventurers and mystics
Karl Haushofer and Rudolf von Sebottendorff, the medium Maria Orschitsch from
Zagreb. the young engineer and pilot Lothar Waiz and the Prelate Gernot of the secret
"joint heirs of the Knights Templar" (Societas Templi Marcioni). The meeting between the
four young people and the old Templars - prelates should be come about on Hire Wiener
spiritualists and Illusionists. what but there is no certainty. From the old man, the four
secret revelation texts from hidden Templar -Archiv and beyond a recommendation to the
strange Brotherhood of the "Men of the Black Stone" hoped. Their spokesman was
certainly Rudolf von Sebottendorff, and we can probably fairly well reconstruct what about
it the Templars - may have prelates initially presented to provide his expertise and his
friends demonstrate:
As our solar year is divided according to the twelve lunar cycles into twelve months - so to
speak, the twelve zodiacs of astrology - such is also the orbit around the Great Central Sun
of the Milky Way in twelve animals - divided or Tyrkreisabschnitte; which determines in
conjunction with the precession of the conical self-movement of the earth due to the tilt
axis, the different world age. Such a "cosmic month" lasts approximately 2155 years, the
"cosmic year" or about 25,860 years.
Now now we are at the end of the Piscean Age and the beginning of the Aquarian Age - the
New Golden Age, in which also the millennium of peace will come from the twentieth
chapter of John - is talk revelation.
But it is coming not merely an ordinary age changes, but the end of a cosmic year and the
beginning of an entirely new. We have completed the approximately 25,860-year
precession and change characterized by radiation weakest, darkest age, the Piscean Age,
in the highest radiation, the Age of Aquarius. Simultaneously with the Piscean Age also
ends the "Kali -Yuga", the era of sin by Indo - Aryan definition.
Cosmic radiation and a dramatic upheaval of conditions on Earth before - a result of the
joint effect of precession and elliptical orbit around the Great Central Sun now is a
completely different divine. This is because the Great Central Sun in particular - the "Black
Sun" old myths - is regarded as worldly power source of the deity whose clarifying light will
soon undisturbed exert his influence.
All age change have led to political, religious and social upheavals greatest
magnitude. This is now even more strongly the case in the upcoming age change in a new
cosmic year. Anything that does not fit for the new bright era will perish. An entirely new
order will grab space all over the world. We are now in the final stage of the final battle in
the large inter-cosmic struggle. The powers of darkness rear up again to wild kicking
habits.Likewise, consistently and with the armor of light, we must oppose this.
From ancient Mesopotamian wisdom we know about the otherworldly-this-side movement
of the "steps of Marduk", each 28 years, or 56 years with every stride. Three double steps
of Marduk endures the transformation phase from the old to the new era - ie 168 years -
said the focus of this phase of the Erstauftreffen "Ilu - beam" can be expected, the direct
impingement of Alpha -Strahls divine light.
Thanks revelation knowledge and careful calculations, let the Erstauftreffen of Alpha
-Strahls, and thus the real beginning of the New Age, determine fairly accurately: This
Event is the 3rd / 4th or the 4th / 5th February of 1962, around midnight, arrive. We know
the temporal center of the 168-year conversion phase and can at the same time for 1934
and 1990 particularly important events in connection with the inter-cosmic struggle foresee
for the New Age, which results from the three 56-year-stages already mentioned. On 3rd /
4th, or until 4/5 February of the year 1962, the Alpha is - beam passed through the
predicted planetary alignment.
Although such details are certainly not been a particular area of knowledge of Prelate
Gernot, he might have been but impressed. The call is now the various predictions have
for the New Age that touches on related issues;the Indian myth of lime Avatar, the
Unterberg Sage, the "White Duke" and the "Third Sargon".
Especially this week will have been but then passed to the background one place called the
New Testament of the Bible:
To replace Matthew 21.43. For there Christ says to the Jews:
"The kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to another people which brings
forth its fruit."
The full Ur - text to which is located in the archives of Societas Templi Marcioni, speaks
much more clearly.Above all, this word of Christ implies that Christ says very concretely,
what is meant "other people." He speaks namely Germans, serving in a Roman legion, and
tells them that it will be their people whom he had chosen.
Christ himself had to say the Germanic, the German, people proclaiming the new kingdom
and entrusted it with the creation of the light kingdom on earth! That was probably want
to know definitely especially what had Sebottendorff and his friends.
Further sure about the "Templar - revelations" were spoken. Particularly well on the First
Templar - Revelation (also "Roderich - Report") from 1236, in which the knighthood is
instructed, the "new North - capital" of the coming kingdom to build - with exact location
information. And actually arose then: Tempelhof - Berlin!

This meeting must be run very pleasant and successful. Because actually receives
Sebottendorff contact with the "Geheimkomturei the gentlemen of the Black Stone" and
a personal letter of recommendation. This Geheimkomturei "DHvSS" is located not too
far, between Salzburg and Berchtesgaden. Sebottendorff makes in the next few days on
the way there.
At that time many people will have realized that people previously on their own, that the
Hebrew God and the spirit of the Hebrew Scripture is a bugbear of hell. And they will have
this specter of and serve the eternal truth working without having yet know him who alone
is the eternal truth.
But even they will eventually recognize him - in me! And they will find peace in my peace,
although sinister wickedness of other peoples envy them for their peace's sake, and will
seek to disturb him.
Because the people will be powerful on earth are all those who hate and with the hatred of
the Hebrews God and his worshipers against it.
Despite all the distortions and misrepresentations
traces of primitive truth ...
One of these distinct traces in the so-called. "New Testament" the Bible we find in John
-Evangelium, Chapter 8.
Here is very clearly seen that Jesus Christ did not come as a "son" of the Hebrew God
Yahweh, but those same as fighting the devil! That was the real reason why he was
crucified by the Jews as a "blasphemer".
(Here is the verbatim NT - translation, especially Jn 8, 44th!)
Do not talk my you know? Because you can not hear word - my. Of your father, the devil,
satin, and desires - of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and in
truth he stands not because is not truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaks from
his own. Because he is a liar and he - her father (= a lie) I but because the truth I say, do
not you believe me. Which one of you convicts me because of sin? If (the) truth I speak,
why do you not believe me? The beings from - God's words - God hears; so you do not
hear, because of - not God, you are.
(It) The Jews answered and said to him: Do
not rightly say, that art a Samaritan.
Original - Gospel of Matthew (fragment no.
1) (probably part of the Sermon on the Mount)
At intervals of thousands of years I have sent the various peoples of the world individually
true prophet and many centuries will pass before I will send such a prophet back to earth -
and to a people who reject it at first, but then - despite some will understand and accept
resistance of the servants of God and the spirit of Hebrews Hebrews Scriptures; and this
will bear good fruit.
At that time, then many people will recognize that nation by itself, have already recognized
during the ripening of the events of that time, that the actions of each for all and all in for
every man, just out of pure humanity, from the vivid feeling of belonging together the
filiation of God practiced for the community, infinitely nobler sentiments contains within
itself, as if it were practiced out of fear of punishment and vengeance of God or from
calculation of reward.
Soon then but will also recognize many of the other nations, that they may serve with their
hatred to Satan, want to build a living hell in his spirit and according to his desires - what
the other is then brought to the knowledge and good fruit early for all. This there are, by
their fruitive people I spoke and I mean that.
And Christ the Lord, raised his arm and pointed to a small group quietly a listening
legionnaires, who were the people of the Germanic peoples.
See also NT, Mat -. 21, 43
The stone which rejected those builders has become the cornerstone; the Lord has
accomplished in our eyes this miracle?
And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever the stone shall
fall, it will crush.Therefore I say unto you, The kingdom of God will be taken from you and
given to a nation bringing forth its fruit.
The big "Inter Cosmic World Battle"
It is a millennia old myth: The period of about six thousand years of the great inter cosmic
world battle rages for overcoming the "dark age" that the Indian Kali
- Yuga call. The highlight and culmination of the dark age is the fish - era. The ewer - age
(Age of Aquarius) will bring the ultimate victory of light over the powers of darkness.
"Interkosmisch" is this "world struggle" because it will be held at the same time in this
world and in the hereafter (in the spiritual cosmos), both on this earth world as well as
between the worlds of the afterlife.
To everything that follows will be understandable at this point the first Parakosmologle and
cosmology, which must be applied. It is the Akkadian - Old Babylonian "ILU - doctrine" that
prevailed quite similar even in the earliest times of Christianity, before it was judaized.
The "Ilu-teaching" after the revelation Scripture "Ilu-
(In concise phrases)

1. In "pre-fishing", before there was the earth, the cosmos and all things that
were only the "ILU forces", the spirit forces of the masculine and the feminine.
. 2 When they collided, sprayed infinite - finite number of "sparks" of these off,
and the brightest of these seeds - Sparks was "IL", the About God (Il-Anu / Allvater /
.3 With addition and Il-Anu all seeds of beings and things in the "timeless eternity
and spaceless eternity" were.
. 4 Il-Anu initially created "Mummu", that is: time and
. 5 Then Il-Anu created the "Worlds of eternal light", the "kingdom
of God".
.6 He added all the seeds in his empire and revived it. Before the seeds of nature
just from shell (soul) and core (spirit) had passed. Now it was the eternal Trinity spirit -
soul - become life.
. 7 In the bright worlds of "kingdom of God" unfolded life: plants detention,
animal-like and human way. The human beings were liable "Igigi" and "EI" (angels and
large angel).
8th. One of El left with a few followers, this bright realm in order to create a
counter-empire: the cesspool of darkness - hell. This fallen angel had thus become the
major "Schaddain" to reprobate -for Satan (he is identical with the Old Testament "God"
El Shaddai - Yahweh).
. 9 Many of the angels left the kingdom of God to follow Satan, who claimed his
hell world is much nicer than the Empire Il-anus, and he, the EI Shaddai should be
worshiped as the only God.
10. On the way to hell, the solid angel fell but in the powerlessness of oblivion, because
they had lost the vibration was through her "heavenly body".
11. Il-Anu now created a new world awareness: our cosmos with the earth, so
that a vibration mode is available which allows the lost reincarnation.
12. For this purpose, created Il-Anu a stepladder otherworldly worlds, which after their
earthly death, allows the fallen angels who now go as a people through mortality's
return in the kingdom of God.
13. Since then, however, there is the inter-cosmic struggle between the forces of light
and the forces of darkness, between Il-Anu and the Schaddain ...
This "ILU-teaching 'is to be found, at least as a covert trace, in all religions again. And also
the "Inter Cosmic world fight" like a red thread through the doctrines of humanity. In most
cases, the original truth of the "Ilu - teaching" twisted or merely handed yet atrophied -
particularly in the Bible where Yes Satan was taken for "God" (hence the saying of Christ in
the Gospel of John 8:44: "You are the devil Father!"). The original truth but never went
completely lost. Secret order they preserved through the ages and among high
casualties. The history of the Vril-ists and their spirit friends also relates to the history of
the reawakening of the divine original truth. The large inter-cosmic world struggle was
taken up deliberately; the fight for the light of God and against the darkness of the

The goddess Ishtar / Ostara to which the disclosure

of the "Ilu - Ishtar" back. Here the seal of
Panbabylonischen Medal section, upon presentation
of the seal of Esagila in ancient Babylon.
In the men from the Black Stone
In December of 1919, the innermost circle of the Thule and Vril Society met in a rented old
to Forsthaus in Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden. One of the main characters of this meeting
was the medium Maria Orschitsch (Or ^ s; ic ') from Zagreb. She had brought two stacks
described papers. The leaves of a stack showed the bizarre German Templars - secret
writing, the other transfers in all standard variable font. The content of these pages had
been entered and dictated to medial way - in "Temple Scripture" and in the medium
completely unknown language.Maria Orschitsch thought but that there must be an ancient
oriental languages, and had therefore connect to the "Panbabylonisten" -Freundeskreis
added (founded by Friedrich Delitzsch, Hugo Winckler, Peter Jensen and others), of the
Thule - was close to a circle. It turned out that the seemingly mysterious language was
actually Sumerian, ie the language of the ancient Babylonian culture founders. It is not
known what the contents were sumerischsprachigen texts in detail. But still keeps the
rumor that it had to - traded technical instructions from the beyond, just around the
"recipe" for the construction of the afterlife machine - - among others and thus the basis of
all "UFO" - technology.
In any case, the concept of an "other science" in this period and the following years,
matured (today one would of "alternative science" speak). But it took more than three
Years until the project "Beyond machine" tangible took shape. This should probably have
been a question of financing difficulties. At this early stage of the "other science" and the
"other technology", Dr. Schumann at the Technical University - Munich a lecture from a
few sentences to be reproduced here:
"We know in each and every two principles which govern the things of events: light and
darkness, good and evil, creation and destruction -As we also in electricity plus and minus
know. It is always Either - or!
These two principles - concretely be described as the creative and destructive - determine
our technical means ... Everything destructive is satanic origin - all builds of divine origin ...
Each technique on the explosion principle or combustion, based can therefore as satanic
Technology referred - The upcoming new age will be an age of new, positive gottiger
The other world flight
In 1922 the project "Beyond machine" was tackled and now called Beyond flying machine.
This summer, a barn was built in a small town near Munich. A portion of the soil was
excavated, cracks in the wooden walls were sealed. An additional shed was grown. In this
shed soon accumulated all possible technically seeming items ... The other world flight
machine was set in motion! -
Without this special cosmic - evolutionary "gap" could neither "Beyond flying machine" nor
a "space - time - flying boat" function, which the "Beyond machine" represented the heart
of the matter: So an airworthy, Time Machine '. Also, all electrical gravitational - tachyons -
and free -Energy - apparatuses, which are basically nothing more than "primitive Time
Machine" (if they work), are dependent on the conditions just described. It's always a
question of creating by a correspondingly high frequency and high voltage within a narrow
space in their very next to surroundings an energetic situation as it prevailed in a given
period of time in the past of our universe. This creates a sort of "time tunnel" or "space -
time - wormhole" of our relative presence in the relative past, and through this "channel"
can then energy from the past be included in the respective current equipment.What
arises from the fact, could be a "Perpetuum - Mobile - effect" are called.
In a somewhat modified form of constructive can also cause gravitational and anti-
gravitational effects from smaller to greater strength such apparatus; where by the "micro-
time tunnel" or "micro-space-time wormhole" except electromagnetic energy from gravity
from the past - as a kind of "gravitational pull" - in the presence takes effect; namely as
antigravity effect.
So much in a few words to the operating principle of "Beyond Flying Machine" and the
later "Vril engine".
For a better understanding of the whole matter, we should the universe from its creation of
a "white hole", or "Beyond-this world-wormhole" up to the present, many billions of light
years durchmessendem universe, an expansion universe, which consists of an infinite
number of "space time Cup "is to imagine. This "space-time shells" - meaningful pictorially
similar to an onion - there are immutable, as long as the universe exists. Therefore, could a
1. Time - Flying Machine ", such as the" Beyond machine ", in principle, any past
tense - Space - Time
.2 Shell be achieved.
This may give you a brief insight into the interior of the things that would abzuhandeln in
detail here lead us too far.
Only preserved drawing of "Beyond flying machine".
Your wrong moves
- That the British had twice as many planes lost as the Germans, and "Victory" of Britons
can therefore be no question, but the problem of the lack of coverage of the German
planes had become apparent. The scrapping of the four-engine long-range bomber that
you did not mean to do, because the leadership had believed in a war, took revenge
now. Likewise, the sale of the best fighters (He-100 and He-110) on non-residents. The
German standard fighter Me-109 was indeed fast and agile, but suitable basically for Reich
Defense, as its small range not even 20 minutes battle over London allowed, let alone
escort missions to Scotland, where the British could therefore undisturbed produce its
armaments. And even in the Enlightenment lacked the extensive equipment, which is why
the civilian transatlantic aircraft operated by Lufthansa had to be converted temporarily.
The Vril - production facility was a partly full, the other part to about two-thirds, under
the earth-built complex. Although the above-ground buildings are now all been
destroyed, their figure might yet allow conclusions about the place. Since not excluded
can that the underground facilities are partially available, we were stopped, cover all
heranziehbaren for eventual localization features in the photos. In this phase, you
remembered the "weird round thing", which was in 1934 again demonstrated - and that
no one had taken seriously because there is no right wing, no tail, and "not even a
propeller" possessed. Similar to the first jet plane that flew before the war began, was
literally overslept by several years, it was with the Vril - technology. But since this
"strange thing" there was after all, could fly "incredibly fast" and had a huge reach, it
was taken from a shed and dusted. It was provided with a square, armored cabin
pressure and also with two machine guns Mk-104 (2cm) equipped. Then began test
flights. That was in late autumn 1940th
The "RFZ-2" had an essential Prob0lem: The pulse control allowed only changes of
direction of 90 °, 45 !, or 22.5! , So it was totally unsuitable as a fighter. -But It was useful
to be used as long-range reconnaissance. And for this purpose it has been used since
The "Flying Hot Water Bottle"
There were two reasons, the RFZ-2 to miss this nickname:
First, because it really looked a bit like an old hot water bottle - and secondly, because it
was very fast murderously hot in the tiny cockpit.
The whole RFZ-2 had only a little more than five feet in diameter. The cockpit was so
narrow that the pilot had to lie face down in it with his legs drawn up. For an experimental
aircraft which had not been a problem - but now had to accept the "Flying Hot Water Bottle"
extensive reconnaissance flights. For this purpose, a many-led prism telescope had been
installed down.
Despite all the adversity the RFZ-2 should have done throughout the war good services to
the Americas and in the Antarctic area. The RFZ-2 had no landing gear. It started from a
wooden scaffolding. The three high stilts land had to be winched from the outside into the
airframe before starting. For the landing they were then rocketed out with a spring
With all the temporary should have proven "Flying Hot Water Bottle". The whereabouts of
this circular aircraft is unknown.
Made only known photo of RFZ II from the use of a Fw-200 crew of the South Atlantic.
"RFZ 2", the "Flying Hot Water Bottle"
Godlike! VRIL.
Is well known that "UFOs" always appear due to the own gravitational field more or less
out of focus - but also mostly colored lights. Let us look at what terms for "driving steps"
within the Vril Society had consistently:
"First Course" - white - yellow = 'truth' 'Second Course
"- YELLOW - ORANGE =, QUALITY'" Third Gear "- orange
- red =, LOVE '" fourth gear "- red - green =, MERCY'"
Fifth transition "- green - blue =, forgiveness '" sixth
gear "- BLUE - VIOLET =' justice '" seventh gear "-
VIOLET - INDIGO = self-sacrifice' (Refers to the Vril-7
engine with a total of 21 stages.)
Certainly not by chance, this corresponds to the "seven sacred attributes of God"
according to Marcionite definition. (corr. "Black Hole Sun")
Given such handling of things need not be surprising if the Vril Society, and whose works
are considered by most people with great awe. Can because so
Engineers talk and think? Can you take this seriously? One can! Is it true about not mean
that the "UFO" tend to light up in the colors described here - and that the light colors
change depending on the "transition"? - But of course that is pure externality, the
incomprehensible to the outsider like to stay, that the corresponding "vibrations" had
certainly just too intellectual, even spiritual, significance.
And so also the name given to the operation of cloth Vril engine remains a mystery. The
Vril people said:
Light from the light exposure ISAIS- and "Vril" icon - or
"Aldebaranisches" emblems?
The spirit of "Vril"

The kingdom Sumeran (Aldebaran) can be referred to as political theocracy. Head of the
kingdom is a ruler.something of a "Empress", which is both spiritual as a kind of "High
Priestess" Head of State, maybe a little comparable to the Pope in the Middle Ages. This
imperial and religious leader is always feminine - just the "Empress". My subordinate, as
the highest executive organ, the "Reichsführer". This is always a male, he is head of the
space fleet and all Armed Forces and determines the economic decision-makers and all
other areas over all this is "the deity" - tangible by the "Para Computer" Malock, will be
spoken of.
In ancient times the aldebaranischen cultural history, however, another order must have
So the capital is named after one of Sumi-He "famous king from ancient times" called
"Derger" - but this Dargor is pronounced now. Possibly lived this
King Derger even before the expansion of the sun Aldebaran SUMI for "Red Giant" and was
essential for saving redesign of Sumi - responsible solar system.
This primeval king Derger of Sumi - Godman was, "a while ago. which so long ago is that
probably no Sumeraner it knows more "an infinitely for our concepts very advanced"
electronic brain "with the label" create Malock ".This name goes back to the
"aldebaranischen" chief god "Molok". (Here we should recall briefly the fact that the name
of the Babylonian chief god "Marduk" was the god of the Phoenicians and Philistines was
called "Moloch", and the Carthaginians whom God "Malok" revered; all of which together
perhaps no coincidence that the aldebaranischen God's name "Molok" dunned. All these
gods were quite positive connotations. It was only in the Hebrew Bible, they were in a
negative light, but the error, the Moloch had children been sacrificed, it goes back, that the
phrase "children to Moloch through the let go fire "was interpreted as a combustion when
in fact a symbolic baptism by fire meant -.. similar to the young people jumping over
bonfires in the Germanic area)

The "Super-Computer Para" "Malock" is on the king Derger statement with the laws of God
Molok "" been programmed. Laws that had the God Molok reveals the "Aldebaranern"
(whether it may not be yet to einunddieselbe deity who is called in German "Jesse-
disclosure" as "Malok" ?!).
The "Para computer Malock" which perhaps even enables this life-beyond communication
between the "Aldebaranern" and their chief god Molok is housed in a "holy mountain",
which. Of a particularly sworn elite force the "sacred armed crowd" is guarded. This elite
group, which is dedicated to the god Molok, has probably in the "holy mountain" built into
"branches". You alone leads the commands of "Malock" and can probably be regarded as a
fusion of religious police, knights and temple guards. The "Sacred Band" also monitors
compliance with the law, which in the case of infractions might imagine in a very dramatic
way. Interestingly, among the most serious crimes under "aldebaranischem" law for
example: self-interest and selfishness, or even blood mixture. This should be noted in order
to show that the so-called revolutions. Would experience "western community of values",
came in one way or another "aldebaranische" standards of value on earth for use.
The "Para Computer" Malock and his God the Molok consecrated elite troops have
preserved over eons of time humanity of Sumi-He before all signs of decay. - Who knows if
will not be enough once to the earth "the arm Molocks"?
Finally, in summary we can say:
The aldebaranische Reich Sumeran is managed by a tripartite governance:
1. The "Empress" with their priests and priestesses. The successor is likely to be
the intended choice routes from the priestesses.
.2 The "Reichsfuhrer", which is determined by the "Empress" in consultation with
the economic and military leadership circles.
.3 The allüberwachende "God-Para computer" "Malock" and the "Holy armed
hordes" of God Molok.
Apparently, this order has proved over millions of years well. In it, the different
characteristic qualities connections Female, Male and Divine creating a harmonious whole.

11. The far-off worlds Step into einjeder her one human beings after death on
earth. On the earthly world no returns, it seie for visiting by others and in error of
the mind. A new home and a new refers her, you always end up the same,
body, human beings. Far more is a way each of you.
12. As the earthly world forsake, her human beings of this kind will be the world in the
distance, the next will be your Light or dark, hot or cold, loud or soft; and many
distant worlds still wanders from you einjeder.
13 great cry no lifts to the death on earth will. There is no death, there is no sin, there is
no forgetting the self.Do not be afraid to walk over, human beings,
more is to experience all of you still on, as all experience on Earth worlds.
On the sky, the earth boomed Reich shouted - The day froze, the darkness
came out, flashed a flash, it entlodert` a fire ... were more dense, it rained
death. Then blushed incandescent fire and extinguished. But everything fell,
was reduced to ashes.
These descriptions of the Epic of Gilgamesh, panel 4 can be easily understood, in fact, as a
description of nuclear war - the way to nuclear ashes. So the view is even been suggested that
perhaps the earth the mother of all human civilizations is that so maybe the "Aldebaraner"
offspring, could be expatriate Earth people. After several ancient oriental fragments there were
already more "humanities". Berossos example writes a story of humanity around
2.6 million years ago.

The "Winged bull of Babylon" was usually depicted with a human face (our picture shows
one of the colossal statues from the portal of the Sargon's Palace) - What the arrival of the
"royal power from heaven" is concerned, speak the Sumerian king panels from years
210 200 of the flood, which in turn. after Akkadian bill took place 36,000 years ago Sargon.
1 Over the lifetime Sargon 1, science is currently at odds still more than a thousand years,
it is believed between about 2800 and 3950 BC. The eventual arrival of "Aldebaraner-
Sumerians" can therefore be assumed to around quarter of a million a year.
Is this the face of a "Aldebaraners"?
Psy dreams or reality?
Excerpts from a medial transmission of "Aldebaran" to Germany from 1944 (probably
October 4).
(Fragment) ... standing Erderben the deity Aldebarans (Empress), priestess in the house
(temple?) Of the deity to Dargor. Happier than you because we are, because the enemy our
kingdom can not immediately threaten. Also we have the Nunuten (Regula formers) may
recently put heavy blows. The sumeranische commander Sener stands with 4282 battle
cruisers now have Nunut to attack the main enemy world ready. At the Godonos (Capella) -
Front is a battle going on. There, the commander has the world Podatira Menerlok (?)
Conquered recently and moves with 6433 battlecruisers towards Godonos ago. Podatira
had been threatening a thorn in our back front lines by long time the same. Thus, it is now
over. Tutan (?), Wrosta (?), Uluk (?) And Ollibatusia (?) Has already lost to us, so that now
only the world Lokkydan the enemy (?) Is in enemy hands. Lokkydan is besieged by the
commander Tobitner with its 420 battle cruisers and is mnit Moloks help, soon fall. The
most important thing at present for sumeranische warfare, to be able to bring the large
number of around 30000 battlecruisers decisive battle to Godons that the front sections
Tesiladt (?) And S..d (?) Are still bound. The biggest ... not be carried out because such
iniquity would be contrary to the commandments of the deity against. Even to our
happiness there where that our enemies with their ships our world are not able to directly
threaten, because so far they can not fly, and their intermediate points we have taken
away from them, recently Podatira than last. But we can achieve with our battle cruisers
the enemy worlds directly, without the need for such bases. But I say: peace will not come
as long as the deity adverse Councils of State on Nunutan and Godonos exercise their lider
royal regiment, .an which the Uiusen bear the blame, since they also state councils made
themselves available (?). These evil beings must be totally defeated.
You, the same, the fight standing, I have the commander Zoder provided with 280 battle
cruisers. This power must be sufficient to crush your enemies on the terrestrial world. Gatlinburg
is equipped with stripped his battle cruisers of the Srock front and the other, fight
been. As soon as we found the crossing paths with your help, these ships going to march
to you. There must be a first plan of action between ...
Whether these are all now medial dream ideas - or whether we want to accept real backgrounds
-Sicherlich Is not so readily be expected to "invasion of Aldebaraner" (although admittedly
leaves absolutely nothing to exclude completely here).

Perhaps you can imagine most likely that some sort of "moral support" by "Aldebaran"
could occur. In a sense, the modest threat from the borders of the solar system here. This
could make it appear in a different light, the much-discussed "SDI" projects. Messenger but
the US even of the then USSR in this partnership its "super projects" at;an aspect that must
seem highly paradoxical if one wants to take "SDI" was meant to ward off a possible attack
of the former USSR. But what opportunities you may well give the SDI system in the fight
against an unspeakably high superior aldebaranische Fleet? Surely not! The know-
optionally course the Allies. But perhaps they hope, if only one admission preparedness
would cause the German-aldebaranische forces to hesitate?
The reality is probably very much simpler. Our information is about half a century old. In
this period can be much happened on those other levels. The increasingly rapid pervasive
collapse of the Allies - even without major hostilities speaks well for itself.

Starships Aldebaraner
Comments on the tables 1), 2) and 3):
1. Aldebaranischer interstellar space battle cruiser, length of 1.5 km, 1.0 km span -
Dinghies: -3 discus shaped interstellar reconnaissance spacecraft, 45 meters in
diameter, 20 meters in height, -1 roll-shaped interstellar landing Space Shuttle and
Shuttle-carrier ship, 150 meters
Length, 50 meters in diameter (height /
2. Aldebaranisches interstellar space battleship, 3.0 km long, 2.0 km span -Beiboote: -
14 roller-shaped interstellar carrier spaceships, 150 meters in length, 50 meters in
diameter (height / width)
-3 Discus spaceships (reconnaissance) loading capacity = 42 discus-
shaped interstellar reconnaissance spacecraft.
3. Aldebaranisches interstellar Raumsuperschlachtschff, 6.0 km long, 3.0 km span
-Beiboote: -10 roller-shaped interstellar spaceships carrier, 450 meters long, 150
meters in diameter (height / width)
-81 Discus spaceships (reconnaissance) loading capacity = 810 discus
shaped interstellar reconnaissance spacecraft.
Since NASA photos of UFOs with the outlines of Haunebu II - and Vril-1 spacecraft from
1969 exist on the Earth's moon, some of these spacecraft may have been stationed since
1945 in the Earth's moon, their crews probably, like that of Haunebu-III and Vril-7 on Mars,
docked on Earth's Moon for the arrival of Aldebaraner room Armada lunar bases.
After Vril Odin had reached 1967 Aldebaran, likely some Aldebaraner reconnaissance
spaceships have its orbit traced back to the earth and have arrived here later than in
1968, have therefore made an extremely rapid dimension channel to Earth with multiples
superluminal effect, where they may in preparation for your room Armada a space station
stationed with "PSI-projector" on an earth orbit.
That although sporadic Aldebaraner spaceships can quite quickly get to the Earth, but not a
whole huge Raumfiotte, has its cause in the fact that any
Dimension Channel travel those space sector in which takes place this superluminal effect
spaceflight, in his space -time - shaken continuum the more, the more objects and pass
through each larger superluminal effect this a Weltallsektor.
This space -time -Kontinuum shakes manifested especially in gravitational shock waves, so
gravity shocks that act on the, or the missiles in question. Is now a missile built to
easily ,. such as the Vril-7 in its version end of 1944, he will at least be damaged even at a
relatively slow superluminal effect flight, which was also the case with Vril. 7The built
differently and more stable Vril-6/8-Odin coped in any case his
Dreifachüberlichteffektraumfiug for Aldebaran entirely without damage. While now a single
spaceflight twill with the most advanced technology of Aldebaraner quite able to travel with
superluminal effect highest values, this was not possible a larger fleet with yet as stable
built spaceships.
A Aldebaraner space fleet will therefore always flown for security with a relatively slight
light effect, probably that of the rich German Vril-6/8-Odin corresponded which therefore
could serve as a pilot spaceship for space armada of Aldebaraner. Hence the Aldebaraner
room Armada can reach the Earth earlier than in the nineties.
German "HAUNEBU" 1944
The planned by the SS-EV, but until 1945 on a dedicated site in Wiener Neustadt, Lower
Danube, no longer built mother spaceship "Andromeda device", should have that space for
a Haunebu II and four Vril-1 and -2, has to 1950/51 have been probably built in a
subterranean giant ice cave in Neuschabenland-Deutschantarktika, but still at least as a
single copy outside of Europe, since from him a 1951 made telescopic recording exists,
how it floats as a "luminous cigar" on the Earth's moon. That would also explain why the
Vril-1 appearing with his for a lunar spaceship to low coverage on NASA Moon photos
PLATE 96. Apollo 11 on the Moon. Photo taken from TV screen in Europe showing white
bell-shaped UFO right hand Photo. 1969
Who since has been handed down that both Haunebu-III, as well as Vril-7 until the spring of
1945, the Antarctic, Neuschwabenland anflogen, these are the items from "Andromeda
device" will be overflown by Neuschwabenland where it was assembled here, and with a
Haunebu II and four Vril 1 in the Hangern (the construction of the Vril-2 was abandoned)
launched to the moon, then where
their crews with the Mondstützpunktbau for the expected Aldebaraner - Space Armada
And then I saw another earth world. Familiar, yet also strange at the same time. On it I
went down. But whose sky was a bluish red, and there was no other day than precisely
in this light. Another sun seemed to me (there) and another moon, which was a
twin. But I heard speak languages that I (mentally) understood. Perhaps succeeded the
Vril-7, the "VRIL ODIN", the flight to Aldebaran - and perhaps saw the Vril crew behavior
then things like the Babylonian seer Sajaha she described in a vision: (Saj.5)
The inter-cosmic consciousness of the
"Vril" (The absolute sovereignty.)
Inter Cosmic Consciousness - VRIL SPIRIT - is the highest development level of the human
mind in this life.Anyone who has acquired it, is constantly filled with it, he is "Vril"

Many things are possible - nothing is impossible of all this! What it is to say, to conclude
this book, is especially this: The people of the Thule and Vril Society pursued unusual
objectives, specific objectives of both a spiritual and substantial coverage that is capable
of small minds almost beyond measure. Whoever wants to understand - must learn the
wide thinking.
Annex 1
1. The "Jesse Factor"

The Jesse Factor The real core

of Jesse myth
The myth about the "goddess of Jesse" has suffered the same fate over the years, like
many other myths also.Time Current circumstances have taken effect and changes
effected. individual
Aspects have been singled out, brought to the fore, and finally declared a
major. Gradually led like then increasingly from the true core away So what does the
true core of the myth of.:

Jesse comes from Kuthärach (or Kuthagracht), the realm of demons, that is in the dark
zones of the Beyond (but not in the dark, which is a distinction). She is originally so no
goddess, but a demon. However, since it has a very bright temperament, she is drawn
towards the world of the gods. Because of their pure spirit - but also because of their great
feminine beauty - Jesse is taken there.
In a particularly difficult year for the world of the gods moment Jesse proving their
gratitude. You bring the magic black stone -violetten back from hell who had been robbed
of their sinister spirits.
This stone (or crystal) is of particular importance, because have accumulated and clenched
in his divine power oscillations; namely female, ie vibrations of the goddesses. This
feminine stone called "Ilua". He has a male counterpart, are concentrated in the vibrations
of the gods. This male stone called "Garil" (Grail). Only these two stones together can bring
about that highest vibration of the divine "Iluhe" which decides on government claims - etc.
As the sinister power of hell is a male, she wanted to bring the stone with the female
vibration in their possession in order also to prevent the domination of the devil hated
female deity in the new age on earth.
Since the kingdom of hell is a male only - hell dilapidated women are imprisoned in the
hellish atria -, a feminine force can fight them best (this image has remained vague in
Christianity; many representations Mariens' show under their feet trampled the serpent,
the defeated devil). In order to be able to sneak undetected into hell, as it was their plan,
Jesse had to dress up for this mission as a boy and also cut their hair reaching down to the
floor until hip length, so that they can hide under a hood. She did not want to do. The gods
promised her but the perfect deification, so you immediately after the mission in full length
could get back her hair. Then Jesse agreed.She took the panel to, crept into hell and the
devils stole the stolen magic stone. She has been recognized, however, there has been a
dramatic escape. On the Brink of Hell they would have been almost packed, you would not
be the demon Malok (=> Moloch?) Rushed to help. This has since been her loyal friend.
As Jesse successful in the world of the gods returned (the Middle Kingdom / Valhalla /
Olympus), kept the gods their promise. So that she could but remain in the world of the
gods, they must be of the terrible demon Malok separate. This did not Jesse. They
wandered for a while perplexed by the spheres and discovered on Earth the knight
Hubertus. They decided to help to rule over the earth and that his followers, when the new
age come. So they hurried back to the world of gods and spoke to the goddess Istara
(Ishtar / Venus / Ostara / Aphrodite / Ashera / Freyja / Inanna / Aramati etc.). The goddess
Istara said it was decided anyway to pass the two important stones appropriate people so
that at the proper time the female Ilu - vibration to Earth will go dressed etc ..
The male stone "Garil" will of God Wodin (Odin / Wotan / Jupiter / Zeus / Marduk / Indra)
bring the secret to the ground, the female "Ilua" she should, Jesse, install and provide a
safe hiding place.
Jesse brought Ilua, the magical "black-purple stone", the Unterberg (between
Berchtesgaden and Salzburg), where she led the Knights Hubertus to build a
neighborhood, and now consecrated him in the mysteries an etc .. Jesse appeared that
knighthood then multiply. Meanwhile had Wodin (Odin) another knight group in the north
of Italy a quarter had created the Garil, handed over to the other magic stone. Istara
(Venus) years already had previously caused the spirit of the former Roman emperor
Octavian Augustus, once again to embody in a German knight on earth. In the form he
should prepare his subsequent rebirth as emperor in the new world age.For this purpose
he had to, according to specific instructions of the goddess, can secretly create a golden
figure, which was a male / female dual head, which was supported by the Frauenzopf as of
a column (the "Great Baphomet of Vienna", also known as, the "Figura ").
Jesse also had the role of bringing together those Ritterschaften and to ensure the
completion of the work, if the new age (the Age of Aquarius) comes.
In the present time, during the forming of the old Piscean to the new Age of Aquarius, will
win the Jesse - myth - at least indirectly - its topicality.
Utterances secret ideas According to the "revitalization" of those golden figure would be
1983/84 or 1989/90 will be within the male / female double major either, or else 1997/98
take place, respectively. have taken place somewhere in secret.
Is the very last certitude sure that the double main Baphomet of the Knights Templar was,
that name should not be used here, although can be assumed with probability bordering
on certainty.
The standing behind it all is well in the core idea that a special vibration caused by the
magical connection between the two stones "Ilua" and "Garil" which the divine "Ilu-beam"
draws on the principle of affinity of vibrations. This in turn makes its way from the
hereafter to the here and now through a special "lock", which is called "Ilum" and is
equivalent to "black sun" with the often misinterpreted (and abused). If the "Ilu -ray", the
beam of the absolute divine light reaches the earth, then the era of cruel Bible of God and
of intolerant monotheism ends. The female deity takes over the rule, embodied in the love
goddess Ishtar / Venus. At the same time a wise man will build the Caesarism again and
renew the world in the spirit of the goddess. This man will be the rebirth of a great ruler
personality of the past. The true womanhood will again be honored in his femininity; all
old, divine and natural principles triumph.
Jesse has fulfilled its mission in the moment, where everything required for this purpose is
prepared - so well at this time. Then they fade into the background, the goddess of love
outshines everything.
2. The right and the wrong picture of

The essence of Jesse (Jesse goddess from Unterberg etc.) has caused interest again in the
past decades. This false descriptions and representations are not failed, such are traded in
various ways.
Unfortunately, this is likely to lead people astray, who want to take a closer look at this
Be first on the edge "The Angel of the West Window" spoken by the erroneous conception
Gustav Meyrink in his novel. In this book, the poet constructs a little historical story about
the English alchemist John Dee. Both time-shifted as well as meaningful confused Meyring
brings motifs from the environment of the Templar faction "The Men of the Black Stone,"
which the German-Italian "secret scientific section" of the Order (SIGNUM Secretum
TEMPLI) shelter, into play. Thus emerged a magical "black stone" to, but completely
different from the Black Stone of the Templars. As a rival alchemist Meyrink leaves a "black
Jesse" emerge, which has nothing in common with the quasi-historical proper form. How
little the poet adheres to true principles, also shows that he depicts Emperor Rudolph II. At
the time of the emergence of John Dee at his court as an old man, while the Emperor was
then 31 years old. One of "Adaptation" subjects Meyrink also the 'Jesse hymn' ("From the
light of the moon ...).
At least as regards the description of the Voice of "Jesse" avoiding manifest errors. But lets
be geschilderter "Jesse cult" no error, since the poet confuses the bizarre rituals of a
Gnostic sect with the actual Jesse aspect.
However, all this can not be called serious, since the poet Gustav Meyrink claims no
authenticity of his work.
The situation is different with various recent publications that lay claim to the
"documentation" in itself, but an entirely false picture of Jesse-mediate (eg Jesse with a
short hairstyle, etc.).
About the origin of this imperfection, which dates back to the 1920s, is to be done at
this point reconnaissance.
The rediscovered Jesse.
In the modern era of Jesse myth was taken up in 1903 by the then "Panbabylonischen
society" to Vienna, from which under the leadership of the young Viennese woman Maria
Orschitsch 1919 the "Pan-German Society for Metaphysics" emerged with headquarters in
Munich. Soon this company was also "Vri-Il" - or the "Vril Society".
This union had direct contact with a "Templar heritage community" in Vienna, from which
their original documents were handed over; in particular through the archive management
DHvSS ("The Men of the Black Stone") to Salzburg.
The "Pan-German Society for Metaphysics" dealt henceforth, inter alia, with the revival and
continuation of the old myths about Jesse and the magical "Black Stone" and the ideas of
the Templar Commander Hubertus, which on behalf of the Vienna Großkomturs Hugo von
Weitenegg the Ettenberg Commandery at the foot of the Untersberg initiated in
Berchtesgaden; In 1938, the Company also old threads on the Venetian Bucintoro Medal.
The Jesse aspect was true of the "Pan-German Society for Metaphysics" as an important
part of a larger structure to which the myth about the "Great Figura" and the coming reign
of the goddess Ishtar (Venus) included in the new aeon.
For the "Vril Society" of Jesse myth is indeed evidently not been of central
importance; However, he made an important component of the larger overall
structure. So it is perhaps not pure
Been by chance that both the colors of Jesse (Black Silver Violet) as well as the allocable
this Lightning Signet in this circle was used. One time in particular current concern of this
predominantly composed of young ladies Community was the Kulturkampf against the
dehumanization of women by masculinization, such as short hairstyles etc. Therefore, it
was determined the commitment to long hair for all female members of the community
after a vote in the year 1922nd
At the periphery of the society it came to the elimination of a small group of the ruling
fashion still wanted to submit. Through these documents came from the archives into the
hands of an enterprising occult group, the inexperienced people attracted by Hocus Pocus
money out of the pockets. Those group presented a "modernized Jesse" with a short
hairstyle. The end of 1923, after the 'Templar Erbengemeinschaft' all original illustrations,
seals etc with the help of the figurative mark law legally had protected it, the
misrepresentations were banned.
In 1926, another occult club used again Jesse false representations, though only on the
edge of other things.This association was dissolved in 1934 due to private lawsuits filed
by several financially-impaired persons.The false Jesse images and texts were for the time
being disappeared.
Came only after the Second World War false "Jesse" -representations -First used again to
the public and were again of people who actually did not know, to have to deal with
counterfeiting. It was there so initially no fraudulent intent.
The newly created after the Second World War false Jesse photo incidentally went back on
a very pretty professional photo model, which for the optical presentation offered, without
knowing it.
The reason for the "modernization" is certainly easy to explain:
For business use, a "Jesse-image", with as many women can identify with, better than the
hip-length hair is correct with.
The error is not seen through over several years, or have not even noticed by experts in
the subject, because such hardly stood in connection to the "esoteric business". Added to
this was that in the informed circles long since no deal closer to the Jesse-aspect, this
matter therefore also over the years attracted no attention. After all, it would not have
been too bad, so to speak, to present "two versions", would be the case had not embezzle
the historically correct. Because for people with serious interest, of course, was alone
worth the correct picture.
Later, however, about the mid-1990s, the spread of the fault has been detected; were
sent to all relevant companies corrective briefings. Apparently, this was not perceived at
all, or not respected.
The only real Jesse-representation is that of Jesse with long hair, where there is the
formation before the seal "Hell travel" with a floor-length hair and since the "Hell travel"
with waist-length hair. All representations of "Jesse" with short hair are wrong.
Not always it must have acted as deliberate falsification. A source of the error was
probably in the description that Jesse her floor-length hair goddesses had cut a piece,
which was also similar to earthly women - indeed the earthly features of the Middle Ages,
not those of the XX. Century.
An Original illustrations of Jesse are still available:
A carved wooden figure (in 1235), Jesse standing with the Black Stone and waving waist-
length hair. From this figure, there is a very accurate drawing, made by the
Original by historian Dr. H. Erich riding, as well as a successful copy of the woodcarvers
Erwin Reiff. The original figure is received undamaged, but the base has been lost over
Further, there is a drawing in wood (around 1230) with even longer hair, and a clay relief
(around 1235), in turn, with waist-length hair.
The Jesse amulet and the Malok Seal have probably been reconstructed, however, already
in a relatively earlier time (probably around 1550).
From a later period (1870) there are illustrations to the poem "Hell travel," which can not
be counted among the original representations, although they comply with the
From more recent times several 'medial' prepared drawings are available that show Jesse
partly with open waist-length hair, and partly with a pigtail. (namely those Medial
drawings can not be considered as historical, however, are quite remarkable).

Must be regarded as uncertain whether the woman image maps (about 1520 Venice)
Jesse in a seal of the Ordo Bucintoro. The similarity to some of the 'Medial drawings' but
seems extremely striking.
With regard to the Jesse fonts can be genuine, respectively. transmitted faithfully in the
presence of German, are as follows:
The "Jesse-revelation" Verse 1-86 (from then on in parts uncertain) and the small text
'hope'. The seal "Jesse hell trip" (not to be confused with the written in first-person form
fake!) Must be regarded as significant.
Good transfer is known as a "hymn" Originaltext:
From the light of the moon, from the darkness of
night, you come induce, sister Jesse 'that you ever
saw us, you always thought our.
However, this list does not claim any other known text fragments would be wrong from
beginning to end. A thorough work-up of all relevant headings and text fragments is

3. Jesse phenomena

The data obtained in the original descriptions of Jesse - phenomena of the Middle Ages are
scarce. The text collection "Jesse Earth Walking" has not been preserved, most published
under this title later lyrics are at best vague reconstructions, if not inventions. Of the four
remaining true portrayals are again only two fully.

The four surviving original descriptions describe the appearance of Jesse as follows: Twice
a simple women's clothes, even braided her hair in front of the right shoulder to form a
neck, at another tied together in front of the shoulder to a tail. Further, even in skimpy
clothes, with open, waist-length hair. Locally found this three appearances at the fountain
of Ettenberg
-Komturei Instead. A fourth description portrays Jesse in pompous woman clothing,
provided with open hair and jewelry; This phenomenon is described inside the
A remarkable feature is found in the old basic descriptions of Jesse. Then changes in the
earth the color of her hair with the daily routine. Although Jesse is described 'otherworldly'
with copper-colored hair, they appear in the earthly morning red, blond day, brown and
black in the afternoon at night.
According to tradition, Jesse should show again personally in 1996th For this year, there is
actually a whole series of phenomena, in part by people who do not from Jesse - Did
myth. These experiences have been sighted in Vienna, some were classified as serious
increasingly. These Jesse - phenomena are reproduced below, (partially streamlined) in the
wording of those persons from whom the descriptions submitted.
Jesse - appearances in 1996
August 17, 1996, against 16, oo clock in the afternoon,
Jesse appeared tall and slim. Her eyes were amber. She wore a floor-length waisted dress
that was tight to the thighs and then was far, it had long sleeves that were initially narrow
and wide were the forearm. The dress was reddish brown and had an ornate silver belt. At
the wrists she had silver jewelry. The hair
had it open and parted on the right. On both sides Punting silver combs therein. The hair
was bright red brown, more than hip length and very thick, they looked massive, almost
metallic sheen and only very slightly wavy.Below were the tops tight, but it did not look
like cut out.
August 24 against 8, oo clock in the morning, near Tulln, Lower
Jesse appeared, quite tall, slender, somewhat delicate. She had brown eyes. Her hair was
auburn, light, only a little wavy, almost smooth and very glossy. The hair went well up to
the hips and were very tight so that it almost enveloped the figure. Gold or silver combs
stuck up in your hair. The dress, which bore Jesse was, partly silvery and golden partly as
Brocade, it went down to the ground and had a wide belt and long sleeves.
September 8 to 14, oo pm, Salzburg area:
Jesse was of medium height and slim. She was wearing a long, fairly wide light brown
dress with a slightly darker belt. Her hair was dark blond and gleaming. The crest was
right, and in front of the left shoulder she had tied her hair into a thick and very long
horsetail, they were not tightly bound, from the crown she slipped her far in the face. Her
eyes were light brown, and she had almost bright red lips.
September 21 to 22, oo clock in the evening,
The woman (Jesse) was tall and very slim and was wearing a long, loose robe with long
sleeves. It was purple and had black and silver ornaments and a wide black-silver belt. In
the hair she had a silver hairband, otherwise they were open. Her hair was dark brown,
almost black, they shone so that it looked like lights. They went up to his waist and saw
plenty of heavy, almost smooth. She had dark eyes, it was impossible to accurately detect
the color.
October 23 to 20.oo clock in the evening, near Bad
Jesse was pretty tall, slim and very beautiful. She was wearing a long silver dress with long
sleeves and a wide belt. Her hair was brown, very long, perhaps down to the hips, and
very plump and shiny, perhaps as polished chestnut. She had quite openly, quite wild, so
that it hung in her face, because she wore a side parting. Your probably dark eyes were
shaded it.
October 24 to 20.oo clock in the evening, near Bad
It was the same place and Jesse looked like on the day of before, only that this time a silver
hairband her hair back holding something with which they but still seemed foolhardy.
29 November at 11.00 clock in the morning, close to
Jesse was quite large and very slim. She wore a long, light blue dress. Her hair was braided
blond and at a tremendous thick braid that hung in front of her left shoulder, almost to the
womb. In the hand of Jesse held a narrow golden wand, but I could not tell
exactly. Everything was very bright for them. What color are her eyes, I do not know, I
think, an almost yellowish brown, maybe green.
1 December to 21.oo clock in the evening, near
Jesse is a great, but perhaps slim, woman, very beautiful she is. She has warm brown eyes
and plump dark brown, shiny, acting unruly hair of great stature, more than to the hips,
but below the peaks almost straight. She wore a dark purple dress that was tight up and
down was out far. In the sleeves that were too long, similar. The dress had a wide silver
belt with black in the middle, who emphasized her waist. It also had silver Ornament-
ments. In your hair, top of the page opposite the apex, Jesse had a silver jewelry
comb. Jesse looked very like a beautiful woman, holding her appearance.
The Bride of Baphomet
Agnes S.-N.
This story is between fantasy and reality. Reality is the diary of Agnes, where the story is
based mainly, as well as in the description of the exterior of that beautiful young woman, on
the day, nothing has changed. The aforementioned locales are applicable. However, the
studio of the painter was (who was a friend, not the sister of Agnes), in another street of
Vienna's city center. With regard to this scene, the story takes a freedom because this same
place, the Wiener Blutgasse, the Knights Templar Order is on again historically. Incidentally,
it is clear that very separate paths have just gone there before smashing the
Order. Realistic backgrounds also have the myths of which we speak, and many details. This
affects roughly certainly not gripped in the air Legend to the "big Baphomet", the "world of
eternal dawn", the realm of the goddess Venus, to which the emperor Augustus believed
plays an important role. It is also true the connection all which with the Unterberg. In
Salzburg. True are the descriptions of the clear magic, the importance of the long hair of
women, and the indicated quasi sexual magic component. As far as regards the perspective
of Agnes, all the magical aspects are portrayed correctly and relying on safe ground. As
regards, however, the black magic attacks, were reconstructed by the help of external
sources eventualities. Invented are also conflicting organizations, which need not
necessarily mean that it could not give those to you. All in all, however, is in this story -
particularly with regard to the spiritual and magical details - perhaps more truth than
"The Bride of Baphomet"
(Text sketch after Diary of Agnes S.-N.)
Authorized original version, December 1997
prologue Vienna in 1243
Midnight in a narrow street of medieval Vienna, which is given a name after the events of
the coming hours by the vernacular, which now stands on the street sign: The "Blutgasse".

At the high walls of the subterranean chamber under the Vienna home of the Knights
Templar Order of blazing torches. From the ceiling hung on chains large wrought-iron shells,
of which ausbrennendes oil spread bright light.The vaulted ceiling of the large cavernous
space Hatt Eder soot the oil fires blackened. That night was a ceremony held here, a
ceremony of a very special kind: The "Figura" of the "Great Baphomet" would be charged for
the magical emergence of a still distant new age, with the beginning of the XXI. Century
spread and would dominate the earth. All preparations for the ceremony are taken. At
midnight, when the star Venus would have taken a very specific position in the sky, the high
ritual had to be performed. Two knights reveal the high figure, which had been hitherto
concealed by a purple cloth. Now shone the great Baphomet. It was a strange-looking to
figure made of pure gold. She showed a double major with a female and a male face. From
the female half of the head went out a long, thick braid that was like a pillar, the double
major. Below the Zopfende broke up over an arched, ornate with gems octagonal base. The
great Baphomet was a symbol of the eternal Godhead, which is male and female from the
forces. The trained as Frauenzopf column pointed out the importance of those female forces
through which, guided in the form of the goddess of love, the union of the two divine
ingredients and thus a creative act. This "Figura" stood on a round, seven-stage pedestal of
polished basalt. On the side facing towards the north wall there was a decorated altar. Also
expect this from shiny Basalt. Above the altar loomed the golden statue of a goddess. My
abdomen was like a lily, from which it seemed to grow out. The long hair of the goddess
spread like blowing in the wind, so that they resembled wings. They were the spiritual wings
of the goddess Ishtar, Venus, through which they speak radiated forces. Against this altar
were three young women in long salmon pink robes, which were decorated with silver
lilies. The woman in the middle wearing open her up under her hips reaching brown hair,
the other two had their braided into equally long braids.One of the two was blonde, the
other brunette. These three beautiful women stood completely still. Forty-two men formed
up around the cave to the Baphomet figure and looked silently at the three women at the
altar. The men wore white coats with black-rimmed red thorn crosses it.
They waited quietly until the brunette woman began to talk with her hair loose, the
priestess of the goddess. Her voice was light and gentle, but the Hall in the cave gave her a
powerful sound, as she said, "now approaching the first hour of the goddess. But still far is
her second, which leads to perfection. Initially it will apply, the time of darkness to endure -
through many generations - until the light awakens the Goddess unfold their forces on
earth. This will be only when the water jug opens (the ewer age / Aquarian Age comes) on
the ridge from the twentieth to the twenty-first century. Before the new light comes,
darkness is terrible rage. But certain it is, finally, the victory of our sacred goddess "The
forty-two men chorused:". It will be "And now also talked the blonde and the black-
haired woman:". It will be "The priestess told the same words again and attacked it with one
hand in her shimmering hazel hair. With the other hand, they also gave the men in the circle
of a sign. This all bowed their heads for a moment. It was as if they had to internalize
something that was not easy for them. Then the Knights turned their cloaks. These were
now black with red thorn weißumrandeten crosses. And the men said in unison: "In the dark
times will prevail the black of mourning." The three women said, "But when the dawn of the
goddess rising in the sky of the time, then their rosy color will reign everywhere, bloody
crosses soft luminous lily of the holy goddess of love. "And the men repeated:". However,
when the dawn of the goddess rising in the sky of the time, then their rosy color will reign
everywhere, bloody crosses are soft luminous lily of the holy goddess of love "The echo of
the words fades. Again there is silence in the vault. Now the priest held out her arms and
said: "The first of the knights come to me, the chosen one for the Einherierweg. "A
handsome man of perhaps forty years ago and went zoom up stepped to the altar. The
priestess said, "Now the Spirit of the Great Emperor will be called in the Baphomet for many
centuries, so that it once may arise anew to rule this world in the spirit and in the name of
the goddess." So she handed the pre-beaten knight her hands and this they took. The other
two women were preparing a purple bearing between the altar of the goddess and the
Baphomet figure. Meanwhile, said the priestess - and her words seemed to be addressed to
both the standing before her knight as well as to all those present: "The eternal forces of Ilu,
the masculine and the feminine, all Göttlichens up to the highest power, are now to be
convincingly other times. "With that she left the hands of the knight los. The two assistants
approached. The knight handed the one his coat, belt and sword, the other stripped him
then complete. The first Asisstentin put the sword of the knight before the altar. With a
bottle of rose oil she came back and so anointed the now naked body of the knight. The
other assistant solved now several decorated with silver lilies bracelets on the robe of the
Priestess. The shell of salmon red velvet fell from her, and stood unclothed represents the
priestess The assistants withdrew, and only two people standing in front of the altar
opposite:. First Knight and the priestess -a man and a woman. The reflection of light shone
on her skin open, drew the shapes of the two bodies as a rötlichgoldenem brush. The long
brown hair the priestess but now shone like bright copper. The priestess said, "In the face of
the goddess is the same as the mind of the Emperor, the great Augustus, arise in the astral
lovemaking. So he will take his way. "One of the other two women, the blonde, now took
from the altar a broad, sharp dagger and cut himself so that the tips of her Zopfenden
unterrsten from only a few centimeters. At the interfaces at once appeared the hint of a
reddish light. She handed the dagger to the black-haired woman, and these cut the
extremities of their Zopfspitzen with it. Even with her slightly reddish interfaces began to
shine. Then she put the dagger back on the altar and gave their Zopfspitzenenden the other
blonde. This was the figure of Baphomet and moved into their base a small drawer. She
took out a sparkling crystal and scattered into the hair lace snippets. The crystal, however,
she brought the priestess. This gave him the bared knights and said: "In this male stone,
the Garil (Grail), the Emperor's mind is now finding their way. Ilua, the female counterpart,
lie safely hidden in the holy mountain Wodin (Odin / Wotan) and awaits the new time. Then
the two crystals in the Great Baphomet will be united by a worthy woman for their birth.
"The priestess held now the crystal between her breasts, and the knight kisses him
there. The assistants lifted the priestess whose long hair from the back in front of the
shoulders. The priestess held the crystal now down to the ends of her hair and said, "the
currents of divine light Ilu". Her hair began to shine over its entire length in a bright reddish-
purple sheen. This lights detected soon her whole figure.
The knight knelt before her and kissed the tips of long hair the priestess. Also went to him
thereby over the reddish-violet lights.The knight rose again. The priestess now handed him the
crystal. He held it up for a moment. The reddish-violet lights sensed the whole room. Now solved
the two assistants on her hair, and also from these now shone the reddish violet lights, it flooded
the entire vault and outshone as if the light from the oil derFackeln and shells. One of the
assistants took the knight the crystal out of his hand, wrapped it in the ends of her hair and took
him to the figure of the Great Baphomet. There waited the other assistant. This took the crystal
and put it in the base of the figure on the Zopfspitzenenden. Now undress the two assistants, and
stood on the third step of the pedestal. They pulled her hair forward and wove them into a single
thick braid, through which they were now interconnected.The Black and Blonde their hair in a
single braid gave this a special appearance: It symbolized that two verscheidende forces united
in great Baphomet. So the two women remained standing still. Suddenly the Baphomet figure
began to turn with a soft-milling noise and the male half of the face was now looking to the altar
and the there together standing couple, the first knight and the priestess. The round of the Knight
began a soft melodic hum, and the two women on the pedestal of Baphomet attacked her strong
common braid and called for the divine powers on. The priestess and the first Knight hugged
each other, they carried out the act of love before the altar of the goddess of love. Here, the
lights became stronger and redder around them - until dissolved the two figures in a purple
light. The rays of this light purple clenched and was attracted by the double braid of the two
women at the Baphomet figure. It enveloped these two entirely in purple glow, gathered in the
thick braid and went from there to the figure of the great Baphomet one. The priestess and the
first knight however disappeared in this world. Your last track was a reddish glow in the braided
hair together the two women on the base of the Baphomet.
A small friendly apartment in a Viennese building. The sun of a warm afternoon
shone through the window. It was the home of the nineteen student Agnes
Lenz. Agnes is still in her salmon pink bathrobe. Whom you had once paid,
Walther, who called just now Walther. Could he come in half an hour to pick
them up. "Yes, all right," said Agnes, you'll be in time for the door. Agnes hung
up and tied her ash-blond hair along the neck to a long tail, unusually beautiful
and powerful, more than waist-length hair. Now they were freshly washed and
dried straight. This again had lasted quite a while. The mother urged Agnes
violently to let the long hair cut recently. Not quite short, but up to a practical
shoulder length. But that was not an option. Agnes was large and flexible
slenderness. An extraordinarily beautiful young woman, as she already Homer
would have sung with joy. The long hair contributed to this beauty with much
that Agnes knew very well. Many centuries ago, a Norman knight had been
among their ancestors. But it knew the young Agnes nothing. But one thing was
anchored deep in their days of childhood feeling: The feeling of not really
belonging to the present time, but a different, bygone era. Regardless of their
scientific field of study chemistry -, can not and will not deny Agnes a romantic
streak in their nature. She writes poetry and keeps a diary, and the framed
etching of ETA Hoffmann depends not indiscriminately with her on the wall. Her
older sister Lydia has become a painter and the Vienna School of Fantastic
Realism feels particularly connected. Somehow it must run in the family: The
father is violist with the Vienna Philharmonic, and the mother writes casually
serials for magazines. Agnes binds again the tape fixed that wants to hold
together her long heavy hair is not overly tight. They are really very long. In the
past, Agnes had let recut now and then by Lydia the tips. But it did her every
hurt, and that's why it was no longer done for years. In the meantime, her hair
was so long and so hard that she could no longer be put on. Tail or braid
remained the only possible hairstyles. Maybe, thought Agnes, should they do
once heranlassen scissors; not much, but a little - or maybe not. Agnes made
her hair like he combed his hair dreamily before her big elliptical mirror. They
were dense and beautiful along the entire length and shone like polished
anthracite. Agnes loves the feeling to feel the heavy, smooth hair on his naked
body, on the now, in the summer, there was a hint of tan. Agnes took off his
bathrobe, enjoying this feeling for a few moments.
The mirror image showed her an extraordinarily beautiful woman. Agnes knew in this
regard very well estimate, without reason to be vain or even arrogant. She closes her eyes
and puts his head in his neck. Ideally she would stand still so and pursue their dreams. But
that is not today. Agnes's hair ties back to a tail together and getting dressed. The skirt is
calf length, much of her legs Agnes will show not much today. For the blouse offers a
beautiful neckline. This presentation would remember from afar to Spanish folklore that
colors would not be kept in bright pastel colors. Agnes takes a look at the clock and leaves
her apartment.
Downstairs awaits a big Mercedes. At the wheel sits Dr. Walther Goethinger-Wergenheim. He
came from an old Austrian family of civil servants and has now also brought it already to a
senior position. Nevertheless, he would be his way of life can not afford, he would have
made a substantial inheritance from distant relatives from northern Germany not many
years ago. Walther is twice as old as Agnes. Nevertheless, there is between him and her, a
particularly intimate relationship that alone probably for a reason remains in a purely
friendly: Walther is engaged to Agnes' older sister Lydia. Nevertheless, it has sometimes
appeared as if Walther turn to much prefer Agnes.However, Agnes encourages this
tendency in any way, although they may like Walther. In addition, she has a dear friend,
Gerold, who now, however, has to do in Brussels in the EU most of the time. Agnes rises to
Walther in the car. The trip goes into the blood alley. There Lydia has her studio. Today you
should Agnes sit for a new painting model. You need them because of their long hair, Lydia
had protested, and Agnes finally agreed to leave so be painted by her sister. Gladly she had
not, but did not want to offend Lydia. Walther stops outside the house of Lydia's
Atelier. Agnes promises to meet after the Male reisitzung with him and Lydia to eat. Walther
continues, and Agnes goes into the house.
Almost at the same time keeps the house opposite a taxi. Kolling gets out. He looks around
as if to check if anyone was watching him. He grasps for the doorknob - it is open. Kolling
disappears in the opposite house, the former home of the Knights Templar Order. Lydia is
her sister stayed in her studio and greeted them with lively gestures. It shows you
immediately the already partially finished image. It is large-sized and very reminiscent of
the Baphomet. The male head is half done, as is the background. The female head portion
and the long braid that carries the double main, are outlined only vaguely. Lydia explained,
this motive was her come through inspiration. Lydia deals with all sorts of esoteric things,
and this is also reflected in numerous decorative elements in their studio apartment
resist. Incense smolder somewhere, Chinese tea is in spite of thin-walled porcelain mugs
gradually getting cold. Also red wine with two glasses is available. The male face is harsh
and beautiful. Agnes said,
Lydia should but when the female half just paint her own face. Lydia contradicts that do not
go, because it would not "agree". A magical image, as she calls her new work, but that is
decisive. Agnes had the right hair length, therefore will vote with their image. She asks
Agnes to sit on a bar stool and misappropriated darstehenden dissolve their hair. Agnes
does and kids who were already so long that she could sit on it. Lydia says that it's for their
purpose right now, but afterward she could her hair cut so, if you wanted that. Agnes the
not at all want.Lydia claiming a piece might Agnes can be cut off quietly. But if you did not
want that she should not complain, but to weave a braid before the left shoulder, because
they want to paint. She explains exactly how the plait lying and Agnes to keep the
head. Agnes is doing everything as Lydia wants it. She feels not particularly good. But Lydia
had insisted Agnes had her sit necessarily a model for this new painting, and she did not
want to hurt her sister.
Meanwhile Kolling is to inspect the former Templar House, as far as possible. He arrives at
the loft. Kolling is visibly disappointed to have discovered nothing of all that he had probably
promised. Through a small window, the view through the large glass panes of the studio
apartment ranges against. Effortlessly can Kolling driving the two sisters over there
watching. This changed his expression. Spellbound he strained his eyes. It recognizes that
more than half-finished image of the Baphomet and the young woman with exceptionally
long hair. All this affects electrifying him. He phoned his mobile phone and are carried in a
few words, where it is located. He says now could show this Sybille what virtue they align
with their methods; she should come and make their hoax to prove.
Scissors brings. Agnes Lydia reminds them that they've told even just now, because of the
astral body should let the hair of women always long! Lydia looks confused and puzzled at
the same time, she seems to have forgotten everything. Some glasses of wine too much,
Agnes can not correctly assess the situation. Lydia it is very serious.Since Agnes steadfastly
refuses to let their hair cut, Lydia suggests going to let decide matches, as they had
already done that as children in disputes. If Agnes the short pull, she had her hair can be
cut; prefer the long, promise Lydia, never more of it to talk. After even a glass of wine,
Agnes agrees to let their hair then cut a bit, but only the lowest peaks. Lydia prepares the
matches and holds it out Agnes. Agnes draws the short. By the action of the wine it is not
immediately clear, what does that mean for them. Lydia says Agnes to sit down on the
barstool.Agnes does and looks at her hair ends to which they had come to sit again. They
range around twenty centimeters below the seat. It is about the piece to the Agnes finds
himself sometimes their hair too long. Although Agnes already doing every possible cutting
her hair hurt, but she says Lydia, this bottom piece she could cut her so that they no longer
would continue to set it. Well Agnes is not present. She would like to jump and run away
from the bar stool. But something that she does not understand itself, prevents them from
doing that. Lydia meshes Agnes' hair from head to tip smooth. Agnes from the bar stool and
looked at her sister as reproachfully as blankly. Each wine effect is gone all of a
sudden. Lydia Blich is rigid and increasingly angry. Agnes recognizes an eerie, urfremdes
sparkle in the eyes of her sister. Lydia is her stiff against the scissors in his hand. She
remains motionless on the spot. It feel as if something horrible in her before. The
wutsprühende view thrills Agnes. She turns around quickly and leave hastily the studio
How hounded by invisible wolves, Agnes rushes down the stairs, passing through the
doorway, he only stopped when she left the Blutgasse behind. With great relief she sees
coming a free taxi. She beckons him and rises quickly. Now you notice that she has
forgotten her purse. But Walther has already more than a quarter of an hour in the
restaurant, "Three Hussars" waiting in the. Agnes conducts the taxi there. Gradually she
begins again and comes to rest.
In the "Three Hussars" waiting patiently Walther. By Lydia he is accustomed to delays, and it
does not surprise him much that in the tow also makes the otherwise reliable Agnes
coming. Then he sees Agnes come with open hair. This is so unusual that it is amazed a
little, but without thinking of the worst. He likes to see Agnes so, how it is not often provides
him with the opportunity. Agnes apologizes and begs for money on the waiting taxi outside
the door. Walter puts her chair for her, she should sit quietly, he would go out to the taxi
driver. After a few minutes Walther comes back and sits down next to Agnes on the
table. He assumes that the sometimes capricious Lydia will no longer perceive this
appointment; like not geschähe for the first time. Agnes tells how weird Lydia had acted
without entering immediately into details. She runs back the vorgleitenden from their lateral
vertex hair and asks Walther to lend her either his shoelaces or the tie. Chuckling, he gives
her his tie, and it binds so that their hair together. She does it to their habit before the
shoulder, as if she feared a sudden attack from behind. The waiter comes, order Agnes and
Walther. Then Agnes reported in undramatic form, what had happened in the last hour in
Lydia's Atelier. The otherwise quiet Walther becomes unusually angry about it. He says
openly that he was glad that Lydia had not come, because otherwise there would have been
a serious dispute, which in any case still was imminent because of this thing. Agnes tried to
calm him as best they can there, but Walther glowing with anger.
Lydia has turned off the electric lights and lit a lot of candles throughout the studio. She
kneels on the floor and draws with black coal a double circle around him. Outside the circle
lies an open manuscript that manifestly serves for guidance. Between the two circular lines
painted Lydia with red oil paint bizarre symbols and mutters to unverstehbare words. The
large mirror on wheels is close to the coal district. Aufdas mirror glass is with a few
masterful strokes oil paint brush painted a picture that will unmistakably represent
Agnes. Lydia is on, brings a dozen burning candles and presents them in those half their
magic circle, which adjoins the mirror. Next Lydia takes out of her purse that Agnes has
forgotten their comb and fetches the lying ready nor from earlier scissors.This provides
The Wiener Baphomet representation that already in ancient Mesopotamia has its role
models to all of this emblem. At the same time it is a magical plant. Due to very specific
dimensions and proportions, are charged with two Ilu vibrations crystals are revived in
her. Even the touches of crystals spiet a role, one is for female vibrations suitable and the
other for male. The invigorating link between these two can be created only by a young
woman through their long hair; this woman takes on a certain extent the function of the
goddess. Since the female astral body (as opposed to male) at great length includes the
hair, these act as "antennae" in the realm of the goddess. The planet Venus, the star of the
goddess of love, is the oscillation lock to clear hereafter. The term comes from the Germanic
Einherier, the myth about the world of eternal dawn contrast from Rome. Emperor Augustus,
who clung to her, and also in this story is important, had a mistress half Germanic
origin. This is likely to have immigrated to Rome that Germanic term. The myth says that
there may be incarnations of demigods on earth in very specific cases, as well as the rebirth
of important personalities. This requires more magical operations that always in a union of a
man and woman culminate in the union of Iluhe in the light of eternal dawn, the rays of all
effecting goddess of love.
From talking like this story:
The Bride of the Baphomet.
Annex 2
Jesse 'hell
Some readers will be a small ten - pages - text under the title "Jesse 'Hell travel" be
known. That text is not the original, but merely a succinct way and, unfortunately, full
transmission gap errors and even fraud! The original, the whole text is complicated and
extensive in many ways. Various myths worlds meet. Babylonian / Assyrian and Germanic /
Roman become a quite homogeneous appearing unit. Why did this association, or whether
it perhaps is a prehistoric congruence, has not yet been ascertained; the corresponding
thereto considerations and comparative studies would fill in the rest of a book, it would at
this point
lead too far to discuss the different theories and possibilities.
About Jesse has been published so far and a lot of little wrong Correct. There is the effort to
make interested readers to the correct text and images accessible. This requires effort and
conscientious work takes time.Therefore, only the first chapter of the original are "Jesse
'Hell travel" to read here first. The entire plant is to be completed as soon as
possible. Meanwhile, like this first leaves joy.
August 1998
1.1 This is the story of Jesse, the Holden, who bravely defy the prince of darkness, crept
into his realm of hell and wrenched him infinitely precious booty.
1.2 Long ago this is done away all recollection of people, especially as it was happening
not in the human world. Yet debt Jesse thanks for the people, for the sake of those done
'them. Their act and its she thought even further at a later date
1. To report these songs of Jesse 'deeds, of their courage and of her wit; but also
of her lovely beauty.What once happened in distant worlds of the afterlife and also what
happened afterwards in the human world and like to come through Jesse 'actions, of all
that are here now a customer her faithful knight, as he's told by spirits message.
.2 Knowing you is only so ye understand what the gods important: Two magical
stones are they honed delicious, what forces have in a special way. Garil (1) is the one,
his power is the vibration of male type; Ilua the other, its vibration mode is female. From
the light of Iluischen powers as living in two, together they can merely act.
2.2 While not the gods themselves demand of these stones, for the powers Ilu're firmly
into the goddesses and in the gods. But for the Earth world age determination does it
need to use both pieces right. In the wrong hands, they may never make, because their
meaning would be used to waste '. Garil (1) and Ilua mean the power to direct the fate of
the people on earth.
2.3 If as in the earthly new light is needed, then send the goddesses and gods Ilua and
Garil with messengers to Earth. Absolutely mysterious way their light is kindled there. And
there are always chosen Faithful, which the deity in devotional worship on earth, which the
Office is granted. Such the divine ground come the magnificent stones plus a good referral
2.4 In the old days the stones light Kenhir, (2), the King of Thule, then Sar-Kyan, (3) the
king of Babylon, then Elissa, (4) Carthage queen, then the second Sak-Kyan of Assyria ( 5)
then the Babylonierkönig Nabukadarsur, (6) then Octavian, (7) Rome wise ruler, then but
so far no; Augustus, however, will return as a servant of the goddess and the Roman-
German Emperor in modern times.
2.5 Gingen the stones lost, or either of them, would collapse the earth in deep darkness,
without hope of rescue.Because both pieces together only witness the bright beam that
penetrates up to Ilum (8), that invisible down second sun, which leaves from the
Hereafter to this world the divine light.
1) Grail 2) Legendary king of the Norse
kingdom. 3) Sargon I 4) Dido 5) Sargon II 6)
Nebuchadnezzar 7) Augustus 8) magic
(black) sun.
1. Why are so important those two sacred stones. Given from the highest light Ils
(1) and the Iluhe (2), entrusted to the gods and goddesses who are enthroned in bright
Valhalla (3) to make them in times of immemorial and assist them against the darkness. -
To do this, it is intervention.
.2 As formerly the radiant goddesses and the serene gods in Valhalla again a
happy festival had celebrated and unclouded sense indulged in pleasure, to harm not
thinking because sneaked emissary of gloomy Schaddain, (4) of the infernal princes of the
icy shadow, unnoticed until Valhalla center to steal the magic stones. To take all both, they
failed Ilua (5) However, the location at the top and the most valuable was in the chamber
of the sacred treasures, attacked the emissaries Schaddains and carried him away in the
dreadful hell.
3.2 There the Schaddain took many heavy weights, trying to smash the divine stone. As
such, proved to be impossible, the Finsterling hid the magic stone nearest his throne in
terrible hell Palace in to be guarding him, intended to finish the healing properties, for all
time the divine light to destroy people.
3.3 At the same time, let the dark by dark spirits and human essence, Schaddain be
conveyed on earth to men as if a god he would, claiming even that he was only one. (6)
He let them threaten with the fires of his hell, and numerous people bowed to him,
brought him represent (7), and fear filled prayers bloody sacrifice.
3.4 looked bad all this out gradually for the people of Earth. One God they believed to
worship, and yet it was the chief devil. Under such poison the Roman empires fell,
once proud man forced himself to his knees, and before the gloomy aeon will be over,
Schaddain säuft much blood and Sell Blood (8) of a number of people.
1) The highest, quasi semi-personal deity.
2) The highest divine forces, male and female.
3) "election-Halle", the self-chosen space; mutatis mutandis as middle kingdom in Ilu Ishtar u.
Carthaginians book.
4) El Shaddai / Yahweh, the "devil".
5) The magical stone with the female divine light, a counterpart to male Garil.
6) see Bible.
7) see Bible / AT
8) This refers to the astral light of the astral bodies of men, especially when women's hair be
cut, where it flows out, which therefore should not happen.
3.5 But as was the heroic deed accomplished by singing these songs, will eventually
conquer the new time, Caesar's Empire returns - and the goddess will prevail. From the
great fact, it is now time to speak of Jesse's journey in the middle of hell and how it has
recovered the sacred stone, to bring it to people.
4.1 As was been discovered in Valhalla, the loss of the sacred stone Ilua and all recognized
there what happened, because stroke robbed a loud complaints to the gods and goddesses
climes, because the precious gem from the evil enemy was. And no one knew what to do
to get it back to procure.
4.2 Istara (1) Finally, the spirit of all the gods and goddesses in the biggest and strongest
- it is indeed closest to Il and the Iluhe, - said in the high Assembly, which met there:
From the gods and goddesses just can not get in the enemy horror infernal cesspool
because there darkness devours einjedes light. A demon but a clear system, connected
us gods, it would bring full well. A certain is he to whom I am referring, of Jesse, the
Beautiful from Kuthagracht (2) We want to ask if she was probably willing to take the bold
ride. Then said Wodin, (3) rising from his seat Truly, Jesse wanted this company, so we
wanted to lift them to the Thanks to the Goddess, to one of us, at home in Valhalla.
4.3 How was therefore decided to ask Jesse to carry her to accomplish the work. For prices
Istara would offer to their single magic mirror, with the view roams all world
characteristics, overlooking all the times her; and Wodin wanted to give her his spear tip,
as all spaces and times penetrating dagger. In addition, Jesse should have for ever
hospitality in Wallhall, and more, be even raised to the perfect goddess.
4.4 So it was decided, therefore begun. After toward Kuthagracht Wodin now sent his
thoughts, winged in two ravens figure, well known in all the world characteristics of the
Hereafter. Jesse Quick was to receive the message, probably to follow the gods pleading
1) Ishtar / Eostar / Freyja / Venus / Aphrodite / Asherah Aramati etc .; the goddess
of love.
2) The Demon Empire (also Kuthärach).
3) Odin / Wotan / Marduk / Jupiter / Zeus / Indra. The kinship or even Identitzität these gods can be used as
safe . apply In Mesopotamia was also the address of the supreme God with the name Bel
'often. The Assyrians put this with their chief god, Assur 'equal. In connection to this should be
one of the earliest of Jesse (Isait) -Mythen.
7.3 Thus spoke to Jesse a loosely clad woman who crossed her path, and asked: I'm Jesse, a
Kuthagrachttochter. Will you, unknown, perhaps tell me some of what you know from the pit of
hell? - The Unknown paused in step, considered Isaien and gave her the answer: Nothing good I
know you, Jesse, there to report. Evil is the Höllwelt, especially for women, because Schaddain
hates us mercilessly. So I warn you many thousand times! The men he makes thereby slaves that
he leaves from their bodies pull the tendons. This do Schaddain with all men as the first, which
are its victims. The women he throws quite to the ground and leaves them in the neck the hair
cut to torment. This do Schaddain with all the women first, who are its victims. Only the bravest
men and the proudest women who are not entirely without light, never throw to the ground. And
as long as they fall not prostrate, Schaddain can not escape the tendons and the women do not
shave the long locks from the heads of the men; because in the will, which strengthened by light,
breaks Schaddains power even in the midst of hell! But you probably hats you and your flowing
locks, keep away Schaddains world! In the
Atria of his hellish Pfuhls he imprisons the upright women and lets them torment without
ceasing; nothing is so terrible and so full of anguish as! For the flight from hell rarely
prosper. To me it was a success, but most fail. Also I have me in spite of all the torture and
misery never bowed to the ground, I never presented itself Schaddains honed shears the
long women's hair to cut. So I kept me those female forces, which are stronger than hell
spell, and finally could I escape before time. Who can escape, looking at Narogol
protection; He alone grants shielding those who have escaped the grisly hell. We thank him
very all, are faithful to him, and heartily yield on forever.But thou, O daughter of
Kuthagracht what you care our destinies? The demons never touched but what they do not
only regards itself?
1) unknown, possibly Nergal?
7.4 As Jesse heard this, she was ashamed, and said to the stranger's words: What you're
saying is probably true, I do not conceal and deny not, that I do not like it. Had I
Kuthagrachts Queen, we would be you and your kind, which you will certainly. But I am not
a ruler in the kingdom of the blue-green palaces, but only a lonely maid who now must
develop their courage to fight against this in Schaddains world.
7.5 Since the Unknown marveled very much, raised his arms and said to Jesse imploringly:
do these things not, I ask you very, For your sake and because good sense dictates
it! Impossible is it to you to defeat Schaddain amid his own world! Kaem 'out it, we would
deal with him, but because it knows this, it leaves no time his infernal court, finishes her
work under tight protection of his sinister warrior hordes. So give up the arrogant plan,
save yourself from shame and torment, depart from the horrible hell world! - Under
imploring gestures it was said, and so their further path was the kindly stranger.
7.6 A man who next she met asked Jesse, what they already asked the woman, and was
told the gleiche.Und so it went on until Jesse was to have asked Narogol itself. This is the
demon pal nor foe. He once was a lightless Engel was in the far iluischen Reich all
beginning. (1) This he left, the Schaddain still accompany until he fell out with the. (1 So
Narogol built his own world, although dark, but not dark. Then is his world, not sunless, but
only by constantly dawning bluish glow.
1) Please refer to motifs from Ilu Ishtar u. The Carthaginians book Ilu
7.7 from dark blue and gray unhewn rocks Narogols Palace is piled. As articulated in 'Jesse
now their swift steps.King Narogol offered Jesse welcome, invited her to stay with him. Also
Algika, his queen, Isaien offered the hospitality, wished previously but knowing of her,
where the disfigurement stir, who have curtailed their shimmering beauty and it made the
billowing dresses forfeited. The answer, which was Jesse shook Algika and Narogol to the
same extent; and how they heard of Isaiens plan, they advised her fervently to leave from
such boldness.
7.8 Because of Jesse, however by their courage do not want soft, Narogol offered her his
help and did so with the following words: One only I can to support you give, Jesse, you
brave Maid: Erbekan should you far toward carrying on his back, so far as is humanly
possible. His wings are strong and his mouth is strong; black Höllengeflatter he devours
apace. That may you pave a portion of the arduous path still before the terrible hell world
itself does not allow weit'res more into it. This tender enjoys' very Jesse, the mighty dragon
quickly supporting swing would surely promote the difficult work.
7.9 On a forest clearing in Narogols world, Jesse had to wait Widar, Olah and Ohm, which
her silence still resented. Then they boarded the back of the armored Erbekan dragons,
and commanded him to strive to the pit of hell.

The supreme deity are the masculine and feminine forces, the female and the male Ilu
Ilu. In her touch both the Iluhe, the nameless Allschöpferkraft. One God, as according to
biblical notion does not exist accordingly.Among the Iluhe there are many powerful beings
of the afterlife; clear who called our ancestors, the gods, and sinister demons. In addition,
there are countless other creatures of the afterlife, which take sometimes more or less
influence on the Earth world. This worldly world is not the "true world" - because lying in
the afterlife - but quasi a provisional that we, who are all little fallen angels, required for
our first reincarnation. After death we embody us in worlds beyond again. The astral body,
our eternal inner body, always remains the pattern for our form. The differences between
male and female are very fundamental nature. Man and woman are met by various forces
God, give either the male or the female Ilu Ilu.

The most important deity among the Iluhe is the goddess of love (Venus, Aphrodite, Ishtar,
Freyja, Aramati, Inanna, etc.), because only through their mediation can come together and
creatively are (therefore stir the sex magical components), the two primary elements.
The Wiener Baphomet - representation that already in ancient Mesopotamia has its role
models, should all this versinn-figurative. At the same time it is a magical plant. Due to
very specific dimensions and proportions, to two with Ilu - supercharged vibrations crystals
are revived in her. Too
the grinding of the crystals plays a role of a is suitable for female vibrations and the other
for male. The invigorating link between these two can be created only by a young woman
through their long hair, which act as "magic strings". This woman takes on a certain extent
the function of the goddess. Since the female astral body (as opposed to male) at great
length includes the hair, these act as "antennae" in the realm of the goddess. The planet
Venus, the star of the goddess of love, is the oscillation lock to clear hereafter. The term
Einherier which plays a role in the male part, comes from the Germanic, the myth about
the world of eternal dawn, which forms the center of the myth, however, comes from
Rome. Emperor Augustus, who clung to her, had a mistress half Germanic origin. This is
likely to have immigrated to Rome that Germanic term. The myth says that there may be
incarnations of demigods on earth in very specific cases, as well as the rebirth of important
personalities. This requires more magical processes which always culminate in a union of a
man and woman - in the Association of Iluhe in light of the eternal dawn, the rays of all
effecting goddess of love.
Magic Machine
The "Figura" the Great Baphomet can be seen as a "magic machine". Through them very
specific vibrations may be clenched and put into function. If this operation succeeds, go
from the vertex of Baphometic double Haupts a beam of which is in vibrational affinity for
"Ilum", that invisible magic sun, through which the divine Ilu - Forces from the Beyond
penetrate into this world (this magical sun mißverständlicher way is sometimes been
called black sun, but what say only wants that it is invisible to the terrestrial eye).
If those magical apparatus therefore enters into force, the secret scientists believed
among the Templars, then the power of her mind would spread over the whole earth and
let a new realm arise in a new era.
The figure of the "Great Baphomet"
The so-called "Great Baphomet" must have been around 1200, hardly earlier and hardly
much later. He may have been about 1225-1243 case by case basis in the Templar Order
in the House Vienna Blutgasse, but for which there is no direct evidence of the Order, but
only assumptions on the part of the Inquisition.
The figure has, if at all, certainly never been permanently in the Blutgasse. As I said, it's
not even sure if ever!(There are some legends have formed.) Sure was the figure
temporarily at a secret location in the vicinity of today's Klosterneuburg, or today between
the city limits of Vienna and Klosterneuburg (then of course that was all still
different). There was a religious building of its own, which has completely disappeared, at
the site is now only a second hand space, or so it was in any case for a while. But that was
probably not that secret place which must have been closer to Vienna. Even then it was
top secret, no one knows this more.
The figure was about 1.25 high (without the wooden base). The heads were so life-
size. The male face to the Emperor Augustus have resembled (it was also without beard,
like older depictions show), the female face was that of a woman, perhaps twenty
years. Unlike later representations with two plaits there was a braid that ran from the left
side of the head of the woman around the neck (quasi Man) wall and then about the
strength of the neck ran down. The figure has so well looked massive than the known
representations. The Zopfende diverges.This figure is far entirely of gold. Under the
divergent Zopfende located above arched and bottom octagonal wooden base. This in turn
is decorated with gold and precious stones, especially cornelian (perhaps exclusively,
because on other stones is unknown, but it is likely that other precious gems, pearls, etc.
were used from Crusade loot). The amount of
Read in: weapons arsenal, the band 102 Podzun-Pallas-Verlag. Author: HP Dabrowski ISBN:
In this volume are several photos and drawings of P13a as a model, and the DM-1
under construction, after completion, the Verlad by the Americans and many more.
I also believe that the Vril projects (and others) have been achieved, but at the P13a
Ye do err determined.
Vril Technology
Technical Backgrounds
Armament of flying disks
-more details

The following notes are intended as a

supplement to the magazine "The Vril
Final battle for the

Norbert Jürgen-Ratthofer
The present writing here "soon the final battle on the earth?" Is intended as a current,
small addition of already published work "The Vril project" started Community Ralf Ettl &
Norbert Jürgen Ratthofer.
The author
Mars - Moon
- Strange marks on our neighboring planets and the Earth's satellite -
Soon "the final battle for the Earth" ?!
On Saturday, 2. 9. 1995, a spokesman told the "ORF 1", the first program of the Austrian
television to 19.22 clock in the program "Science News" that NASA, the US Mars probe
"Observer" has finally given up after 24 8. In 1995, the "Observer" suddenly his radio
contact broke off in near Mars with NASA's earth station. Since then there have to
experience possi-sensitivity no, what has now happened with the "Observer", so if he still
exists!But already in 1989 befell the Soviet probe "Phobos 2" in Mars near the like, as in
August 1995 the US probe.Marriage "Phobos 2" namely a lander on the small Martian moon
Phobos could deposed after the probe in a Mars orbit already sparked some Mars photos for
He-de previously, broke well from previously never clarified for reasons of radio contact
with her forever from.
After evaluating the latest received so far in this respect traditions and information would
be complete without the "Vril-7 Remote round spaceship project" -the secret German Vril
Society is a direct person-bodily contact between people on Earth and the außerird-pean
and yet consistently fully human Aldebaranern well did not materialize, at least not in this
century-em. Above all, there would be without the Vril 7Projekt likely not for years our
solar-planetary system Uonde haunting aldebaranischen spaceships of which represent at
least part of the notorious so-called "UFOs". As part of the German Vril-7 project emerged
IMP EXP-together two distinct and different successful spacecraft:
Vril 7
1) Vril 7, interstellar distance round spaceship, easier remote space
cruiser, - traditional, reconstructed and calculated technical details:
= 45 meters.
= 15 meters; storey Raumschiffpiloten- and passenger
compartment above.
= Engine Y-7 / 0th
Horizontal diameter 58 m, adjustable with SM Levitator E-24 V, and Y-swinging bell,
height 140 cm, width 50 x 70-90 x 50 cm.
= Magnetic Field Impulser 4a.
= Maximum speed of light = Fast is about 500 000 km / sec, in the normal
cosmic. Antigravity space flight; 5 x speed of light = approx 900,000 km / sec,
= triple superluminal effect on the spatial. Dimension Channel flight.
= Theoretically unlimited, in practice, was the planned maximum 68 light years =
about 640 trillion km = 64x10 (high 13) km = Distance to Aldebaran in the
constellation Taurus at a few weeks time and 22.5 years aboard Earth-Universe-
= 4 x Mk-108 drilling batteries = 4 rotary gun holders with 5
bundled machine guns caliber 5 cm
= Rate of fire 660 rounds per Mk-108, 2 x Mk-108 Drilling batteries on the
spacecraft top, 2 x Mk-108 drilling batteries on the spacecraft base, temporary
installation of a KSK
"Donar" -Strahlgeschützes caliber 11 mm in the experimental stage in a narrow tank
turret to slightly laterally offset the central spaceship underside; Remote control of all
guns to the spaceship base.
Outer armor
= Double-Viktalen armor 1945/44, three-Schott-Viktalen armor 1944/45.
= Maximum of about 14 men, 2 men in Survey for
January 1944th
= 100%.
Still floatability
= Probably about 25 minutes as Haunebu-III.
General Fugvermögen
= Regardless of the weather, day and night.
Basic suitability
= January 1944 the first dimension channel test flight in a few hours, ship's time, and a
few months Earth and universe time with return to heavily damaged condition,
because the spaceship cell proved built as too weak after Vril 7 after a major overhaul
with cells amplification and additional cladding to handover to the SS in April 1945,
only for used secret transport on Earth. Both constructive and drivingly the Vril-7 was
only a greatly enlarged version of the Vril-1. Whether, however, Vril-1 as Vril-7 to a
Dimension channel was able to travel, is
2) "Vril Odin", interstellar distance round spaceship, easier remote space
cruiser, - traditional, reconstructed and calculated technical details:
= 45 meters.
= 22,50 meters; two-storey Raumschiffpiloten- and passenger
compartment above.
A drive way
= As Vril-7: engine Y-7/0, Horizontaldurcbmesser 58 m, with SM Levitator E-24 V, and
Y-swinging bell adjustable, height 140 cm. Width 50 x 70-90 x 50 cm.
= Magnetic field-Impulser 4a.
Drive and control option B
= Y 7/0-Vril-7 and Thule Tachyonator-7c-Haunebu-H-drive in the form of an
enhanced recombination both with no moving parts and thus no wear.
= Maximum Fast speed of light = approx 300,000 km / sec., The normal
cosmic Antigravitatlonsraumflug, 3 x speed of light = approx 900,000 km /
sec., Triple superluminal effect on the spatial dimension channel flight.
= Theoretically unlimited, in practice, was the planned maximum 68 light years =
about 640 trillion km = 64 x10 (high 13) km = Distance to Aldebaran in the
constellation Taurus at a few weeks aboard period and 22.5 years earthen universe
= 1 dome armored turret of Haunebu II with KSK "Donar" -Strahlgeschütz (Donar KSK HIV)
vonVril 7 caliber 11 mm at the top of spaceship in the middle on the spaceship pilot
cell; 5 smaller flattened armored turrets of Haunebu II with 2 of the KSK-
Strahlgesehütz-Robformen 8 mm caliber at the spaceship base in a circular
Outer armor
= Three-Schott Viktalen armor.
= 28 persons (14 men, 14 women) in April 1945th
= 100%.
Still floatability
= Probably about 25 minutes as Haunebu-III.
General flight fortune
= Regardless of the weather, day and
Basic suitability
= Start in April 1945 for Aldebaran probably from the neighborhood Unterberg-
Germany, from. Probably before flight tests on and in the Earth, but without
Dimension Channel flight test, as for the time was no longer sufficient, since the military
Greater Germany was indeed imminent. "Vril Odin" was the first and last successful
Prototype of a mixture of Vril and Haunebu construction, -drive and components, because
the pure Haunebu drive is unsuitable for a dimension channel trip proved, probably
Black Sun
From the aircraft factory Arado a terrain was acquired in Brandenburg.
There probably the discus-shaped devices Vril Vril 7 and 8. emerged 1943-1944 but it may
have also been a direct interaction with Arado. About the design Ar E 555 came from the
drawing boards of Damenriege, however, provided for an unconventional drive; later Arado
created a design for jet propulsion.

Postwar presentation about flying discs

The Vril - Women are likely to have had some good connections to high-ranking officers of
the Armed Forces, about to Erich von Manstein, Adolf Galland or Karl Doenitz, but
particularly to Wilhelm Canaris, the head of the Abwehr. This supported the work on new
weapons, because the Ministry of Aviation was ignorant in a frightening way. Probably the
end of 1941 the secret society "The Chain," under which new technologies have been
promoted originated. The "Vril" - circle was not Nazi, but it would also be wrong him the
resistance against the Nazi - assigned system. The war forced to loyalty.
The "Vril - Ladies" played in this county certainly an important role. A "Vril - society" but it
has never existed under this name on the outside. Used only under the ladies this


Vril Society - Secret in the dark

The Z Plan can be purchased separately. The original has now got a definite end. Other
versions which kuriseren not quite legal on the web thus differ from the original.
Source of "The Z-plan" of Ralf Ettl: Damböck-Publishing, Market 86, A-
3321 Ardagger (Austria), Tel: 0043/7479/6329
A small excerpt from the last part of the Z-Plan:
... So Lukowsky left the house at the Rheinalle; full of thoughts to his daughter and to
Vera, the Siglinde had made her heiress - and thus, strictly speaking, even him. Siglinde
had apparently very well understood, much better than he, which he only now beginning
to understand what this meant: '. It is true, we have our destiny - You mean until I am
your' - And: 'We are the executors of the Apocalypse.' Ernst Lukowsky - Vera Jörgens'
heritage. And what did that mean? Defeating the big dragon, mitkämpfen in the final,
decisive battle, the battle of Hermaggedon! Lukowsky steered the car on the night
highway, in the direction of Berlin. There was something to do. He had no idea what might
be. Surely just a little on the big way. That did not matter, it was important that he would
be there when the fanfare sounded and the drums were stirred rose with the sign of the
Son of Man on the Walserfeld and the flag. ...

With each attempt to get the real story behind "Vril" society and relating to this puzzle closer, new
mazes of uncertainty open up, a confusion of possibilities, probabilities, contingencies. As soon as it
appears that we have gained in this or that point reaching safety, even peeping again the uncertain
forth between them. What we recently even as almost certain assumptions, we do not know but then
again really ... If this all over mere mystification is, so we are dealing with such a perfectly encrypted
system perfect secrecy that it literally is likely to remain impossible, these things ever get to the
bottom. But precisely therein lies perhaps an indication that we are talking about very real
things. Inevitably, these must - it has given them - lie hidden under a multi-layered coat of
camouflage, targeted deception and secrecy by all the rules of art. Were it otherwise, follows the
whole makes no sense.
The situation just described is dedicated authors certainly some right to work with
conclusions. On these pages, however, even this should be avoided. "Probably true" to find
the context of, is here already difficult enough.
So what do we know - as far as we know anything at all - after it just seemed to be
proportionate in the year and day, the "Vril project" to see through, including some very
fanciful-sounding components. That should have been suspicious agree basically. But
sometimes time passes before people gain the necessary distance to interesting topics. It
would have comparative considerations can quickly lead to the realization that technical
innovations were indeed created at that time on a large scale by the German industry that
the political leadership but these almost invariably ignored. Therefore, the technical lead of
Germany was lost during the war at the front - although this projection was at the industry
growing, in all areas, on all aircraft in particular. The Americans found the technological
advantage of Germany in 1945 on ten to 15 years.
No one knows what is true of all that might mislead targeted what deceit or even accidental
self-deception. Very easy to take these things on its own momentum. What struck us
yesterday possible only appear tomorrow perhaps, as if it was really so - and that's true
maybe even ... Who knows? Thinking and dreaming mingle too easily in such themes. What
really was - we do not know! Wilhelm Canaris could possibly provide answers to some
questions - but certainly would not do it. Of the ladies of the "Vril Society" there since the
war no discernible trace, no more than vague rumors and the knowledge that they wore
their hair long, and that it has given them - before now more than half a century. Since the
end of World War II many people presumed lost - still. So that's not so unusual also.Perhaps
met their bombs Brandenburgisches quarters.
But even if this were all reality - then just as well hidden, camouflaged and veiled, that
none of us would be able to fathom it! - The then know alone: The chain!

Ettl Z-
Life is always now; never
yesterday, never always
tomorrow, today.
George Armstrong Custer

Admiral Wilhelm Canaris

Here now, from the sources of the German Historical Museum in Berlin, a short
biography of Admiral Wilhelm Canaris:

Wilhelm Canaris
December 7: Wilhelm Canaris was born in Aplerbeck (Westfalen), the son of the
industrialist Carl Canaris and his wife Auguste (born Popp).
After graduation Canaris enters the Imperial Navy, where he undertook
numerous trips to South American waters.
During World War I he serves on the light cruiser "Dresden" and participates in the
Battle of the Falkland Islands.
After the scuttling of the "Dresden" Canaris flees to Chile and was interned. However, it
can escape from there and return to Germany.
As a Lieutenant, he has been commissioned by the Admiralty from a secret mission in
At his own request, he will be reinstated at the front and has command of a submarine
in the Mediterranean.
In the November Revolution Canaris supported as a liaison officer, the formation of
vigilante groups to put down the revolutionary movements.
He is a member of the court martial, which largely absolves the the murder of Karl
Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg accused members of the volunteer corps of the
Guards Cavalry Rifle Division.Canaris was appointed adjutant of the minister of
defense Gustav Noske. Marriage to the industrialist's daughter Erika Waag, with
whom he has two children.
March Canaris supported the coup of Walther von Lüttwitz and Wolfgang Knapp. He is
detained, but released after a short time. Despite his rejection of the Weimar Republic
and the Treaty of Versailles, he remains in his position. July: As Admiral Staff Officer in the
Baltic Fleet, he is first officer on the cruiser "Berlin".
Canaris has worked in the Naval
First officer on the battleship "Silesia".
Canaris is Chief of Staff of the North Station.
As captain he assumes command of the "Silesia".
From his anticommunism out Canaris welcomed the takeover by the Nazis, hoping for a
revision of Versailles.
Canaris receives as a fortress commander of Swinoujscie a so-called adoption field.
Surprisingly Canaris was appointed Rear Admiral Chief of the Defence Department in the
Ministry of War, after his predecessor had come into conflict with the Nazi
regime. Although no fundamental opponents of the Nazis, bringing Hitler's war
preparations Canaris in greater distance to the Nazi regime, especially as it becomes
exposed and the increasing pressure of the Security Service (SD). At its chief Reinhard
Heydrich, he has a friendly competitive relationship.
After Blomberg affair and the resignations of Wener von Blomberg and Werner Freiherr
von Fritsch Canaris uses his position to organize resistance in the armed forces. It covers
the resistance activities of his chief of staff Hans Oster, promotes opposition attitudes of
Ludwig Beck and gives more resistance groups information for a coup. His opposition
activities are covered by its success in counterintelligence long time.
To deter Hitler from a war, Canaris warned numerous confidants Hitler before a war and
is trying his foreign contacts and Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini influence.
Promotion to Admiral.
After the attack on the Soviet Union and with increasing doubts about the state of
readiness of the generals against Hitler decrease Canaris' organizational resistance
activities. But still He uses his position against the Nazi regime: He protested against the
shooting of Russian prisoners of war and allows many to escape persecution.
With the arrest of his employee Hans von Dohanyi Easter comes under suspicion
and is on leave. This also Canaris is henceforth under constant observation.
February: overflowing of a defense agent for the British is the occasion to relieve Canaris
from his post. The Defence Department in the Ministry of War is performed by the Reich
Security Main Office (RSHA). July: Canaris was arrested three days after the assassination
attempt of 20 July. Although he has rejected an attempt to assassinate Hitler, he is
burdened by the information found in members of resistance groups.
APRIL 9: Shortly before engagement of American troops Canaris will be hanged
together with Easter and Dietrich Bonhoeffer in the concentration camp Flossenburg
(Upper Palatinate) by members of the Schutzstaffel (SS).

The International Antarctic year. As a result of the still valid Antarctic Treaty peaceful use
and exploration of resources.
After Aldebaran?
The eventual German Aldebaranflug April 1945 a difficult topic to be treated. There are
serious people who are convinced of the reality of that undertaking; and there are quite a
few other serious people who keep it all for pure fantasy. In between, there is apparently
nothing. This is primarily due to the completely different rating of the few truly be
classified as documents on this topic. In addition to the negative side of the ideologically
motivated aspect of wanting to enrich the already considerable technical achievements of
the Third Reich is not to another sensation.
There are undeniably some tangible evidence that there are by no means mere spinning
with all this. Those who hold the Aldebaranflug for a reality or at least probable, assume
that although there are several among the various materials for Aldebaranflug that were
assigned incorrectly, surely some fakes that by sorting out these sources of error remains
enough to ernstzunehmendem material in order to prove the reality of the business largely
That in this regard a lot is available in hard wegzuleugnenden documents, knowing the
opponents of the adoption of Aldebaranflugs. Therefore, the ideological pre-punched
among them ignore the whole thing, or explain it unchecked for wrong. That is certainly
the career useful, because it does not unpopular with influential circles. Recall about about
how to operate some of the organizations in the US high-earning German scientists were
abgehalftert mercilessly, after they no longer felt need. Ideology prevails today in the so-
called Western world from anywhere. From the era of the Third Reich was nothing may
have come when it would be so impolitic. Upstart persons can therefore with issues such
as the eventual German Aldebaranflug not deal - otherwise they would not be very fast
arriviert This is humanly understandable, it is not just about positions, but also to families..
Through these conditions it is almost inevitably means that accept ideologically Pre-
embossed on the other side of the issue, people who had perhaps already suffering from
political reprisals, have so far nothing to lose, and now turn political aspects of the matter
in the foreground back. Even this may again be humanly understandable, but again does
not lead to objective discussion of the matter.
Also to be objective sought persons best intentions, it is hardly possible, the things to
really get to the bottom.In most cases, they lack the necessary means to, starting with
sufficient time because they have to have a daily livelihood, as a rule.
Let's try to sort out quasi at this point, without judgment, which different assumptions and
beliefs there for Aldebaranflug.
First there is the complete rejection and ignorance of political or career-related
reasons. This requires no discussion.
Then there are some who consider the whole uncritically as a Nazi hero epic. Also needs
no discussion.
So, what remains if we exclude the two ideological perspectives, we have to do, we want
the objective truth as far closer to how it is possible.
First we need to sift what is at serious documentation of the Aldebaran - are project and its
history, accessible to us. This should be done in a concise form below, and
in a manner which evaluates only those documents may be regarded with high probability
as genuine. This does not mean, all others not mentioned here would have to be spurious.
From the Aldebaran - Spaceship VR (Vril) 8 "Odin" there is at least a genuine all probability
Photo. This shows the device on the ground, still provided a framework for the
coupling. The recognizable proportions likely with traditional measurements - be consistent
- 45 meters in diameter, two-story domed building. At the dome side a large Balkenkreuz
can be seen, the German national emblem of that time, in the then usual form; it consists
of four mutually identified angles. Maybe that means laterally recognizable scaffold that
such emblems were just installed on all four sides. The picture is obviously taken up either
in the evening or in the morning-gray. This seems logical, in broad daylight, the device
would hardly have been brought out from his underground factory; because the enemy's
air superiority. It is even conceivable that there is a recording immediately before
departure and what as a scaffold looks like a loading aid is. So maybe showing us this
photo, the spaceship "Odin" immediately before the start.
(This photo is not for publication!)
For completeness, it is noted that a questionable photo exists that could indicate the
start. Comparing this with the previously described as certainly genuine, so could be quite
real and the picture of the launch. However, it was apparently badly damaged and has
been revised in a way that makes it impossible, even to assess whether it is an original
genuine original, a gimmick or a deliberate falsification.

Better it is in terms of image documentation to the forerunner model VR (Vril) 7. From this,
there are several photos that are genuine with very high probability. But even these silken
partly from the fact that damages were repaired improperly. Especially three shots should
be mentioned here, because they may be considered the safest.The best of these photos is
not here for the publication. It shows VR 7 in gelandetem state. The diameter
corresponded to that of VR 8, ie 45 m, but the construction was only one storey, so low. A
second, probably taken at the same time, however, is well preserved. The young lady in
the foreground is known by name. The photo must be in October or November of 1944 in
the Arado / Vril - have been recorded in Brandenburg terrain.The template is not a
reproduction, the photo paper is German and dates back to the period in question. The
easily recognizable ponytail young lady speaks for the authenticity of the picture, because
this was almost an internal club costume of "Vril" - women.

About the same time or a little later, perhaps in December 1944, is likely to be a very good 7 arose
basically Aerial of VR (Vril). Even to this damage have been revised, so as the Balkenkreuz is
drawn. Fortunately, these improvements have been made, however, on a Repro. Thus, the
unchanged original is still available. The authenticity must therefore be construed as quite safe.
Very probably really are some sketches that relate to VR. 7

A key ingredient to the possible reality of Aldebaranflugs are some papers obtained the
driving technical workshops (unofficially "Vril - Company"). These papers can be
fragmentary but - definitive preparations for the Aldebaranflug seen in some places quite
unquestionable. This confirms also that fact predominantly women had this project in their
hands. These papers speak in some places such a clear message that, at least at the start
took place can not remain a doubt. In detail further is common ground that it is German
paper production from the time in question. The font - Typo was then customary. The
partially recognizable logos correspond to those that were used by the originally founded
in Munich Ladies Circle 1921 to 1945. Historically, also Maria O., the "Vril" - boss.
If we these facts to assess the Aldebaran - use company, can at least be said fohlendes:
• The initiators, "Drive Technical workshops" (unofficially 'Vril - Company'), is
• At the creation of the technical requirements ('Flying Saucers') has been
working without a doubt, trials were held.
• Preparations for the flight to Aldebaran taken quite concretely - the start date
was made.
From this perspective, there is no good reason to assume that the launch had not actually
occurred. The military situation was desperate, the operator circuit of the company
explains aligned patriotic. An attempt by the willingness to risk life, lay almost in the logic
of things.
For this would be to say: Start does not mean success, departure does not mean,
arrive That is probably completely open..
What is now on the other hand? Those people who do not believe in the reality of
Aldebaranfugs but perceive the existing documents, say two things:
On the one hand, in the recordings of VR / Vril - devices if it were indeed probably real
photographs from the time, but they did not show the final product, but only models. The
aerial photographs of the VR (Vril) 7 showed only model tests. The image of the VR (Vril) 8
on the ground could potentially show a final product, this would have been but not
airworthy and was destroyed when the war ended.
On the other hand, in the papers, which are also made of the time and always genuine, if it
were rapturous fantasies of young girls, a sort of gimmick, more had never been. The
historic "Vril" - society would not have been as carried by mystical enthusiasm community
of young women who have indeed had some private connections to high-ranking persons
of that time (August von Mackensen, Erich von Manstein, Wilhelm Canaris, Adolf Galland,
Ernst Heinkel, Kurt Tank, etc.), but with no practical effect.
Since retrace the trail of the Haunebu - devices (Hauneburg) same source show (as
applicable), classified these as part pilot projects and partly fantasy objects.
Between these two opposing views to form their own opinion, may be left to each
The wide-ranging perspectives of the German Aldebaran - company, as it represents
Norbert Jürgen Ratthofer, should not be discussed here. But it must be said that the
research and considerations of this serious man also have their place - almost at the
extreme end of this spectrum.
Chronology of UFO sightings
The reader should also make use of here own mind, and may make its own image of the
listed events.
Preface to the chronology
It seems can not be distinguished UFOs and USOs (unidentified floating objects). In many
well-documented cases, Witnesses claim that strange, metallic, disc-shaped objects and
cigar, suddenly emerged from the water, rose into the air and disappeared. In other cases,
they came down to the sea and disappeared underwater. Bases of these flying objects are
presumed under the sea. It raises the question whether that is the reason for the
spending, the US Navy for the UFO research more money than the US Air
Force. (Bergmann, German flying disks .. p.19 / 21).
As areas with frequent shipwrecks and UFO / USO sightings, except the Bermuda Triangle or
the Bay of Biscay (p.74, 75) and the so-called "circle of death" between Gotland and Öland
indicated (p.86, 87).
In connection with UFO sightings and strange phenomena in the Bermuda Triangle, was
repeatedly of "cloud formation", "a kind of fog" or "sulfuric acid droplets" reported. Often
shrouded a cloud or a strange mist, ships and aircraft, which then never came out of this
cloud or fog formations. These structures then dissolved slowly and the aircraft or ship
that vanished in it no longer existed. The fog is often described as greenish and the clouds
as a tube-like. The fog always occurs suddenly in out of nowhere and can fail
instruments. (Bergmann, German flying disks .., p.48 / 52)
The American Air Defense Command, NORAD has admitted that his complicated infrared
sensors that simultaneously places satellite re-entries and calculate in stages through a
global radar network, daily register at the "800 to 900 objects" whose flight characteristics
correspond neither to those of any satellites or the usual ballistic trajectories. (Hesemann:
UFOs: The Evidence, p 18)
Period -1.5 million by the year "0"
Aliens influence on the early development of mankind
-1.5 To -1 million
Diluvium: juxtaposition develop Archanthropines, Paläanthropinen and Neanthropinen. The
latter develop into Homo sapiens. The other two branches are dying out as more primitive.
1.4 million years old campfire in Kenya -Steinwerkzeuge Heidelberger and related cultures
prove tertiary Werkzeugtechnik, collector and hunter-gatherer stage. Peking Man knows
fire use. (Werner Stein, The big cultural schedule)
-540 000
Archanthropines from China . Peking (Sinanthropus), Java (Pithecanthropus)
and Heidelberg (Wall) with 800-1000 cc brain volume. Olduvai man on Kilimanjaro
(archanthropiner representatives of African biface culture) (Werner Stein, The big cultural
-450 000
On Nibiru, a distant planet in our solar system, threatening the life go out because
decomposes its atmosphere.Dethroned by Anu, the ruler escapes Alalu in a spaceship and
finds refuge on Earth. Here he discovered the gold that the for protecting
Can use atmosphere. (Sitchin. The wars of men and gods, S.417 (Zecharia Sitchin was born
in the USSR and grew up in Palestine, where he learned the old and modern Hebrew, other
Semitic and European languages and the Old Testament as well as the history and
archeology the Middle East studied. After studying at the London School of Economics he
worked for many years as one of the leading journalists in Israel active. Today he lives and
works as a recognized archaeologist in the United States.))
-445 000
Led by Enki, a son anus, land the Anunnaki (the biblical name: Nefilim) on Earth and build
Eridu, the first earth station to gain from the waters of the Persian Gulf Gold. (Sitchin: The
wars of men and gods, S.417) The Nefilim, led by Enki, coming from the Twelfth Planet to
Earth. Eridu - Earth Station 1 is established in southern Mesopotamia. (Sitchin: The Twelfth
Planet, S.411) The Sumerians considered Niburu as the twelfth planet in our solar system,
consisting of the Sun, Moon, the nine planets we know today, as well as a larger, its
circulation is 3600 Earth years. (Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, p.97)
-430 000
The Earth's climate is milder. More and more Anunnaki arrive on Earth, among them Enki's
half-sister Ninharsag healers. (Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, S.417) The big ice sheets
begin to give way. In the Middle East there is a very pleasant climate. (Sitchin: The Twelfth
Planet, S.411)
-416 000
Since the gold production subsides, Anu comes with the heir Enlil on Earth. It was decided
to obtain the vital gold by mining in South Africa. The Los determines Enlil commander of
Erdmission; Enki is referred to Africa.Upon leaving the earth Anu is challenged by alalus
grandson. (Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, S.417)
-415 000
Enki moves inland and founded Larsa (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, S.411).
-400 000
In southern Mesopotamia following systems have emerged: a Raumschifflughafen (Sippar),
a Control Center (Nippur), a metallurgical center (Badtibira), a medical institute
(Shuruppak). The gold is shipped to Africa, and refined, shipped by the Igigi, which orbit the
earth on the spaceships that regularly come from Nibiru. (Sitchin: The wars of men and
gods, S.417) The interglacials (intermediate interglacial) is spreading worldwide. Enlil
comes to earth and establishes Nippur as Mission Control, Enki uses sea routes to South
Africa permanently and organizes the exploitation of gold mines. (Sitchin: The Twelfth
Planet, S.411)
-380 000
With the support of the Igigi tried alalus grandson to gain power over the earth. The
Enliliten victorious in the war of the ancient gods (Sitchin: The wars of men and gods,
-360 000
The Nefilim establish Badtibira as their metallurgical center for smelting and refining of
metals. (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, S.411)
-300 000
The Anunnaki, who work in the gold mines mutiny. Enki and Ninharsag created through
genetic manipulation with a female ape-man the primitive workers, which take over the
hard work of the Anunnaki. Enlil coat mines and kidnapped these workers to
Mesopotamia. You get the ability to procreate, and the Homo Sapiens begins to
multiply. (Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, S.418) in the epic of the creation of man, in
other relevant texts and in volatile mentions the Sumerians describe the people on the one
hand as willingly forth accommodated creature of the gods and the other as a member of
the development chain, with the
Has begun sky events, which portrays the "Epic of Creation". (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet,
p.337) In the biblical story, which ascribes all the services of a single deity, is at this point
used the majority, namely Elohim (deities): "And Elohim said: Let us make man in our
image and after our likeness ... "Genesis 1: In the beginning God created the heavens and
the earth. The earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the primeval waters, and
the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. (The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments,
1989, Pattloch Verlag)
In the Rotherham translation of the Bible from the Hebrew reads: "Now the earth was
formless and become empty." (Des Griffin, Who rules the world, S. 9) is based Sumerian
texts that the (gods) Anunnaki have used genetically the human race from primates
(monkeys) Sitchin. After several failed attempts, they fertilized a female monkey with its
own seeds, harvesting the fertilized egg and let the egg from one of her discharge. The
mentioned in the Bible knowledge was the moment when man received the fertility. In the
Old Testament, the word
"recognize" used for sexual intercourse, mostly between husband and wife for the purpose
of procreation.The first "creatures" were hybrids and infertile, compared with the mule,
which also does not pair a cross between horse and donkey. Sitchin explains the
controversy over this realization between God and snake as a dispute between Enlil, Enki
and the commander, who was entrusted with the supervision of the mine work. (Sitchin,
The Twelfth Planet, Chapters 12 and 13)
-250 000
Early Homo Sapiens multiplies and spreads to other parts of the world. (Sitchin: The
Twelfth Planet, S.411)
The development in the world has stagnated during a new ice age. (Sitchin: The wars of
men and gods, S.418)
-120,000 To -60,000
Pre-Neanderthals (finds of Ehringsdorf, from Palestine and others), Neanderthals and
Rhodesia-man. Around the same time the primitive Ngandong man and Präsapiens types
living (eg in Palestine). (Werner Stein, The big cultural schedule)
Climate warms again. The Anunnaki (the biblical Nefilim) marry despite Enlil displeasure
with the daughters of men. (Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, S.418)
-77 000
Ubartutu / Lamech, a demigod, accepts under Ninhursags patronage rule in
Shuruppak. (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, S.411)
-75 000
The curse of the earth - a new ice age - begins. A regressive human impact roams on
earth. (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, S.411) A new ice age begins. Regressive types of men
arise. The Cromagnonrasse survived.(Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, S.418)
-60 000 -40 000 to about
Homo sapiens: Aurignacian, Brno-man (similar to today's aborigines of Australia; brain
volume 1000 cc) displaced from the east to the Neanderthals, the extinct. Transition of
primitive hunters to the higher level: mammoth hunting, spear, bow and arrow, the field
and cave dwellings, partly already hut-like dwellings for families. Cro-Magnon (high
forehead, chin, large oval eye sockets, 1200 cc brain volume), education of today's major
races. (Werner Stein, The big cultural schedule)
-49 000
Enki and Ninharsag allow the Anunnaki people, to reign in Shuruppak. in his fury plans Enlil
the destruction of mankind. (Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, S.418)
Ziusudra (Noah), a faithful servant of Enki, takes over the rule. (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet,
-45 000
The (gray) aliens visiting Earth for 45,000 years. They claim to have created mankind
through an intersection with the primitive primates. The result was the Cro-Magnon was
that had appeared around 40,000 years ago in northern Spain and southwest France (cave
paintings, etc.). You have created the religions as a means of influencing the evolution of
man and as a moral authority. You yourself come from a binary star system like the Ceta
Reticuli. Your planet is a desert planet whose sun was threatening to die and they live like
the Pueblo Indians. (John v. Buttlar, dragon paths, p.191)
-38 000
Due to the harsh climatic conditions of the seven passages, the number of people
decreased more and more. The European Neanderthals disappeared, only the native of the
Middle East Cromagnonrasse survived the terrible time. Enlil seeks humanity that has
disappointed him eradicate. (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, S.412)

-32 400
(Dr. Andrija Puharich / Phyllis Schelmer: The essence named Tom; spoke in 1974 by
Phyllis regarding the influence of aliens from Hoova on the human development): The first
civilization, which founded the aliens on Earth, the culture of AKSU in Tarim Basin, north of
Tibet was. This civilization destroyed itself. Your survivors founded the civilization of
Atlantis. After their destruction would have his survivors founded the cultures of Egypt, Ur
and China. The Nordic race descended from the civilization unit of Ashland, while the
blacks are the original inhabitants of this planet. (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p 161)
From about -25.000
13,900 years long are the gods who ruled over Egypt, and the subsequent demigods
together again 11,000 years.The gods, as Manetho (Manetho, in the historian Plutarch as a
contemporary of the first Ptolemaic king (304 -. 282 BC) mentioned.), Would allow different
beings arise, monsters and mixed creatures of all kinds is exactly what confirms the prelate
Eusebius (historian. , died 339 AD): "And there were there some other beasts, some of
which were self-generated, and equipped with life-generating forms;.. and they have
produced people doppelbeflügelte;to others with four wings and two faces and one body
and two heads, women and men, and two natures, male and female; further other people
with legs of goat and horns on the head; still others pferdefüßige; and any other form of
horses at the rear and at the front human form having the Hippokentauren forms; they had
also generated bulls, human-headed, and dogs, vierleibige whose tails back hand out ran
from the buttocks to the type of fish tails;horses with dogs' heads; and humans and other
monsters, horse-headed and menschenleibige and beschwänzte on the type of fish; to
continue all sorts of kite-shaped mischief; and fish and reptiles and snakes and a lot of
miracles being varied kind and each other differently shaped whose images they kept
displayed in the temple of Belos one next to the other. ", in the Louvre admire anyone three
small, only ten centimeters high figurines of human-headed bulls , They are dated around
2200 v. Chr.. Also in the Louvre is the twenty-three centimeters high "cup of Gudea" caused
to about 2200 BC The engraving on the mug shows a hybrid creature of a special kind:..
Birds' claws on the legs, snake body, human hands, wings and the head of a dragon. Even
in the far South and Central America are not missing the mixed creatures on artistic
representations. Whether Olmec, Maya or Aztecs, we repeatedly see human animal Cloudy
figures on temple walls and in codes. Herodotus, the priests in Thebes had shown him
personally 341 statues, each SPECIFIED high priestly generation since 11,340 years. People
of this type were widely different from the gods. Before these men the gods had ruled in
Egypt and lived with the people ...... (Erich von Däniken, The Eye of the Sphinx, p 67/74)
In another report of a period "since 25,000 years, they visit the earth" spoken. They (the
horror) have underground bases in various countries around the world. (Hesemann: UFOs:
The contacts, p.81)
Israel is the place where they had landed (the essence of Hoova) 20,000 years ago for the
first time, to the time of Abraham in Mamre. (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, S. 156/57,
hypnosis session with Uri Geller, see 1970/71) "We attacked 20,000 years ago for the first
time in the fate of mankind. We arrived in a planned mission of our own solar system and
our first landing took place in Israel, where Abraham met us. We found traces of previous
visitors already from space who came already million years earlier on the Earth. Since
then, we give humanity once every 6000 years, a teaching. The last time in Egypt.
"(Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p.158)
-15,000 To 12,000
In the book "The History of Akakor" (narrated by Tatunca Nara, the chief of Ugha
Mongulala, Karl Brugger, 1976 Econ Verlag) is reported by a South American tribe whose
Chronicle says that the gods 15,000 years ago came to earth and 12,000 years ago
disappeared. They would have left behind a flying disc in the 4-5 km by measuring city
sub-Akakor. (Haarmann: Secret miracle weapons III, p 72)

-14 000
Visiting extraterrestrials from a planet in the Alpha Centauri system (see 1954, 24.10.). "For
the first time we have visited your planet 14,000 years ago. Since that time we have
observed periodically the progress of the inhabitants of the earth. "Sol-Tec (name of the
aliens) talks about that Atlantis and Lemuria (Mu) have fought with nuclear weapons,
resulting in a destruction of the earth. The same threatening again. Alpha Centauri is a
member of a universal Galactic Confederation of over 680 planets that have acquired by
achieving a certain evolutionary stage the right to membership. These planets are located
far from each other in various stages or degrees of evolution, and yet live and work it all
together for the good of all. The earth was once a member of this confederation, before
Atlantis catastrophe. (Hesemann, UFOs: The contacts, pp 46-48)
-13 000
Enlil it is clear that the passing of Nibiru will trigger an immense tidal wave on the earth in
the earth nearby. He makes the Anunnaki swear to conceal the impending disaster before
men. Enki is faithless and has Ziusudra (Noah) to to build an underwater boat. The flood
inundated the earth; the Anunnaki can see the complete destruction of their orbiting
satellites with. (Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, S.418) Enlil passes the surviving
humans equipment and seeds. In the highlands agriculture begins. (Sitchin: The wars of
men and gods, S.418) Genesis 6,1-2: It came to pass that the people on earth began to
multiply and daughters were born to them. Since saw the sons of God, that the daughters
of men were beautiful, and they took to wife such that they only want to ... Genesis 6.5-8:
The Lord said: "I want the people that I created from the ground destroy, both man and
beast, and the Reptile and the sky birds. For I am sorry to have made it. " Only Noe found
grace in the eyes of the Lord.
Approximately 12,000
Invasion of the Aryans in India. In this time about the origin of the Vedas, basic teaching of
Hinduism falls. Are worshiped, among other things:
• Brahman: The One - the only one - of origin, to which everything
• Pradscha-Pati, personal Creator
• Ishwara "The Lord - God as a person" (Caterina Conio, Hinduism,
Pattloch Verlag)
-10 500
The descendants of Noah are assigned three regions. Ninurta, Enlil's firstborn son, built dams
and channeled the rivers to make Mesopotamia habitable. Enki makes
the Nile Valley under cultivation. The Sinai Peninsula is chosen by the Anunnaki as a base
for the new airport, the control center will be built on Mount Moa (later
Jerusalem). (Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, S.419)
Since about 10,000
It played out a fundamental change of human existence, the "Neolithic Revolution"
domestic, agriculture, settled life, city-like settlements. Thus the conditions of a higher
civilization exist. (Werner Stein, The big cultural schedule)
Ra (Marduk), Enki's firstborn son, divides dominion over Egypt between Osiris and
Seth. (Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, S.419)
Seth is fighting with Osiris and emasculated him; he takes on the role of the sole ruler of
the Nile Valley.(Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, S.419)
Horos avenges his father Osiris by starting the First Pyramid War. Seth escapes to Asia, it
is suitable to the Sinai Peninsula, and Canaan. (Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, S.419)
-ca. 8,000
Bob Lazar: ".... As part of my introduction to the program S-4, I was taken into a small room
where there were a table, a chair, and about 120 instructions in blue ring binders. I was
there a different length left alone to read, usually about half an hour. These instructions
contain a wide range of information, of which the majority related to aliens and alien
technology. These reports seemed an overview of "alien information" display, which had
the purpose to inform scientists every area beyond the reach of the project, not only on
their particular area, and their responsibilities. The beings are 3 to 4 feet tall and weigh 25
to 50 pounds. They have gray shimmering skin and big heads with almond-shaped, wide-
eyed. They have very thin, slender noses, mouths and ears are hairless .... ... These beings
said they had visited the Earth over a long period of time over and over again and
presented photographic evidence that they age as Over 10,000 Years designated. The
essence said that man is the product of a corrected from the outside (influenced)
Evolution. They said that mankind had 65 times as a race is genetically altered. They
described people as "vessels", but I do not know what they should be container. "
The Enliliten leaned against it on that Enki's descendants reign alone on space systems,
and begin the Second Pyramid War. The victorious Ninurta destroyed all plants in the Great
Pyramid. Ninharsag, Enki and Enlil half-sister, convene a peace conference. The division of
the earth is re-discussed. The dominion over Egypt transferred from the Ra dynasty
(Marduk) to Thoth. Heliopolis is created as a new beacon city. (Sitchin: The wars of men
and gods, S.419)
The Anunnaki establish outposts at the entrances to the space facilities; Jericho is one of
them. (Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, S.419)
Further, while there is peace, the Anunnaki grant humans improvements. The beginning of
the Neolithic period.About Egypt prevail demigods. (Sitchin: The wars of men and gods,
The Great Pyramids were allegedly built to a supernova explosion in the year 4000 BC. to
observe and celebrate.(Note: in school history is the construction in 2700 BC dated.). Dr.
Anthony Hewish, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1974), discovered a rhythmic series
of radio pulses, proving their descent from a star that exploded in this period. The
Freemasons begin their chronology "In the light" at this time. This light is to 2000 AD in the
year. be seen again. (MW Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, p 72) Based on findings in the
1920s-30s, an expedition was put together to open a secret chamber under the
pyramid. They found a metal door, 500 feet (150 meters) below the base of the
pyramid. The opening of the door required a sound codes. They found a room with over
30,000 recording disks and equipment extraterrestrial origin. The discs were
deciphered. They describe the rise and fall of civilizations beyond Earth, dating back more
than 100,000 years. This group has built this chamber and then set about the
pyramid. (Krill, OH: Orion Technology based Mind Control ..., p.35)
In pre-dynastic Egypt, a distinction Badâri-, Tsas-, Amratien-, Gerzeen culture in the
transition from the Neolithic to the Metal Age. Convergence of villages to larger political
associations. (Werner Stein, The big cultural schedule)
In Sumer begins Urban civilization; the Anunnaki build the old villages on again, first and
Eridu Nippur , Anu equips the earth a visit. In his honor, a new city will be built; Uruk
(Erech). The temples of this city makes it the home of his beloved granddaughter Inanna
(Ishtar). (Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, S.419)
The humanity is granted the kingship. Kish is first capital under the aegis
Ninurta. In Nippur the calendar will be used. In Sumer , The first region, flourishing
civilization. (Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, S.419)
Tell Halaf stage in Mesopotamia until about -3300; Here arise stepped terraces as an escape
from flooding mountains (later arise on high stamp). Torrential floods in Mesopotamia. (Werner
Stein, The big cultural schedule)
The primacy is transferred to Nannar (Sin). Marduk proclaims Babylon for "gateway of the
gods". The Tower of Babel is started. The Anunnaki confuse the language of the people. As
Marduk coup failed, he returned to Egypt.He settles Thoth and lies down with his younger
brother Dumuzi, who is married to Inanna. As alleged murderer Dumuzi Marduk is buried
alive in the Great Pyramid. After his liberation by a rescue team, he goes into exile(Sitchin:
The wars of men and gods, S.420).
The beginning of the Mayan era in Central America. (Werner Stein, The big cultural
The Sumerians believed to migrate from Central Asia to Mesopotamia The Sumerian story
dating are partly up to several hundred years uncertain. Religious customs of the
Sumerians indicate origin from mountain area, probably Central Asia or Bactria: Mountain
temple, worship of mountain animal bison, voluntary Gifttod of Königsgefolges the death of
the king as in Central Asia. (Werner Stein, The big cultural schedule) Genesis 11: The whole
world had only one language and the same sounds. When they departed from the east was
found in the land of Shinar, and dwelt a level darselbst ... "Let us build a city and a tower
whose top reaches to the sky!We want to make a name, lest we all over the world be
scattered! "And the Lord came down to the city and the tower, to be
had built the people watching. The Lord said: "Behold, they are one people, and they have
all one language; but that's just the beginning of what they do. Nothing of what they plan
will be impossible for them. Come, let us descend! We want there confound their
language, that no more talk of the other understands "And the Lord scattered them from
there over all the earth there!; they listened to the Urban Development on ... (The Holy
Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, 1989, Pattloch Verlag)
A 350th chaos ends with the establishment of the first Pharaoh in Memphis. (Sitchin: The
wars of men and gods, S.420)
-4000 To -3000
The oldest reports are handed down to us as legends or legends. For example, in an
ancient Chinese story of a distant "land of the flying car" is mentioned, in the one-armed,
three-eyed man driving in winged chariot with gold-plated wheels. The Sanskrit text Drona
PARVA contains descriptions of air battles between gods, the flying machines - so-called
control vimanas. In one of these battles is a "flaming projectile from the luminosity
smokeless fire" shot down ". (Time-Life Books, Mysteries of the Unknown, The UFOs, p.12)
The oldest secret society called the Brotherhood of the Serpent, and the Brotherhood of
the Dragon. This Brotherhood of the guard over which is dedicated to "secrets of the
times" and recognize Lucifer as the true and only God. (MW Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, p
Ancient Egyptian Empire (1st-6th. Dynasty to about -2150, 1st and 2nd Dynasty to about
-2780). Menes, the first historically provable king of Egypt, united Lower and Upper Egypt,
founded the capital Memphis. First Egyptian hieroglyphic texts (mostly religious in
nature). The Pharaoh is a god-king. Worship of nature deities and totemistischem Animal
Cult in the European Neolithic. (Werner Stein, The big cultural schedule)
The Sumerian kingship was moved to Uruk. The domination of the third region, the Indus
Valley is transmitted Inanna, and here begins the development of civilization. (Sitchin: The
wars of men and gods, S.420)
Fabled King Gilgamesh of Uruk. Great city wall in Sumerian Uruk with 900 towers produced
(9.5 km long).Uruk has 47,000 inhabitants. (Werner Stein, The big cultural schedule)
Construction of the Cheops pyramid. Sun ships the journey of the soul King Cheops in the
Hereafter (of a fully equipped and is intact in 1954 found in a rock tomb next to the
pyramid). (Werner Stein, The big cultural schedule)
The Sumerian. royal capitals are changed constantly and the kingdom threatens to
disintegrate. Enlil loses patience with the unbridled proliferation of human. (Sitchin: The
wars of men and gods, S.420)
Construction of Chephrenpyramide at Giza. The Great Sphinx of Giza (73 m long, 20 m
high) is thought to arise at the same time with the Chephrenpyramide. Construction of a
pyramid (Snefru) 17 years
650,000 cbm masonry. (Werner Stein, The big cultural schedule)
Approximately -
Construction of the pyramids of Sakara. The highlight of the Sumerian-Akkadian until
-2270 Art in Babylonia.(Werner Stein, The big cultural schedule)
Inanna falls in love Scharru-Kin (Sargon), the built a new capital: Agade (Akkad). The
Akkadian Empire begins.(Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, S.420)
In order to gain control of the four regions, Sargon sacred soil from Babylon
appropriates. The Marduk-Inanna conflict flares up again. He ends with Marduk's brother
Nergal of South Africa travels to Babylon and persuades Marduk to leave Mesopotamia
(Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, S.420).
Naram-Sin ascends the throne of Akkad. From the warlike Inanna incited, he penetrates
the Sinai peninsula and coat of Egypt. (Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, S.420)
Inanna seizes power in Mesopotamia itself; Naram-Sin defiled Nippur. The top Anunnaki
destroy Agade.Inanna escapes. Sumer and Akkad occupied by foreign troops, the Enlil and
Ainurta are Muslims. (Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, S.420)
Among the educated rulers of Lagash, the Sumerian culture developed to new
heights. Thoth helps the king Gueda build a ziggurat for Ninurta. (Sitchin: The wars of men
and gods, S.420)
In Nippur Tera, Abraham's father is born into a priestly-royal family. (Sitchin: The wars of
men and gods, S.421)
Egypt is divided; Followers of Ra (Marduk) govern the south; hostile Pharaohs sit on the
throne of lower Egypt.(Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, S.421)
By overthrow from within and enemies from outside the Old Kingdom of Egypt is
terminated. Disintegration in Egyptian art. The Babylonian epic of creation arises: The 3
anthropomorphic gods of the sky, the air and the earth with the underworld destroy the
primordial goddess of chaos, which is set as an animal constellations in the sky. (Werner
Stein, The big cultural schedule)
As Enlil and Ninurta are present more and more rare, the authority in Mesopotamia is
controversial. Inanna's attempt to lay the kingdom again to Uruk, is not
permanent. (Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, S.421)
Abraham comes in Nippur to the world. (Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, S.421)
Enlil entrusts Shem countries Nannar, and Ur is declared the capital of a new empire. Ur-
Nammu ascends the throne and named the Protector of Nippur. A priest nippurianischer
At the head of his followers, Marduk moves to Sumer and enthroned himself in
Babylon. The fights stretch out to Central Mesopotamia. Nippurs sanctuary is
desecrated. Enlil urges Marduk and Nabu punishment. Enki opposes, but his son Nergal
take Enlil party. As Nabu all his Canaanite followers musters to occupy the space airport,
the major gods agree to the use of nuclear weapons. Nergal and Ninurta destroy the
airport and the defiant Canaanite cities. (Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, S.422)
The winds carry the radioactive cloud after Sumer. People die a terrible death, animals
perish, the water is poisoned, the soil becomes barren. Sumer and its great culture are
destroyed. His legacy passes to Abraham's legitimate son he testifies at the age of one
hundred years: Isaac. (Sitchin: The wars of men and gods, S.422) Prof. Jim Hurtak: "There
are more than 25,000 documents Arcadian texts, as a result of investigations into Syria
from 1978. In it one finds very precise designations or names of gods or divine
beings. Over 500 are listed. Even more significant, however, is that there is a prototype of
the Bible here. Scientists found Genesis Nr. 14 in previous form. The story revolves around
a major war in the Middle East and the intervention of space-intelligences under the
command of Michaelo. The location of these cities (Sodom and
Gomorrah) and the traps of fire from heaven, Dialogue allows the inference that there has
been a great war. "(Congress" with the universe "from 16 to 10/19/92 in Dusseldorf)
102 BC.
Pliny the Elder (1st century.. Chr.) Says that was seen during the war against the Cimbri
and the Teutons a "burning sign" that sparked and flew at sunset from west to east across
the sky. (John v. Buttlar, dragon paths, p.58)
73 BC.
The army of Mithridates, King of Pontus was the army of Lucullus near the opposite
Dardanelles. Just as the king wanted to raise his hand to attack, the heavens opened. "A
huge, flaming body, shaped like a drinking cup and of the color of molten silver, fell
between the two armies." The battle has been avoided. Mithridates was later defeated by
Lucullus. (J. v. Buttlar, dragon paths, p.59)
Period: Year '0' to 1928
(Dr. Andrija Puharich / Phyllis Schelmer: The essence named Tom spoke in 1974 by Phyllis
regarding the influence of aliens from Hoova on the human development): The next
intervention was Jehovah than Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the incarnation of his people an
example of the people announced in the next phase of evolution and for the principle of
love. He was not understood. When the revolt of the Jews against the Roman occupiers,
their attempt to re-create a state of the old size failed, they were driven into all the nations
with whom they shared their knowledge, their ingenuity and the beauty of their art,
without again the same to make mistakes, to give up their identity. (Hesemann: UFOs: The
contacts, p 161)
Emperor Constantine appeared on the march in the direction of Italy, in the early afternoon,
"the sign of the cross", formed by the light, provided with an inscription:> In Hoc Signo
Vinces "(in this sign you will conquer).This sign was seen by the whole army. The cross was
his banner. It was the catalyst for Constantine to unite the Roman Empire and the
introduction of Christianity as the state religion. (John v. Buttlar, dragon paths, p.56)
The Eastern Roman Empire is ravaged by the Bubonic Plague. This plague was one of the
most devastating plague in history, and many people of that time thought they were a
punishment from God. The word "Pest" is derived from the Latin word for "breathe" or
"twisted, damaged hurt" from. The plague was, therefore, also known as "God's plague", ie
touch or shock, the God sends. One of the reasons why people believed that the plague
had come from God, was that often phenomena were observed in the sky at the outbreak
of a plague epidemic. A chronicler of Justinian plague was the famous historian Gregory of
Tours, who held a series of unusual events from the plague years in writing. Gregory reports
that just before the Plague of Justinian 567 n. Cr. the Auvergne reached, three or four bright
lights were round you tend to see the sun, and seemed to be on fire of heaven. Maybe it
has thereby been only natural "Sundog"; there were, however, perceived also other
unusual celestial phenomena in this area. So says a historian of a similar incident which 23
years later was happening in another part of France, in Avignon. It reported "strange
phenomena" in the sky, and the earth was lit up at night sometimes as bright as day. Here
Shortly afterwards broke out the plague. Gregory spoke of an apparition in Rome that
looked like a giant "dragon", the down to the sea floating through the town, followed
immediately broke out a severe plague. In such reports, a gray-inspiring, unimaginable
thought arises: the Plague of Justinian was caused by agents of biological warfare that have
been spread by the missile "Mr. gods". This would mean a repetition of similar epidemics,
such as those described in the Bible and in ancient Mesopotamian texts. (William Bamley,
The Gods of Eden, pp 161-162)
After a long dispute, the philosophy of Origen of Alexandria (about 253) will be sentenced
at the 5th General Council of Constantinople Opel as not orthodox. (Werner Stein, The big
cultural schedule) The belief in reincarnation and in the cycle of rebirth was a fundamental
article of faith in the Roman Catholic Church until the year 553 AD when it was decided in
the Synod of Constantinople Opel, this belief can not exist. They condemned the teachings
of reincarnation as heresy, and at this time it happened that instructions have been
removed on these beliefs from the Bible. Christian churches today claim that the doctrine
of reincarnation would have been foreign to the primitive Christianity and was only
subsequently introduced by followers of the Greek philosopher Pythagoras in the Christian
doctrine. In response, the church had seen caused this. As heresy on a council to condemn
(Hermann Bauer, rebirth)
Mohammed emigrated from Mecca to Medina from: the hijra called extract is beginning of
the Islamic era.Accompanied by visions and hallucinations and under physical pain broke
the new "revelation" - as the Moslems call them - with irresistible force and unadulterated
authenticity of Mohammed in. On the transfer of a divine messenger, the angel Gabriel
down, the 40 year old reformers began to preach the basic and novel ideas of his
faith. (Prof. Federico Peirone, Islam, p.40) God is the Lord of heaven and earth. It is the duty
of man to obey him, and so much more than he has revealed in his mercy his messengers
to the welfare of mankind. God is absolute ruler and origin of all laws, the religious and the
temporal. All manifestations of the will of God to the people are gathered and laid down in
the revealed books. (Prof. Federico Peirone, Islam, p.26)
Charles (the Great) waged war against the heathen Saxons on the territory of today's
Westphalia. A "heavenly signs" (according to Royal Frankish Annals) came the Franks for help
when they were besieged in a castle by the Saxons. They saw two round shields, the reddish
moved blazing above the church. When the pagans saw this they fell at once into a panic and
fled. Phenomena of this kind were with him in the beginning of a new era of European
history. (John v. Buttlar, dragon paths, p.56) 9tes century. The French clergy Agobard,
Archbishop of Lyon, possibly describing visits of extraterrestrial spaceships, when he noticed
in the 9th century, members of his congregation
claimed that their area will haunted by "sailors from the air", which should arrive on ships
in the clouds and orchards and wheat fields plundered. (Time-Life Books, Mysteries of the
Unknown, The UFOs, p.14)
Dr. Andrija Puharich / Uri Geller. In another hypnosis session the voice called (by Geller
said) the spacecraft spectra as their origin - a huge mother ship which was very far
stationed away from Earth Another time was told it was stationed near the Earth for 800
years. The voice continued: "Our study every computer on earth".(Hesemann: UFOs: The
contacts, S. 157/58, hypnosis session with Uri Geller, see 1971, 5:12.)

Because apparently accumulated the UFO sightings at this time, the Pope issued a decree
in this century, which forbade the reports of such "flying things" under penalty. (The
Pandora aspect, Elian Lian, page 17)
The Black Plague or Black Death raged for the first time in Europe. Even after Europe was
still haunted every ten to twenty years of short bursts of pneumonic plague until the 17th
century, the number of fatal cases of the disease fell increasingly. Many people from all
over Europe and other stricken by the plague regions of the world reported namely that
plague epidemics were caused by foul-smelling "mists". This fog often occurred after
unusually bright lights in the sky. At first outbreak of plague was followed by a series of
unusual events.Between 1298 and 1314 seven large "comets" were seen over Europe; one
was of "terrifying blackness". A year before the outbreak of the epidemic in Europe a "pillar
of fire" on the Popes' Palace in Avignon was spotted in France. Earlier that year, it was
observed a "fireball" over Paris; it should have been for some time visible. The people of
Europe observed these phenomena as an omen for the plague that broke out soon
after. During the first plague in Asia the Black Death and unusual celestial phenomena
were associated with each other. Descriptions of storms and earthquakes, meteors and
comets that left behind harmful gases through which withered the trees and the land was

"In Arabia, a comet was seen, which was shaped like a very pointed wooden beam ......" The
accompanying illustration, which is based on eyewitness accounts, showing something that
looks obviously like the front half of a rocket from a few clouds. (Conrad Lycosthenes, "A
Chronicle of the miracles and omens that are beyond the right order, procedures and
processes in nature, in the higher and in the lower regions of the earth, from the beginning
of the world until now", p 494)
Additional perceptions strange celestial phenomena in the distant past, a spectacular event
on the city of Nuremberg is one in April 1561; there appeared then balls and round slices of
heaven, and led to a veritable aerial ballet. Residents of Basel in Switzerland observed five
years later, a similar spectacle. According to contemporary reports, the sky was suddenly
littered with big black balls, flying at high speed toward the sun or around each other. So
quickly and mysteriously as they had appeared, they were turning then fiery red and
disappeared. (Time-Life Books, Mysteries of the Unknown, The UFOs, p.15) Opposite the
illustration strange spherical body, which has been observed in July and early August of
1566 over Basel in Switzerland. They were described by Samuel Coccius, an eyewitness as
big black balls that raced toward the sun and against each other faces, as if they were
involved in a fight.
1661 Nov.
Tibet: The Jesuit Father Albert d`Orville sees in Lhasa a UFO. A Lama who has seen it, said
to him: "For a long time traveled beings from other worlds the seas of space and
brought spiritual enlightenment the first people who have inhabited the earth. These beings
are always received from us friendly and often end up in the vicinity of our monasteries,
where they teach us and reveal things that (flooding) were lost during the times of
cataclysms, ... "(John von Buttlar: Zeitriß, page 91- 92)
1665 10.4.
The scholar Erasmus Francisi reports in his 1500-page book "Mysterious appearances" of
UFO sightings.(Johannes of Buttlar: Zeitriß, page 90)
1776 1.5.
Dr. Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830), professor of Catholic canon law at the University of
Ingolstadt founded the Illuminati. Weishaupt - born Jew who converted to Catholicism later -
broke with the Society of Jesus, to which he belonged as a priest. (Des Griffin, Who rules
the world, p.28) His goal was to establish a "Novus Ordo Saeclorum," a new world order or
a new world government. The name "Illuminati" is from the word Lucifer (light bearer)
derived (30). The new world order should be achieved by:
• Abolition of any regular government,
• Abolition of private property,
• Abolition of inheritance,
• Abolition of patriotism,
• Abolition of all religions,
• Abolition of the family. (Des Griffin, Who rules the world, p.34) There is in this
context, an interesting statement by Bill Hamilton on a talk with William Cooper and John
Lear. These people have together examined the alien scenario. Cooper is a former
intelligence agent, whose task it was to inform senior officers about the aliens projects
before he decided on grounds of conscience, to go public. Hamilton said on this lecture,
that centuries ago a secret society, the Illuminati a deal with an alien nation (the horror)
concluded that hiding within the earth and that the American government had in 1933
renewed the pact to humans and animals for High -Tech exchange. (Hamilton-Cooper-Lear-
Lecture, CBR - UFO briefing, 03/03/90, page 1b)
As real proof of the existence of unknown, of rational forces in the cosmos evaluated
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (father of the Soviet space exploration) a geometric figure and a
human figure, which he had spotted in the sky.(Source: Spiegel 1989/42 concerning

1897 23.4.
Fatima, Portuguese pilgrimage: 50,000 people watched in disbelief as the clouds parted
and shares the view of a large silver disc that revolved like a windmill and it danced across
the sky. The object radiated warmth and some witnesses said later, her drenched clothes
had dried them within minutes. After the circular disk had approached the nosedive of the
earth, they climbed back up into the sky and disappeared toward the sun. With this
exciting spectacle is fulfilled the prophecy of three shepherd children who claimed to have
spoken with the Virgin Mary.The Lady told them that she would on 13 October reveal in
such a manner, "that everybody will have to believe."The Catholic Church declared this a
miracle ... (Time-Life Books, Mysteries of the Unknown, The UFOs S. 25/26) The shepherd
children Jacinta Martos, Francesco and Lucia Santos witnessed seven Marian apparitions -
every time on a thirteenth of May until October. The children died soon after the
apparitions. The girl Lucia Santos went to a monastery. she had resigned from the received
messages in writing and handed over to the competent Bishop. The third message - so
Lucia - should be published by the Holy Father until the year 1960thThe "Third Secret of
Fatima" was sealed at that time handed over to Pope Pius XII, who forwarded the document
is closed to the Holy Office. In 1960, Pope John XXIII was Lord of the Roman Curia. Lucia's
letter was opened behind closed doors of the papal office. Shaken John XXIII said: "We can
not divulge the secret. It would trigger a panic. " (Erich von Däniken, We are all children of
the gods, S. 263/268) It is alleged that this event from Fatima Religion revealed as a false
concept. That is the reason why the sealed letter is held by the Catholic Church under lock
and key. He would shake the belief system and the power of the Church. At least one Pope
was murdered after he intended to reveal to man the information. (The Leading Edge, No.
23, 1991, p 52) The events of Fatima were investigated on suspicion that this is a
manipulation of the aliens could (the horror) act itself. An espionage action was launched
to solve the mystery. The United States used their contacts Vatican and received a short
time on the full study, including prophecy. . This said that if the man does not turn away
from evil, and sat down at the feet of Christ the planet self-destruct and the events as
described in the revelation of the Bible, would actually materialize prophecy:
• A child shall be born, which was to unite the world with a peace plan and a false
religion from 1992nd
• Against 1995, the nations, however, would find out that he (the child that
should unite the world with a peace plan and a false religion) was evil and was in fact the
Antichrist. The Third World War would in the Middle East, with an invasion of Israel by a
united Arab nation, begin. First, conventional weapons would be used.
• 1999: The war in the Middle East would find in a Holocaust, through the use of
nuclear weapons its climax.
• Until 2003, most of the planet would suffer horribly and life are largely
• 2011 will take place the return of Christ. (Milton William Cooper, the secret
government, p 14)
"... I have found evidence that secret societies since 1917 an artificial threat from space
planning, with the goal of humanity in a world government called" the new world order "to
bring together." (MW Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, S . 27)
1919 19.5.
Establishment of the Council on Foreign Relations in Paris the Hotel Majestic. (The Pandora
aspect, Elian Lian, Annex)
Ziolkowski discovered three Cyrillic letters on the horizon, which mean "the aliens know
their friends." (Source: Spiegel 1989/42 concerning Voronezh.)
Period: 1930-1949
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) is the President USA , He led the Seal of the
Illuminati one on the one-dollar bill. The Illuminatenplan a "Novus Ordo Saeclorum," a New
World Order (New Deal) and a new world government will therefore pursued public. This
character was introduced by Weishaupt, when he founded the Illuminati on 01/05/1776. In
this event the pyramid is indicated by the Roman numerals MDCCLXXVI at the foot. Of
significance, the inscription of the sign is: "annuit cœptis" means "Our company
(Conspiracy) is crowned with success." (Des Griffin, Who rules the world, p.70)
The American government (Roosevelt) strikes a bargain with the horror. To replace a
human and animals for high-tech. (Hamilton Lecture, CBR UFO briefing, 03/03/90, page 1
b) Interview with the American researcher Alfred Bialek: "... Roosevelt signed in 1933 an
agreement with the K's "(NB .: Bialek speaks of the" K's ", probably the horror. Elsewhere
the book (p 443) is spoken by the K-Group as an abbreviation for the Kondrashkin). ... "The
Pleiadians went over to Nazi Germany and worked something out with them. So there were
two powers on different sides of the Atlantic who were preparing it to fight each other. One
side fed us technical information and it is very likely that it on the other side which was, to
keep the same were doing a kind of balance. " (Matrix III, p 367, interview with Alfred Bilek)

German expedition to Antarctica. Former members reported that even after completion of
the expedition (in spring 1939) the expedition ship "Swabia" on a quarterly basis between
Neuschwabenland (Antarctica) and the home port commuted to transport equipment and
all mining facilities in Antarctica. These included railways, Loren and a large milling
machine to drill into the ice tunnel systems can. (Bergmann, German flying disks .. p.14)
Neuschwabenland was explored and surveyed. It includes a 600,000 KM large area (almost
equal to the size of Germany before 1937) Neuschwabenland was declared German
territory. (Bergmann, German flying disks .. p.15)
1939 1.9.
German invasion of Poland (the beginning of World War II). 1941, the Germans allied
themselves with the Ugha Mongulala (South American tribe, the Germans asked for help
against intruders). In the book "The History of Akakor (narrated by Tatunca Nara, the chief of
Ugha Mongulala, Karl Brugger, 1976 Econ Verlag) is reported by a South American tribe whose
Chronicle says that the gods 15,000 years ago came to earth and before
12,000 years disappeared. They would have left behind a flying disc in the 4-5 km by
measuring city sub-Akakor. It is speculated whether the Germans found this flying disc and
knew the building to use our own.(Haarmann: Secret miracle weapons III, p 72)
First development work at German flying discs were recorded. The first model was
completed in June 1942ndThe actual design and production took place only in 1944 in
Prague. (Haarmann: Secret miracle weapons I, p.35)
1942 25.2.
About Los Angeles appeared 15-20 unknown enemy objects, whereupon the surrounding
stationed FLAK positions opened fire. ( London Times, 2/26/42; Haarmann: Secret miracle
weapons II, p.10)
End Howard Menger encountered a (aliens) man with shoulder-length blond hair, posing as
one of "his people".(Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p.62)
1943 28.9.
Eyewitness Account: In the north of Corsica, there had been large gatherings of people
during the retreat of the German troops. With clear skies three times attacked a Bomb
Squad. Each is pushed thick cloud between the attackers and the ground forces, so that
the bombs could not be dropped. As the bombers beidrehten and disappeared, the sky was
clear again. This incident repeated itself throughout the three times. (Bergmann, German
flying disks .., p.42)
1943 7:11.
. Drawings of the German flying discs Haunebu I, II and the SS-development point IV
Specifications Haunebu II:
• Diameter 26.3 meters,
• Drive: Thule Tachionator,
• Control: magnetic Impulser 4a,
• Speed: 6000 km / h (21000 mathematically possible)
• Coverage 55 hours etc.
• Weltallfähigkeit 100% - Planned serial production turn of the year 1943 / 44.
(Bergmann, German
Flying disks .., S.62-65) Compared with the photo of Adamski see drawing and photo more
or less identical.(Bergmann, German flying disks .., p.66, 67)
Summer UFO sighting - eyewitness account: "The shore of Zierkersees Flying saucers were
sighted. They looked like vertical, flying, flat discs, which were red hot and widely
recognizable. Since the VI storeys above Neustrelitz and Ostmecklenburg been tried, this
sight was not even sensational. Even for us were the slices of secret weapons in testing.
"(Haarmann: Secret miracle weapons III, p 12) 1944 Fall" In the fall of 44 my husband has
locked in Oldenburg with his unit an airfield on orders hermetically and secured. On this
airfield in the "Confidential (Information)" have risen above circular apparatus with amazing
speed and also at right angles - like rabbits - beaten hooks "(Haarmann: Secret miracle
weapons III, p 12; weekly crystal, no. 9. , 50)
Autumn Work on an anti-radar fireball was conducted accelerated in an Air Force
Experimentation Centre near Oberammergau. There and in the aeronautical facilities in
Wiener Neustadt, the first fireballs were produced.Later, when the Russians approached
Austria, these productions were moved to the Black Forest. Quick and remotely controlled,
equipped with klystron tubes, working on the same frequency as the enemy's radar, they
could wipe the Radar characters from the screen and were invisible to ground control. On
the day the thing looked like a luminous gyroscope which turned around its own axis. At
night, the "fireball" with a burning ball was comparable. (Haarmann: Secret miracle
weapons III, p 16)
1944 14:12.
Newspaper: New York Times, Title: Floating Mystery Ball is a new Nazi-Air Weapon,
Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force 13 Dec. A new German weapon has
appeared on the Western Front, which was unveiled today. Flieger the US Air Force report
that they have encountered silver balls in the air over German territory. The balls were
encountered singly or in flocks. Sometimes they are almost transparent.
1944 December
Seven American bombers left the USA , After a stopover in Bermuda they encountered
many strange meteorological phenomena. They lasted only about a minute. The planes
were shattered. Only two aircraft returned to Bermuda. The other five have
disappeared. (Haarmann: Secret miracle weapons II, p.13)
The end of 1944
Three different constructions of flying discs were completed. It had taken two very different
ways. The one guy had the well-known V-weapons designer Miethe developed. It consisted
of a disk-like, non-rotating disk of 42 meters in diameter. In contrast, a wide flat ring turned
in the constructions of Habermohl and Schriever about a fixed, spherical cockpit. From
Habermohl and its employees missing since the occupation of Prague each track.Schriever
died a few weeks ago (1953), Miethe went to the USA , (Welt am Sunday, 4/26/53;
Haarmann: Secret miracle weapons I, p.36)
The end of 1944
Metz , France: A bright point of light was followed by a US bombers who flew direction in
Germany. This point of light flew into this association and operated there in rapid zigzag
flights. Then about 15-20 machines of the Association fell burning on the
ground. (Haarmann: Secret miracle weapons II, p.13)
The end of 1944
During the war, Howard Menger hits a (aliens) tall man who posed as a space brother. "We
have a lot to do on your planet of you people, and we must do it quickly, as long as there is
still a planet and the people with whom you can collaborate. Before long, you'll know to
what danger I pointed "(Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p.62).
During the Second World War, hundreds of American pilots met a mysterious, round,
glowing flying objects over Europe and the countries of the Far East. These early UFOs
appeared both individually and in formation.They flew countless times on US bombers and
hunters and circled them at high speed. Intelligence suggests a new German weapon, but
what after the war could not be confirmed. (Keyhoe, 1954: Space moves us closer, p 47ff)
Partially had these balls have a diameter of only 30 cm. (Haarmann: Secret miracle
weapons II, p.11)
Report of the Technical Intelligence Division of the US Strategic Air Force, London: "We
have received alarming reports from various places that the bomber, who returned from
Germany complained increasingly about mysterious engine failures." A new secret weapon
of the Germans has been suggested that the electrical system the bomber
bother. (Haarmann: Secret miracle weapons II, S. 27/28) In connection also with
subsequent UFO sightings, was repeatedly reported power outages as long as this object
was staying on the field. In the period 1966-67 20 cities were affected most by such
failures. (Haarmann: Secret miracle weapons III, p 29ff)
Before 1945
It is believed that the Germans have built bases in the Arctic, especially in
Greenland. (Bergmann, German flying disks .., p.133)
1945 1.1.
London Daily Telegraph: "And now the Foo Fighters" - "Foo Fighters are the sensation of
our Störflügen. It is strange, orange lights that follow formations and individually our
aircraft and also turn back and get. Some have approached to within a few yards of the
aircraft and were shot down. Another type appear under the wings and emits a series of
turbid flashes ". (Haarmann: Secret miracle weapons III, p 18) New York Herald Tribune on
the same date: pilots report that the silver bullets, which have used the Germans against
fly-by day planes individually above the Rhine on their flights or seen in grapes. Now it
seems as if the Germans have thrown something new into the night skies over
Germany. There are the crazy, enigmatic "FooFighter-balls" which then rush to the wing
tips of flying over Germany Nachtstöreinsätze "Beaufighters". The crews of pilots have
encountered these balls for more than four weeks. They seem to be steered by remote
control from the ground.There are three types of lights:
• One is a red ball that appears at our wings and accompanies us.
• No. 2 is a vertical row of three fireballs that herfliegt ahead and
• No. 3 is a group of about 15 lights that appear in the distance, like a Christmas
tree in the sky is, its lights on and are snaps. (Haarmann: Secret miracle weapons III, p 18)
1945 Jan. / Feb.
With regard to the flying disks the enemy had not fallen into the hands. In January to
February, technicians and engineers in women and children and an unknown destination
had flown away with the flying disks. Nothing worthwhile had been left behind. They are
based on an entirely new type of drive. Conventional motors remain standing. (Haarmann:
Secret miracle weapons III)
1945 Jan. / March
Germany reached the highest submarine production numbers (27, 37, 27 pieces per
month) throughout the war years. (Bergmann, German flying disks .. p.6) The
construction program was drawn with a very special emphasis and highest level of
urgency. (P.13) The whereabouts of some 100 submarines was never clarified after the
(P.9) A former member of a submarine crew testified that between 1944 and May 45
nonstop submarine parts were loaded into submarines. (Bergmann, German flying disks ..
1945 March
The Japanese have surrendered unconditionally. This month, the Japanese High Command
sent the message that the Japanese imperial government wishes the unconditional
surrender to the American Embassy in Moscow, to the Russian Embassy in Tokyo and
directly to the Pentagon in Washington. The Americans could be left at the checkout. (Des
Griffin, Who rules the world, p.206)
1945 April
The German engineer Rolf Schriever reported after the war on the development of German
flying discs. In April 45, the first disc in Prague has been tested. It has a diameter of
approximately 15 meters and a plastic dome as a cab. A field test shows deficiencies, take their
time longer than planned to complete. On May 9, the work is set and the disc is destroyed in
order not to let them fall into the hands of the invading troops. (Colorful Life, No 131, 31.5 52;.)
First development work in 1941 was added, the first model was finished in June 42. The actual
design and production took place only in Prague. The flight characteristics were striking: the
vertical start, vertical landing, resting in the air speed
4,000 KM / H. (Haarmann: Secret miracle weapons I, p.35)
1945 7 / 8.5.
Surrender of the German Wehrmacht.
1945 May
After the surrender of Germany, the "Foo Fighter" were observed sporadically on East Asian
theaters of war.(Haarmann: Secret miracle weapons II, p.14)
After the occupation of Germany by the Allies no Foo Fighter more were observed. Even
with careful examination of the German trial sites and their secret projects was far as we
know - not found anything would suggest that the Germans had invented something as
gold or silver bullets fly for hours in formations and invisible from one moment to another
and back could be visualized. The government files concerning the Foo Fighter were long
kept secret about the war beyond. (Haarmann: Secret miracle weapons III, p 19)
Harry S. Truman (1884-1972) is President of the
United States.
1945 6 / 9.8.
FD Roosevelt's command for dropping the atomic bomb on Japan
was executed after his death (12.4.45) by its Vice-President Truman.
1945 2.9.
Japan surrendered. End of World War II.
1945 5:12
The horror move their base of operations from South America to the United States (West) in
underground bases.These bases were important because of certain minerals and the
magnetic and plasmic effects of the stones in this area. These aliens see themselves as an
old earth breed, a cross between reptiles and humans. That's what they told the
government. (Hamilton Lecture, CBR - UFO briefing, 03/03/90, page 1b)
1947 Jan December 1952
Sixteen alien spaceships had to make an emergency landing or crashed. Here, 65 foreign
dead and one survivor were recovered. Another spaceship had exploded, and no remains
were recovered. Of these 13 events were held within the limits of the United States, not
counting the exploded spaceship. Of these 13, one occurred in Arizona, New Mexico and
eleven in one in Nevada. Three occurred in other countries, including one in Norway and
the other two in Mexico. (Milton William Cooper, the secret government, p.1) Other Source:
Between 01/47 and 12/52 at least 12 more alien missiles have crashed or made an
emergency landing on the territory of the United States. Two UFOs were found in New
Mexico in the months of February and March 48 alone. In these UFOs, the body of 17 aliens
and a large number of human body parts were. Below were the National Security Council
(NSC), which was also founded at this time, make regulations that allowed the secret any
information that had to do with UFOs, to keep under lock and key. (The Pandora aspect,
Elian Lian, page 21 and Hesemann: UFOs: The Evidence, p 74ff)
1947 3.3.
After disappearances of 4 warplanes Admiral Byrd blew the expedition just begun
prematurely and left the Antarctic. More 9 aircraft had to be left unusable. (Haarmann:
Secret miracle weapons I, p.15)
1947 5.3.
Article in El Mercurio, Santiago, Chile: Admiral Byrd increases the strategic importance of
the pole position. He made the announcement that the United States must take necessarily
safeguards against the possibility of an invasion of the country by enemy planes that come
from the polar region. The most important success of his observations and discoveries
during the expedition is the instantaneous power factor, the latter had with respect to the
security of the United States. He stressed the need for "on alert and vigilance along the
entire ice belt, the last bulwark against the invasion was" to stay. ".. The survival of
humanity as that of military science are currently browsing a vital stage of
development ..". (Haarmann: Secret miracle weapons I, p.17)
After return of the fleet Byrd was subjected to a secret interrogation and a psychiatric
examination. As the true information content (Byrd to have been involved in a fight with an
alien power, when he lost 4 airplanes) of the Antarctic defeat became known, gave the
USA the motto of "Antarctica has to be erased from the memory of men ". (Journal Brisant,
Nr. 5, 1978, p 10)
1947 25.3.
Another spaceship is found in Hart Canyon near Aztec, New Mexico. It measured 33 meters
in diameter. A total of 17 dead aliens were recovered from these two ships. However, of
even greater significance was the discovery of a large number of human body parts in these
ships. For closure Code "secret" once was "Super Top Secret". A confidentiality power,
denser even than the Manhattan Project (development of the atomic bomb) was spread
over these events. In subsequent years, the incidents should be even to the most strictly
kept secrets of world history.(Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, pp 1-2)
1947 24.6.
There were officially first spotted UFOs (at least judging by press reports). The recreational
pilot Kenneth Arnold spotted around the Mt. Ranier (USA, Washington) unidentified flying
objects. Less than 4 weeks thereafter cruised in the summer to 47 whole cascade of UFOs
in the US skies. (Source: Mirror 1978 Issue 38, page 260)

1947 2.7.
Roswell, New Mexico: The rancher William Brazel observed the crash of a UFO (radiant,
bright, disc-shaped object). The next day they find wreckage: lightweight, silvery metal
parts from one piece, metal supports, which are provided with strange hieroglyphics and
some sparkling crystals. The Air-Army base in Roswell is taught.Major Jesse Marcel of the
509th Bomb by military intelligence squadron and a CIC Corps officer named Cavitt take
over the investigation. The next day, says a press release: "The many rumors about the
flying discs found yesterday a confirmation. The 509th Bomb Squad was in the fortunate
position to secure the wreckage of such a disc ... ". The wreckage salvaged. The best
scientists in the country analyze the case. Dr. Vannevar Bush (Chief Scientific Advisor to the
Government) is reassigned to Roswell. (Johannes of Buttlar: Zeitriß, page 78-79; Hesemann,
UFOs: The Evidence, p 74) Stanton Friedman, nuclear physicist, gave a lecture in 1989 in
the UFO Congress in Frankfurt on a Top Secret-Eyes-Only-paper from the White House: The
"Majestic's 12 operation", a group of twelve high-caliber military personnel and scientists
investigated alleged on 07.07.1947 in the desert northwest of the base Roswell Army Air
Base (New Mexico) crashed UFO, along with his slain inmates -tot (4 body and badly
decomposed). Since then, was a cover-up international campaign underway that kept even
more crashes and thereby discovered, partly surviving aliens under the ceiling. (see article
in the taz from 01.11.89 by Matthias Bröckers and mirrors 1978, Issue 38, page 162) was
found dead bodies of crew: Small body of gray color, with large heads and long arms. They
had only four fingers. (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p.81)
1947 2.9.
Under an agreement of this date put all American states established the Inter-American
Defense sphere in a straight line to the South Pole extending in the Southern area of 5 ° N,
24 ° W (Dept. of State Publ. 3016th Washington1948) (Haarmann: Secret miracle weapons I,
1947 19.9.
The President (Truman) is replaced by an interim report on the Roswell-Fund, which
indicates that it is the located wreck most likely a short range reconnaissance aircraft, of
extraterrestrial origin, is. (Johannes of Buttlar: Zeitriß, page 75-79) There the bodies were
found of four small humanoid creatures that are pitched about 2 miles east of the crash
site by the explosion (badly decomposed by weathering and by animals mutilated). The
MJ12- Scientist Dr. Detlev Bronk is involved in the examination of the bodies. Conclusion:
These creatures indeed look humanoid, but their development processes differ greatly
from that of Homo sapiens from. They are dwarfed,
have disproportionately large, round heads with small eyes and no hair. Insofar as yet
detectable, their clothing is made similar overall and a type of synthetic, gray
material. Future called "EBE" ("Extraterrestrial Biological Entities). In the wreck a number
of scripture similar symbols is detected, the decryption is unsuccessful. Equally fruitless
also extend the efforts that drive methods or the type of energy transfer to
determine. Any indication of wings, propellers, jets or other conventional drive and
control systems is lacking. Moreover, there are no cables, vacuum tubes, or other
recognizable electronic components. (Johannes of Buttlar: Zeitriß, page 80-81) In the Bild
newspaper on 08/25/90 will be published an article which refers to the Roswell-Fund. Title:
fraud or evidence?Photo: One of the four aliens - they died allegedly at impact their UFOs
on 02/07/47 in New Mexico. Baron Nicholas van Poppen photographed on behalf of US
intelligence. Once Poppen took the pictures, he died mysteriously. Under the strictest
secrecy, the hairless tiny (60 cm to 1.20 cm) were examined and embalmed. The doctors
found astonishing: The hands on the long thin arms have four fingers without thumb. On
her feet no toes.The skin is grayish or light brown, slightly flaky. No muscles without
sweat. No recognizable sexual organs. No digestive organs. In the body instead of blood a
colorless liquid. The beings who are probably now still hidden by pieces of evidence of
UFO crashes from 1950 and 1982 in the US Air Force Base Wright Patterson, wearing
metallic jumpsuits. Your spaceship had neither die nor another, we know drive. The
strange hieroglyphics inside could not be identified so far.
1947 19.9.
On 09/29/83 Robert I. Sarbacher confirmed (at that time president of the "Washington
Institute of Technology" in a letter to William Steinmann, "... with some people in the office
(Pentagon) to have talked about it, that these strangers biologically constructed were as
certain insects that we know here on earth. "(Hesemann: UFOs: The Evidence, p 29)
1947 23.9.
General Nathan F. Twining (Wright Patterson Air Base) sent an assessment of the situation
at the Pentagon. Title: AMC Opinion Concerning flyingdiscs (AMC (Air Material Command)
-Meinung about the flying discs). The phenomenon, which is reported is real and not based
on fiction or imagination. There are objects in approximately discus shape, which seem to
be as big as airplanes. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Evidence, page 10-12)
1947 24.9.
Dr. Bush and Defense Secretary James Forrestal asked to be president to the White
House. During the top secret meeting both the President advised establishing a covert
operation - codenamed "Majestic's 12". (Johannes of Buttlar:. Zeitriß, page 80) The CIA and
MJ12 were called simultaneously launched. In the top-secret CIA document (OSI / PG
Strong: BXL) were then laid down the guidelines for the handling of the UFO
phenomenon.Thus we read in paragraph 2 under c: "tasks of intelligence:" A global
reporting system has been set up and the most important Air Force bases were ordered to
intercept unidentified flying objects. (Johannes of Buttlar: Zeitriß, page 84) are follow-up
projects of MJ12: "Aquarius" and "Snowbird". (Johannes of Buttlar: Zeitriß, page 81)
1947 9:12.
Truman agreed to the issuance of NSC 4, entitled "Coordination of activities related to
foreign intelligence information". A top secret addition, NSC 4a instructed the director of the
CIA to undertake secret psychological activities in pursuit of NSC. 4 The original of the
authorization granted to CIA covert operations under NSC 4a contained no formal
guidelines, neither for the coordination nor for authorizing such operations. She pointed the
director of the CIA to only perform these covert operations and to ensure, in consultation
with State and Defense that the operations carried out there were in line with US
policy. Later NSC 10 and NSC should 10/2 is the NSC 4 and NSC 4a replace and thereby
expand the possibilities for clandestine operations yet. The Office for the Coordination
Directive (OPC) has been turned on for the implementation of an expanded program of
secret activities. NSC 10/1 and NSC 10/2 legalized illegal and extra-legal Practices and
processes, because they were considered to be acceptable for the leader of the national
security. The effects were immediate. The intelligence officers floodgates were now
open. Been NSC 10/1 was indeed a division "Executive coordination" established for the
assessment of secret projects, but not for their approval. The department has now
entrusted tacitly to coordinate the alien projects. NSC 10/1 and NSC 10/2 were interpreted
to mean that no one at the top wanted to know about anything until it was not completed
successfully. These actions created a buffer between the President and the
information. Sense of this buffer should be to put the President in a position to deny any
knowledge if leaks should leaked the true facts. This buffer was used exclusively to in later
years, to allow the subsequent presidents know just as much about the alien presence, as it
were, the secret government and the intelligence officers for justifiable. By NSC 10/2, a
study group was established, which met in secret and consisted of the leading scientists of
the day. This study group was not named Majestic's 12th Another memo, NSC 10/5 outlined
the tasks of the study group. Only four years later created more NSC memos and secret
leadership commands the conditions for the establishment of MJ 12. (Milton William Cooper,
The Secret Government, p.3)
1947 December
They formed a special department of America's top scientists under the code name
"Project Sign" to investigate the issue. (Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p
Since that time, it is reported by "fantastically bright and fearsome-looking" wheels, USOs
arising from the depths of the sea rise up and disappear from the water. "It glides over the
ship away. A smell of sulfur spread, while the wheel ascends with a terrible humming into
the unknown and steam discharges ". Testimonies tell of sightings in the Persian Gulf, the
Strait of Malacca, the South China Sea, the Pacific, near Japan, before America, in the
Carolines, in Mexico and California. (UFO-News Nr. 19, 1958)
Since that time, registered a special division of the US Air Force about 1200 reports of
UFOs. (Mirror, 10.14.68, Title: Argentina - Flying Saucers - blood bled)
After the war, Howard Menger still had numerous contacts with the meetings were taking
place at a predetermined landing site. Menger always received new assignments from
them. He went to places where instruments were set up, he provided newcomers with
clothes, missed them the right haircut, so they do not stood out so that they could live and
work undetected among men. In order not to jeopardize the operations, he had to promise
to 1957 not to talk about his experiences. The aliens explained that they come from
planets within our solar system and beyond. Inside is Venus, Mars, Saturn. Menger was
taken to her home planet, to look at him. He says the aliens come to Earth to help people
to get themselves to a better understanding of the meaning of life.They have already
contacted high-ranking politicians and celebrities, but officials refuse to talk about it,
because that would bring our economic system by another. Approaching individuals to get
used to the people of their presence. Many within the world's population have voluntarily
incarnated on Earth to a plan voranzuhelfen, the universal scope is. (Hesemann, UFOs: The
contacts, p 63ff)
The first construction work on the underground bases began in Dulce (New Mexico). The
residents of the area noticed brisk construction activity and high military traffic. (The
Pandora aspect, Elian Lian, page 41) The residents of Dulce (New Mexico) saw that many
troops and trucks in this area out walked in and and that the characters originated in the
truck of a timber company in Colorado, which in Another investigation was not. Was the
Rand Corporation in the construction of Involved underground base. They had a tunnel
boring machine, which melts the rock and smooth walls leaves to let go a Magnetzug
therein. This method is a scientific knowledge that has already been published. There are
over a hundred such secret underground bases. One of them is on the side of the moon,
and another on Mars. This was reported by those who worked there. The man from whom
this report is derived, was a construction worker.After he had finished his work, he was
asked to work there. The only condition was that he a chemical obliteration of his memory
would afterwards have to undergo. This he refused. (Hamilton Lecture, CBR - UFO briefing,
03/03/90, page 2) Hamilton mentioned talks with workers at the Dulce base, who learned
of the aliens, they were representatives of an alien race and they want the earth as a base
of operations use. There are other alien races that are in conflict, whose intentions in the
world are to be pursued. This has been hidden since the forties carefully from the
public. There are several bases around the world. (Hamilton Lecture, CBR - UFO briefing,
03/03/90, page 2) All CIA directors since 1947 were members of MJ12. All foreign
ministers USA were both members of the Council on Foreign Relations and MJ12. Since
that time there were around 47 New Mexico UFO crash in which 26 dead aliens were
found. Cooper emphasizes that the CIA was created for the sole purpose in life, namely to
deal with on the one hand with the alien question or to otherwise were the continuity, who
likes to always be the president. (Cooper Lecture, CBR - UFO briefing, 03/03/90, page 3)
1948 1.1.
UFO sighting in southern Mississippi. The missile had resemblance to a tree trunk. (Die
Welt, 10.30.50, Title: The futile hunt)
1948 7.1.
In the early afternoon, several hundred people see in Louisville , An estimated 80-100 m in
diameter, round, even know times red glowing flying object. Thomas F. Mantell pursues its
object up to 7000 m altitude. He describes it as: "170 meters in diameter, disc-shaped, top
with ring and dome seems to rapidly rotate around a central vertical axis, sees exterior
metallic, shimmering shiny, change its color." Mantell approaches the machine up to 350
m, then trundles off and exploded in the air. (Div. Newspaper articles)
1948 Jan.
The US -Luftwaffe Begins reports of alleged flying objects of the Third Kind to collect and
evaluate -anfangs under the pseudonym "Sign", then as a project "Grudge" from 1952 as
Action "Blue Book". (Source: Mirror 1978 Issue 38, page 260)
1948 13.2.
An alien spaceship was on a table mountain in the Near Aztec . New
Mexico Discovered. (Milton William Cooper, the secret government, p.1)
1948 25.5.
James Forrestal was murdered by the CIA. He disagreed with the secrecy of the
extraterrestrial issues and wanted the leaders of the parties and the Congress
informed. Truman instructed him to withdraw. It was feared that Forrestal began to speak,
and began to isolate and discredit. In the early morning of 22.5. bound CIA agent a bed
sheet around his neck, fastened the other end in his room and threw him out the
window. The sheet tore and he fell to his death. (Milton William Cooper, The Secret
Government, p.3)
1949 1.10.
On 11/29/47, the United Nations voted with effect from 01/10/49 for the partition of
Palestine into two independent states - one Jewish and one Arab. (Des Griffin, Who rules
the world,
S. 218) (Dr. Andrija Puharich / Phyllis Schelmer: The essence named Tom spoke in 1974 by
Phyllis regarding the influence of aliens from Hoova on the human development): The
creation of Israel was the first opportunity since the Diaspora of the Jews back their old
task to accomplish. However, since it is now too late for the original plan for a gradual
evolution, Hoova is now planning a shock therapy, a preparation of mankind, followed by a
mass landing. The process of preparation is done this time not by an individual such as
Moses or Jesus, but by a group of individuals, equipped with the strength of
Hoova. Parallel'd tried the consciousness of Israel to increase as a holography of humanity,
which would affect the entire planet. Conversely, a destruction of Israel would have to
destroy the entire human race result. (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p 161)
The journalist Linda Moulton Howe in 1983 was awarded, during an interview with the
AFOSI special agents of the US Air Force Intelligence Sgt Richard Doty information about
UFO crashes and could view documents.:
Another crash of a UFO near Roswell, New Mexico. An alien survived and was taken to Los
Alamos, where he died on 06.18.52. (Los Alamos was then the best secured means of US
forces here in 1944-45 had the Manhatten- Project, which coordinated the development of
the atomic bomb, its seat.) There He was supervised by an Air Force colonel until his
death. The essence was described as humanoid with certain insectoid characteristics
reptiloider, as a mixed form of man, reptile and insect. (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts,
p.81) The project Garnet examined the influence of aliens on the evolution of humanity. A
report cited some insights that have been gained from the telepathic communications with
EBE: The aliens visiting Earth for 45,000 years. You have created mankind through an
intersection with the primitive primates. The result was the Cro-Magnon was that had
appeared around 40,000 years ago in northern Spain and southwest France (cave
paintings). You have created the religions as a means of influencing the evolution of man
and as a moral authority. You yourself come from a binary star system like the Ceta
Reticuli. Your planet is a desert planet threatens the sun to die and they live like the Pueblo
Indians. (John v. Buttlar, dragon paths, S. 192)
Period: 1960-1969
1960 8.4.
The Americans begin OZMA project to establish contact with extraterrestrial
intelligences. Ozma was started on 28-m telescope of Greenbank, but was in 1964, after
completion of the telescope facility on Puerto Rico , There continued. The results achieved
over OZMA were immediately declared to be secret by the Pentagon. As a purpose behind
the attempt is suspected, the radio-message code of extraterrestrial flying objects to crack.
(Bergmann, German flying disks .., p.25)
1960 9.2.
The people of Saturn brought Reinhold Schmidt to Egypt for Cheops pyramid. They told
him that the construction of the 54-ton stones had only been possible thanks to the
application of the universal laws and forces of nature, which had abolished the
gravitation. They led him into an underground chamber in the pyramid, a triangular
chamber within which there was a small spaceship - and evidence of the earthly ministry
of Christ.After 1998, when a new era begins, these secret chambers would be revealed,
humanity (The contacts, p.74 Hesemann, UFOs) would first obtain certificates for the life of
Christ and recognize its true origin.
1960 16.10.
Hans P. Klotzbach: Third contact with extraterrestrials. (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts,
A South African (Edwin) is in contact with an extraterrestrial. This tells him about his home
planet Koldas and a confederation of 12 planets, the hopes that the earth would be their
13th member. It is not the intention of this confederation intervene in the affairs of men,
but they are very concerned about the use of nuclear weapons and the danger of a chain
reaction triggered by the nuclear tests. Many thousands of them would live incognito on
Earth. They stayed between one and five years and studying in that time, people as
thorough as possible. Then they would be picked up and brought back to their home
planet. He warned of negative groups on earth who spread confusing messages. These
groups are controlled by another space race, which the efforts Valdars (Name of aliens) and
his group to save the planet sabotaged. These groups succeeded to penetrate to all levels
of earthly society and the governments. His group had already offered the earthly
governments the inclusion in the Galactic Confederation of earth, a suggestion which met
with only a few small states to be heard. Warnings of the Confederacy to the world about
future drastic changes were ignored by governments. According to the scientists of the
confederation do these changes when normalized Earth's magnetic field between the first
and second tension. They expect that the Earth's axis shifts slightly, causing the melting of
the polar ice caps. This will affect in abnormal tides, weather changes and gradual flooding
of deeper regions. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are expected. In the case of a
deterioration of living conditions on earth the Confederacy would be willing to evacuate a
large number of people. In fact, you have already prepared for it a young planet called
EPICOT, a planet in the solar system of our Milky Way, the similar living conditions as the
earth has. (Hesemann, UFOs: The contacts, p.105 / 6)
Strong wave of UFO reports in Canada and Greenland. 1970, it was confirmed that the
flying discs were seen extensively near EWS. (UFO News, no. 245, June 1977)
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963) is President of the United States. The official space
program received a substantial boost from Kennedy. In the speech at his inauguration, he
called on the American people to bring a man to the moon before the end of the 60's
decade. This plan allowed the leaders to divert huge sums of money for their sinister
purposes and keep the real space program from the American public. A parallel program in
the Soviet Union served the same purpose. In fact, there was already a common base of
the aliens, the Americans and the Russians to the moon when Kennedy gave his
speech. (Milton William Cooper, the secret government, p 16)
Aliens abducted the couple Barney and Betty Hill aboard their flying object in order to
suspend medical studies there. Offset In hypnosis, the couple was able to remember later
on the smallest details of this experience. Betty there, to remember a star map that was
shown to her by the stranger succeeded. An astronomer identified this as a star chart
exact representation of our Milky Way galaxy - seen from the perspective of the system
Ceta Reticuli belonging planet. (Johannes von Buttlar, dragon paths, S. 178)
(Sept. 1977: Interview with the Authors Prof. Gerstein concerning the three alternatives
survival of humanity) atmospheric changes on Mars were observed and scientifically
recorded: The Mars always had a veil of that varied in density at different times.
it was found that storms colossal proportions took place on Mars. As the clouds then
clarifying, remarkable changes were observed. The polar ice caps have gotten smaller and
the equatorial regions, a broad band of darker hue has stretches. It was assumed that this
was vegetation. (Alternative 3, S. 175/77)
Jan. Norbert Haase, 18 years old, residing in Stendal, GDR sees a UFO, loses consciousness,
wake up with a severe headache on again. His face was red like a sunburn. On the right
side of the nose, he had a small wound, the top layer of skin was removed. He had strong
Nightmares The first two nights. Under hypnosis tapes 7-8 were taken. On the last day he
got five minutes of recordings played, where he remembers "beautiful, slender man with
long hair and white overalls". He sees a symbol on the collar, the tree of life, but no
snake. It is the same symbol that Dr. Daniel Frey has seen on 04/07/50 to the seat back of
the spaceship, with which he has flown. (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p.92)
27.1. The icebreakers of the US Navy was on a secret mission in Antarctica, when suddenly
an approximately 10 meter long, silvery, a submarine same end object that about 7
meters thick ice broke from the bottom and disappeared into the clouds . From the hole up
about 30 meter high water cascade upwards. (Vi Menn, no. 3, 1986)
1962 30.4.
Eugenio Siragusa felt a violent urge to Etna to drive. There he met two individuals with
silvery spacesuits, about 1.85 m tall, athletic stature, long blonde hair that fell to his
shoulders. They introduced themselves as Ashtar and Ithakar. Ashtar is "the holy
Commander" of the fleet in Mission on the planet with the base on Venus. Ithakar is the
highest representative of the planet Mars in the Confederation of Worlds. They have bases
on Earth, among other things: the Canary Islands, in the Adriatic, the Mediterranean, in the
Bay of Biscay and in front of the Portugal Islands
(P 129). He should pass on a message to the powerful men of the earth. This message
pointed once again to the dangers, through the continuation of the above and below
ground nuclear tests back and the repeated attempts by the aliens to help humanity. "We
tried to let you imagine the unspeakable beauty of the universe, with its unattainable
riches of love and well-being ... your deep-rooted skepticism and the dangerous ignorance
of some selfish people on Earth have tried and are still trying our fraternal and selfless
action ineffective to make and to darken. Today is spreading on your planet a dark and
fateful destiny of, thanks to your deafness and the unscrupulous work your scientists,
making the already vulnerable situation of the cosmic balance of your planet is persistently
undermined. For our part, we will be as anxious to avoid the worst, but we can do nothing if
the law that protects the balance of cosmic evolution to your calamity becomes
effective. Save yourselves ... Yet you have time ... We will help you! "Then declared Ashtar
and Ithakar that they are representatives of an intergalactic confederation, belong to the
many inhabited planets. The message typed Siragusa in the same night, he sent to the
pope, Kennedy, Khrushchev, de Gaulle, the Queen of England, the King of Sweden and the
President of Italy.Only de Gaulle replied. In the ensuing period saw UFOs Siragusa and twice
cigar-shaped mother ships above his house. In fact, reported the press these days a UFO
wave over Italy. Between 1962 and 1978, Siragusa had 19 physical encounters with
aliens. (Hesemann, UFOs: The contacts, p.126 / 7)
1962 22.5.
Mars landing: Temperature at Sunshine 4 degrees Celsius - air pressure 704 mb (computer
printout in English and Russian). Also backing vocals in English and Russian. The voices say:
"05/22/1962. We are on Mars - and we have air "The the book" Film Alternative 3
"underlying was captured by the English radio astronomer Sir William Ballentine on the
Jordell Bank Telescope!. This recording could be deciphered later in the seventies by a
NASA-decoder. Ballentine died on 02.06.1977 in a mysterious car accident in which he
burnt internally irradiated wiedurch microwaves. The command for this elimination was
commissioned by the Soviet-American "Policy Committee" who called this kind liquidation
"Hot Jobs". (Book: Alternative 3, p 45ff: The authors believe that this tape is authentic and
that this was the first secret, unmanned Mars landing) An unmanned probe lands on Mars
and confirmed the existence of an environment that could allow human life , Not long after
we began in earnest with the establishment of a colony on Mars. Today you can find on
Mars cities, inhabited by specially selected people from different cultures and professional
groups from different countries. Although we are closest ally in truth, enmity between the
US and the Soviet Union is officially maintained to so in the name of national defense
deploy, funds for secret projects. (Milton William Cooper, the secret government, p 16)
June Mysterious missile Credible over Argentina eyewitnesses - fuel samples are
examined. (General-Anzeiger Bonn, 06/08/62)
1962 4.9.
Eugenio Siragusa went back to Mount Etna and met aliens, about 2:15 m tall, dressed in
one-piece suits with helmets room. They introduced themselves as Woodock and Link from
the planet Alpha Centauri / Metaria.They dictated a message to scientists on earth. That
night, hundreds of inhabitants of this region have seen the disc fly over the island. The
newspapers reported about it. (Hesemann, UFOs: The contacts, p.127)
1963 14.2.
Eugenio Siragusa was again of Ashtar and Ithakar contacted to once again receive a
message to the peoples and governments of the earth: "While Your scientists are silent, the
effects of your irresponsible nuclear experiments are beginning to make itself felt. The
magnetospheric coat your planet has already undergone significant changes as a result of
your nuclear experiments at high altitude. " (Hesemann, UFOs: The contacts, p.127)
1963 16.7.
Paul Villa received a telepathic impulse to grab his camera and go to a certain place, where
he witnessed a landing of a UFO and photographed (his pictures are among the best UFO
photos of the world). It got out of four men and 5 women, all between
2.10 and 2.70 meters tall. They told him they were from the constellation Coma
Berenice. They had different hair colors (blond, copper red, black). They could speak
English and Spanish. Among themselves they were in telepathic contact. (Hesemann,
UFOs: The contacts, p.67)
1963 22:11.
JF Kennedy was hit during a car ride through Dallas (Texas) from fatal shooting. An article in
the newspaper Bild from 11/16/90 touches on this theme again. There is talk of
"contradictions that have not been clarified until today." Kennedy was shot from the CIA
because he was not a member of MJ12 and he wanted to inform the public about these
projects, after he had become aware. Kennedy was - according to later seized amateur
movies - shot by his driver. (Lear-Lecture, CBR UFO briefing, 03/03/90, page 3) article in the
magazine "Globe" from 03.17.1992 (photo) at a time during his tenure President Kennedy
discovered portions of the truth concerning the drugs and the aliens. In 1963 he directed an
ultimatum to MJ 12. The president threatened them that if they do not Would dispel drug
problem, he would do it for them. He informed MJ 12 of its intention to make the following
year the American people, the presence of aliens known and called a plan into being, who
was determined to enforce its decision. President Kennedy was not a member of the CFR
and knew nothing of Alternative 2, or 3. Your operations were internationally monitored and
controlled by a "policy committee". In the USA were under his members MJ 12 and the USSR
its sister organization. President Kennedy's decision caused concern among those
responsible. His assassination was therefore ordered by the policy committee and by agents
of MJ 12
inDallas executed. Kennedy was shot by the driver of his car. All eyewitnesses who were
close enough to the car to see how William Greer killed Kennedy were murdered even
within the next two years. Many other patriots who attempted during the next few years, to
unravel the mystery of aliens, were also murdered. (Milton William Cooper, The Secret
Government, S. 16/17) "... I (Cooper) found out that the Office of Naval Intelligence in the
assassination of President Kennedy has been involved. It was a secret service agent, who
drove the sedan and Kennedy shot in the head. "(MW Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, p 27)
1964 13.3.
Southern Courier, Title: The Triangle of Death on the map The US Navy related $ 5 million
for a search project in the Bermuda Triangle with aircraft and specialized search
submarines. The aim was to explore the disappearance of aircraft and ships in recent
years. (Southern Courier, 3/13/64) Some phenomena occur repeatedly: radio silence, white
waters, loss of instruments and compasses, inexplicable air holes, "as if by the hand of a
giant" shaken machines, optical anomalies, bluish and greenish lights which suddenly lit
cockpit or cargo space of the machine, destruction of electrical circuits, violent
storms. Clouds of smoke rising up from the water, time shifts, fireballs the race towards the
machine and disappear into the sea etc. (Bergmann, German flying disks .., p.33 / 36) In
many cases, was the UFOs / USOs also assumed they drove over the Bermuda Triangle
People , probably as a slave labor. (Bergmann, German flying disks .., p.40)
1964 24.4.
The policeman Deputy Marshal Lonnie Zamora saw on patrol near Socorro / New Mexico a
landed UFO. He could see an emblem, which he as a downwardly open semicircle
describes a upward pointing arrow. Zamorastill saw two "small, narrow nature" that went
into the spaceship before it started. The UFO left four circular impressions in the soil. The
US Air Force investigated and confirmed the incident. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Evidence, p
1964 25.4.
A US Air Force officer met two aliens on a prepared site in the desert of New Mexico . The
contact took about two hours. He managed the Air Force officer with the aliens exchange
basic information. This project is at an airbase in New Mexico continued. (Hesemann: UFOs:
The contacts, p.78) A UFO lands on the Holloman Air Force Base . New Mexico , Out rise
three humanlike beings in tight space suits. They are about 1.60 m tall, their skin is blue-
gray, her eyes are wide apart, as the Orientals. You have a protruding hooked nose. Wear
headgear. In her hands she held a translation device. The commander and other Air Force
members welcomed. (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p.80) In an interview that Linda
Moulton Howe led by 1983 with the special agents of the Air Force Intelligence AFOSI,
Richard Doty, he promised her footage of the mentioned government projects, including
shots of EBE and a few hundred meters film of the Holloman landing. Five cameras have
filmed the landing. Three UFOs were published, one landed, two remained to protect in the
air. The colonel, who had cared for EBE (see 1949 page 84), would have heard the
welcoming team of the aliens. An alien remained on Earth, in exchange for an Air Force
officer, who visited the planet of "EBEans". (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p.81) Even Bill
Cooper was interviewed by Linda Moulton Howe: In the secret files, so Cooper, are said to
have 20 photos found, pictures of the crashed spaceships, the corpses of three EBE and the
Holloman landing. "On a photo the long-nosed horror that landed in Holloman were
particularly noticeable. Her eyes were slits. She looked really angry and seemed to glow, in
any case they were bright white on the b / w photo. In profile, her head seemed very far to
reach out to the rear. They reminded me to scenes from the ancient Egypt or Assyria. " The
Holloman landing took place after it was succeeded by Project Sigma, with the help of
binary computer language and high-frequency waves to come into contact with foreigners
and so invite quasi after Holloman. "The aliens landed at Holloman and we came to an
agreement in principle, which meant that a treaty was negotiated and signed at the next
meeting." The aliens tell us, they are our friends, they have created mankind in an
intersection with the primitive primates , The result of the Cro-Magnon would have
been. They also have created our religions. The government believed them, because they
showed their holographic images in a crystal-like device, which proved that. "But it is also in
the secret reports that the aliens have lied to them, and that they deceive us, that they
have opposed the agreement kidnapped people without informing the government."
(Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p.85) Krlll or Crlll, pronounced "Krill" said the second
"EBE", in the framework of an exchange program by the Holloman landing remained on
Earth in 1964 and became the ambassador of the alien nation in the United
States. (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p.85)
1964 April
Eugenio Siragusa was taken first to a space flight. They took him to the "Black Moon", an
artificial satellite, stationed in lunar orbit. To spread the messages that his aliens physically
or telepathically transmitted, Siragusa founded together with friends and students the first
Centro Studi Fratellianza Cosmica (CSFC), as a study center for cosmic brotherhood. It
existed until 1978. At this time the aliens declared his task completed. Comments to or
from the aliens: Their bodies are built partly on silicon rather than carbon. Darwin's theory
is wrong. The forefathers of the people were not born on earth and are not the result of
animal evolution. The universe was and is still their home. They came to the earth to a
paradise to create and enter a large number of souls and in the world. (Hesemann, UFOs:
The contacts, S. 127/28)
In a valley near Arecibo (Puerto Rico) became the largest radio telescope grid system in
the world, built with a diameter of 305 meters. It was indeed established by the Conell
University, but soon after completion of the Pentagon, with extraterrestrial intelligences
taken to contact (see Project Ozma, 04/08/60). This facility also serves the White House,
the Pentagon and NASA as an essential communications link, partly coupled with the
military satellites. The UFO sightings in Puerto Rico; rose abruptly, so that it can be
assumed that this newsroom was reversed tapped by the UFOs. (Bergmann, German
flying disks .., p.25 / 26)
Ludwig Pallmann met on a trip to India an alien in human form. This told him to get off the
planet ITBI RA II.His name is Satu Ra. Many aliens living on Earth. On his planet have been
found deep inner peace, trying to accomplish through spiritual paths to the people on
earth. (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p.137)
1965 March
Unknown missile over Sydney -Rundfunk and newspaper offices flooded with calls. (Rhein-
Neckar-Zeitung, 03/08/65)
The USA leads through the Apollo program with the goal of a manned moon landing. First
manned landing was 07/20/69.
1965 18.4.
Paul Villa was invited to his second photo session, about 40km north of Albuquerque. The
spaceship was accompanied by three small round balls. Villa learned that there were
remote-controlled "Telemeter balls". The ship emerged from three crew members, all about
1.65 m tall, light brown hair. They talked for 2 hours in Spanish.They told him among other
things, that they protect the Indians since time immemorial and that the Hopi and Navaho
specifically have an enhanced role for the new age. (Hesemann, UFOs: The contacts, p.67)
1965 7.9.
On 01/10/1971 a document by the Chairman of the Policy Committee was issued,
addressed to the National Chief Executive Officers. Topic: Batch Consignments (group
show): "The remarks of the Policy Committee, which were in circulation on 07.09.1965,
highlighted the need for all components sexually neutralize: To the opportunity to wipe out
for them to take a traditional mating ratio, which they of the Efficiency could distract carry
through its sole function. To ensure that the components do not reproduce and therefore at
random a subspecies occurs ... "(Alternative 3, S. 140/41)

The French peasant mass Maurice looks at his field an egg-shaped object with a six-legged
landing gear. Besides allegedly "two small figures with oversized bald heads, gray faces
and lipless mouths" were. (Source: The new Arztl from 01.20.88, Title:. Interstellar galactic
mystery or dizziness?)
1966 19.6.
Paul Villa was invited to his third photocall. He photographed a smaller spacecraft during
landing, which was again surrounded by ball probes. (Hesemann, UFOs: The contacts,
Pine Gap (Australia), another underground base of aliens. It is funded by the US
government. She is the responsibility of the US DARPA (Defence Advanced Research
Projects Agency). It was founded in 1966 and is officially called Joint Defence Space
Research Facility. Here the brain and memory erasures were also made to the staff. (The
Pandora aspect, Elian Lian, page 43 and National Review, 5/17/76)
Professor McDonald was commissioned by the US Navy to conduct an investigation into
UFOs over the seas of Australia. His reports on "driving reefs" and glowing balls of light,
which in the Bass Strait (between Australia and the island of Tasmania) were observed
during immersion, have never been released to the public. Many captains and their officers
saw gigantic, strange vehicles in the vicinity of their ships. (Magazine "People", Australia,
1967 17.2.
Ludwig Pallmann was in Peru from Satu Ra (see Contacting 1964) taken in a
spaceship. Satu Ra told him long ago, his civilization had come to the realization that all
forms of life are susceptible to cancer, because of living in an unhealthy, artificial
environment. They have made their moon into a kind of "planetary mill by all industry have
relocated there. When they discovered the Earth on a botanical expedition, they realized
after detailed studies, that the Earth is a planet Cancer and the cancer rate will increase in
the coming decades to 70% of the total population. (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p.137)
1967 19.2.
Dr. James E. McDonald, a professor of meteorology at the University of Arizona and senior
physicist at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, criticized in "The Enquirer" the UFO cover-
up of the government: "The Air Force dazzles the public scandalously regarding the actual
occurrences in the air. The Air Force investigations are absurd, superficial and
incompetent ... and scientists around the world had better stop to accept these ridiculous
Air Force reports and immediately begin its own investigation ... This issue requires truly
international investigation. "(Alternative 3, p 215)
1967 Sept.
Colorado: discovery of a dead horse. It was from the neck up only a skeleton of white,
bleached bones that looked as if they would have been exposed to days of the bleaching
sun. From the neck down it was completely intact. There were no traces of bites. Since
then, the reports of so-called 'Cattle Mutilations' (cattle mutilation)
accumulated. Hundreds of such cases have been reported from the Midwest of the US
and Canada, from Puerto Rico, Mexico, Central and South America, as well as Australia,
England and from the Canary Islands. (John v. Buttlar, dragon paths, pp 147ff)
1967 3:12
The American police officer Herbert Schirmer sighted on patrol at night at 2.30 a UFO. He
wrote this in his daily report book. When he came in the morning from the Service home
early, he had terrible headaches and ringing in the ears. When he went to bed, he fell
below the left ear a scratch on the neck. He had memory lapses. Under hypnosis, he could
then recall details: the object had the shape of an American football. Schirmer was invited
aboard. He was told that the ship was working through a kind of reversible
electromagnetism. They do not speak through the mouth but by the Spirit. They give us
little by little information to prepare us. They're preparing for their invasion - not to
conquer us, but to us to demonstrate something. They come from a different system and
have bases on several planets, for example, on Venus. On a screen, they showed Schirmer
her way out stationed mothership, a cigar-shaped object that is marked up with many
mysterious characters. Schirmer described the beings as 1:35 to 1:50 meters in size, with
strong bulging chest, relatively large heads and oversized, slanting eyes. They wore tight
clothing and on the chest the symbol of the winged serpent. Here they are to perform a
kind of genetic experiment. (J. v. Buttlar, dragon paths, S. 182)

Prof. Dr. James E. McDonald wrote to the Secretary General of the UN with regard to the
connection between UFO sightings and electromagnetic interference in motors, electric
clocks, radio equipment etc. McDonald was on 06/13/71 at the Canyon del-Oro-Bridge
found dead in Arizona with a bullet in his head. (Haarmann: Secret miracle weapons III, p
34 u. 45)
1967 July
Stefan Dana earth, a well-known Dutch industrialist who was sailing on his boat in the
Oosterschelde, a abgedämmten Nordseearm. He ran on a solid object, an apparently
lifeless body floating on the water. He jumped into the water to save him. It was only when
he wanted to lift him on board, he noticed the solid, metal-like outfit and a bullet in his
head stuck. A search light was directed at him, and he noticed a metal disk on the water,
appeared on the dark figures, humanoid creatures, about 1:40 in size. They had a high
forehead, pointy ears, severe Augenbrauenwulste and divided frontal lobe, which formed
the beginning of a ridge that ran vertically through her skull. They spoke to him with a
metallic voice, in broken English, and thanked for the rescue of a crew member of
them. Your Planet Jarga lies about 10 light-years from Earth and is larger than this. On their
planet there is a kind of super communism without social differences. (Hesemann: UFOs:
The contacts, S. 135/36)
1968 14.3.
UFO sighting of a man in Ohio: He was shot by a hovering UFO above the trees of a tube
target with a flash of light. His clothes caught fire. His relatives were able to save him at the
last minute. (NZ, no. 23, 1974)
1968 October
Argentina: Description of extraterrestrials: Just over 1:40 meters tall, oversized bald
heads. They tapped off at two people from the thumb and forefinger and blood
disappeared. Argentina experienced since May a UFO boom. Another sighting reported
three human-like, two-meter beings in phosphorescent combinations. They emerged from
a glistening, bright and multicolored glowing UFO. (Source: Mirror of 10.14.68, Title:
Argentina - Flying Saucers -Blood bled)
In recent years, occurred an epidemic of disappearing submarines throughout the
world. They seem neither the USSR nor to belong to the United States. Reliable,
experienced observers such as pilots and ship captains, described these objects in shallow
waters, where no reasonable submarine would venture a bet. The fleets of New Zealand,
Australia, Argentina and Venezuela ran out in the assumption to catch the mysterious
submarines within their territorial waters. The objects managed again to escape their
pursuers. Here speeds of over 200 knots and depths of 8000 meters have been
specified. (Bergmann, German flying disks .. p.18)
1969 20.4.
Bob Grodin, Apollo astronaut asserts that there have been at that time a meeting between
Russians and Americans in space and that neither that of July 1975, even this from the
04/20/69 was first. "There were all the others before him." (Alternative 3, p 25)
1969 10.5.
Enrique Mercado has an encounter with an alien in a Mexican bar. He asks for the help that
people change their mindset towards the spiritual, away from the material. (Hesemann:
UFOs: The contacts, p.98)
Approximately 19
69 May
A journalist of the Columbus Dispatch (Ohio) shot at the NASA White Sands a photo of a
strange flying object 15 feet in diameter, what looked like a UFO. First at NASA no one
wanted to talk about it. It turned out that this machine was built by Martin Marietta
company in Colorado. (Alternative 3, p.9)
1969 19.7.
One day before the historic moon landing filmed Edwin Aldrin two UFOs. According to the
NASA-Department (Dr. Maurice Chatelain) apparently published the same two spaceships
at the crater rim, when the Apollo XI-ferry landed on the bottom of the crater. (Hesemann:
UFOs: The Evidence, p 29)

1969 20.7.
Dr. Andrija Puharich got the message about future plans of the aliens: "We want you to
prepare the earth for our mass landing. We ended 3,000 years ago in South America and now
want to land again. We want to help humanity, but also ourselves. That is why we have to
reveal to us. We buy our energy from this solar system. There is no invasion. The Earth is a
playground for us. Our home planet Hoova is 16,000 times greater than your planet ... We
have our souls, bodies and minds millions of years ago manifested in computers. But we are
controlled by the higher powers beyond us. We intervened before
20,000 years for the first time in the affairs of men. We arrived in a planned mission of our
own solar system and our first landing took place in Israel, where Abraham met us. We
found traces of previous visitors already from space who came already million years earlier
on the Earth. Since then, we give humanity once every 6000 years, a teaching. The last
time in Egypt. Purpose of all existence is to approach God. Humanity should refer to the
Ten Commandments. Those (Council of Nine), the Puharich had in 1952 prepared for his
mission, the hierarchy of the entire universe, all galaxies were. Distributing tasks to
different civilizations. There are no beings but balls of light, they have no body but they
are total consciousness, total energy. (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p.158)
1972 22.10.
Enrique Mercado has the second contact to an alien, who invites him to come with him
aboard his ship. They were pulled up from a beam. This is about 10 meters in diameter disc
they then flew to a larger ship. He was introduced to the commander Yastek, who agreed to
answer his questions. (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p.98)
1972 11:12.
Landing on the moon. The astronauts stayed 74 hours in the "Mare Serenitates" and made
among other thousands of photos. The most sensational discovery remained until today
(1990) hidden uptake of a naked foot in the moon dust. The track is 13.5 cm long, clearly
shows a large and five smaller toes. The Moscow astrophysicist Prof. Georgi Sakalow dated
it to about 300,000 year age. The foot length corresponds to that of a six year old
child. His colleague Nicolai Budenski thinks that these creatures could be structured as
crystals. (Bild Zeitung from 8/26/90)
Document, issued by the chairman of the Policy Committee, addressed to the National
Chief Executive Officers.Topic: Designated Movers (selected movers) - Summary:
Participants of Alternative 3 need to learn further away from concepts of national or
stammesmäßger interests, which proves with increasing population of the new territory as
necessary. There must be no nominated as a potential Designated Movers, if there is any
doubt that he can develop in this direction. This requirement outweighs all other
considerations to the other capabilities of the person. It is further underlined the fact an
equal distribution of all nationalities and skin colors is guaranteed.Representatives of all
aspects of human and cultural life to be brought ultimately in the new territory. Increased
demand is currently on doctors, chemists, neurologists and bacteriologists. The ratio
between males and females is three to one. (Alternative 3, p 155/56)
Other moon landing - dialogue between Mission Control (MC) and the pilot: MC: More
details please. Can you more details about what you give to see? Pilot: There ... flash
something. That's so far everything. Only a light that switched on and goes out on the
corner of the crater. MC: Can you give the coordinates? Pilot: This is something down
there ... maybe a little further down. MC: Could it be a Vostok? Pilot: I'm not sure ... it is
possible Note: The Russian Vostok flights took place in the early sixties and had no plans
for moon landings.(Alternative 3, p 131)
(Was the later Trilateral Commission called) Rockefeller suggested in a speech to the
international financial audience of Chase Manhattan Bank in London, Brussels and Paris
the creation of an international commission for peace and prosperity before, which should
"ensure that the brightest minds with the problems of the future deal ".From the
researcher Craig S. Karpel we learn that "In July 1973, Brzezinski left the Columbia
University, to become president of the Trilateral Commission. He had the task to select 200
members that would constitute something similar to a World Board. "(Des Griffin, Who
rules the world, S. 48/49)
Frequent sightings of UFOs over Puerto Rico. The population watched swarms of flying
objects in the night sky.(Bergmann, German flying disks .. p.26, 27)
1973 March
Anita, 20,000 tons of cargo ship with 32 crew members, disappeared on the way from
Newport News to Germany (Berlitz, Bermuda Triangle, p 52).
October Der Spiegel, Title: With pointed ears, The Extra-Terristrischen are back. Almost
simultaneously they were perceived on three continents. Photos: UFO photo from
Georgia. Aliens in Falkville: UFO photos from Ohio. Soviet scientists took to signals may
originate from aliens. Sighting in Uganda. Sighting in Ohio: cigar-shaped, amber object. In
Mississippi three creatures were seen (without lips, with pointed ears and crab claws on the
1973 October / Nov.
The Caribbean, Puerto Rico and the southern part of the Bermuda Triangle was hit by a
UFO wave. There dozens of objects were observed, all up or went into hiding. (Bergmann,
German flying disks .., p.25)

1973 11 / 12.10.
Enrique Castillo Rincon receives a telepathic message, which he wrote on two sheets. It was in
the danger of a third world war and the future of his country. It was the end, other brothers
came to Earth now, brothers of Andromeda, who belonged to a cosmic confederation. You
(Rincon and his group) are to assemble the next day to the known time. This was done, with
another message was sent. This was about a great civilization in the high Peru. It was
announced that a physical contact on
Will take place on 03/11/73 of a lagoon in the north of Bogota's. (Hesemann, UFOs: The
contacts, pp 120-23)
1973 3:11.
Enrique Castillo Rincon was a landing of the spaceship and was brought on board. On the
boat he met the man again, whom he had met in Costa Rica in 1969 and who passed
himself off as a Swiss named Cyril Weiss. Weiss told him that he had him and 24 other
people at the same time prepared to this Contact ... This is of the utmost importance,
because events of the greatest importance on Earth anbahnten. She herself came from the
Pleiades.Thousands inhabited planets would communicate with each other in cultural,
technological and economic exchange and have established a kind of brotherhood. These
Galactic Confederacy she had sent to Earth to fulfill a specific mission. They had always
steered indirectly our evolution ... The awareness is the most important for the people of
that time. Castillo should prepare people. More and more people would make in the next
few years the greatest discovery in human history, the discovery that it was to seek God
somewhere out an error and that the true God is in us, in each of us. You have a plan for
the future and it is important that all people know about it, even if "a very powerful and
large organization in the world wants to prevent. This organization has churchmen,
politicians and military. Their power is so great that you can always unleash a war. They
confuse people, to put them in the moment they deem useful in fear and terror. "Castillo
was 8 1/2 hours on board the spacecraft.(Hesemann, UFOs: The contacts, pp 120-123)
1973 18:11.
Enrique Castillo Rincon - second meeting, this time in the east of the country. At 3:00 early
appeared 13 ships of various types. A smaller ship landed. Castillo got more
information. He was told that they should come not only from the Pleiades but of various
luminaries. (Hesemann, UFOs: The contacts, p.120 / 23) The
Olaf Palme entitled the Swedish police, Brain transmitters that are transmission devices
that are implanted in the brain to use secretly in the heads of people. This was done in the
USA and Russia as well. (Hamilton Lecture, CBR - UFO briefing, 03/03/90, page 2)
In early 1974,
Dr. Andrija Puharich hypnotized Bobby Horn: Through him is an alien from the Planet
Corean reported. Essence: Do you want to come down to earth. (Hesemann: UFOs: The
contacts, p.159) Another contact person (channeling) is Phyllis Schelmer. Through them, a
creature named Tom reported. This said, they are the first cornerstone of a global plan, the
aim of which was to inform the world about the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations
and their good intentions and prepare for the landing. "We have the technology to help
you, but it's very difficult to help people who do not believe in our existence. But they need
our technology in order to survive. "On 10/16/71 humanity entered into a new
era. Worldwide kids would now born with paranormal forces that manifest themselves in
different ways and the awareness of the world public are open for the paranormal.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p.159)
Enrique Castillo Rincon - third meeting: It landed a ship of "Adamski-type", and he was
introduced to a Venusians. Castillo was ordered to set up a group to disseminate their
information. Between Colombia and Venezuela a joint plan must be carried out. When
Castillo was staying to give lectures in Venezuela, he received an appointment to the
12/24/74 on which he should be brought to the other contact persons to Peru. (Hesemann,
UFOs: The contacts, p.123)
1974 July
The group led by Sixto Paz Wells-drove again after Chilca. They saw a landed spaceship
and a being, humanoid, about 2 feet tall, shoulder-length platinum blond hair, slightly
slanting eyes with a prominent chin. This creature came from Apu, a planet in the Alpha
Centauri system. His name was Antar Sherart, commander of UFO fleet of Mission
Rama. The group was awarded the contract to establish on earth the mission Rama and
perform. The aim of this mission was "to free themselves from the slavery of ignorance
and to facilitate their way into the fourth dimension" people. Antar announced a worldwide
expansion of Mission Rama through the press. (Hesemann, UFOs: The contacts, pp 167-
1974 7.9.
After a press report about the Mission Rama reported, traveled to the Spanish journalist JJ
Benitez. In mediating the aliens he actually saw a UFO, returned to Spain and wrote a book
about the group: "UFOs: An SOS to humanity". Soon more than 600 Rama groups
emerged. (Hesemann, UFOs: The contacts, p 169)
1974 8.11.-12.12.
Dr. Andrija Puharich / Phyllis Schelmer: The essence named Tom spoke by Phyllis: Our
most important task is the preservation of the planet Earth - otherwise it will come in 200
years into a global ice age. It is therefore important to prepare people for the mass
landing, because then we can give you our technology in order to save the planet. We plan
to humanity through their impact on your television systems to alert. We are working and a
group of aliens who come from planet Ashand. (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p 160) In
Israel, the last attempt of the aliens took place to raise the consciousness of men and that
in the figure of Jesus of Nazareth. The Jews are genetically related to the aliens, especially
with the civilization of Hoova and therefore they are the chosen people. Here the fate of
the people would decide - the Armageddon, the final battle between the armies of light
and the forces of darkness. The State of Israel is comprised of people who have come
together from all parts of the world and therefore representing the nations of the
earth. (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p 161)
1974 22:12.
Prof. RN Hernandes, leading nuclear scientists in Mexico had contact with an extraterrestrial
who introduced himself by the name of LYA and visited him in the University. She explained
the planets in the galaxy Andromeda Aenstria occur. She says people are going a wrong
way but against our will can not save us. That is why we study your world, and not just
us. Many civilizations have done this and almost all agree that your world is a privileged
place. (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p.99)
1974 24.12.
Enrique Castillo Rincon was picked up by a spaceship and brought in a high valley of the
Andes. There Castillo got contact persons from 19 countries around the world to know,
including one woman, a 59-year-old Californian, otherwise Peruvians, an Indian, an
Australian, two Europeans and South Americans some. There were scientists, artists,
artisans and laborers. In the Andean colony 218 people lived from all over the world that are
taught there and who are "lost" in their homeland as. Altogether, there are ten such bases in
South America. Since 3.7.70, so declared the aliens, the earth had entered a new era, the
era of the Superman. At its heart the encounter of man with himself inside it, which leads to
the discovery of God in man is. Many brothers in the universe have united to help us in this
transition phase. They may not intervene directly, which prohibits the cosmic law.However,
they must inform us by degrees, so that it then is up to us to put together this cosmic
puzzle. Our planet is the most densely populated planet in our solar system and it needed a
cleaning, if only because we would have lost all ethical and moral values. It is the duty of
man to recognize this situation and to survive the fight. The aliens disclosed its "Plan A",
which includes three phases: knowledge of the situation: you is that can the alien ships
systematically look carefully into the airspaces of all nations, especially where the technical,
scientific and military advanced, so you clearly recognizes what they intend for our world
and its inhabitants. The preparation is as much information as possible to spread with all
available means, ie, radio, television, press, through conferences, individual and group
meetings, leaflets etc. They are those who have the powers to be, who do not take this
matter seriously and the sinister machinations the great powers that are unleashed on their
planet, sprinkle the doubts and the Herald (they) attack ... The world enemy: When, after
many years of observation of your world came to the conclusion that must be helped its
inhabitants, evolutionary in their progress ascent, there were moments when we doubted
this decision in view of the cruelty with which leads your wars, bombed cities, men, women
and children tortured and with what indifference watched your governments and spiritual
leaders, as children themselves in peacetime hunger died. The conclusion was drawn from
it, was the awful truth: The Earth's inhabitants are, apart from a few, incorrigible, brutal
butcher deep into their souls. Nevertheless, the people they decided to help effectively to
combat the unscrupulous profit and power addicts who were protected by certain forces. The
forces of the enemy are known to us, the circle around him is almost closed, and he knows
it. In a desperate attempt to survive, he will send the world and its inhabitants, together
with its standard-bearers into a great final battle, which will be just a hopeless race in the
own demise. Help for Planet Earth: This phase involves the direct help for many people by
instructions. To this end it is necessary in many cases, to evacuate them from this planet to
a specific place where they will be trained in a new consciousness, so that they can lead
their own brothers on Earth later. These are people who work for their merits and their
courage will for the good of the earth, were chosen for this great work. There are many
people on your planet have gone for this purpose. (Hesemann, UFOs: The contacts, p.123)
Bermuda Triangle: A Swedish captain saw through binoculars a "suddenly appearing out of
the sea metal island", the radar screen similar instruments straightened his ship on which
to spread a snow-white mist began. He left despite sunshine three spotlight for this object,
after which first disappeared fog and then the metal island itself.(DNZ, Nr. 49, 1977)
Holloman Air Force Base: Sergeant Charles L. Moody sees a 18 meter wide, metallic, disc-
shaped object flying towards it. Lights and motors of his car fall out. Ten feet away from
him remains the UFO suspended in the air.Moody is unconscious and sees the object only
90 minutes away on the horizon. Through self-hypnosis he remembers the lack of time:
extraterrestrial beings with oversized heads came up to him and took him to the boat, put
him on some kind of operating table, and healing with a stick his back. He was also shown
the engine room of the vessel. The leader of the stranger told him the following: It's not just
an alien race that visited us. There are different races working together amicably, although
their planet light years away from each other are. They come to us to visit our planet and
study. They come in peace. It is not our problem to accept them, it is their problem to
accept us. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Evidence, p 97)
1975 6.10.
Article in the Daily Telegraph: Twenty people disappeared without a trace from communities
in Oregon, after they were told to submit all their possession, their children included, so
that they can be brought into a UFO, in a better life. A police investigation led to
a meeting on 14.9. in a hotel, the Bayshore Inn in Waldport, Oregon. People were told that
they can save their souls by a UFO. The people would be prepared in a special camp in
Colorado for life on another planet.(Alternative 3, S. 17/18)
Signed by officials from 17 governments around the world including the United States and
the Soviet Union, they outlined trade and cooperation agreements, which were negotiated
in 1975 with the aliens. They also noted that already bases were established in the so-
called neutral zone in the world. (The Pandora aspect, Elian Lian, Page 34/35)
Bermuda Triangle: weather satellites no longer work properly when they fly over the
Bermuda Triangle. The shots that would radioed from the satellite to Earth are black. Only
with infrared rays of the reception was good.(Bergmann, German flying disks .., p.50)
The end of 1975
Greenland: US bombers circled on their way to Thule seven UFOs. The instruments went
haywire. Objects that were not secured, rose into the air and flew about in the cabin. The
radio gave an eerie, wailing sound. In the same year there were at least 2 other incidents
of this type. Aircraft were escorted during extended periods of UFOs. (UFO News, no. 245,
June 1977)
Scientists from all continents disappeared without a trace after them a lucrative offer was
made to participate in research. These scientists broke all the bridges behind him. It is
believed that these in the Alternative 3 - should be appointed to the project. This group of
people has been referred to as "Designated Movers". Another group of people, the so-
called "Batch Consignments" were transformed into a kind of slave race. (Alternative 3, p
37ff) The contact man "Trojan", with access to records of the Policy Committee said that
these were taken Batch Consignments mainly of the Bermuda Triangle. (Alternative 3, p

1976 21.6.
On the occasion of the landing of "Viking I" on Mars received Robert Negri, an employee of
the CSFC (founded by Eugenio Siragusa), a telepathic Transmission: Ithakar, the highest
representative from Mars in the Upper Union Confederate worlds, can the scientists and
researchers of the planet earth hear the voice of his people. He says that the Mars probe
only discovered dust, because the inhabitants of Mars and their civilization are in another
dimensional structure. Their structures have ceased to be genetic in three
dimensions. Since the atomic destruction of Malona, circling between Mars and Jupiter, it
was necessary to create the two Martian moons Deimos and Phobos artificial ...
(Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, S. 129/30)

1976 October
The South Sea island Palaseon, a coconut island off Marutea lost all vegetation by UFO
contact. A glaring white funnel was observed three hours after a typhoon in the
sky. Silently, he fell on the island as a pointed bag with the opening facing downwards. The
event was observed by two ships. Trees, plants and shrubs - everything green broke
up. (DNZ, Nr. 40, 1977)
1976 Nov.
Two US pilots on a Patrouillienflug over the South Pole, discovered an apparently air station
as shielded by a bell from the icy environment of 12 km in diameter. They circled the
station and made recordings that were then paraded in Houston experts. Since they were
not sharp enough, it was decided to appoint three Patroullienflugzeuge now. They crossed
36 hours in the South Pole area and found that the apparently limited under a heat bell
decorated station was gone. Flying low pressure patterns were recorded, as were there
before stood large weights. Landed a machine, took soil samples and found "flakes such as
aluminum," which could not be analyzed. (DNZ, Nr. 25, 1977)
Is at the South Pole because of radiation vortex, a magnetic hole in the form of a 11 km-
diameter hose, which extend it is from 28 km altitude in a funnel shape into space. A
Japanese scientist saw a way to go in this magnetic hole to signal hunting and try to
contact with extraterrestrial "stations". He had an especially powerful rocket plane with
advanced measuring instruments and equip two screens. He saw 19 haselnußförmige
formations in formation appeared and accurately controlled to the magnetic hole toward
Earth. Immediately was sent to all radio frequencies, with the result that the structure
immediately disappeared and were invisible. (DNZ, Nr. 25, 1977)
Sigma became an independent project. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Evidence, p 91)
A Soviet reconnaissance pilot, who with his crew flies over the Arctic Ocean and Greenland
regularly saw in the immediate vicinity of the North Pole tunnel six holes. Renewed
reconnaissance flights saw six black dots again and realized at low altitude tunnel
entrances. Suddenly they were seized by a "strange buoyancy" and brought to 15,000
meters. Attempts to get back on descent failed due to an unknown force that highly
expressed the machine again and again. (DNZ, no. 25/1977)
An alien who as he says, came from an underground base in Mexico, gave the Mexican
farmer J. Carmen Garcia on a scrap of paper a formula by which could breed he giant
vegetables (cabbages of 14 kg, 4kg onions etc.).(Hesemann, UFOs: The contacts,
NASA calls the project SETI (Search for extraterrestrial intelligence) into
being. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Evidence, p 98)
British Sportflieger discovered circuits (Pictograms) from the air crop circles. English farmer
claim to have seen this phenomenon already in the forties. Increased emergence from July
1988. (John v. Buttlar, dragon paths, pp 240ff)
In 2 years, approximately 20 American and Russian satellites have disappeared without
trace. (DNZ, no. 20/1978)
1977 6.2.
The the book "Alternative 3" underlying film (Mars landing of the Americans from
05.22.1962) was captured by the English radio astronomer Sir William Ballentine on the
Jordell Bank Telescope. This recording could be decrypted later by a NASA-
decoder. Ballentine died on 02/06/77 in a mysterious car accident. His body was internally
totally burned, as if he had been exposed to some kind of microwave cannon. There were
no burn marks on the car are detected. Ballentine died on command of the "Policy
Committee" in what they called - "hot job" .. (Book: Alternative 3, pp 49 and 73)

1977 13.6.
New Zealand: 200 people, including staff members disappeared overnight from a
campsite. There were no signs of violence. None of these people has been
rediscovered. (Alternative 3, p 205)
1977 14.6.
USA / Wyoming: 76 young people, average age 19 years, disappeared on a trip. Their
vehicles were on the side of a lonely road, found empty. To indiscriminate footprints were
found around the car in the sand, however, nowhere led up. The people were never
seen again. On the same day a passenger ship disappeared with 165 people on board on
the way between Barcelona and Tunis. There were discovered no traces. (Alternative 3, p
Approximately 197
7 center
Bob Grodin was interviewed via satellite from "septre Television". The interview was
abruptly (from an unknown source), after a certain statement of Grodin, off. He was asked
about the allegation that he and everyone else has seen on the Apollo mission something
he should not speak publicly. This question was Grodin explode. "What do you want? Do
you want to finish me? ... As this stupid bastard Ballentine? Is that what you want? "Grodin
got no further. His voice and image were suddenly gone. (Alternative 3, p 108) Grodin was
later interviewed. When asked what he knew about Ballentine, he said he did not know
him. Everything he is know about him that he showed up with a ribbon at NASA and he was
damn excited when he ran it through the decoder. He was further asked what had
happened during the moon landing. Grodin: "We were very disappointed .. .. the truth is,
we were not the first there ... The later Apollos were smoke screens to cover what is really
going on out there ... and the bastards have not even told us something .. not a damn thing
... Do you think they need all this crap down in Florida, send up to two guys on a bike
there? Do you know why they need us? So they have a good PR story for all the hardware
that you send in the room ... We are nothing man! Nothing! We are just there to keep you
satisfied Penner ... to ask you keep them stupid questions about what really is going on!
"End of the interview. In January 1978, Grodin's death in the press was promulgated. They
said it was suicide. (Alternative 3, S. 128/132) Alternative 3 is a reality. Most of the Apollo
Astronauts were severely shaken by this experience and their lives and subsequent
statements reflect the scope of this experience and the effect of silence order. Man ordered
silence on pain of death, which was then described as "necessity". Nevertheless, an
astronaut spoke to the British producers of the TV show "Alternative 3", in which he
confirmed the accuracy of the allegations. In the book's true identity is replaced by a
pseudonym "Bob Grodin". The suicide of Grodin can not confirm Cooper. He believes that
many so-called facts are disinformation in this book, which are the result of the pressure
that was exerted on the authors and was intended to neutralize the effect that the British
television program "Alternative 3" aroused in public. (Milton William Cooper, The Secret
Government, p.9)
1977 20.6.
In the English television program Science Report, the report "Alternative 3" will be
broadcast: It has been reported mysteriously disappearing scientists, of whom were
currently 25 known cases and it was the connection to alternative 2 produced. The station
was forced later to portray the mission as a hoax and many viewers believed it
willingly. (Alternative 3, p 157/63)
1977 15.7.
Newspaper article in the Sunday Telegraph: The subject was that the Ministry of Health in
England statistics about operations collects, which are carried out in psychiatric
institutions, with the aim to change the personality. For the first time ministers have
confirmed that there is a growing concern. These operations, known as Psycho Surgery be
carried out to destroy parts of the brain tissue or eliminate in order to change the behavior
of severely depressed or unusually aggressive patients do not respond to drugs
(medications) or electroshock therapy. (Alternative 3, p.114) The authors of "Alternative 3"
interviewed the psychiatrist Dr. Randolph Crepson-White (died in Oct. 1977) on this
subject. Crepson has 4 men and a woman operated on instruction in this type, of which he
said that they have been completely normal. They are made completely sexless and been
stripped of their individuality. They would follow to ask each order and be like without
thinking robots. (Alternative 3, p 115)

1977 Aug.
A large number of people turned up in Germany, France, Italy and Canada, who were
physically fit and normal, except that they could not remember where they came from
himself or where they have been. (Alternative 3, p 142)
1977 9.9.
Title Report of the "Times" of Steward Tendler: "National security is advanced by the police
as the reason for the silence on the use of files' names and personal details of tens of
thousands of people who have been checked by the special department for reasons of
national security, are in the new intelligence computers from Scotland Yard are fed. When
the new computer was designed, the Special Branch was assigned space for 600,000
names from a total capacity of 1,300,000. (Alternative 3, p 151) This would mean that one
is monitored by 25 households, from this system. Computer similar provision are in
Geneva, America, England, Germany, Japan, Poland and Russia.(Alternative 3, p 153)
1977 Sept.
Der Spiegel, Title: UFOs - Bluish, reddish. US President Carter, Senator Goldwater, Grenada
Prime Minister Gairy, UN Secretary General Waldheim -all they talk about UFOs. Photos:
American UFO photo (about Salem / Massachusetts)
Sept. 1977-Feb. 1978
From 09/20/77 to 02/20/78 appeared to 5-6 times a month a UFO as big as a football field
on the Soviet city of Petrozavodsk on Lake Onega, north-east of Leningrad. The sowj.
Government immediately called a scientific research at the highest levels, pushing this
investigation before a security latch. That 20.9. 16.00 a huge UFO appeared over the city
and sent out golden rays of light that fell like drizzle on the city and coin to egg-sized holes
burned in the paving stones of the streets and in the windows of many houses. It is also
said that five intense light beams were directed by the huge property of the city, and
Petrozavodsk was enveloped during this 12 minutes of this golden light. The separated
glass pieces appeared at the edges as melted and were either on the windowsills or on the
floor. The discs were otherwise completely. Above the lake is a smaller object from the main
body separated, fell straight down and disappeared under water. (Haarmann: Secret
miracle weapons II, p 33ff, div article.)
1977 4:10.
Bremer Nachrichten: "The intelligence services of both hemispheres should be in
possession of more extensive records of the emergence of unknown and mysterious
submarines". It is called an incident, in which an unknown submarine vehicle was traveling
at a speed of 370 km / h.
Mars colony (under Alternative 3): 1976: With the cultivation of the new colony there
awoke native bacteria to live and began to infest grown plants. Saw the resident committee
that she would lose the battle. You need a certain bacteriologists from Germany, however,
was not going to win this project. Thus, it was decided that a former assistant of his, who is
now working on Mars and thought highly of the bacteriologist this, the earth returned to
convince him. What was not realized was that this wizard did not agree with the
"symbiosis" between scientists and their slave labor. On the way back on the Archimedes
base he consecrated the 28 "Designated Movers" in the still existing for her
secret. Archimedes Base: Moonbase, the transfer of "Designated Movers" and "Batch
Consignments" between Earth and Mars, built as part of Alternative 3 and later destroyed
by sabotage. The construction took two years. The base was under a hermetically sealed,
transparent bubble. There were three separate living areas, each for the resident staff, the
movers towards Mars and the slave labor. One of the scientists tried the 155 slaves to free
and collided in flight with a cargo spacecraft with the protective shell of the basis on which
this was totally destroyed. Few (seven persons, 5 employees and 2 of the "components" as
this slave laborers were also called) survived because they were at that time in a separate
air chamber. They escaped in the Cassini base, an older and had become too small for
Alternative 3 basis. These persons It is thanks to that anything was known about this
disaster. The report was about the authors of Alternative 3 from "Trojan" leaked.(Alternative
3, pp 223ff)
Bermuda Triangle: Between the Bahamas and Bermuda in the Atlantic, 150 to 200 KM wide
whirlpools that extend to 1.5 km depth form. An American / Soviet research team
investigated this phenomenon for two months with six ships (DNZ no. 48/77). In early 1978,
the American / began Soviet enterprises polymode with five specialized vessels. Also a
number of PSI-gifted people were on board. They want to examine every square
exactly. Electronic devices are to be sunk, who work independently in 5000 meters
depth. The action should continue until the autumn. (DNZ No. 3, 1978)
1978 17.1.
Extraterrestrials on US military base killed this night is a military policeman from Ft. Dix
have been followed by a low-flying, oval, bluish-green glowing object. The wireless
connection of the patrol car fell out. Before the MP a 1.20 meter large, drab creature with a
large head, long arms and a slender body had suddenly appeared. The MP panicked and
fired 5 times at the stranger. The UFO shot up and lined up in a formation of twelve other
objects that were in the sky. The report is confirmed by a message from 01/18/78 to
Brigadier Brown from AFOSI, according to which "A body of unknown origin was given to
the OSI (Office of Special Intelligence) district commander and a special rescue team from
Wright Patterson AFB in custody". (Hesemann : UFOs: The Evidence, p 66)
1978 April
Spiegel: So the world public was deceived, Photos: Alleged UFO Recordings: Added 2/27/75
via Bäretswil of the Swiss UFO specialist Eduard Meier (living in CH-8400 Hinterschmidrüti)
rays ships from the Pleiades about Switzerland (
1978 Nov-Feb. 1979
Eugenio Siragusa was arrested and put in custody, due to a fraud indicator of an American
couple, which tried to buy a contact or any spacecraft with aliens through him. His alien
friends seemed to hold a demonstration to rehabilitate him. In the following years over 50
UFO sightings were recorded in Italy, watched by thousands, some of them landing in
prison area where Siragusa was detained. (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p.131 / 32)
1978 12:12
Burghausen / Neuötting, Bayern: Adele Holzer encountered a UFO on the way to work. It
comes up to them. It is dome-shaped, has circular hatches. It is illuminated (green rays)
and it receives a telepathic message: "Do not worry, we come in peace. We are here to
watch you and to save you from disaster. We want to prevent your own: Earth destroyed
". When Ms. Holzer regains consciousness, she sees that the car keys bent and the clock
has stopped. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Evidence, p.97) Later she added that she received
additional information on their origin. They came from a binary system. They would
interact with the people in contact, because they have common ancestors, as we came
from the planet Patheon, the formerly 5th planet in our solar system, the its residents
destroyed in a chain reaction of nuclear explosions. The survivors had fled first to Mars and
then to Earth and on other planets. Some of them would live among us. (Hesemann, UFOs:
The contacts, p.3)
The aliens explained the work of Eugenio Siragusa closed. (Hesemann: UFOs: The
contacts, p.127)
1979 May
Bill Herrmann from Charleston (USA) several times has been abducted by aliens. Allegedly,
the contacts were good to them. (Taz 01.11.89) meeting in May 79: They come from Ceta
Reticuli. Your, for millennia held expeditions to Earth, serve analytical purposes. Together
with highly developed civilizations from other worlds they have created a kind of
intergalactic trade and research community. Late forties some of their ships had crashed in
the American Midwest, which was due to the radar waves which have caused a disturbance
of their program and their force field. Since then, they would be protected by irregular
triangular flight pattern before.This would not be covered to take damage never long
enough. (John v. Buttlar, dragon paths, pp 181ff)

1979 May
A document dated "Mai 1979", referring to. "25 Third anniversary of the World War II,
called the "silent war". is fought with subjective biological warfare, with silent weapons
"(head: Top Secret, Silent weapons for quiet warfare - An introductory programming
Leitfaden- Operations Research, Technical Manual, TM SW7905.1).Summary (quotes in
italics): It is a war against the world's population in the direction of social control. It should
be noted, that must remain hidden from the people of this document, as it might otherwise
be recognized as a formal declaration of war. "The solution of today's problems requires an
approach which is ruthlessly candid, without racking with respect to religions, moral or
cultural values." Historically, comes the "silent weapons technology" the Second World
War. "It was soon recognized by the people in positions of power that the same methods
for total control of the Company could be useful. But there were better ways necessary.
"The" silent war "was quietly by the international elite (Bilderbergers) declared at a
meeting in 1954. These silent weapons include computer, the technological breakthrough
in 1948, with the transistor technology, occurred. "All science is a means with respect to an
end. The means is knowledge. The end is control. "(MW Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, p 36-
1979 8:12.
Eugenio Siragusa sent a final warning "all political and military leaders of the planet Earth":
"Eight minutes of your time enough for us to completely shut down any type of activity on
your planet. This procedure would be carried out immediately if a nuclear conflict between
two or more powers should realize ... this our warning not intended to be a challenge, nor
may it be construed as interference in the sense of control or conquer your planet, but is it
is an act of love, in order to prevent the repetition of an immense catastrophe that has,
tasted in a distant past billions of creatures on other planets that have now become
inhospitable and dead dwelling life. "We know very well, how difficult it is to you
to give our messages faith. We also Eure ingenious violence against us and entrusted to us
rescue mission has not escaped. We have also noted the persecutions that your. Against
all those who are ambassadors of our goodwill are cooking up and which have been in
accordance with the highest desire of "Avatar's" Jesus Christ, the earth will draw near to
visit, chosen and enlightened (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p.133)
Shoichi Harukawa went telepathic instruction in an area close to the Fuji Mountain. For the
first time Shoichi saw a landed spaceship that brought him on board a mother ship. He
was the hangar of the mother ship shown and explained that there are three types:
• Motherships,
• Exploration ships and
• remote controlled probes. They are all driven by electromagnetic
energy. Normally, the mother ships remain outside the earth's atmosphere. One does not
feel the slightest air movement because the ship has its own gravitational field. As it turned
a room in front of the monitor's brother, the lines were a nice geometric pattern. As Shoichi
front turned out, they made a mess. The monitor, so he was told, would check the thought-
vibrations.People who have good ideas, produce clear patterns. This screen is also used to
control the flying disks. However motherships can not even fly each space man, that's up to
the masters. A Master told Shoichi that there are three laws of the cosmos would be:
Everything repeats itself in a certain order. All is relative. Like attracts like, things with the
same characteristics come together. The aliens have contacted humans all areas since the
50s, particularly the military, financiers and artists. Their job was to open the minds of
these people for the possibility of a better world. Only the artists of this experiment was a
success, since only they were open to their ideas and inspiration."Attacks not certain firms
or the dark forces. If you fight against them, they are fighting back. You do not need to
fight. The best thing you can do is your right, quiet and strong thought to spread you and to
bring other people to make similar thoughts and to change their lives. This is the heaviest
blow against the dark forces "(Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p 152).

Bob Lazar regarding the horror. "... Until 1979 there was an exchange of material and
information in central Nevada, when it came to a conflict that stopped the project
abruptly. The creatures left the ground, but should return at a time, which is marked with
1623 ..., and I do not know what date it is. With the remaining hardware and the available
information, the US government launched a "back-engineering" program.
Period: 1980 to present, future
1980 14.1.
UFO sighting over Bremen, watched by several hundred people, more than four hours
away, at different locations. It remained at a standstill on military installations and could
make himself completely invisible before approaching US fighter planes. To ward off the
Americans have put all of their air defense facilities in Germany and Denmark on
alert. Photos of individuals were seized. (Haarmann: Secret miracle weapons II, S. 37, div
1980 25.5.

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