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Quarantine Diary

By: Charlotte Cañete

As the world put on pause

I sit back and reflect the most
Why is it my heart feels empty
There's just growing anxiety
Ah the virus! that I thought will fade away quickly
Yet, it stayed like eternity

It was summer that masks became a need

Hidden smiles under it
Social distancing replaced hugs and kisses
With the rising covid-19 cases
The course of our lives change 360°

We used to party and shopping care free

Now, we do it digitally
We used to hang out and gossip in the park
Now, we talk in group chats with emoji

And when the schools closed, classes put on hold

Studying becomes a frustration, an exhaustion
Can I last til’ graduation?
Or fall into the depths of my depression

Day by day, everything becomes hazy

The empty streets feels eerie
Are we in a horror movie?
I fear the future unknown
When will our normal life resume?

To keep my sanity, I make myself busy

I tried calligraphy, painting and poetry
I binged movies, put songs on replay
While, I relieved my anxiety with a sip of coffee
I pet a cat, as well as got a hair cut

Yet, all these seem not enough for me

Cause I'd like to wander outside
Run wild and free
Oh, there's a lot of things I badly miss
Yet, all I can do is to reminisce

24 hours repeating
Like a broken record, it was sickening
I count the days that passed by
Wishing the end of this quarantine
Yet, I lost count
Without noticing, days become years
We've come a long way surviving

At last, we thaw the COVID rein

Thus, let's celebrate this win
Throw the pain
Smile wide again

Cause even when the world turns gray

We endure and persevere
With the slightest hope, we hold dear
We continue to move on
So, I say life goes on

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