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Presentation 3: Introduction to Calculus

Slide 1: Introduction
Hello, everyone! Today, we embark on a fascinating journey into the world of
calculus, a branch of mathematics that has profoundly shaped our understanding of
change and motion.

Slide 2: Basics of Calculus

Calculus is divided into two main branches: Differential Calculus, which deals with
rates of change and slopes, and Integral Calculus, which focuses on accumulation
and the concept of the area under a curve.

Slide 3: Applications in the Real World

Explore how calculus is applied in various fields, from physics and engineering to
economics and biology. Understand how it plays a crucial role in modeling real-world
phenomena and solving practical problems.

Slide 4: Importance and Further Exploration

Conclude by emphasizing the importance of calculus in scientific and technological

advancements. Encourage further exploration of the subject, showcasing its beauty
in unraveling the mysteries of the universe.

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