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Child: "Hey Mom, where do jerks come from?


Mom: Chuckles "Well, sweetheart, it's a bit like asking, 'Where do socks disappear to
in the laundry?' It's one of life's great mysteries."

Child: "Seriously, Mom! Are they like a special breed or something?"

Mom: "Oh, you mean the 'Jerkus Maximus' species? No, no, they're not a separate
breed. They're just people who missed the 'How to Be Decent' class in life. Maybe
they were absent that day or were busy playing video games."

Child: "So, are jerks born that way, or do they go to school for it?"

Mom: "Oh, sweetheart, nobody goes to Jerk University! It's more of an accidental
specialisation. They probably skipped the 'Sharing is Caring' part in kindergarten."

Child: "Can we send them back and get a refund?"

Mom: Laughs "If only life had a return policy for jerks! Unfortunately, we can't do that.
But, here's the secret: just sprinkle a little kindness and humour their way.
Sometimes, it's like magic, and they might just un-jerk themselves."

Child: "Like a jerk-reversal spell?"

Mom: "Exactly! We should patent that. 'Mom's Jerk-Be-Gone Elixir.' Guaranteed to

work or your happiness back."

Child: "You're the best, Mom. I guess jerks are just misunderstood."

Mom: "That's the spirit! Every jerk could use a little understanding and maybe a good
joke or two. Now, let's go practice our jerk-reversal spells on the cat. She's been a bit
grumpy lately."

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