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a-Hi, Manuel this is my friend Alicia.

b-Hi Manuel, nice to meet you.
c-Hello Alicia, great to meet you too. Excuse me. How
old are you?
b-I am 27 years old. And you?
c-I’m 30. And what’s your mobile number?
b-It’s 999635635. What about yours?
c-It’s 562639698.
a-Good to see you Manuel.
c-Great to see you, nice to meet you again Alicia. How
do you spell that please?
b-It’s A-L-I-C-I-A, a pleasure to meet you too Manuel.
a-Excuse me, what’s your name?
b-Hi, my name is Ivan Silenovich.
a-Good to meet you Ivan, how do you spell that name?
b-It’s I-V-A-N S-I-L-E-N-O-V-I-C-H.
c-Good morning, I’m sorry can you help me?
c-I want to go to the cinema.
b-This is here, in front of you.
a-Oh, great. I am Eduardo Longshanks.
c-Nice to meet you, what’s your name?
a-I am Maria Charapova. Great to meet you. How old
are you?
c-I’m 20 years old. Let’s enter the cinema.
b-All right, let’s go.

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