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Sarah Knight

Mrs. Hawley

Senior Project

20 November 2023

Goals I want to Complete Before I am 35

1. Graduate High School - I plan to graduate from Butte County High School on May 22,

2024. In order to accomplish this task, I will take the necessary hours to study for my

classes to keep my grades where they need to be. I will turn things in on time, and meet

the required credits to graduate.

2. Get a summer job to save for college – I plan to do this by applying to several different

locations to have multiple options to choose from. Then by using process of elimination

to decide which is the best job for me to earn money off of and learn critical life skills.

3. Go to Utah State for college - I have already submitted my application to Utah State and

have been accepted, now I need to perform the “next steps” like scholarship applications,

enrollment deposits, finding a place to live, and obtaining the necessary materials to live

and go to school there.

4. Walk on for track at Utah State- In order to accomplish this, I will need to do a lot of off

season training for jumping, sprints, and middle distance. Some of this training includes

weight lifting, short, long, and mid-distance conditioning.

5. Graduate Utah State with my Bachelor’s degree in Animal Science or Ecology- Spend as

many hours necessary to know all the information I need for tests and other school

related requirements. Study to learn and know instead of studying to just pass the test.
6. Graduate debt free, or with as little debt as possible- If it is possible I will work during

the school year to earn money, I will work during the summers, and apply for as many

scholarships as possible.

7. Get a permanent, stable job- Use what I have learned and my degree to obtain a job that

has benefits and will provide for my family.

8. Pay off any debt- Use the money earned from my job to work on paying off any debt I

9. Buy a home- Find a good home, and one that is affordable. If an affordable home is not

possible then I can live in an apartment until I am able to afford one.

10. Get married and have a family- I will date around until the right person comes.

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