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Dielectric measurement using a coaxial resonator opened to a waveguide below


Article in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement · May 1997

DOI: 10.1109/19.571898 · Source: IEEE Xplore

23 3,133

3 authors:

Bogdan Galwas Jerzy Piotrowski

Warsaw University of Technology Warsaw University of Technology


J. Skulski
Warsaw University of Technology


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Dielectric Measurements Using a Coaxial Resonator

Opened to a Waveguide Below Cut-Off
Bogdan A. Galwas, Jerzy K. Piotrowski, Member, IEEE, and Jerzy Skulski

Abstract—A model of a quarter-wavelength coaxial resonator

opened to a semi-infinite circular waveguide below cut-off is
presented in the paper. A full-wave analysis of the transition
between coaxial-line and circular waveguide was used. The anal-
ysis was based on a mode-matching formulation. The circular
waveguide is filled with a dielectric material. As a consequence,
the parameters of the resonator, resonant frequency, quality
factor and resonant transmission, change in relation to the com-
plex permittivity of the material. A fully automated L-band
microwave system with resonator sensor was fabricated and
used for measurements of the permittivity of low-loss and high-
loss powdered materials. Results obtained using the system are
compared with those of other method.
Index Terms— Automated measurement systems, coaxial res-
Fig. 1. Geometry of a quarter-wavelength coaxial resonator opened to a
onators, dielectric measurements, electrodynamics, microwaves, semi-infinite circular waveguide below cut-off.

I. INTRODUCTION other parts of the resonator model, which are expected to be

independent of the permittivity of the dielectric sample, are

M ICROWAVES are widely used in sensors for dielectric

materials characterization [1]-[4]. When the microwave
resonator is used as a sensor, the material to be measured is
experimentally determined.

A. Full-Wave Formulation for the Coaxial

introduced into contact with some part of the electromagnetic Line—Circular Waveguide Transition
field of the resonator. The important advantages of these types The geometry of the transition, which is a part of resonator
of sensors are the high sensitivity and resolution [4]. shown in Fig. 1, is formed by a coaxial line and a semi-infinite
The opened ended coaxial line resonator is well known circular waveguide which consists of two dielectric regions.
as a useful tool for dielectric permittivity measurements [4]. The radii of the inner and the outer conductors of an air-filled
The previously described solutions are based on coaxial line ( , ) coaxial line are and , respectively. A dielectric
opened to the half-space. In such a case the effect of radiation spacer of the complex permittivity and thickness is placed
from resonator to open space strongly influences on quality in the circular waveguide of radius . The second region is
factor. The placing of dielectric sample inside a circular filled by a dielectric sample of unknown complex permittivity
waveguide below cut-off removes the effect of radiation to . Both materials are linear, isotropic, homogeneous, and
open space and, in consequence, increases quality factors and nonmagnetic. The analysis of the transition has been carried
measurement resolution. out with the simplifications that the conductivity of conductors
is infinite and only the TEM mode with the amplitude is
incident upon the T plane.
For the electromagnetic field inside the coaxial line, because
The quarter-wavelength coaxial resonator, opened to a semi- of rotational symmetry, only higher order TM modes may
infinite circular waveguide, as shown in Fig. 1, is modeled be found when a TEM mode is incident. As a consequence of
in order to predict the relationship between the resonator this, only rotationally symmetrical TM modes are excited in
parameters and the complex permittivity ( ) of any dielectric the circular waveguide. Following the notation of Marcuvitz’s
sample in the waveguide below cut-off. Waveguide Handbook [5], the total electric and magnetic field
The coaxial line-circular waveguide transition, built in the components transverse to the z direction at the T plane in the
resonator, is studied using a full-wave analysis. An expression coaxial line are expressed as
for the unknown, normalized to the characteristic admittance
of the coaxial line, input admittance (y ) of the TEM mode at (1a)
the T plane is derived. After the y is accurately calculated,

Manuscript received June 20, 1996; revised October 1, 1996.

The authors are with the Institute of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics,
Warsaw University of Technology, 00-665 Warsaw, Poland
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9456(97)01582-9. (1b)
0018–9456/97$10.00  1997 IEEE

where is the unknown reflection coefficient of the TEM

mode, is the amplitude of the TM modes,
and are wave admittances of the TEM and
the TM modes, respectively. is the propagation constant
of the th TM mode.
The coaxial line electric and magnetic field modal vec-
tors are and , respectively. These orthonormal
eigenvectors are expressed as and
for the TEM mode with ,
with and
for the TM modes, where and are Bessel
functions and is the discrete eigenvalue associated with
eigenfunction .
Analogously, the total transverse EM field components at
the T plane in the circular waveguide are



where is the reflection coefficient, is the unknown

amplitude at the T plane, is wave admittance
of the TM modes and is the propagation constant in
spacer layer. The orthonormal eigenvectors and for
the circular waveguide are with (b)
and , where eigenvalues Fig. 2. The reflection coefficient 0" as a function of frequency for
are determined by the boundary condition " = "o (a) and " = (4 0 0:5j )"o (b) with a = 20 mm, b = 5:5
The is related to the reflection coefficient of the 0
mm,d = 0:8 mm, "s = (8:3 0:007j )"o , M = 3 and N = 6.
th TM mode at the plane by the relation
where , first N TM modes in the waveguide. With the assumption that
is the wave admittance of the th TM the short-circuit cannot be placed at the T plane (3) has been
mode and is the propagation constant in the region of normalized to the total amplitude of TEM mode at this plane.
the dielectric sample. Next, the substitution of (3b) in (3c) leads to the following set
Matching the tangential EM field across the aperture at of simultaneous linear equations
the plane and using the orthogonality properties of
eigenvectors in relations (1) and (2) results in the following
set of equations:
where and
are the unknown normalized total
amplitude and input wave admittance of the th TM mode
at the T plane, respectively. The solution of (4) by a typical
(3b) numerical subroutine determines these amplitudes.
The normalization of (3a) yields a relation for the admit-
tance as follows:

where as well as
are coupling coefficients between the th TM mode in the
waveguide and the TEM mode as well as the th TM mode The described solution may be applied for the multilayer
in the coaxial line, respectively. structure in the waveguide region and only the expression
The infinite series (3) may be truncated by taking into for must be appropriately modified. Exemplary frequency
consideration the first M TM modes in the coaxial line and the characteristics of at the T plane are shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 3. Equivalent circuit model of the quarter-wavelength resonator opened Fig. 4. Block diagram of system. MR (measurement resonator), RR (refer-
to the circular waveguide. ence resonator), RP (reference power channel).

B. Model of the Resonator MR with dielectric sample, the reference resonator RR and to
the reference power channel RP. The reference resonator RR
The arrangement of the resonator under consideration has is the same as the measurement resonator MR but without a
been presented in Fig. 1. At the input (plane T ) and the output dielectric sample. The transmitted power is measured by the
(plane T ) of the cavity two 50 SMA connectors, which are receiving unit. Simultaneous measurements of power transmit-
schematically shown between planes T T and T T ted by the three channels makes measured changes of and
in Fig. 1, are combined with the coupling loops. The size of independent of operation temperature.
loops should be appropriately large to ensure strong magnetic The action of the source is controlled by the microprocessor
coupling in order to obtain not too high transmission loss of the control unit. The control unit collects the digital data on
resonator at the resonant frequency when high-lossy dielectric power transmitted by the three channels. After finishing a
material is placed in the circular waveguide. The equivalent measurement procedure the information is transmitted to a
circuit model of the resonator is shown in Fig. 3. In the central computer. Extraction of resonator parameters ( , )
cavity, the determination of power loss due to the nonperfectly are obtained from measurements of power transmission by the
conducting walls of the coaxial line is essential for calculation resonator at many frequencies and by the proper calculation
of the loaded quality factor . Thus, the propagation constant procedure.
and the characteristic impedance of the coaxial line as
well as the impedance of this line end wall are complex and IV. EXAMPLE OF THE EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
described by classical relations given in [6]. The coaxial line-
circular waveguide transition is represented by the admittance The measurement system was used with the coaxial res-
. The two coupling loops are modeled in Fig. 3 onator of dimensions mm, mm, and
by transformer ratios susceptances and mm. First, a short-circuit was placed in the T plane
reactances . The transformer ratios are proportional creating a half-wavelength resonator in order to determine the
to the coupling of the coaxial line to the SMA connectors. The conductivity of gold plated metallic walls and to estimate
connectors are represented by the coaxial lines of the length the parameters of the coupling system. The measurements
with the characteritic impedance and the phase have indicated that differences between loops are negligible,
constant . Since the resonator has been strongly coupled, the conductivity of walls is S/m and values of the
evanescent modes appearing in the surroundings of the loops parameters are 10.3, 45.4 , 0.024 S, re-
should be taken into consideration. This effect is modeled by spectively. The ceramic spacer 0.8-mm thick with permittivity
susceptances and reactances which may was used. In order to reduce the
be determined from measurements. resonant frequency detuning range and degradation of quality
factor an additional 1-mm thick air-filled layer was formed
between the coaxial line and spacer in both resonators of the
III. PRACTICAL SOLUTION OF system. The measured resonant frequency and the quality
MEASUREMENT SENSOR SYSTEM factor of the RR resonator are 1.165 GHz and 110.5,
The measurement system with resonator sensor has been respectively.
fabricated. The system should allow one to measure resonant To validate the model of the resonator sensor, powdered
frequency and quality factor of resonator very accu- silica as well as seven powdered silica–graphite mixtures,
rately, and from their small changes obtain information about with concentration of graphite from 2% to 14%, have been
the dielectric sample. measured. The MR resonator was positioned vertically and
The block diagram of the system is shown in the Fig. 4. 30-mm thick layer (due to the fact that granular materials
The general parts of the system are: synthesized source of are very pressure sensitive) of the material under test was
microwave signals, resonators, receiving unit, microprocessor poured into the circular waveguide. Fig. 5 shows the measured
control unit and external computer. The source of L-band coefficients of detuning and quality factor
microwave signals is coupled to the measurement resonator degradation of the resonator. On

and measurement sensitivity. The developed system makes

possible the industrial characterization of dielectric materials.
The system may be used to measure moisture in granular
materials (e.g., sand, concrete, grain), unburnt carbon content
in ashes as well as biological tissues, chemical liquids, etc.
Practically the system is able to measure on-line. It is possible
to join several independent resonator sensors to a central
computer and to create a proper measurement network.

[1] D. Misra, “A quasistatic analysis of open-ended coaxial lines,” IEEE
Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 35, pp. 925–928, Oct. 1987.
[2] S. S. Stuchly, C. L. Sibbald, and J. M. Anderson, “A new aperture
admittance model for open-ended waveguides,” IEEE Trans. Microwave
Theory Tech., vol. 42, pp. 192–198, Feb. 1994.
[3] C. L. Li and K. M. Chen, “Determination of electromagnetic prop-
erties of materials using flanged open-ended coaxial probe—full-wave
analysis,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 44, pp. 19–27, Feb. 1995.
[4] E. Nyfors and P. Vainikainen, Industrial Microwave Sensors. Nor-
wood, MA: Artech House, 1989.
[5] N. Marcuvitz, Waveguide Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1951.
[6] T. Morawski and W. Gwarek, Theory of Electromagnetic Field. War-
Fig. 5. Detuning (p) and quality factor degradation (q) coefficients of the saw, Poland: WNT, 1978 (in Polish).
MR resonator measured for powdered silica–graphite mixtures. Percentages
indicate concentration of graphite.

Bogdan A. Galwas was born in Poland on October

31, 1938. He received the M.Sc. degree in 1962,
the Ph.D. degree in 1969, and the habilitated doc-
tors degree in 1976, all in electronic engineering,
from Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw,
In 1962, he joined the Faculty of Electronics,
Warsaw University, as Lecturer. In 1986 he was
promoted to Full Professor. His current research
interests are microwave measurement systems, mod-
eling, designing and measurement of microwave
oscillators, theory and designing of microwave resonator sensors. He is the
author of more than 100 scientific papers and two books in these areas.

Jerzy K. Piotrowski (M’89) was born in Tomaszów

Mazowiecki, Poland, on May 10, 1952. He received
the M. Sc. and Ph.D. (summa cum laude) degrees
in electronics engineering from Warsaw University
of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, in 1975 and 1988,
He has been with the Institute of Microelec-
tronics and Optoelectronics, Warsaw University of
Technology, since 1975. From 1982 to 1984, he
Fig. 6. Calculated permittivity for silica–graphite mixtures for measurements spent 20 months with the Technische Universitaet,
in Fig. 5 and HP 85070 dielectric coaxial probe measurements. Braunschweig, Germany, where he was engaged in
the study of finline technique. He has published papers on Gunn oscillators,
finlines, and coplanar waveguides. His areas of special interest include
the basis of the developed resonator sensor model the relative microwave and lightwave integrated circuits, computational electromagnetics,
and microwave sensors.
permittivity for the sample powders has been calculated and
the results are presented in Fig. 6. together with the HP 85070
dielectric coaxial probe measurements.
Jerzy Skulski was born in Poland, on December 8,
1945. He received the M. Sc. degree in electronic
V. CONCLUSIONS engineering from Warsaw University of Technology,
Previously described quarter-wavelength resonator sensors Warsaw, Poland, in 1970.
In 1971, he joined the Electronics Faculty, War-
are based on coaxial line opened to the half-space. In such a saw University of Technology, as Assistant Profes-
case the effect of radiation from line to open space strongly sor. He is now a Researcher. He has been engaged
influences the resonator quality factor. The placing of dielectric in the research and development of microwave am-
plifiers, generators, and measurement systems. His
sample inside a circular waveguide below cut-off removes current research interest is in the area of microwave
the effect of radiation and therefore increases quality factors sensors.

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