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Today I want to talk about something powerful, faith.

Not in the religious sense

but about hope and belief.
Assalam o alaikum dear teachers and fellow classmates. My name is Mustafa
Rashid Khan. Faith is a beacon of hope that lights our path through life’s darkest
moments. It is the trust that we have in ourselves and is the bright light guiding us
when things seem tough.
Consider the story of Thomas Edison, whose faith in his vision of the electric
light bulb led to over a thousand failed attempts. Yet, his unwavering belief in
himself led to his invention that changed the world forever.
Similarly, Steve Jobs, another famous personality. He had faith in his capabilities
and although he was fired from apple in 1985 he later returned and led the
company to unimaginable success.
We must learn to embrace faith in our own lives. Know that you can overcome
challenges and achieve your goals. Always keep a positive attitude even when
things seem impossible to overcome. Through faith, we can collect the strength to
persevere in the face of uncertainty, to set audacious goals, and to believe in our
own potential.
One practical way to harness faith is through setting clear goals and believing in
their achievement. Surrounding ourselves with supportive, like-minded
individuals can also boost our faith. You should support others as well because
that might be boost they need to achieve greatness.
In conclusion, faith is the force that propels us forward when all seems lost. As
Martin Luther King once said, "Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t
see the whole staircase." Let us remember these words because faith is the
guiding star that leads us toward brighter tomorrows.
Thank You

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