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Justinne Xenia E.

10 STE A Thomson

No Altitude Beyond Our Reach

What do you think makes someone great? Is it purely based on their intelligence? Do you really
think that’s all that matters in someone? A pleasant day to our board of judges and everyone.
Being smart or having “unique” traits seems to be the only thing that matters these days. But is
that enough? It may be a key component to a bright future, but it is through our good character
and discipline that will lead us through the hardships of this world.

Our world has always been filled with uncertainties and impediments, limiting us through
various ways. And yet, we’re able to remain resilient and determined in transforming our
obstacles into opportunities. The power of attitude lies not only in overcoming challenges but
also using our failures as a steppingstone. It is the driving force that pushes us forward, even
when we’re faced with hardships. It is through this power that fosters our resilience that will help
us go beyond and ascend to greater heights.

My father once told me that when he was young, he had been exceptional in his class.
But he was never filled or overcome with arrogance. My father is a man with discipline and good
character, he’s able to see the light through the dark times when everything seems hopeless. It
was because of this; he was able to weather the storms of life and meet good people who had
been influenced by his positive attitude. My father may have been smart among his peers, but it
had been resilience and determination that helped him find his true meaning of success.

The power of our attitude is so much more than we think it is. It is a power deep inside of
us that could help us reach even higher than before. It dispels our clouds of doubt and uncertainty
that have continuously blinded us. This is something we mustn’t disregard easily. With this
power, there is no summit too high, no challenge too daunting, and no altitude beyond our reach.

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